"I need a raise," Donna whined as she dropped files on Josh's desk and
turned promptly back to her desk.
"I need a Democratic Congress," Josh countered.
"No, Josh. I need a raise. Seriously. I need some cold hard cash. Soon."
"I'm serious too. I need to get some actual work done and in order to do that, the damn Congress of this grand United States needs to pass some of our bills," he argued, going through the files that she left for him. "Um...Donna? I need the one about the...." he started.
She tossed the file in his hands before he could finish and took a seat in his visitor's chair, directly in his line of vision.
"May I help you with something, Ms. Moss?" he asked when he noticed her staring.
"Yes. I need a raise," she reiterated.
"For?" he played along.
"Maybe I could do with a bonus of sorts," she pressed.
"I repeat...for?" he asked again.
"I also need a weekend off. End of the month," she hedged.
Josh sighed and stared at her.
"I need a dress Josh."
"So what's wrong with the normal dress purchasing practice?" he asked with a smirk.
"I want to actually keep one," she sighed. "And besides, it's illegal, in a way."
"It's illegal in every way!" his voice raised a bit but he was smiling.
"Where are you going? And with whom?" he asked.
"Away for the weekend. With my roommate, her boyfriend and Winston. To join my family at my grandparents' fiftieth anniversary party back home," she explained quickly.
"Who's Winston?"
"A very nice man. A very charming man. A man who is not in politics," she said with an air of thankfulness.
"Is he a Republican? Winston sounds very republican!"
"I didn't ask," she said simply.
"Well...maybe you should. I can't have you spending the entire weekend with Republicans," he said and got up. "I mean your family, your crazy roommate and her cat-loving square of a man...and probably Winston," he shook his head. "You need to ask these important questions."
"So I can get a dress? And...like actually go and have fun?" she asked as he moved around the desk.
"We'll get you a dress. You'll go. But I doubt there will be much fun had by you," he told her.
"Um...why is that exactly?" she asked with a grin.
"Well, first you do have a crazy family and they'll drive you nuts the moment you arrive, as usual. And second...you'll miss me terribly and be constantly worried about all of the things I could possibly screw up in the hours that you're gone," he told her simply, with a dimpled grin. "And believe me...I can screw a lot of things in an incredibly small period of time."
Donna smiled brightly at him. "You have staff in two minutes," she told him as he gathered his notes. As he moved past her, she kissed him on the cheek and he paused for a second to revel in the moment. "Go on," she pressed, still close to his face. "Leo'll be mad if you're late."
"Kay," he murmured. "When are you leaving, again?" he called as he made his way through the bullpen.
"We'll talk later," she called and grabbed the ringing phone on her desk.
After staff, Josh followed Toby to his office. Toby was at his desk, reading a memo and Josh stared, waiting for an invitation to speak.
"Yes?" Toby asked tersely, looking up for a moment before returning his eyes to the paper.
"Has Bonnie or Ginger ever...." Josh paused for a minute to phrase it properly. "I mean...in a moment of immense gratitude have they ever...."
"Can I buy a vowel, because I'm, you know, supposed to be working...on running the government and all," he said evenly.
"What I mean to say is...Donna needs to go to a party for her grandparents or something with a weird guy named Winston and I guess I said yes and then she was overly excited, which is easy for Donna," he clarified.
CJ popped her head in Toby's office. "Tobus," she called. "Can I steal you for a moment?"
"Do you promise to lock me up for hours leaving me no means of escape?" he asked already getting up and moving toward the door.
"Can I use the whips and chains?" she asked.
"My kind of woman," he nodded to Josh as he followed CJ down the hall. "Call Sam! He'll listen to your woman problems," he yelled back.
"They're not woman problems," Josh yelled back as CJ and Toby disappeared around the corner.
Josh shook his head and grabbed his cell phone and called Sam's office in California, where he was expected to be for the remainder of the week.
"Congressman Seaborn's Office," Kathy chirped.
"Kathy," Josh smiled. "Is he in?"
"Just a second Josh," she smiled. "How's Donna? Can she get her dress?"
"Geez...does she tell you everything?" Josh asked in disbelief.
"Margaret told me about the idea. We discussed Donna's strategy," Kathy insisted. "With you, a person needs to have a plan of manipulation at her disposal."
