A very long time in coming. Sorry for the delay folks. Couldn't manage any updating till now.

Here's the next chapter


One Will Fall

Chap 11: Around Her Finger

Dante stared for a long time at the auburn-haired woman before him, letting the silence stretch in the room. Normally long silences were uncomfortable, and this one was no exception, but the devil hunter just couldn't manage to get his tongue to work well enough to voice any of the questions whirring about in his mind; one of which being the simple confirmation that he had heard Maj's statement correctly when her wispy voice had spoken in his ear.

"Why lovers, of course."

Of course? Did it have to be that simple? Did she have to make it seem like it should be so blatantly obvious to him that he, Dante, had once been involved with this mysterious woman? It was bad enough he couldn't remember his life, and what bits he had managed to figure out were a far stretch from the norm, but now he had to contend with having a lover that looked as though she would burst into tears if he displayed ignorance to that fact.

"Euh…You wanna run that by me again, Babe—uh—I mean Maj?" Dante began tentatively. "We were…involved?" For some reason he couldn't get himself to say the word 'lover'.

Maj studied him for a moment, her eyes unreadable and then she nodded. "Lovers. Yes. We were lovers, Dante."

"Ah." Dante looked down, bobbing his head in a slow nod. "And uh…Who are you exactly?"

Maj blinked at him and Dante saw a hint of a scowl on her face before she spoke. "My name is Maj. I have told you that already my Darling," she said with a somewhat forced calm.

Dante sighed, not getting the answer he had wanted. "Yeah. I got that. But apart from that. I know you're name and that according to you we had a relationship, but I can't say that I remember any of it."

Maj only stared at him and Dante breathed heavily again, glancing down at the ground before looking sideways at her. "We were lovers?" He just had to ask that question again because even though Maj had given him his answer, he still couldn't believe it.

Maj frowned and looked away. She was silent for so long that Dante wasn't sure anymore that she had heard him, either that or she'd started day dreaming, in which case Dante was about to shake her when she turned back to him, and the look in her eyes startled him; there was nothing but pure hurt lying in their depths and it made Dante's breath catch in his throat.

"Yes." Maj's voice wavered. "I have told you. We were lovers. Is it so surprising?" She made sure to put some measure of her hurt in her tone while she watched Dante's eyes slightly widen and his brow furrow in an "are you shittin' me?" kind of way. Maj held in an annoyed heavy breath at the look and instead smiled sadly. "Well of course you're surprised, Darling. After what you've been through for me—for us. It is no wonder. But I should rather have said disappointed." Her voice dropped slightly so that Dante had to lean forwards to hear what she was saying.

Maj decided it was time to turn up the charm to make matters move faster. With her head bent, Dante couldn't really see her face but he had a feeling that her eyes were now misted.

"Are you…disappointed…Dante?" Maj looked up as she said his name and Dante noticed immediately that her eyes were indeed watery.

Dante gulped, but didn't look away from the goddess' sorrowful face. It wasn't that he was disappointed; more that he was so shocked by the news that he wasn't prepared to accept matters right off. All he had to go on to reconstruct his life today came from strange outside sources and possible memories that had reluctantly resurfaced in his mind, so he wasn't sure what to make of any of it at the moment.

Maybe he had a lover. Maybe he didn't and this was just some whack-job lady trying to get something out of him, but Dante couldn't bring himself to overlook Maj's tearful expression; ever a sucker for a pair of big goo goo eyes.

"Hey," he said softly, hesitantly putting a hand on Maj's shoulder. Possible whack-job or not, Dante couldn't stand to see a woman cry, and especially over him. "Please don't cry. I'm…I'm not disappointed. It's just…I can't remember…I want to. But…I'm sorry."

Maj was glad as Dante steered his gaze blankly to the wall of armaments for a moment because otherwise he would have seen her small triumphant smirk. It was turning out to be far easier to convince the devil hunter of their supposed relationship than she had originally anticipated. Just a few tears and he was already apologizing to her instead of being skeptical. Men.

"It's okay," said Maj quietly, sniffling for effect. "I understand. You've been through much. I'm just so thankful…So thankful I didn't lose you!" Pushing things farther, Maj lurched forward and wrapped her arms around the startled devil hunter, crying up a storm into his chest. For the second time, Dante had been about to ask what had happened to cause his loss of memory, since Maj seemed to know, but as soon as the waterworks started, all that he could think to do was try and comfort the woman holding him in a death grip while soaking his shirt with her tears.

