Sarah woke after a long nap and lay staring at the arched ceiling above her bed. After her eventful morning she was glad to have some distance from what had happened. She very well might have died; if it wasn't for Jareth then at the very least she might still be out there, stumbling towards the castle, bleeding and attracting god knows what to her. How had he known she needed him?

That last thought startled her. Was it really Jareth she needed? Anyone could have come across and helped her. How had he known?

A tentative knock interrupted her thoughts. Círbara came into the room, her eyes cast on the floor. She stood at the foot of Sarah's bed and was still.

"What's wrong with you?" Sarah had never seen this behavior before in her friend.

"It's all my fault." Círbara still wouldn't meet Sarah's eyes.


"You got hurt. It's my fault. I'm the one who suggested you go outside. I had no idea you would walk beyond the castle and the goblin city. It's my fault. I should have sent for someone to go with you. I should have gone with you. I should have done something!" By now Círbara was trembling. There was a note of misery in her voice that Sarah had never heard, not from anyone.

"Círbara," she began gently, "Nothing that happened was your fault. I don't blame you. It was my own stupidity that made me get hurt. There was nothing you or anyone could have done."

"But I—"



"No. Please don't blame yourself. That will only make me feel worse."

"I'm sorry m'dear, but you can't convince me otherwise. I am responsible for you while you remain in this castle. It is my fault."

Sarah sighed. She could see she was getting nowhere with the goblin. "Okay then. I forgive you."

"Now don't try—what?"

Sarah smiled. "I said, I forgive you."

"Oh," said Círbara in a small voice. A smile crept at the corner of her mouth. "Thank you, dearie. That actually makes me feel better."

"Good. And it's not as if I came to any real harm. I was a little cut up, but Jareth healed me."

"His Majesty?"

"Yes. Why?"

"His Majesty is the one who brought you back?"

"Yes." Sarah was beginning to get exasperated. The little goblin had switched emotions so quickly Sarah was finding it hard to keep up. Where at first she had looked miserable, now she looked distinctly calculating.

"I see, I see. Well, that explains it, then."


"I just received orders to dress you in this for dinner." Círbara walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. A sugary, puffy, silvered pink dress hung there, waiting to be worn. Sarah got out of bed and walked over curiously. Pulling at the skirt to examine the material she let out an exclamation.

"No way in hell. There is no way that I am going to wear this dress."

Círbara wrung her hands. This was not going to be easy. Perhaps it was time to use a little guilt.

"Please dearie! After what happened this morning, if I displease the king any more he will have me punished. Please, don't make me spend the rest of my life in the bog of eternal stench!"

Despite herself, Sarah laughed. She had heard many creatures referring to this bog of eternal stench (what a name!) but as she had never smelled it herself she could not be truly sympathetic. It was the pleading in Círbara's eyes which finally decided her.

"Okay. But I'm doing this for you, not for him."

"That works for me."

Círbara had very specific orders for how Sarah was to look tonight. Sarah already had one bath this morning, but after getting caught in an ice storm, she probably would want another. After bathing, Círbara did Sarah's hair. She swept it up in an elaborate style and wove delicate silver vines into it. It took a long time, but finally it looked the way Círbara was told to make it look.

Next was the dress. Sarah cringed to herself as she slipped into it. The skirt was voluminous, wispy pink material surrounded her. The bodice was tight, as were the lower sleeves. The upper sleeves however, fluffed out to extraordinary lengths. She felt like a layered cake, or some other desserty concoction. This was the kind of dress a fifteen year old would think was the pinnacle of sophistication. She felt absolutely ridiculous. But she had promised Círbara, so she gritted her teeth and bore it.

Finally it was time to leave for dinner. Sarah felt her cheeks flame as she stepped out of her room, even with no one around she was embarrassed to be seen like this. It was going to be horrible to wear this in front of Jareth. Was he doing this to humiliate her? To punish her for forcing him to rescue her? Whatever it was, she was determined not to give him any satisfaction.

Pausing before the doors to the dining hall, Sarah tried to regain some composure. Although it would be easier, she thought, if she didn't have to worry about choking to death on the dress. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the doors open.

It was empty.

