Right so this is my last chapter to my story and i'm putting it up in a celebration of actually passing my GCSEs. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed Never, it has been helpfull andvery encouraging. I hope you like the ending and enjoy the other stories that my brain will eventually produce. Luv ya all,
Chapter 23
Rogue's eyes snapped open. She had fallen asleep and so had Wanda. She got up and stretched finding that the movements didn't hurt her anymore. She glanced at her arms and found that the bruise and cuts had gone. She walked around the small copse and found her ankle no longer hurt. She silently thanked Logan's advanced healing factor for kicking in. she gently shook Wand's shoulder.
"Come on sugah, we need to do some more walking. Only a bit to go now." Rogue told her. Wanda got up slowly aching all over.
"How come your so springy?" Wanda asked. "A few hours ago you could barely walk, now…" she trailed off waving a hand at her.
Rogue smirked, "Advanced healing," she told her, "now lets go, we can't be more than four miles, we should get there soon." Rogue lead Wanda to the roadside and they went on walking, rogue supporting the exhausted Wanda.
After a hour of painstakingly slow walking they spotted the lights of the mansion, just less that two miles away. The sight of it cheered the girls and they carried on walking.
As they reached toe gates the pink tinge before dawn was creeping over the horizon to the east. They trudged up the drive to the front door. Rogue tapped on the door and Ororo opened it.
"Good God! Your both safe." She exclaimed taking in the sight of the two dirty girls. She led them inside where they both collapsed onto the sofa, relishing the squishiness of the soft cushions. Ororo went into the kitchen and returned a few minuets later with a tray of food and two hot chocolates. The two girls devoured the food and almost half of the drinks before Orro returned with some damp washcloths. Both girls cleaned their faces and hands.
"I have called Logan and the others who were searching for you and told them you are here." She told them with a smile. "Rogue I believe that there is someone in your room who will be pleased by your return." Ororo told her. Rogue's eyes brightened and she literally rushed out of the room.
"And Rogue, please be sensible." Ororo called after her. "And nothing illegal," she muttered to herself not realizing she was overheard by Wanda who smirked.
Rogue bounded up the stairs two at a time and then ran along the corridor to her room. She paused outside to catch her breath before opening the door quietly. She slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. Through the balcony door she could see the sunrise, which lightened the room. Her eyes scanned the room until they came to rest on her bed. In the early morning light she saw the long muscular frame of Remy lying on her bed, asleep. The sunlight playing on his hair. She approached the bed quietly. She saw in his hand a frame; she angled her head so she could see. She smiled when she saw her own face in the picture. She looked at Remy's face and saw the faint outline of tear tracks on his face and she realized that she had caused them. She reached out her hand and gently shook his shoulder. When he didn't stir she did it again but harder. He groaned and opened one eye. He saw her and he opened the other and stared at her.
"Petite?" he whispered hoarsely. She nodded and he reached out with a trembling hand and trailed a finger down her cheek. Feeling that she was real he sat bolt-upright dropping the picture. He pulled her into his lap and held her tightly; burying his face in her hair not caring it was dirty. Rogue lent her head against his chest.
"Don't ever do dat to Remy again." He told her squeezing her tightly, never wanting to let her go.
"Remy, sugah, Ah need to breath." Rogue choked out. Remy loosened his hold on her. He cupped his hand around her chin bringing her face up to look at him. With his other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled something out.
"You dropped this chere," he told her handing her a card. The Queen of Hearts. She smiled, took the card and placed it on her bedside table.
"Thanks. Ya got dirt on ya face sugah," she told him with a smile. "Ah'm gonna have a quick shower," she said as she stood up and began to look for things.
"Need some help?" he asked with a smile as he watched her pick up things she would need. She turned top him with a smirk on her face and a playful twinkle in her eye.
"Maybe," she told him before quickly ducking out of the door. Remy needing no more invitation followed her down the corridor.
Wanda was walking down the corridor to the room she was going to sleep in when Rogue ran past her and ducked into what she guessed was a bathroom. A few seconds later Remy followed her. Wanda smirked and raised an eyebrow, it sure ain't gonna stay PG-13, she thought. She carried on walking, having to go past the bathroom. Through the door she heard giggling and the splash of water. Her smile turned to a grimace and she carried on walking, faster than she had been.
Rogue slept soundly wrapped in Remys arms in her room. She woke up in the late afternoon. She managed to disentangle herself from Remy without waking him and got dressed. She quietly opened the door, closed it behind her and went down to the kitchen and found her self some food and a drink of juice from the fridge. She was just finishing her sandwich when Logan walked in. She froze hoping that his senses wouldn't be able to detect what had happened earlier. Logan stopped and sniffed and turned to Rogue.
