September 19 2004 EDIT: Ehehehe, so it seemed like more than two months had past right? Hontou ni gomenasai! Then, please refer to my bio for more info to why I had not update for what seemed like eternity! And anyway, I had edited the chapter slightly, at least, the grammar mistakes are 95 percent gone! That's an improvement. I had cleared up some of the confusion that had confused me too, so this chap should be 99 percent error-free! So, until we meet again, Ja!

Disclaimers: I do not own Card Captor Sakura and Harry Potter, it belongs to CLAMP and J.K. Rowling respectively. . . so don't ever sue me for it!!!

May 29 2004 Author's Note: Haiz. . . in the end, I still can't resist the urge of venturing into the CCS/HP plot. . . enjoy, and now. . . I accept flames for anything except my GRAMMER!!! Yea, my grammar still sucks. . . so, enjoy! The pairings shall reveal at the end of the chapter. . . and then, don't treat it like it's with the HP books storyline. . . it's completely different from the storyline J.K. Rowling had in her book.

Fact Sheet: There will be the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric Diggory don't appear at all in this story, Cho Chang might had somehow of a big appearance, and then, followed by of course the Yule Ball. . . and oh yea, they know about the Veela, so Fleur Delacour. . .

Durmstrang and Beauxbaton will of course make an appearance, I substituted Cedric's place with Sakura. . . hehe, Krum will of course appear, the tasks of the Triwizard Tournament will remain the same. . . and then, Umbridge would be appearing, slight conflicts gonna appear of course! Well, that's bout' all that I could tell without spoiling the plot of this fanfic.

Keys to take note:

". . ." Speech

'. . .' thinking or dream status

--- --- --- --- Seemingly another scene or circumstance

Forgive and Forget

Prologue: Escaping Do Not Results in Happiness...

Does True Love ever exist in this world? If it does, please come to me and save me from this wreck I am in now. . . I'm dying inside, help me, save me. . .

--- --- --- --- ---

"HoEEEE!!!!!" Sakura exclaimed as she rushed down the stairs. Frantically, she gulped down her ummm. . . breakfast all in one shot, dashing out of the house after that. . .

"I'm late, late, late! Kero-chan, why didn't you inform me that today's the first day of SCHOOL???" She muttered under her breath while running. She had forgotten to put on her skates, or rather. . . simply no time at all. Finally, her school came in sight.

"Yatta. . ." She heaved a sigh of relief before a voice shocked her.

"Sakura. . ."

She turned around, eyes widening in shock. She said, nearly inaudibly, "Syaoran-kun?"

Okay, now, let me explain a little. Details first – Kinomoto Sakura was in her 17th year of life. Syaoran had left her in Tomoeda, Japan, for Hong Kong, China, to settle some other stuffs in his family. At first, it was thought that Syaoran would come back in about a month or so, but then, time flies like nobody's business – Syaoran was gone for two years. . .

"You're back?" Her lips quivered a little, as if she's about to burst into tears any moment soon.

"Yea. . . sorry to have made you wait that long. . ." Syaoran said, trying to avoid her gaze for whatever reason there might be.

"No! I'm glad that you're back! As long as you're coming back, I could wait forever." Yup, tears of joy spilled out from her eyes that very moment.

"I'm sorry. . ." Syaoran said after hesitating for a while.

"I told you that I could wait forever. You don't need to apologize." Sakura said, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"No, not that. . . but. . ." Syaoran started, looking at Sakura straight in the eye, "I-. . ."


The school bell rang. . . or rather, it's the second bell. The first bell, or rather, the warning bell had gone ages ago. So this clearly announces that Sakura was late. . . yup, as early as a late-comer could ever be!

"Gomen, I need. . . no, I must go now! Ja ne!" Sakura bade Syaoran a goodbye before running into the school compound, leaving Syaoran half complete with his sentence.

Syaoran looked down at the ground, his face composed of guilt and sadness. He said to no one, "I'm sorry. . ." The gentle breeze carried his lone-filled voice away, somewhere far, far away. . . . . .

--- --- --- ---

"You mean Syaoran is back? For real?" Tomoyo inquired, grasping Sakura's hand tightly.

"For real! I mean I saw him this morning when I am just outside the gates!" Sakura said.

