Discalimer : I own nothing that has anything to do with Harry Potter, thank you for your time - that is all.

A/N : Hi guys! My wonderful lovely friends! hehe! okay I know this is like my 20ths started before ending any other fic story! BUT! I was thinking ... I've never written any fics like this! Where theres a bit of sadness and fluff and mystery all in one! So I was like Lissa! IDEA! Lets write this fic! So here Lissa is, writing this fic! Even though I KNOW I should be writing the next chapter in all my other fics! But don't worry! They're all going to come! .. SOON! Here you all go!

Trapped In My Own World

Chapter One

Present Time

It had been over a year since he had last seen Hermoine Granger, the girl who had stolen his heart many years ago when they had first met on the Hogwarts Express, leading them to a long, painful year where their friendships were tested for the first time, but never the last. He remembered that first day, she had come into there small compartment on the train in search of Neville's toad. She had shown an attitude greater than any eleven year old girl could possibly carry, but she held her head proud as she told Harry Potter, his new found friend, and himself who she was and why she had interrupted their conversation. A smile played across his face as he remembered her pointing out the dirt that sat on his nose that day.

'Ron? Are you in here? It's almost time to go, are you ready?' Harry poked his head through the door of the boy's dorm at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The two boys had sepnt almost one full year at Hogwarts without their best friend, Hermione. It had been so hard to come back to the grand castle for their sixth year without her there, constantly reminding them to stay away from the Forbbin Forest and the thrid corridor and all the other spots students weren't suppose to be.

He had woken up that morning, waiting for her to bounce into the boy's dorm and pull back his covers, then quickly move to Harry's bed and do the same, like she had done many times the year before. He woke up every morning waiting to see her smiling face greet him to a new day, he continued to wait. The girl who held his heart had only been alive in his dreams, not in the real world. He sat still on the floor next to his four poster bed in the Gryffindor Sixth Year Boy's Dorm and did not move, stuck in his made up world where Hermione still smiled along with the sun, where her eyes still gleamed with the stars and her every waking word shone in existence forever, in his mind where he made everything happen. In his world he and Hemione were happy together with Harry and Ginny laughing together and holding hands.

'Come on mate, let's get going, we have to be in the Great Hall before everyone else.' Harry moved into the room. Ever since Hermione had stopped showing up in their lives he had become a vacant body, roaming his house, the school, the streets - the world. He no longer spoke, spending his waking hours in his mind with Hermione. His eyes had become hollow and Harry and Ginny were forced to care for him.

Harry had taken her absentce very hard as well but he managed to keep his life in tack, he helped keep the Dark Lord at bay, fighting him off and defeating his plans whenever needed, training with Snape, learning new spells for the next battle against Voldemort and somehow, managing to work along with Ginny at keeping Ron from slipping completely into his own world.

Ginny could still be heard at nights, crying for the loss of her best friend, although when the sun was up she was as strong as Harry had to be. She always put on a smile, like Harry, when around him. They talked to him as if he were a frightened child, speaking slow and gently. By night Ginny was a weeping mess. She kept a brave front for her brother, but once he left the cold, hard world, in sleep, she would break down and Harry would be left to comfort her.

Although he wasn't mentally there to see the state Harry and Ginny were in, he knew it was there. He knew they were having a problem dealing with Hermione's absence and withdrawal from the world. He understood he made life harder for his best friend and sister, but he couldn't tell them he was sorry, he couldn't speak to them.

Soon after Hermione hadn't returned to Hogwarts he had sunk back into his skin, into his own world, no longer did he live in the real one, with Harry, Ginny, or his friends and family. If something happend in the real world he knew it had happend, but it didn't phase him, he was in a place where he was happy, with the girl he loved.

'Come on Ron, Ginny is waiting for us in the common room. Let's go.' Harry coaxed. 'It's alright.' He pulled him to his feet and lead him down the stairs to the empty common room where his sister sat, staring into the roaring fire.

'Ron. There you are, how are you feeling?' Ginny snapped out of herself as she saw Harry leading them toward her.

'He's fine, aren't you Ron?' Harry had answered for him. Many months ago the two had learned it was pointless to wait for him to answer, he never spoke.