"Why do you smell of Gumbo?" he asked her sharply.
"Hello Logan, nice to see you too. Ah'm fine, thanks for asking." She replied sarcastically, avoiding the question. "Where's Kitty?" she asked hoping to escape before he asked her again.
"She's still down in the med lab. She hasn't woken up yet but she seems stable. Rock head is down there too." He told. Before he had even finished she was out of the door heading down to the lower levels.
When she arrived in the med lab Mr McCoy took her to Kitty's room. She looked through the glass window, which allowed her to see into it. She saw her best friend lying in the bed with the white crisp sheets pulled up to her chest. He r hair was loose and splayed across the pillow framing her pale face. Her eyes remained closed and her body still apart from the breathing. On the far side of the bed was Lance. He was sitting in a chair but had fallen asleep with his head resting on the bed. When Rogue moved into the room she saw that he was holding Kitty's hand. She sighed and pulled up a chair opposite Lance and sat down. She sat there for five minuets before Lance stirred and sat up. He looked at Rogue and jumped.
"Erm, hey." He said confused as to why she was here, alive.
"Ah teleported me and Wanda out and we ended up bout twenty miles from here. We walked back and got her just before dawn." She told him with a small smile and a shrug of the shoulders.
"I'm glad you're both ok." He told her. Rogue heard a tapping behind her and saw Remy was outside. Rogue got up and went out to him.
"Morning petite. Its usually Remy dat does the lovin and leavin. You break dis Cajuns heart." He told her with a smile. Rogue smiled and turned back to look into the room. "Shadow'll be alright chere. She ain't bout to give up yet." He told her moving next to her and putting his arm around her. She turned to look up at him, tears welling in her eyes. He pulled her into a tight embrace and let her cry into his shoulder patting her back trying to sooth her. He looked intro the room and saw Lance sit up straight and begin talking to the girl in the bed. He let go of Rogue and turned her to the window a smile on his face. Rogue looked into the room, the edges slightly blurry. She saw that Kitty had woken up and Lance was chatting to her with a huge smile on his face. Rogue grinned at the sight, relief flooding through her. She looked up at Remy who was smiling down at her.
"Stay here with me, at the mansion?" she asked.
"As long as Remy get to share your room," he said with a sly smile.
"Yes Logan and the Prof will love that." She said smiling. Remy leant down and gave her a long slow kiss on the lips that she hoped would never end.
Chapter 23
Rogue's eyes snapped open. She had fallen asleep and so had Wanda. She got up and stretched finding that the movements didn't hurt her anymore. She glanced at her arms and found that the bruise and cuts had gone. She walked around the small copse and found her ankle no longer hurt. She silently thanked Logan's advanced healing factor for kicking in. she gently shook Wand's shoulder.
"Come on sugah, we need to do some more walking. Only a bit to go now." Rogue told her. Wanda got up slowly aching all over.
"How come your so springy?" Wanda asked. "A few hours ago you could barely walk, now…" she trailed off waving a hand at her.
Rogue smirked, "Advanced healing," she told her, "now lets go, we can't be more than four miles, we should get there soon." Rogue lead Wanda to the roadside and they went on walking, rogue supporting the exhausted Wanda.
After a hour of painstakingly slow walking they spotted the lights of the mansion, just less that two miles away. The sight of it cheered the girls and they carried on walking.
As they reached toe gates the pink tinge before dawn was creeping over the horizon to the east. They trudged up the drive to the front door. Rogue tapped on the door and Ororo opened it.
"Good God! Your both safe." She exclaimed taking in the sight of the two dirty girls. She led them inside where they both collapsed onto the sofa, relishing the squishiness of the soft cushions. Ororo went into the kitchen and returned a few minuets later with a tray of food and two hot chocolates. The two girls devoured the food and almost half of the drinks before Orro returned with some damp washcloths. Both girls cleaned their faces and hands.
"I have called Logan and the others who were searching for you and told them you are here." She told them with a smile. "Rogue I believe that there is someone in your room who will be pleased by your return." Ororo told her. Rogue's eyes brightened and she literally rushed out of the room.
"And Rogue, please be sensible." Ororo called after her. "And nothing illegal," she muttered to herself not realizing she was overheard by Wanda who smirked.