"Are you sure you're not hallucinating??? You'd been imagining that Syaoran was back for this whole year!" Tomoyo noted to Sakura.

"It's definitely not just a hallucination. . ." Sakura suddenly trailed off, as if something had struck her.

"Anything wrong?" Tomoyo asked concernedly.

"I forgot! Now how do I contact him???" Sakura started to panic, muttering "What to do" and "How" over and over again.

"Sakura-chan, I, truthfully, think that Syaoran-kun will come and find you again!" Tomoyo smiled at Sakura delicately.

Sakura pondered for a while before nodding, saying in some sort of a joking manner, "Why, of course! Why hadn't I thought of that. . . Sakura no baka."

Tomoyo and Sakura burst out laughing. Sakura petals landed softly on the lush green grass, gentle breezes carried some away. The cheerful laughter rang through the gardens, bringing smiles to each and every one who heard it. But little did Sakura know what would happen next. . .

--- --- --- ---

Sakura skipped happily down the way back home, humming a tune happily. She must had been thinking that she would meet Syaoran again, today. Reaching back home, she took off her shoes, her happy mood still not diminished.

"Tadaima!!!" She chirped out happily, her emerald eyes glistening in happiness.

"Okaeri." Her father, Kinomoto Fujitaka, walked out of the kitchen while stirring a bowl of mixture, likely to be that night's dinner. His voice sounded terribly worried.

"Daijoubu, otou-san?" Sakura asked, concerned. It was not daily that her father sounded so worried after all.

"Syaoran. . ." Fujitaka begun, but was immediately being interrupted by the ever-genki Sakura.

"Syaoran??? Did he pass by?" Sakura asked, walking up to her father at such a pace that it actually startled him, making him drop the mixture. It did not bother Sakura a single bit, she kept looking at Fujitaka with anticipation in her eyes.

"Sakura. . ." He sighed, walking back to the kitchen to grab a cloth to clean up the mess. While cleaning, he said, "Yes, Syaoran did drop by. . ."

"Mou. . . otou-san, why didn't you make him stay? You KNOW I'm gonna return soon!" Sakura pouted.

"Demo, Sakura. . ." Fujitaka said, while after cleaning, walking back to the kitchen to wash the cloth. While washing, he was muttered something like "There goes the dinner" and "Must prepare again".

"Gomen. . ." Sakura, finally, realized that the dinner had been split because of her, apologized. Rather slow, if you ask me. . . but can't be blamed, you see, Sakura was really eager to see Syaoran and have a GOOD talk with him.

"But anyway, he looks kinda dispirited when he drop in. . . carrying his luggage as if he's heading towards the airport, which he most likely is anyway. Well, he did left a letter for you though. There, it's on the table." Fujitaka said.

"Airport..." The sparkles of anticipation vanished, being replaced by darkened emerald. She dropped her bag and ran hurriedly over to pick up the letter. Clutching it tightly, she glanced through it quickly, though absorbing the content thoroughly.

"Dear Sakura,

Sorry, I couldn't stay with you any longer. Mother, or rather, the elders forced me to get engaged with another. I know it might come as a great shock to you, but I found that I actually turn out to like that girl. Sakura, I know that you might not be able to accept this, but well, I could say nothing about it. Sorry. . .

I'm heading over to the airport right now. I was intending to tell you this morning, but I never had a chance to. Hope that you could remain happy and that this didn't shatter your heart thoroughly. . .

Li Syaoran"

"Syaoran. . .why? Why!" Sakura whispered fiercely, her hands shaking violently. Clutching the letter tightly to her heart, she ran out of the house at top speed, determined to get to the airport before Syaoran flew back to Hong Kong, China.

"Sakura?" Fujitaka walked out of the kitchen, totally clueless of what that had happened, though, he sensed the anger and depression.

--- --- --- ---

"Syaoran!!!" Sakura screamed out in the airport, running through crowds. She was trying her best to find Syaoran and tell him her true words.

"Syaoran!" Sakura's determined voice sounded through the airport. People were looking at her. That's either out of curiosity or out of irritation. Her determination of finding Syaoran could not waver even in this sort of circumstances.

"Sakura. . . you shouldn't have come." Syaoran's voice sounded from behind her.

"Syaoran! What's the meaning of this! Why couldn't you tell me personally! This sort of things. . ." Sakura said, tears were forming in her eyes, though if it was out of depression or out of anger. . . no one could tell.

