Bring Me to Life

By: Kumine Meyano

Disclaimer: NO,... sighs, I don't own Inu yasha or any of its characters... much less Sesshoumaru... soooooo: DON'T SUE!!!!!!!!!!

A/N: kumi: this IS my first fic, and I should be nervous.... But NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Because some (insert all kind of insults here) person made be fag, and they erased my fic and account. So I post it again. Without chapter ten, the lemon. Yes, cry all you want, but it wont come back. Well at least not here. I let u know were will it be later on. The chapters are exactly the same, without the thank you because they would not make sense. (I am on the verge on killing my monitor, so be kind with me.)

On with the story.....

Goodbyes and Meetings

It was a Saturday afternoon, at sunset. Naraku was dead. Kikyou had realized that Inu yasha did not love her and found inner peace; thus, her soul went peacefully to the great beyond. Inu yasha and Kagome had decided to get married and live in her era. Everyone was sad; the time had come for them to part their ways. Since Sesshoumaru had helped Inu yasha defeat Naraku, they had a sort of agreement not to kill each other within eyesight. Kagome had told Rin and Sesshoumaru to come bid farewell. She kept the reason for herself.

"Well, we have to leave." Kagome said in a saddened tone. Shippo was hanging from her neck, refusing to let her go.

"Shippo, don't make this harder for us than it already is." Inu yasha said. Shippo softly let go of Kagome and walked to a pregnant Sango and Miroku's side.

"I'm really going to miss you guys..." Shippo softy said. Miroku put a hand on Shippo's shoulder. "Let's go." The couple and the fox demon turned around saying their final farewells to Kagome and Inu yasha, leaving for the village they lived in

Seeing that nobody was around anymore, Sesshoumaru finally came out of the forest with Rin. Inu yasha was startled; he wasn't exactly expecting his brother there.

"What are you doing here?!" was Inu yasha's reflect comment. Sesshoumaru gave him a cold stare but simply decided to ignore his brother. Instead he gave Rin a small push towards Kagome.

"What did you called us for woman?" Actually Kagome wanted to speak to Rin in private.

"What do you mean?" Inu yasha barked at Sesshoumaru, then he directed himself to Kagome. "Did you tell them to come?"

"Heh... Well actually yes--" "WHAT for?!" he snapped. Kagome flinched a little. Recovering quickly, she said, "Well I want to speak to Rin," then she turned to Sesshoumaru who was going to follow them, she finished her sentence, "ALONE."

"Alright already, quit your jabbering!" the hanyu snapped once again. Kagome quickly motioned for Rin to follow her and shooed Sesshoumaru away. After they were at a good 50 feet away from the two brothers, Kagome whispered:

"Here Rin," Kagome gave Rin a small reddish brown bag, with what seemed to be a sphere inside, but Rin couldn't tell. "Just keep it safe until you are away from everybody, and the open it. I'm sure you'll like it!" Kagome winked her an eye and put a finger on her own mouth, motioning to keep it a secret. Then Kagome ran off to Inu yasha while Rin slowly started moving towards Sesshoumaru but then picked up the pace. Kagome tugged Inu yasha softly with her elbow, to remind him of something. Irritated, Inu yasha stepped forward shyly. This behavior amused Sesshoumaru.

"Actually there is something I have to say, erm... Sesshoumaru." Inu yasha avoided his brother's eyes. "The tetsaiga..." he continued mumbling, "I'm not keeping it. sighs Since you are the only one left able to handle it... I'm giving it to you." Sesshoumaru, who pitied his brother for his situation, only grinned at Inu yasha, very mischievously. Handing his brother the sword, Inu yasha freed himself of any ties he had to the feudal era, and shamefully walked towards Kagome.

"Bye Rin! Bye Sesshoumaru!" shouted Kagome at the well's edge, waving her arm friendly. "Feh!" grumbled Inu yasha, as he walked in the well. The two disappeared beneath the well, never to be seen again.

Something like a twitch appeared on Sesshoumaru's face, but Rin didn't pay too much attention to it anyway. She was focused on the small bag that Kagome just had given her.

"Hmm...wonder what it is?"

"What is what?" asked Sesshoumaru almost instantaneously.

"Huh? Nothing Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin innocently said, remembering what Kagome said about opening it.

Night had fallen and Rin and Sesshoumaru had already arrived at the castle. Jaken had been frantically asking Sesshoumaru stupid questions he really shouldn't ask. Sesshoumaru shut him up and ordered him to only speak when spoken to. Sesshoumaru had gone to his room and Rin to her's. As soon as her door closed she jumped on her bed and stared at the small bag quickly before opening it. Inside it was a beautiful pink sphere, shining like a pearl. It had a mysterious glow that drew Rin to touch it. When Rin's digit touched the surface of the sphere, she instantly entered a trance. Everything was so breezy and calm.

"Rin? Rin, wake up." A sweet woman's voice spoke.

"Who—Who's there?" Rin asked into the misty pinkish nothingness.

"Rin, I am Midoriko, the priestess. I am sure you've heard of me." Rin silently nodded.

"I guard the Shikon no tama's spirit. Every time somebody takes hold of the jewel I introduce myself as the keeper. Now I am before you." The priestess known as Midoriko showed herself. She had fluent black hair, she was dressed similarly to the priestess Kikyou, and her eyes gave off an eerie glow, but had no real color.

"The Shikon no tama..." Rin gasped, "this is the ancient jewel that everybody was fighting and killing each other for..."

"Indeed... this jewel's power is far beyond most people's understanding. The jewel can make your deepest desires come true." The misty vision was starting to clear. "Anything you want, ...come true."

Exactly after those two words, Rin exited the small trance, gasping and breathing heavily, hand clutching the Shikon no tama to her chest. The only things she could think about was Midoriko's eerie gaze and her last words: "Anything you want, ...come true."

All she could then think about was Sesshoumaru, how he had wanted that jewel. 'If he had the jewel, maybe he would love Rin. But he could also leave Rin! No, that Rin could not bare...'

End of Chapter One


You see that lil' square down there? Ya know if you hit it, I write faster!!!!