Rogue bounded up the stairs two at a time and then ran along the corridor to her room. She paused outside to catch her breath before opening the door quietly. She slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. Through the balcony door she could see the sunrise, which lightened the room. Her eyes scanned the room until they came to rest on her bed. In the early morning light she saw the long muscular frame of Remy lying on her bed, asleep. The sunlight playing on his hair. She approached the bed quietly. She saw in his hand a frame; she angled her head so she could see. She smiled when she saw her own face in the picture. She looked at Remy's face and saw the faint outline of tear tracks on his face and she realized that she had caused them. She reached out her hand and gently shook his shoulder. When he didn't stir she did it again but harder. He groaned and opened one eye. He saw her and he opened the other and stared at her.
"Petite?" he whispered hoarsely. She nodded and he reached out with a trembling hand and trailed a finger down her cheek. Feeling that she was real he sat bolt-upright dropping the picture. He pulled her into his lap and held her tightly; burying his face in her hair not caring it was dirty. Rogue lent her head against his chest.
"Don't ever do dat to Remy again." He told her squeezing her tightly, never wanting to let her go.
"Remy, sugah, Ah need to breath." Rogue choked out. Remy loosened his hold on her. He cupped his hand around her chin bringing her face up to look at him. With his other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled something out.
"You dropped this chere," he told her handing her a card. The Queen of Hearts. She smiled, took the card and placed it on her bedside table.
"Thanks. Ya got dirt on ya face sugah," she told him with a smile. "Ah'm gonna have a quick shower," she said as she stood up and began to look for things.
"Need some help?" he asked with a smile as he watched her pick up things she would need. She turned top him with a smirk on her face and a playful twinkle in her eye.
"Maybe," she told him before quickly ducking out of the door. Remy needing no more invitation followed her down the corridor.
Wanda was walking down the corridor to the room she was going to sleep in when Rogue ran past her and ducked into what she guessed was a bathroom. A few seconds later Remy followed her. Wanda smirked and raised an eyebrow, it sure ain't gonna stay PG-13, she thought. She carried on walking, having to go past the bathroom. Through the door she heard giggling and the splash of water. Her smile turned to a grimace and she carried on walking, faster than she had been.
Rogue slept soundly wrapped in Remys arms in her room. She woke up in the late afternoon. She managed to disentangle herself from Remy without waking him and got dressed. She quietly opened the door, closed it behind her and went down to the kitchen and found her self some food and a drink of juice from the fridge. She was just finishing her sandwich when Logan walked in. She froze hoping that his senses wouldn't be able to detect what had happened earlier. Logan stopped and sniffed and turned to Rogue.
"Why do you smell of Gumbo?" he asked her sharply.
"Hello Logan, nice to see you too. Ah'm fine, thanks for asking." She replied sarcastically, avoiding the question. "Where's Kitty?" she asked hoping to escape before he asked her again.
"She's still down in the med lab. She hasn't woken up yet but she seems stable. Rock head is down there too." He told. Before he had even finished she was out of the door heading down to the lower levels.
When she arrived in the med lab Mr McCoy took her to Kitty's room. She looked through the glass window, which allowed her to see into it. She saw her best friend lying in the bed with the white crisp sheets pulled up to her chest. He r hair was loose and splayed across the pillow framing her pale face. Her eyes remained closed and her body still apart from the breathing. On the far side of the bed was Lance. He was sitting in a chair but had fallen asleep with his head resting on the bed. When Rogue moved into the room she saw that he was holding Kitty's hand. She sighed and pulled up a chair opposite Lance and sat down. She sat there for five minuets before Lance stirred and sat up. He looked at Rogue and jumped.
"Erm, hey." He said confused as to why she was here, alive.
"Ah teleported me and Wanda out and we ended up bout twenty miles from here. We walked back and got her just before dawn." She told him with a small smile and a shrug of the shoulders.
"I'm glad you're both ok." He told her. Rogue heard a tapping behind her and saw Remy was outside. Rogue got up and went out to him.
"Morning petite. Its usually Remy dat does the lovin and leavin. You break dis Cajuns heart." He told her with a smile. Rogue smiled and turned back to look into the room. "Shadow'll be alright chere. She ain't bout to give up yet." He told her moving next to her and putting his arm around her. She turned to look up at him, tears welling in her eyes. He pulled her into a tight embrace and let her cry into his shoulder patting her back trying to sooth her. He looked intro the room and saw Lance sit up straight and begin talking to the girl in the bed. He let go of Rogue and turned her to the window a smile on his face. Rogue looked into the room, the edges slightly blurry. She saw that Kitty had woken up and Lance was chatting to her with a huge smile on his face. Rogue grinned at the sight, relief flooding through her. She looked up at Remy who was smiling down at her.
"Stay here with me, at the mansion?" she asked.
"As long as Remy get to share your room," he said with a sly smile.
"Yes Logan and the Prof will love that." She said smiling. Remy leant down and gave her a long slow kiss on the lips that she hoped would never end.