"Could you just give me Sam, now?" Josh asked, bored with the conversation.
"Gosh....don't have a fit, Josh. I was just about to put you through," she huffed and he was greeted with hold music.
"Josh!" Sam said as he picked up the phone. "So you're letting Donna have a weekend off and a new dress! Are you feeling okay there, buddy?"
"What the hell is with everyone today?" Josh growled in frustration. "Why do I call my best friend with a story when he's heard it from his nosey assistant who's heard it from the queen of the busybodies herself?"
"And the queen busybody is Kathy, Margaret or Donna?" Sam asked seriously trying to keep up.
"Does it matter?" Josh huffed.
"Well...I suppose..." Sam began.
"Sam," Josh said. "I called with a purpose."
"Toby didn't want to talk? He never wanted to just chat with me either. I mean...there was a time when we did the chatting thing...but then we just kind of stopped," Sam rambled.
"Sam," Josh said again.
"Right. You had a purpose," Sam remembered. "Go ahead."
"So has Kathy ever...I don't know...kissed your cheek in a moment of exuberated excitement?" he asked as calmly as possible.
Sam thought back for a moment. "She kissed my cheek when I gave her her gift at her wedding," he recalled. "And when I was elected to Congress." Sam thought for a moment. "I think that's about it."
"Okay," Josh said.
"Any particular reason?" Sam asked.
"It's just that I said I'd buy her a dress and let her go away for a weekend with some Winston fella and then she kissed my cheek and I don't know...it caught me off guard a little," he mused. "No big deal."
"How did she do it? And I assume by her you mean Donna" Sam asked.
"Huh?" Josh asked, confused.
"I mean how did she, being Donna, kiss you?"
"On. The. Cheek," Josh punctuated each word with a pause.
"Yeah...but was it quick or lingering?"
"I don't know," Josh lied, because he totally thought it was lingering. "Does it matter?"
"Of course it does!" Sam exclaimed. "Quick is 'thanks you idiot. I totally deserve all of this and more and you and I both know it.' But lingering is kinda...'awww....you're so sweet' and stuff," Sam explained.
"You need to get some men on staff," Josh told Sam. "The women folk in your office are starting to get in your head."
"Maybe you're right...." Sam mused. "But what is this really about?" Josh remained quiet. "Josh?"
"Sam...I gotta go," Josh said, clearing his throat.
"Yeah," Sam sighed.
"Talk to ya," Josh said as he disconnected.
"Who was that?" Donna asked from behind him.
"Where did you come from?" he asked, startled.
"Originally I thought Wisconsin," Donna said. "But then there was that whole borderline dispute and now I'm just confused," she smiled.
"Donna," he sighed, exasperated.
"I was visiting Margaret," she answered. "I saw you on the phone. I inquired. End of story."
"Visiting Margaret so you two can put Kathy on the speaker phone and come up with plots that involve you leaving for entire days at a time," Josh accused.
"Oh. You were talking to Samuel. How is the good Congressman?" she asked.
"Shut up," he answered her instead.
"Spoiled sport," she muttered as she reached her desk and he stomped in his office.
About an hour later, he bellowed, "Donnatella Moss!"
"Yes, your highness," she smirked appearing in his doorway.
"How did you get here so fast?"
"I was right here," she answered.
"Are you a witch?" he asked as she walked in.
"Wouldn't you like to know," she smiled and sat down with her pen and pad in hand.
"In fact I would," he smiled and they held each other's gaze for a minute before Josh cleared his throat. "So," he said. "You're weekend. When is it?" he asked glancing at a calendar.
"The 29th, 30th and 31st," she answered confidently, trying to sound like he knew it was actually three whole days and not two.
"Friday through Sunday?" he asked, verifying.
"Yes. A three day weekend," she murmured.
"I thought we were talking about just a Saturday and Sunday," he told her.
"Josh," she whined. "Please?"
"Whatever," he agreed. "When are we dress shopping?"
Donna had been still beaming from the three-day weekend thing and she almost missed the we in the dress shopping sentence. "We?" she asked. "As in...we?"
"How the hell am I going to buy you a dress if I'm not there?" he asked.
