"Sir." Sam jogged to catch up with her CO. "Do you know why we've been called in?"

"Nope." Jack said once she had caught up to him. "All I know is I was relaxing, fishing, now this."

Jack spread his hands to indicate the briefing room they had just entered. Teal'c and Daniel were already seated on the far side of the table. Jack took the empty chair next to the head of the table with Sam sitting to his right. Daniel opened his mouth, most likely to ask why they were here, when the general walked in causing Jack and Sam to stand.

"Be seated." General Hammond said as he sat at the head of the table. "I'm sorry to pull you from your leave but a situation has come up that only SG- 1 can help with."

"General, we saved the world last week."

"Colonel, please." Hammond stopped Jack before he could get on a roll. "Another top secrete military facility has discovered what we do here. We're not sure how they got access to our files but they are offering their expertise."

"We have the pest already on this project, weapons experts, Doctors, scientists. What are they offering that we don't have?"

"They are offering to attempt to find a 'cure' for unwanted blendings."

"Sir, we've had. . ."

"Yes I know. These guys are way beyond anything I heard of in the area of genetics." Hammond paused, this was the part he wasn't comfortable with. "They are requesting a symbote."

"So you pulled us off leave to send us snake hunting?"

"No Colonel. I called you in Teal'c discuss possibilities. . . and because they want me to send Major Carter as well. They said they'd need you for a month Major. Frankly I told them where they could go. There is no way I'll turn any of my people over to be experiment on. They said they would settle for a bit of blood and some tissue samples."

"General, how do we know they'll do any better then our people?" Daniel asked.

"Screw that. How do we know they won't turn into another NID?" Jack threw the pencil he had been fidgeting with down.

"So far they have had limited success in combining animal DNA from non- compatible species." Jack noticed Sam tense at this. "I brought this up in casual conversation with Dr. Fraiser and she assured me this was impossible. That just confirms they are on the top of their game. This is why I'm considering their request."

"Do these people have a name? I mean I want to know where to look the next time Carter goes missing."

"Colonel I'm sitting right here. Could you refrain from speaking like I'm not?"

"Sorry Carter."

"I was told to contact a Donald Lydecker of Manticore with a decision. The president has made it clear he wishes for us to share information however he did leave the final decision up to me."

"You can't do it." Sam said, her expression carefully schooled and her voice oddly detached.

"Major? These people are. . ."

"Monsters sir. You can not deal with them."

"I thought they were top secrete, how do you know of them?"

"Sirs please just trust me on this one."

"Manticore, head of a man, body of a lion." Daniel muttered.

"That's nice Daniel."

"Sorry Jack."

"People please." Hammond called out. When they were silent his gaze turned to Major Carter. "Major what do you know about this group?"

"Let's just say they are a lot farther then combining random animal DNA."

"Have you been hacking for fun again Carter?" Jack joked.

"I wish sir."

"Major you need to give me a better reason if you want to convince me not to cooperate."

"I will not submit to the removal of any samples." Sam said through gritted teeth.

"Major, last time I checked I didn't have to get you permission. You will explain yourself now!"

"Sir I can't."

"Major you will. . ."


"NOW Major!"

"God Damn It!" Sam shoved back from the table. Quickly she moved to the door slamming and locking it. Then before anyone could stop her she went to the room's lone surveillance camera, jumped up and ripped it off the wall.

"Carter!" "Major What the hell do you think you're doing!" Jack and Hammond yelled at the same time.

"If you send a sample of my blood to them you'll never see me again."

"Sam we don't know. . ."

"No Daniel you don't know. None of you do. I'm not Jacobs biological daughter."

"That's no reason to knock a camera off the wall."

"Shut up Colonel and let me finish." Sam snapped. She really didn't want to be having this conversation and they were forcing her to, but damn it she didn't have to like it. "I wasn't adopted. I was stolen away from Manticore when I was two months old."

"Stolen? Wait are you saying they were experimenting on human infants?" Daniel asked disgustedly.

"No Daniel." Sam sighed and removed her jacket. Turning and lifting the short strands from the back of her neck she reveled a barcode. "I am the experiment."

"Nice tattoo. But it doesn't prove anything."

"Don't believe me?" Sam went and picked up the camera from the floor and dumped it on the table. The men stared, slack jawed at the twisted and snapped metal bracket that had once held the camera up. Quietly she added, "I'm not human."

Jack grabbed the twisted metal and tried unsuccessfully to bend it. "Not human? I think the doctors would have picked up on something like that."

"I've been switching my blood with a long time friend's who knows about me. That is until recently. I blamed all the abnormalities on Jolinar so only recently has the Air Force gotten true samples from me."

"There is no way you could sneak them from Fraiser."

Sam sighed then blurred around the table, snatched Daniel's glasses off his face and was back to where she started in under a second.

"Hey!" Daniel yelled.

"What the hell?"

"Look I can do a lot of things. Run faster, see farther, hear better then Teal'c, hold my breath for around ten minutes. If you still don't believe me call my Dad, or have Janet—and I mean only Janet—do a DNA analysis on me. There can not be a paper trail."

"Very well Major. Report to the infirmary."

"Yes sir." Sam sounded almost defeated.

"Um." Jack tried to speak once Sam had left the room.

Teal'c picked up the twisted metal and attempted to bend it. He managed to move it only slightly.


"This metal is extremely strong. I am unsure how MajorCarter was able to break it."

"Well here's one. Maybe she's telling the truth." Daniel suggested.

"Colonel please see to contacting the Tok'ra. I want Jacob here."

"Yes sir."


This is just the beginning, love it or hate it blame it on Aru cause that's who put the story idea in my head. I do want to explain a little though. I was originally going to try and have something with Max in it as well, but there is that whole time difference. I could have just done it, difference be damned, but that is one of the things that urk me in other stories. If you can mess with time in a semi-logical manner to make characters from different time frames come together then yea that's fine, but the X-5's were like 9 years old in 2009 so it wouldn't work having Sam be an X-5. However the story was still in my head so I made Sam an X-2, I'm not sure if I got the timing right, hell I'm not even sure what the X- 2's were like in the show (or if they even talked about them) Anyway, this is what I've got. Like it or hate it, let me know.