"What is this?" she demanded loudly. "Some kind of joke?" She was furious. She felt tricked. The only thing worse than wearing this dress was wearing it for no reason. Turing on her heel, Sarah prepared to stomp back to her room. She turned so fast, however, she ran straight into the very person for whom she was contemplating murder. Jareth.

"I assure you, it is no joke. We shall be dining in another room tonight." Gallantly offering her his arm, he looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to take it. Without thinking she did so.

He led her down the hallway, watching her contemplatively. "You are displeased about something?"

She was burning with the desire to yell at him for forcing her into the poofy mess she wore. But instead she asked, relatively calmly and through clenched teeth, "Why this dress?"

He looked slightly shocked. "You don't like it? But I thought—"

"You thought what? That I liked looking as though I belonged on top of a cake?"

"But you—"

"Look ridiculous, I know."

"Oh, I am sorry. I thought this would be pleasing to you. I should have known better. Please accept my apologies."

"Umm." Sarah didn't know what she had expected as a response from him, but that wasn't it. "What made you think I would like this?" Plucking at her skirts she looked down, and realized she was dressed differently now.

Instead of foofy, girly, wispy material, she was clothed in sleek black silk. This was an Aboveground dress, she realized. It was sleeveless, gathered slightly at the neckline which was straight cut, from shoulder to shoulder. In the back it dipped low, much lower than any dress she'd ever worn before. It was barely short of indecent, exposing her entire back. The long dress flowed to her ankles, but was split in the front, baring one long thigh.

Reaching up, she realized her hair was also different. It was twisted up in a simple french twist, some strands escaping to brush at her neck and face. Even though she was much more exposed, she finally felt comfortable.

"Oh, thank you," she said, sighing with relief. "I don't know what possessed you with that thing, but I felt like I was playing dress-up in it."

"Indeed." He had a peculiar look on his face, bewildered and sad at the same time; catching her eyes he searched them so deeply her breath caught in her throat. He moved forward quickly, looking away from her entirely—she was left standing for a few moments, then hurried to catch up with him.

They walked in silence for several minutes, until coming to a large pair of doors Sarah had never seen before.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see."

Shrugging off the annoyance his non-informative answers caused, Sarah stepped through the doors. She was suddenly assaulted by warm, perfumed air and she reeled with confusion as her senses swam. She no longer felt like she was in the castle. This crazy, opulent room was amazing; the shimmering walls came up in rounded curves, chandeliers filled the ceiling, all at different heights to leave room for the others. Small pits filled with cushions were scattered throughout the room.

And the people. The room was filled with men and women, all wearing grotesque masks. They reminded Sarah of noblemen and women holding some kind of party in mockery of the goblins. Shrieking laughter filled the room, and Sarah turned uncertainly to look at Jareth. He was gone.

The moment Sarah entered the room, Jareth slipped away. It disconcerted him that she was so unhappy with the dress, he hoped that this wouldn't upset her further. He intended to watch her from afar for a few minutes, gauge her reaction, before coming to her. He wondered whether he should still change into the shining blue coat he had worn the first time Sarah had entered this place.

While this was not the exact place Sarah had entered before, on her first trip through the labyrinth, it was an exact replica. That first room had existed only in Sarah's dream, her mind using the bubble to create the setting for the ball. He had wanted to remind her on some unconscious level that she had once felt something for him. Perhaps he was being too subtle.

Flicking his wrist he conjured a crystal which he dropped at his feet. It shattered, and he was suddenly dressed as he had been that night. His hair, wild with blue streaks, competed for attention with the glimmering jacket he now wore. He held a skeletal mask in one hand as he scanned the crowd for Sarah. He spotted her right off, her simple, sleek dress was in stark contrast with the rich, heavy clothes the dancers wore. She slowly walked through the crowd, looking all around her.

He moved smoothly in front of her, seeming to appear from nowhere. He took one of her hands in his, sliding the other behind to her back. She shuddered at the feel of his leather glove against her skin, her eyes fluttering closed. He smoothly spun her into a dance, matching the music perfectly. She looked up into his eyes, wonder painted on her face, as he moved her across the dance floor. A tune, familiar to him at least, rang out in the air. This time he did not supply it with words. He didn't want to frighten the girl. As the tune ended he ended the dance neatly at a small table off to the side. As Sarah sat she realized they were now alone. The ballroom looked somehow more threatening and bizarre with no people in it. She suppressed the urge to run and looked down at her plate.