"See...I was thinking you give me money and I go with a friend or something," she told him.
"Yeah...I'm afraid I'm going to need to see what you get," he told her.
"Why?" she asked, simply.
"Why?" he repeated.
"Yes. Why?" she asked again.
"Because I don't want you getting some flimsy little thing that you can't wear again to a fundraiser or a ball or something...you know...work related. I need to ensure this economical investment of mine," he reasoned. "Cause if not...you'll be back to stealing dresses again in no time flat!"
"Borrowing," she corrected.
"Stealing," he chided. "When?"
"When what?" she asked.
"The shopping?" he asked.
"I kinda said I'd go with CJ," she admitted.
"Great. When?" he continued.
"Josh...are you serious?" she asked.
"Yes?" he said, almost questioning his wisdom.
"Okay," she said simply.
"Okay?" he asked.
"Okay. I'll let CJ know you'll be joining us on Sunday afternoon," Donna smiled.
"Me and you and CJ?" he asked, just to certain.
"Yes. Malls and lunch and me and you and CJ," Donna smiled, triumphantly.
"Okay," he replied, skiddish-like.
"Josh?" she asked.
"Hmmm?" he responded.
"You need to be on the Hill in a half hour," she told him with a grin. "Don't be late."
"Uh huh," he murmured.
Josh left shortly for his meeting, yelling his goodbyes to Donna down the hall and she promptly went to CJ's office.
"Carol? Does CJ have a minute?" Donna asked smiling.
"Yeah...go on in. She just got done with Toby," Carol smirked.
Donna opened the door and Toby nodded to her on his way out.
"What can I do for you, Donna?" CJ asked smiling.
"Remember the dress shopping?" Donna asked.
"Sunday afternoon. A day of fun and no office problems. You. Me. Lunch and Josh's money. Fun for everyone," CJ said with a grin. "Or did that idiot say no. I'll kill him. You deserve the time off. And the dress. Where is he? I'll put him in his place right now," CJ said, reaching for the phone.
"CJ," Donna stopped her and sat down. "He's fine. I can go and have a dress. He's just going to be joining us on our shopping trip," Donna murmured.
"Come again?" CJ asked, in disbelief.
"He said it's his money so he wants me to use it wisely and that he'll need to be there to ensure the wiseness of the transaction," Donna explained. "It kind of makes sense," she grasped.
"It was a girl day," CJ huffed. "He's ruining our girl day!"
"He means well," Donna defended.
"No he doesn't. He means to be controlling. In fact, it would seem he's quite successful at it," CJ steamed. "You could say no," CJ offered. "I'd stand by you. For the good of the sisterhood."
Donna smiled and shook her head, as if resigned and okay with the current situation. "He's coming. I just wanted to let you know," Donna sighed.
"Okay, kiddo. Whatever you want. I'll see you later on," CJ smiled.
After her last briefing CJ flopped back in her office and let Carol go home. Josh appeared at her door. "If it isn't the girl day ruiner," she pouted.
"Huh?" he asked walking in.
"You're joining us on Sunday?" she asked and he nodded. "Thus you're single- handedly ruining our girl day."
"How's that?"
"Well Josh, let me make it simple for ya. I am a girl. Donna is a girl. You, mi amor, are not. Thus you ruin the concept of a girl day," CJ explained.
"Point taken," Josh conceded. "But it's not going to be avoided. My money. My approval," he insisted.
"Whatever Joshua," CJ huffed. "Did you need something?"
"Not really...I just wanted to make sure you knew I'd be joining you and Donna on Sunday is all," he sputtered.
"Tread lightly, Josh," CJ warned.
"Huh?" he asked.
"You know what I'm saying," she sighed.
"I really don't," Josh insisted.
"Am I in trouble?" he asked.
"Not yet," she smiled at him.
"Josh?" came Donna's voice from the door.
"Hey," he smiled at her. "What's up?"
"I just wanted to know if it was okay for me to go," she told him.
"Yeah. I'll walk you out," he offered. "We done?" he asked CJ.
CJ looked at Josh and then at Donna and shook her head. "For now, my dear," she smiled. "For now."
"Good night," he said.
"Night," Donna echoed as she threaded her hand around his offered elbow and allowed him to lead her down the hall as they bantered about the color of the hallway.