Syaoran kept silent, only staring into Sakura's darkened emeralds in dejection.

"Tell me! Don't keep silent! Answer me!" Sakura shouted angrily, the tears spilling out uncontrollably.

"I-I tried to tell you! You ran off before I could even end my sentence and when I went to your house, you're not back home yet! I was rushing. I can't let the Elders know that I came to Japan. I didn't seek their permission to travel to Japan! I came out of my own accord, to settle things between you and me. . ." Syaoran said, but Sakura didn't let Syaoran finish.

"You love your fiancée right? You love her right?" Sakura asked softly, her hair falling in front of her eyes, shielding it from Syaoran's. It was a sudden mood change, and it startled Syaoran quite a bit.

Syaoran hesitated for a while before saying in a voice full of determination, "Yes."

"I see. Well, don't break her heart. Yea, don't ever break any one's heart anymore. . . One is enough already." Sakura said quietly, now, she had seemed to calm down.

"Thanks- thanks for understanding." Syaoran said, voice nearly cracking. It might had been because he had not expected Sakura to accept it so easily, but then again, who knows.

"No," Sakura started, forcing a weak smile on her face, "You're welcome! Be sure you don't let her down! Don't disappoint her."

"Yes, I promise. I must go now then. Sayonara, Sakura." Syaoran said, forcing a smile onto his face too. Don't think that he's the bad guy, he'd got his own troubles too.

"Sayonara!" Sakura bade Syaoran a goodbye. And therefore, Syaoran left pulling his luggage behind him. Just right after Syaoran disappeared from her sight, Sakura ran off, with tears streaming down her face. Mental screams of help rang through her.

She- yea, Kinomoto Sakura, she- was lost. Her world went crashing down on her.

--- --- --- ---

"Nakuru, I'll be going over to Sakura's for a moment. . ." Eriol started, but was cut off by a hyper Suppi.

"Sweet!!! Give me MORE SWEET!!!" Suppi screamed as she went flying through the wall. Eriol sighed and repaired it almost immediately, though he heard a loud "Bang" sound after that.

"Eriol-sama! Did you just say that you're gonna go over to Japan?" Ruby asked. She was playing with her new powers. Oh well, I mean Eriol, being tired of changing Nakuru to Ruby every time Nakuru wanted to change to Ruby, had gave Ruby power to change from one form to another, I mean from Nakuru to Ruby.

"Hai, I-"Eriol nodded and again, began to start his sentence but not a moment later, was rather irritated.

"Yes?" Nakuru asked innocently.

"Stop changing, you're making me dizzy. And as I was saying before, I'm going over to Sakura's for a moment. You see, Albus had invited her over to Hogwarts. . ." Eriol was again, cut off by Nakuru.

"What??? She's invited to HOGWARTS???" Ruby exclaimed loudly.

"Yes, Ruby! And STOP changing and interrupting my sentence. I'm getting a slight headache here." Eriol said, an 'anger-vein' popping out.

"Hai, hai! Last change!" Ruby grinned while she changed back to Nakuru.

"Okay, and as I was saying, Albus invited to Card Mistress to Hogwarts for. . ." Eriol paused abruptly.

"Ehh. . . what is wrong?" Nakuru asked curiously.

"I didn't know why. . ." Eriol sweatdropped. Nakuru fell down anime style. Eriol looked terribly offended, "He didn't tell me. So I'll go prepare some stuffs now, if you could excuse me."

Nakuru grinned broadly, "And I'll prepare your flight."

Eriol nodded, "Though I could easily manage it using the staff, it isn't that serious to get there quickly. . . but oh well. . . meanwhile, I'll go check on her then."

"To make sure she's living fine, right?" Nakuru smiled mischievously now, "Ahh, I know, I know." Eriol had shot her glare, though it was partly to hide his embarrassment.

"Just shut up, will yer'?" Eriol said, walking away in quick paces.

--- --- --- ---

Eriol walked over to his room. Closing the door softly behind him, he walked over to his desk, sitting down and taking out a mirror. Muttering an incantation, an image started to appear in it. . . an image of Sakura's bedroom. Sakura. . . she was crouching in her bed sobbing away. Even the worried knocks on her door did not seem to make her want to get up and answer it. Something was terribly wrong and Eriol could sense it.