Again, the meal was one of her favorites. An elaborate dinner setting, formal dancing, and now her favorite meal. What was Jareth getting at? She finally asked a question that had been burning at her all day.

"Jareth, can I ask you something?"

He looked at her. "Hmm?"

"How did you know that I needed help today. I don't mean to be ungrateful; you probably saved my life. But how did you know when I needed help?"

"I simply saw you."

"What do you mean?" Her nose crinkled adorably as she tried to work out what he said.

He grinned at her facial expression. "I mean, I was working and I conjured a crystal to see how you were doing, I saw you were in trouble and I went to you. Nothing more."

He conjured a crystal. He was watching her. He was watching her!

" mean that you..." she struggled to control herself. "You were spying on me?" Sarah was amazed at how calm that had sounded.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it—"

"What would you call it?" Sarah's voice had started to raise, and Jareth went still, his face a mask.

"I would call it—"

"I knew it! This is how you know all these things about me! You've been spying on me!" A buzzing started in her mind, drowning out her ability to think. All she could focus on was her anger. "You've been spying on me all along, haven't you? I HATE you!"

She turned to run, she had to leave, she had to get away from this castle. A burning pain had settled in her chest. She was being used by this man, and she had no intention of sticking around and getting hurt any further.

As her words struck him, Jareth's mask crumbled. The woman that he loved had just told him that she hated him. He remembered their conversation from the night before. It felt like a thousand years ago, when it was only less than thirteen hours. Without thinking he rose to follow her.

Sarah felt something grab her arm, but in her blind haste she continued on anyway. Jareth kept her arm in a vise grip, and Sarah was forced to turn. She took a breath to yell at him some more but he had other plans. Grabbing her by the upper arms he pulled her against him. One arm snaked around her lower back, holding her tightly against his chest while the other slid into her hair, causing it to tumble out of its twist and around her shoulders.. She struggled against him, but it was no use.

"I can see that you are as ungrateful as I ever thought you were. You have no idea what I have gone though, what even you yourself has gone through. You have no idea." With that he jerked the hand in her hair, forcing her head back and kissed her roughly.

Sarah struggled wildly, trying to free herself. Her heart was pounding so loud she thought it might burst. Her breath was coming in short, quick gasps. The feel of the Goblin King's lips on hers was the most painful, vile thing...

So caught up was Sarah in her struggle she failed to notice when Jareth's kiss became less rough and more sensual. His lips had softened on hers and he traced her lower lip with his tongue, sending traitorous shivers through her. Her emotions had been so topsy turvy in the last twenty minutes Sarah couldn't keep up. First anger at the dress, then some unknown feeling during their dance. Was it anticipation? Fury at the thought of him spying in her and what was she feeling?

A tingling filled Sarah's body, concentrated wherever Jareth's hands lay. Her fingers and toes felt dumb and dull, unable to grasp anything because of the electric tingling. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, but she knew she didn't want it to stop. After several minutes of kisses Jareth slowed, and pulled back from her. He released her hair, but kept one hand on her back.

"Sarah," he whispered. She had never heard such a mournful tone from him. "If you only knew."

The pained look in his mismatched eyes broke her heart. He really was the most beautiful creature. He was so strong, yet somehow weakened at the same time. She realized she was the cause of that weakness; that thought decided her.

"Explain it to me."

"I can't, I—"

"Then don't explain it to me." She leaned up, slowly, and softly kissed him on the cheek, at the corner of his mouth. Her arms came up around his neck and she ran one hand through the wild hair at the top of his head. He looked intently into her eyes for one moment, then with a shower of glitter they were gone.

When they reappeared, Sarah recognized the room they were in as one she had only seen today for the first time. They were in Jareth's bedchamber. A thrill of fear and anticipation ran through her as he released her from his arms.


"Shhh." He ran one gloved finger down the side of her face. Brushing her lips with his thumb, he leaned down and gently kissed her lips.

"Jareth, what is all this?"

He looked into her eyes for a long minute. She thought he wasn't going to answer him, and took a breath to ask again when he interrupted her.

"I love you Sarah. I always have. I've loved you since you were a child. That is why I brought you here, that is how I saved you today. I love you."