"I need a Democratic Congress," Josh countered.
"No, Josh. I need a raise. Seriously. I need some cold hard cash. Soon."
"I'm serious too. I need to get some actual work done and in order to do that, the damn Congress of this grand United States needs to pass some of our bills," he argued, going through the files that she left for him. "Um...Donna? I need the one about the...." he started.
She tossed the file in his hands before he could finish and took a seat in his visitor's chair, directly in his line of vision.
"May I help you with something, Ms. Moss?" he asked when he noticed her staring.
"Yes. I need a raise," she reiterated.
"For?" he played along.
"Maybe I could do with a bonus of sorts," she pressed.
"I repeat...for?" he asked again.
"I also need a weekend off. End of the month," she hedged.
Josh sighed and stared at her.
"I need a dress Josh."
"So what's wrong with the normal dress purchasing practice?" he asked with a smirk.
"I want to actually keep one," she sighed. "And besides, it's illegal, in a way."
"It's illegal in every way!" his voice raised a bit but he was smiling.
"Where are you going? And with whom?" he asked.
"Away for the weekend. With my roommate, her boyfriend and Winston. To join my family at my grandparents' fiftieth anniversary party back home," she explained quickly.
"Who's Winston?"
"A very nice man. A very charming man. A man who is not in politics," she said with an air of thankfulness.
"Is he a Republican? Winston sounds very republican!"
"I didn't ask," she said simply.
"Well...maybe you should. I can't have you spending the entire weekend with Republicans," he said and got up. "I mean your family, your crazy roommate and her cat-loving square of a man...and probably Winston," he shook his head. "You need to ask these important questions."
"So I can get a dress? And...like actually go and have fun?" she asked as he moved around the desk.
"We'll get you a dress. You'll go. But I doubt there will be much fun had by you," he told her.
"Um...why is that exactly?" she asked with a grin.
"Well, first you do have a crazy family and they'll drive you nuts the moment you arrive, as usual. And second...you'll miss me terribly and be constantly worried about all of the things I could possibly screw up in the hours that you're gone," he told her simply, with a dimpled grin. "And believe me...I can screw a lot of things in an incredibly small period of time."
Donna smiled brightly at him. "You have staff in two minutes," she told him as he gathered his notes. As he moved past her, she kissed him on the cheek and he paused for a second to revel in the moment. "Go on," she pressed, still close to his face. "Leo'll be mad if you're late."
"Kay," he murmured. "When are you leaving, again?" he called as he made his way through the bullpen.
"We'll talk later," she called and grabbed the ringing phone on her desk.
After staff, Josh followed Toby to his office. Toby was at his desk, reading a memo and Josh stared, waiting for an invitation to speak.
"Yes?" Toby asked tersely, looking up for a moment before returning his eyes to the paper.
"Has Bonnie or Ginger ever...." Josh paused for a minute to phrase it properly. "I mean...in a moment of immense gratitude have they ever...."
"Can I buy a vowel, because I'm, you know, supposed to be working...on running the government and all," he said evenly.
"What I mean to say is...Donna needs to go to a party for her grandparents or something with a weird guy named Winston and I guess I said yes and then she was overly excited, which is easy for Donna," he clarified.
CJ popped her head in Toby's office. "Tobus," she called. "Can I steal you for a moment?"
"Do you promise to lock me up for hours leaving me no means of escape?" he asked already getting up and moving toward the door.
"Can I use the whips and chains?" she asked.
"My kind of woman," he nodded to Josh as he followed CJ down the hall. "Call Sam! He'll listen to your woman problems," he yelled back.
"They're not woman problems," Josh yelled back as CJ and Toby disappeared around the corner.
Josh shook his head and grabbed his cell phone and called Sam's office in California, where he was expected to be for the remainder of the week.
"Congressman Seaborn's Office," Kathy chirped.
"Kathy," Josh smiled. "Is he in?"
"Just a second Josh," she smiled. "How's Donna? Can she get her dress?"
"Geez...does she tell you everything?" Josh asked in disbelief.
"Margaret told me about the idea. We discussed Donna's strategy," Kathy insisted. "With you, a person needs to have a plan of manipulation at her disposal."