"Sorry, Nakuru. But I think I must certainly go now without my staff, even using the staff would waste too much of my time now . . . Time is more precious now, more than anything." Eriol whispered as he disappeared into thin air.

Moments later, Nakuru came bursting in his room, crying out, "Suppi's throwing her tantrum again!" She blinked for a few mere seconds before bursting out of the room, now crying out, "Master's gone!!!"

Little did she know how serious the matters was. . . It was rather careless of her to miss the glowing golden words lingering in the air Went, please do not worry about me. Things regarding clothes and such, I'll settle it myself. Will be back soon. But sooner or later, Nakuru would discover it anyway. . .

--- --- --- ---

The doorbell rang for a moment before Sakura heard a loud "thud" from below. Well, the previous knockings didn't make her get up, but this did. Fujitaka and Touya were both out, so there's only her left in the house to be concerned about the strange doorbell.

However depressed she was, she couldn't ignore her responsibilities at home still. Walking down the stairs slowly, she walked over to the front door. She opened it and the sight sure shocked her.

"Eriol!" She exclaimed while Eriol, who was dead tired at this point of time, fell into her arms, all drenched due to the heavy rain pour.

"I-I'm here. . . how are y-"He lost his consciousness before he could finish his sentence.

"Eriol! Daijoubu? Daijoubu?" She asked worriedly though knowing Eriol could not possibly answer her. Having Eriol suddenly appear in Japan was surprising, as she had not kept in contact with him for the past years.

Helpless as she might be, she still managed to drag Eriol all the way to the living room, settling him in the couch.

--- --- --- ---

"Tadaima!" Kinomoto Touya shouted, but only echoes of his voice answered him. "Strange" He muttered over and over again.

Finally, another living being answered him, "Onii-san!"

"Kaijuu." Touya smirked, expecting Sakura to react the same way whenever he calls her that. Sakura didn't do anything but drag him all the way to the living room.

"Whoa. . . what have you got there?" Touya said teasingly.

"It's not the time to joke! Eriol-kun's got a high fever! Must be the rain. Where's the fever cure?" Sakura asked, shooting at Touya a glare.

"Fever? That's a bad one. . ." Touya muttered while heading up towards somewhere to find the first-aid kit, though I really don't know if medicines for illness are kept there too. . .

When Touya was coming down, he threw Sakura a small box of fever cure and a thermometer.

"Arigatou!" Sakura thanked her brother while she hurried to the kitchen to pour a cup of warm water for Eriol.

--- --- --- ---

"Wh-where am I?" Eriol started to regain consciousness. His vision is still partly blurred because he had just 'waked' up. When his vision had started to get clearer, he realized that he's in Sakura's living room. He gave a small cry of shock, "Why am I here?" He got up immediately, but felt a splitting head the moment he got up, making him fall back.

"Eriol-kun! Are you all right now? And you can't get up, you're burning to 39ºc!!!" Sakura came rushing towards him.

"Ah, Sakura! Sorry to have bothered you, but. . . are you alright?" Eriol smiled weakly at Sakura.

"Fine, very, very fine. Why?" Sakura looked away from Eriol's eyes.

"You know what I mean!" Eriol whispered fiercely despite his fever.

Sakura hesitated for a mere moment before saying determinedly to Touya, who was standing behind the wall listening to every word they were talking about, "Leave us alone, Touya."

Touya seemed to listen to Sakura and left them alone.

"Now then, tell me what had gone wrong?" Eriol asked with a tone of irritation and demand.

Sakura took a deep breath before spilling every single thing out, from when Syaoran came back to the time when Syaoran gone off. At the end of it, Sakura was sobbing forlornly once again.

"Oh. . . that baka descendant of mine. . ." Eriol muttered, suddenly finding the floor very interesting. . . too interesting that he stared at the floor with deep concentration etched onto his face, and that even when Sakura walked over to the window to answer some pecking, he did not notice. . .

Wait, did I just say peckings?

"HOEEE!!!" Sakura's trademark saying had sounded once again. And THAT definitely broke Eriol's concentration on the floor and curing him immediately. . . oh well, I mean temporarily. Eriol had rushed over to the window to check out what had happened.

He gave out a slight chuckle, saying, "Daijoubu, Sakura! This is just an old friend of mine."