Her breath caught in her throat. Was this possible? How could he love her? Before she could respond he bent again and kissed her. This time she could feel how much he loved her.

/But what no one knew was that the king of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl, and he had given her certain powers./

Sarah felt something tickling her brain, dancing on the edges of her consciousness. Without thinking she deepened the kiss.

/Just fear me, love me. Do as I say and I will be your slave./

She opened her mouth under his, and gasped at the feel of his slick tongue. It slid sinuously along hers, probing her sweetness. She moaned at the feeling. In all of her many past sexual encounters, she had never felt anything remotely close to how she felt now. There were butterflies in her stomach as his arm slipped behind her once more to caress her naked back. She arched in his arms pressing her chest to his.

The butterflies turned from a light fluttering to a burning heat which settled lower in her abdomen. She tore herself from Jareth and looked into his eyes. They were heavily lidded with desire.

"Sarah," he whispered hoarsely, resting his forehead against hers. "I need you. I want you."

"Yes," she whispered.

Slipping his other arms behind her knees, Jareth lifted her in one sweeping motion. Her arm went around his neck and she held herself against him on the few steps to his bed. She buried her face in his neck, breathing in his rich scent. He smelled so good, a melange of sweat and leather and something sweet, like honey. Gently settling her on the bed he moved until he was hovering over her on his hands and knees. He stopped moving, letting his eyes roam over her body, still clad in the clinging silk. Suddenly he reached down and flipped her over so she was lying on her stomach, turned away from him. She gasped, but nestled her arms under her, waiting to see what he would do. Removing his gloves, he trailed his fingers lightly over her bare back. He barely touched her, lightly tracing and caressing every naked inch. She shivered from the light touches. They tickled and left burning trails wherever they went. After only a few minutes of this curious touching Sarah was squirming on the bed wanting more. Jareth chuckled and she came back to herself. She had almost forgot that he was there, turned away as she was. She felt warm as she heard his laughter. He sounded happier than she had ever heard him before.

/I am only happy when I am with you. I am only alive when I am with you. Can't you see that?/

Turning her head towards him she felt a grin on her face as he caressed her. Reaching lower he suddenly tweaked her side and she yelped, sitting up abruptly. His smile widened.

"Got you."

With a smile and a cry she turned on to her back, fully intending to attack him; but he pinned her arms above her head, holding them with one hand.

"Ah, little Sarah. You'll have to work harder than that if you wish to get me."

With his free hand he traced a finger in a line over one of her breasts. She gasped and arched into his hand. Now he palmed her entire breast, lifting the heavy weight of it, stroking it lightly to the apex of her nipple, which he lightly teased before pinching it, twisting slightly. She arched again, this time lifting her entire back off the bed. She moaned deep in her throat, unable to control herself. Her breath began to come in short bursts and a throbbing between her legs was becoming unbearably sweet.

Suddenly he reached with both hands the neckline of the dress and gave a mighty tug. The delicate silk ripped in half, and before she realized what was happening he had torn it from her body. She lay, completely naked, underneath him; he wasted no time in feasting on her. Lowering his head to her breasts he began to suckle and lick them in earnest. Supporting them with his hands, he nuzzled them, now scraping his teeth across her nipples, now swirling his tongue around them. She was helpless in his arms, she could do nothing but gasp and moan and rub herself against him. Soon, too soon it was too much, but Sarah wanted more.

Pushing him off her, she reached to the buttons on his jacket. With a gleam in his eye he lay back and let her strip him of his clothing. He chuckled as she tried to figure out how to untie his breeches, then took pity on her when he heard her wordless whine of frustration. She was beyond all words, but finally he lay before her, as naked as she. Sarah took a moment to look at him: his long legs, his flat, smooth chest, his broad shoulders and finally the erection that jutted from his body. To that her eyes were drawn like a beacon.

Practically of their own volition her hands crept towards his shaft. It was long and smooth, and felt like silk covered stone when she held it in her hands. Tracing her fingers along the length she took the heat in her hand and slowly moved her hands along it. He moaned, pumping his hips slightly against her. Her eyes glazed over as she bent to lick him once, twice.