"Could you just give me Sam, now?" Josh asked, bored with the conversation.
"Gosh....don't have a fit, Josh. I was just about to put you through," she huffed and he was greeted with hold music.
"Josh!" Sam said as he picked up the phone. "So you're letting Donna have a weekend off and a new dress! Are you feeling okay there, buddy?"
"What the hell is with everyone today?" Josh growled in frustration. "Why do I call my best friend with a story when he's heard it from his nosey assistant who's heard it from the queen of the busybodies herself?"
"And the queen busybody is Kathy, Margaret or Donna?" Sam asked seriously trying to keep up.
"Does it matter?" Josh huffed.
"Well...I suppose..." Sam began.
"Sam," Josh said. "I called with a purpose."
"Toby didn't want to talk? He never wanted to just chat with me either. I mean...there was a time when we did the chatting thing...but then we just kind of stopped," Sam rambled.
"Sam," Josh said again.
"Right. You had a purpose," Sam remembered. "Go ahead."
"So has Kathy ever...I don't know...kissed your cheek in a moment of exuberated excitement?" he asked as calmly as possible.
Sam thought back for a moment. "She kissed my cheek when I gave her her gift at her wedding," he recalled. "And when I was elected to Congress." Sam thought for a moment. "I think that's about it."
"Okay," Josh said.
"Any particular reason?" Sam asked.
"It's just that I said I'd buy her a dress and let her go away for a weekend with some Winston fella and then she kissed my cheek and I don't know...it caught me off guard a little," he mused. "No big deal."
"How did she do it? And I assume by her you mean Donna" Sam asked.
"Huh?" Josh asked, confused.
"I mean how did she, being Donna, kiss you?"
"On. The. Cheek," Josh punctuated each word with a pause.
"Yeah...but was it quick or lingering?"
"I don't know," Josh lied, because he totally thought it was lingering. "Does it matter?"
"Of course it does!" Sam exclaimed. "Quick is 'thanks you idiot. I totally deserve all of this and more and you and I both know it.' But lingering is kinda...'awww....you're so sweet' and stuff," Sam explained.
"You need to get some men on staff," Josh told Sam. "The women folk in your office are starting to get in your head."
"Maybe you're right...." Sam mused. "But what is this really about?" Josh remained quiet. "Josh?"
"Sam...I gotta go," Josh said, clearing his throat.
"Yeah," Sam sighed.
"Talk to ya," Josh said as he disconnected.
"Who was that?" Donna asked from behind him.
"Where did you come from?" he asked, startled.
"Originally I thought Wisconsin," Donna said. "But then there was that whole borderline dispute and now I'm just confused," she smiled.
"Donna," he sighed, exasperated.
"I was visiting Margaret," she answered. "I saw you on the phone. I inquired. End of story."
"Visiting Margaret so you two can put Kathy on the speaker phone and come up with plots that involve you leaving for entire days at a time," Josh accused.
"Oh. You were talking to Samuel. How is the good Congressman?" she asked.
"Shut up," he answered her instead.
"Spoiled sport," she muttered as she reached her desk and he stomped in his office.
About an hour later, he bellowed, "Donnatella Moss!"
"Yes, your highness," she smirked appearing in his doorway.
"How did you get here so fast?"
"I was right here," she answered.
"Are you a witch?" he asked as she walked in.
"Wouldn't you like to know," she smiled and sat down with her pen and pad in hand.
"In fact I would," he smiled and they held each other's gaze for a minute before Josh cleared his throat. "So," he said. "You're weekend. When is it?" he asked glancing at a calendar.
"The 29th, 30th and 31st," she answered confidently, trying to sound like he knew it was actually three whole days and not two.
"Friday through Sunday?" he asked, verifying.
"Yes. A three day weekend," she murmured.
"I thought we were talking about just a Saturday and Sunday," he told her.
"Josh," she whined. "Please?"
"Whatever," he agreed. "When are we dress shopping?"
Donna had been still beaming from the three-day weekend thing and she almost missed the we in the dress shopping sentence. "We?" she asked. "As in...we?"
"How the hell am I going to buy you a dress if I'm not there?" he asked.
"See...I was thinking you give me money and I go with a friend or something," she told him.