Sakura seemed rather pale, trembling a little from fright, stuttering out, "I-is that an o-owl???"

Eriol grinned broadly yet so mischievously, "Of course! Now, now, let my guest in!"

Sakura opened the window and the owl, with its rather ruffled yet still seemingly smooth and slick rusty grey feathers, flew in. Sakura then found out that the owl had a letter tied to its right foot.

"Well, well. . ." Eriol mumbled while untying the letter.

"Ummm. . . Eriol-kun, what's that?" Sakura asked quietly.

Eriol gave her the letter, saying, "Open it and you'll know it. . ."

Meanwhile, the owl flew back out the window while Sakura closed it with a "thud". Opening it with curious eyes of midnight peering over her shoulders, Sakura glanced through.

"Dear Ms. Kinomoto,

We are really pleased to inform you that your place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is still intact. I am sure you will find this opportunity very useful especially at this point of time. Due to your age, you'll be placed together with the 7th-years, also the last year of Hogwarts.

And thus, please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment for 7th-years.Third-years onwards are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade at certain weekends, so please ensure that you give the enclosed permission form to your parent and guardian to sign.

Term begins on 1 September. The Hogwarts Express will leave from King's Cross Station, platform nine and three-quarters, at eleven o'clock sharp.

Yours Sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore


"Eriol. . . what is all this about Hogwarts?" Sakura asked, raising a brow while continuing with a angry tone, "And why had you NOT been keeping in touch with us!"

"Sakura, please understand. I'd been away from home these few years, away at Hogwarts. About Hogwarts, I guess I'll explain it to you one by one when we reached England." Eriol said.

"B-but I haven't consented to it!" Sakura argued back.

"You don't wanna go?" Eriol asked.

"N-no, it's not that. But otou-san, Touya and most of my friends are in Japan! And why must we go to England?" Sakura asked back.

Eriol smiled, "Well, we need to get our school stuffs, and then you know that we'll be boarding the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station which is at London. . ." And the rest didn't have to be said since Sakura gave a slight nod, meaning that she'd understood.

Sakura pondered for a while, "I-I'm willing to go. . . if you're coming with me."

Eriol nodded, "Of course! I'd been attending it for a few years since I left. And didn't I mentioned that WE would be and so on?"

Sakura smiled slightly, "I forgot. Well, I'm sure that otou-san would never oblige if it would do me well. . . I need a break from this thing. . . I'm too stressed up with all. And, I wanna f-forget S-Syaoran."

Eriol seemed a little shocked, "Are you certain? That's your first love, ya know?"

Sakura hesitated, but nodded, her eyes full of determination, "Yes, I am firm to forget him."

Eriol didn't do anything but smile slightly yet ever so painfully, "Well, if that's your decision, I'll respect it." Sakura just smiled back at him. but though it wasn't shown, Eriol knew, he knew that Sakura was actually forcing herself to smile.

But what he doesn't know hurt her most. . .

--- --- --- ---

"Otou-san. . . ummm, may I go to ummm. . ." Sakura fumbled with her words, going a deep red.

"Hogwarts." Eriol finished the sentence for her, looking a little superior. Eriol had recovered from his fever completely now.

"Yup, Hogwarts! So otou-san, may I go???" Sakura inquired with anticipation from within her eyes. Though, well, it was just a pretense. . . no, an escape from reality. . .

"Hogwarts? Oh of course! I knew that you'll get invited someday!" Fujitaka beamed at Sakura. Sakura leaped up and clung onto her father, muttering "Arigatou!" over and over again.

"But, why did you know what is Hogwarts?" Sakura suddenly asked, looking at him blankly.

Fujitaka smiled, stating as if it was the most obvious thing on Earth, "Touya got invited to attend the school when he hit the age of. . ." He trailed off, seemingly forgot the age.

"Eleven, Kinomoto-san, Eleven." Eriol told him.

"Yes, Eleven. But Touya rejected it without pondering, and I wonder why. . ." Fujitaka grinned a little. He obviously knew the reason to that.

"Oh. . . hai. . ." Sakura only managed to get these words out from her mouth. Eriol looked at her as if waiting for her to continue.

He sighed and asked on the behalf of Sakura, "Kinomoto-san, you certainly know that Hogwarts is in England, or particularly London, ne?"