Before she could do anymore, he growled and flipped her to her back. He moved over her, and, sliding his throbbing member along her slick folds, luxuriated in her wet heat for several long moments. Finally Sarah couldn't take any more of it. She angled her hips in such a way that he slipped inside her. With a strangled cry Jareth thrust deeply inside her. Before long they were moving as one towards their release. Jareth had maneuvered them until he was sitting upright on his heels, while Sarah straddled his lap. He favored this position because it gave them both leverage, but still allowed him to see her. He played with her breasts, one arm supporting her back as he thrust into her.

While he had made love to her countless times, that had always been inside Sarah's dreams. Now she was here, in live flesh and blood. The sudden though that she would still be here in the morning inflamed him further, and he knew that he was close. Reaching between them he stroked her above their joining, sending her over the edge. She stiffened in his arms, and, with a keening wail fell backwards. Her muscles contracted all around him as she cried her release in panting moans which barely resembled his name. He thrust into her a few more times, a grimace of pleasured pain on his face, the muscles on his back and neck standing out as he found his release.

"Sarah!" he cried, once, before collapsing on top of her.

She let out a whoosh of air as Jareth landed on her chest. Giggling because of it, and with the after effects of her glorious orgasm, Sarah reached up to stroke his back. He shivered and nestled his face into her hair.

"Love you," he whispered before dropping straight into sleep.

Sarah lay awake for a long while, trying to figure out what it all meant before she too drifted off into sleep, Jareth's weight still pressing into her.

The next morning Jareth woke early. Something was tickling his nose, irritating him out of sleepfulness. He swatted his hand at his nose, jerking fully awake when he hit something substantial in front of him. A pair of naked shoulders peeked out from under the covers, someone was lying on their side with their back to him, nestled against him. Soft black hairs tickled his face. He remembered what happened the night before, and smiled to himself, burying his face in Sarah's neck.

"Good morning my darling."

"Mmm," Sarah turned, thwacking him on the face with her arm.

Chuckling and moving out of the way, he tried again.

"It's time to wake up, lovely."

Her eyes cracked and she squinted up at him. "Jareth?"

"Good morning."

She smiled shyly. "Morning."

He smiled down at her and kissed her softly on the forehead before getting up to relieve himself. While he was gone Sarah thought about what had happened the night before, what it meant to wake up next to him. She wondered if it would ever happen again, and was flooded with warmth at the thought. Did Jareth really love her, now that it was the light of day? Could she ever love him back?

She was shaken out of her reverie when Jareth slipped back into bed with her. She had to know the truth.

" you really love me?"

He looked at her seriously. "More than anything. I would do anything for you."

/I'll paint you mornings of gold, I'll spin you Valentine evenings/

It was true. She didn't know how it could be possible, but she knew it was true.

"Sarah, do you think...that is, is it possible that...could you ever love me?"

She thought about everything that had happened since she had come to this place. She thought about last night, the friends she had met, the choices she had made. She thought about Jareth. He was so beautiful, he looked so sad and hopeful at the same time as he waited her answer. Her heart skipped a beat at the expression in his face.

/ Just give me some time, I'll think of something./

/Something crafty./

Sarah gasped in wonder.

/I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you. I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me./

A flood of memories washed over her. She stiffened at the flood of memories: traveling through the labyrinth, meeting Jareth in her dreams, falling in love with him; she remembered everything as it dropped into her brain.

/Give me the child./

/Hoggle! You've come to rescue me!/

/No, I said 'ello! But tha's close enough./

/Ludo, call the rocks!/

/And you Sarah, how are you enjoying my labyrinth?/

/Yeah! You're only allowed to throw your own head!/

/Everything I've done I've done for you. I move the stars for no one./

/I couldn't live knowing that I loved you while you had not the faintest idea of who or what I was./

Sighing, she looked over to the man lying next to her. She gave him a soft smile. "Jareth," she breathed.

"Do you understand?"

She thought about her life since she had come back to the labyrinth. The huge gulf between night and day. While it was little more than confusing for her, it must have been devastating for him. For her to love him so fully during their passion filled nights, and ignore him during those ascetic days. Torture. Her heart swelled with love and pity that he had been forced through such an ordeal. And irritation that it took him so long to do anything about it. She smiled again. Eternity certainly would be interesting.

"Yes, I understand. Thank you."

Taking her once again in his arms he sighed with relief, gripping her tightly. Nothing, nobody would ever take this away from him again.