"Yeah...I'm afraid I'm going to need to see what you get," he told her.
"Why?" she asked, simply.
"Why?" he repeated.
"Yes. Why?" she asked again.
"Because I don't want you getting some flimsy little thing that you can't wear again to a fundraiser or a ball or something...you know...work related. I need to ensure this economical investment of mine," he reasoned. "Cause if not...you'll be back to stealing dresses again in no time flat!"
"Borrowing," she corrected.
"Stealing," he chided. "When?"
"When what?" she asked.
"The shopping?" he asked.
"I kinda said I'd go with CJ," she admitted.
"Great. When?" he continued.
"Josh...are you serious?" she asked.
"Yes?" he said, almost questioning his wisdom.
"Okay," she said simply.
"Okay?" he asked.
"Okay. I'll let CJ know you'll be joining us on Sunday afternoon," Donna smiled.
"Me and you and CJ?" he asked, just to certain.
"Yes. Malls and lunch and me and you and CJ," Donna smiled, triumphantly.
"Okay," he replied, skiddish-like.
"Josh?" she asked.
"Hmmm?" he responded.
"You need to be on the Hill in a half hour," she told him with a grin. "Don't be late."
"Uh huh," he murmured.
Josh left shortly for his meeting, yelling his goodbyes to Donna down the hall and she promptly went to CJ's office.
"Carol? Does CJ have a minute?" Donna asked smiling.
"Yeah...go on in. She just got done with Toby," Carol smirked.
Donna opened the door and Toby nodded to her on his way out.
"What can I do for you, Donna?" CJ asked smiling.
"Remember the dress shopping?" Donna asked.
"Sunday afternoon. A day of fun and no office problems. You. Me. Lunch and Josh's money. Fun for everyone," CJ said with a grin. "Or did that idiot say no. I'll kill him. You deserve the time off. And the dress. Where is he? I'll put him in his place right now," CJ said, reaching for the phone.
"CJ," Donna stopped her and sat down. "He's fine. I can go and have a dress. He's just going to be joining us on our shopping trip," Donna murmured.
"Come again?" CJ asked, in disbelief.
"He said it's his money so he wants me to use it wisely and that he'll need to be there to ensure the wiseness of the transaction," Donna explained. "It kind of makes sense," she grasped.
"It was a girl day," CJ huffed. "He's ruining our girl day!"
"He means well," Donna defended.
"No he doesn't. He means to be controlling. In fact, it would seem he's quite successful at it," CJ steamed. "You could say no," CJ offered. "I'd stand by you. For the good of the sisterhood."
Donna smiled and shook her head, as if resigned and okay with the current situation. "He's coming. I just wanted to let you know," Donna sighed.
"Okay, kiddo. Whatever you want. I'll see you later on," CJ smiled.
After her last briefing CJ flopped back in her office and let Carol go home. Josh appeared at her door. "If it isn't the girl day ruiner," she pouted.
"Huh?" he asked walking in.
"You're joining us on Sunday?" she asked and he nodded. "Thus you're single- handedly ruining our girl day."
"How's that?"
"Well Josh, let me make it simple for ya. I am a girl. Donna is a girl. You, mi amor, are not. Thus you ruin the concept of a girl day," CJ explained.
"Point taken," Josh conceded. "But it's not going to be avoided. My money. My approval," he insisted.
"Whatever Joshua," CJ huffed. "Did you need something?"
"Not really...I just wanted to make sure you knew I'd be joining you and Donna on Sunday is all," he sputtered.
"Tread lightly, Josh," CJ warned.
"Huh?" he asked.
"You know what I'm saying," she sighed.
"I really don't," Josh insisted.
"Am I in trouble?" he asked.
"Not yet," she smiled at him.
"Josh?" came Donna's voice from the door.
"Hey," he smiled at her. "What's up?"
"I just wanted to know if it was okay for me to go," she told him.
"Yeah. I'll walk you out," he offered. "We done?" he asked CJ.
CJ looked at Josh and then at Donna and shook her head. "For now, my dear," she smiled. "For now."
"Good night," he said.
"Night," Donna echoed as she threaded her hand around his offered elbow and allowed him to lead her down the hall as they bantered about the color of the hallway.