Fujitaka nodded, "And you wanna bring her to England right? When is the flight?"

Eriol looked slightly surprised but he smiled. . . rather fake innocently though, saying, "Tomorrow afternoon, I'd booked the air tickets while I'm in England. . . but if there's any problems, I am willing to alter the date of course."

Fujitaka shook her head, "There should be no problem, but I'll certainly miss her. She'll be staying over at Hogwarts over the term I suppose. But well, I wonder why had she the need to arrive at England that early? Term doesn't start till September I presume."

Eriol's eyes glinted, "I have my own plans."

Fujitaka's eyes widened, "W-what do you mean by that?"

Eriol laughed a little, rather heartily though, saying, "Don't think astray, Sakura needs training on using her magic without her staff, and we need to shop for her school stuffs anyway."

Fujitaka laughed warmly too, saying, "I didn't think off course. And yes, she'll need to shop for her books and such. What kind of currency do the wizarding world use?"

Eriol said, "Please do not worry about it, Kinomoto-san. To be truthful, I do own quite a fortune, not to be boasting of course and thus, I am willing to sponsor fully for her year in Hogwarts."

Fujitaka seemed shocked, thoroughly shocked, "No, I can't allow that. I should pay some responsibility, after all, Sakura's my precious daughter."

Eriol smiled, shaking his hand, "Well, I'm the one who insisted on her attending Hogwarts, so I should pay full responsibility for whatever she does."

Fujitaka and Eriol started arguing for a while, each insisting on paying full responsibility for Sakura. Finally, Sakura cut in with a loud ear piercing, "Stop it!!!" Both of them seemed shocked and a blush crept up their faces. I supposed that they were thinking that it was rather childish of them to argue over this sort of trivial matter.

"I should get my say too." Sakura pouted, placing her hands on her hips. She continued, "Otou-san, I trust Eriol."

"This is not about trust. I know you trust him very well, and I trust him fully too that he would not hurt you in any way. But, I'm your parent; I shouldn't just leave you in the full responsibility of another." Fujitaka reasoned out.

Sakura shook her head, "You'd done more than enough for me already. . ." She gave Fujitaka a puppy-eye look.

Fujitaka sighed, "Okay, I respect your decision. Though you made it sound as if you're marrying Eriol here."

Both of them turned to a deep shade of scarlet, deep and I mean DEEP.

"Otou-san!!!" Sakura moaned. Fujitaka smiled broadly, I'm sure he's thinking that Sakura was beginning to recover from her inner injuries. . .

But, it's best that Fujitaka don't try to pry too much in Sakura's inner world. It'll get shattered . . . the fragile glass frame protecting Sakura's inner world was slowly crumbling, crumbling to nothing . . . nothing at all.

--- --- --- ---

The day had arrived for Sakura to leave Japan, Tomoeda to arrive at the whole new unfamiliar ground, England. Tomoyo was sniffing away, mumbling between sobs "I'll miss you", "Write back soon", "I wanna go with you", "Good trip" and "You're always my best friend no matter where you would be".

"Saa, Sayonara, minna-san." Sakura said, her eyes starting to water a little.

"Be sure you take good care of yourself, Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo said, waving her lilac handkerchief as Sakura and Eriol walked towards the gate.

"Sayonara. . ." Fujitaka said, waving his hand, smiling slightly.

Just as Sakura and Eriol was about to enter, a group of voice stopped them.

"Matte yo!!!"

Sakura turned back and was surprised to see Chiharu, Rika, Naoko and Takashi. Let me explain things again, Chiharu and Takashi got into a different High School from Tomoyo and Sakura, and they nearly lost contact with them. Naoko got into the School of Arts, Literature Section, and a different school too. Rika got into another High School, though it was rather near the school Tereda-sensei was teaching. Basically, they only kept in contact with an occasional annual gathering or a surprisingly rare phone call or a tri-monthly letter.

"Chiharu, Rika, Naoko, Yamazaki-kun! What are you doing here?" Sakura exclaimed.

"Tomoyo informed us that you're leaving Japan. . ." Naoko said between pants.

Rika then said, "Heard that you're leaving for England. . . well, have a safe trip there!"

Sakura nodded, smiling sadly, "I'll miss all of you, but I'll certainly write back more often than before!!!"