'I know he is. Come on, Dumbledore is waiting for us in the Great Hall.' Ginny smiled, the small, soft smile much unlike the beaming, happy one that use to take over her face before all chaos had hit. The new smile was a sad one, as though she had forgotten how to do this properly. When Ginny smiled it was as if she was replaying her old life over in her mind again, as though she couldn't quiet remember how it was, but those parts she hadn't forgotten were like a dream she had once had, nothing more than a dream long ago.

The three of them walked in silence, back to the Great Hall, back to Dumbledore. He was inbetween his sister and best friend as they walked down the corridor, their footsteps echoing in the emptyness. The silence scared Ginny, he knew this, and yet, he let it eat her alive. He never spoke to her, to keep the silence from boring into her.

Harry knew this too, he looked at Ginny out of the corner of his eye and took her hand in his with his free one, the hand that wasn't keeping him up as he stood between the two. When her hand was safe in Harry's Ginny's rigid body losened a bit. He could tell how safe she felt with Harry there with her. Had he had any emotion left in him, he would have felt horrible for being unable to keep his sister from going crazy in her own mind.

They finially reached the Great Hall, it was empty and still, the bewitched ceiling showed it was dark, cold and raining out. 'Headmaster.' Harry whispered once they were infront of the old wizard.

Dumbledore had taken a dramatic toll in his appearance over the year. His hair, more silver than possible, he was slightly more hunched over than before and the wrinkles in his face showed his age. The one thing that worried Harry and Ginny most, was the twinkle in his eyes, the spark that use to sit in his grey eyes, showing his unknown knowledge and mystery, the sparkle had vanished ever since the day he brought the news of Hermione to the three young children.

'Harry.' Dumbledore looked down at the children he had grown so protective over, 'Are you ready?'

'No, nothing could possibly ready us for this.' Harry choked, squeazing Ginny's hand tighter as she stiffled a sob.

'Headmaster, are you ... are you sure this is the right thing to do?' Ginny whimpered.

'My dear, I truely wish I could say yes, but I don't agree with this at all. I think it would be in Miss. Granger's best interest to continue with this, but we can no longer keep up.' The Headmaster's eyes were lowered, 'The Grangers' have decided this is the best way to go, and we must respect their wishes, she is, after all, their daughter.'

'Headmaster, couldn't you speak to them? Help them better understand what they're about to do?' Harry whispered.

'Harry, my boy, I have tried, but they will not see it. We must do as they wish.' He explained kindly to both of them. 'Come this way, bring Ron.'

He lead them to the small door by the teacher's table at the end of the hall. Dumbledore opened the door and held it open for them as they struggled to get him in. They seated him in the far corner of the room and took a seat at the table placed in the center, Dumbledore at the head and Harry and Ginny next to one another, to the Headmaster's left.

'Now what?' Ginny thought aloud.

'Now? We wait. Wait for it all to end.' Harry made himself speak as Ginny lowered her head to his shoulder.

He sat there for who knows how long, looking down at the wood floor, as he watched Hermoine pick wild flowers in a feild of gold, blue, orange, yellow, purple, rainbow colours. She looked so beautiful he thought as she brushed a small fly away from her cheek. Hermione looked up at him and smiled softly when she noticed his eyes on her.

Some where, in the other world, he saw Mr. and Mrs. Granger walk into the room, closely followed by two important looking men in business cloaks. They all sat down and began talking in a sullen tone, signing papers, shaking heads, weaping, screaming at one another, until finally, Ginny stood up and ran from the room in a mess of tears.

'Sorry.' Harry spoke firmly before rising to his feet, letting the chair scrap the floor as he, rather roughly walked from the room, on to find Ginny, on to comfort her, to help her understand, to protect her from the pain. He didn't know what had happend or why, he didn't know, he didn't see, he wasn't really there, he was in his own world, still watching his beautiful Hermione in the feild, unaware of the real world and all that was going on.

He sat there, hollow and empty, in his own world, until Harry came back down to get him. 'Come on mate.' He said sadly. 'It's all over now, I know you probably aren't listening to me, but it's all over.'

Harry lifted Ron from the chair and walked him back through the corridor and up to his four poster bed, before returning to the girl he so sorely longed to see the old Ginny in again, but knew he never would.