Takashi started, "Talk about England, did you know that in some parts of it, there's still magical items being buried deep underground. And did you know whoever laid their hands on those magical items, they'll either get struck by lightning and become a genius or lunatic, or get instant famous and wealth or lose all their current possessions and turn mad? And did you know. . ."

"Cut it out!" Chiharu said, pulling on Takashi's ear. All of them broke into fits of laughter. After what seemed to be a good laugh, the announcement that the plane Eriol and Sakura will be taking is about to take off, and. . . they were searching for the two of them.

"Ja, Sayonara ne?" Sakura waved her hands and waited for an answer.

"Yea, we'll await for your letter! Sayonara, Sakura, Eriol." Tomoyo said.

"We certainly will, as long as we reach the school. . . about two months later!" Eriol said in a joking manner.

Tomoyo giggled a little, "Two months ne? I'll wait for sure!"

"Bleh! Eriol's talking rubbish again, I'll write a letter back at a bi-monthly basis!!! Zettai!" Sakura said, giggling also.

Despite the seemingly cheerful giggle Sakura was giving out, her aura and her eyes gave it all to a very observant one – Eriol. Eriol looked at Sakura sadly. Sakura's aura was kinda of a dull pinkish colour, her once so sparkly and floaty emerald eyes turned to nothing but a dull jade-green that had lost its sparkle, having only emptiness and confusion swirling around in it. . .

--- --- --- ---

Finally, Sakura and Eriol boarded the plane. Sakura took the window seat, but she's not looking outside. She's just plain resting her head against the wall, closing her eyes to catch a mere nap. Eriol took out a book from his bag, appearing to read it, but deep down in his mind, were thoughts of how to revive the original carefree Sakura back.

"Sakura-" Eriol began, but found out soon that Sakura was fast asleep. But, not a single serene that Sakura normally displayed on her sleeping face appeared here, it was screwed up slightly in agony and horror. Sakura dreamt of something she hated to the core, something that she had always want to bury it deep in her heart, never to touch it again.

'Syaoran, no. . . don't leave me! Sakura ran over to Syaoran, who was standing there with cold, hard brown eyes. She caught hold of his white sleeve. He whispered a slight apology before shaking Sakura's hand off. She fell to the ground, clutching herself, tears were streaming down like river flowing endlessly.

Sakura thought of the times Syaoran and her were together, the feelings she held. She thought of the times when they were off capturing cards, how grateful she was to Syaoran. She thought of the time when Syaoran comforted her, she would have never got over it that quickly. . . How her heart pricked and pained when Syaoran shook her off.

Her mind was filled with confusion of anger and angst. Half of her wanted to take revenge, but the other half of her just wished that she had never met Syaoran. Such cruel fate. . .'

"Sakura, Sakura?" Eriol shook Sakura from her nap.

Sakura was shocked awake, something cold and wet could be felt at her cheeks. She had been crying. Her heart throbbed more than ever, she placed a hand to over her heart as she bent over to cry out silently. She was ignoring Eriol.

"Sakura, are you alright?" Eriol asked concernedly, despite being ignored by Sakura. Sakura just kept on sobbing without a sound, tears trickled down her cheeks delicately, agony and grief could be found dwelling deep in her eyes.

If just anyone, just anyone, tried to pry into her heart now. . . I suppose Sakura couldn't take it, she couldn't take it. She'll shatter, she'll break down. . . she'll die.

After what seemed like eternity, Sakura finally calmed down, leaning back down on the seat but her face were facing the window. She was concealing her face from Eriol. Eriol sighed, 1/6 of him relieved that Sakura had stopped crying, 1/3 of him worrying for Sakura, and 1/2 of him feeling miserable, seeing Sakura crying like that and he was not of any help.

Eriol continued with his so-called reading, well, he's just staring at the book, his mind was wandering elsewhere. 'Why, Sakura, why must you bottle up all your feelings. . ." It rang through his mind over and over again, trying to find out the answer. . . he's so engrossed in his thoughts that he gradually fell asleep, though a look of anxiety and distress was etched upon his face. . .

To Be Continued

Author's Note: So, how is it? Does it sound lame? Criticize me all you want, I want to improve now. . . I accept all flames except for the grammar and occasional foolish spelling mistakes! Review, k? I might take a half month to a month to update. . .