It was a while before Maj quieted and Dante could get her to ease up her hold on him. When she looked up once again, her eyes were red and swollen and her face glistened with tears. Instinctively Dante brushed a hand across her cheek, feeling a cold tingle rush down his arm as he wiped away her tears. Maj stared at him with wide, sad violet eyes and Dante couldn't help but be lost in them. He was so transfixed by the intense emotion in her gaze that he felt himself swooning and was glad that he was already sitting on the floor; otherwise he was sure his knees would have buckled by now.

"Maj…" Dante wasn't sure why he had said her name, or why he was leaning his face closer to hers; her name was just drawn out of him, while he was pulled towards her by some unknown force. When there lips brushed, he felt literal sparks on his skin and, shocked, meant to pull away but Maj forced her mouth back onto his.

The kiss was short but it left Dante feeling disoriented and light. It took a full minute for his eyes to focus properly on the woman whose face was still so close to his. And meeting Maj's unusual coloured eyes, Dante found himself wanting to kiss her again.

And he did.

There was the strange tingling as their lips met a second time and a rush of cold spread throughout his limbs. Dante felt frozen on the spot and couldn't bring himself to pull away from the goddess, even when he felt a hard tension in his chest; something like a strong fist squeezing his heart. He cringed and when the pressure continued to get stronger he jerked away, gasping and clutching a hand to his chest.

"Oh! Are you alright, my love!" Maj exclaimed in an almost overly protective voice, laying a hand on Dante's back and the other over the devil hunter's fist on his heart. Dante breathed slowly and heavily and eventually relaxed, the feeling of something compressing his heart having finally subsided. "Eh-yeah….yeah. I'm fine…I guess."

"Oh good." Maj hugged him gently. "Don't ever scare me like that again." Damn it. So close...But no matter. He's gone too far to easily pull away from me now.

Still hugging him, Maj started quaking with silent laughter at the thought of how smoothly her plans were going. Having already gotten rid of the other Sparda twin, nothing too large now stood in the way of her ultimate goal—as long as the devil hunter stayed on her side. But Maj wasn't worried. Even a half-devil could be twisted around her finger as easily as any other man.

Feeling her body shake with what he assumed were tears, Dante quickly forgot about the former pain in his chest and held Maj, rubbing her back soothingly. "Ssh. It's ok. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He tried to comfort her, "I guess it was nothing. It's ok. Please don't cry."

The devil hunter's words brought a wide grin to the goddess' face, luckily one that Dante could not see. And Maj was so pleased with how things were going that she nearly let her laughter become audible.

It was just too easy. Even if Dante did not necessarily believe that they had once had a relationship, she'd done enough in the last half hour to make him at least want to comfort her. Maj could almost feel herself sitting on the thrown of the underworld at that very moment. She snickered quietly, confident that it sounded enough like sniffling that Dante wouldn't notice. She pulled away slowly and looked up into Dante's pale eyes and hazarded a small smile. He seemed relieved by it and grinned softly back.

"Are you okay now?" He asked quietly. Maj nodded and shifted to stand. Dante quickly got to his feet and helped her up.

"Why thank you." Maj smiled, taking his hand. "The gentleman, as always."

"Eh," Dante smiled sheepishly, hoisting her to her feet. "I'll have to take your word for that, but thanks."

Maj's eyes sparkled with amusement and she stretched up on her toes to give Dante a kiss on the cheek. He staggered for an instant and grinned stupidly back. Maj rolled her eyes, which she hid by looking around the front office. She took note of all the weaponry and demon heads that Dante held as trophies.

Looks indeed to be quite the warrior.Maj mused, He should have no trouble getting what I want for me. And if he fails, I'll just have to find someone else. No harm done. At least I'll have done my brother and me a favour by having both Spardas eliminated.



"What happened to us? Why don't I remember?"

"Oh Dante, Dear. Must we talk about that now? It's so painful." Maj bent her head, new tears in her eyes. The goddess herself was surprised that she was still capable of them, but glad nonetheless as they did the trick.

"No…no. I guess not." Dante consented, noticing her reaction. "I don't want to upset you again. But I still want to know. I don't like being kept in the dark about my own life. It's really pissing me off that I can't remember anything." He sighed and Maj touched his arm.

"I know, my love. I'll tell you everything soon enough." In truth, Maj didn't want to divulge the reason as to why she needed him just yet. She wanted to be sure that Dante was completely under her spell so that he wouldn't remember anything further of the time before he fought his brother on the rooftop and lost his memory. "It's late and you look tired, Darling. I'm sure it's been a long day for both of us. So why don't we rest. I may be feeling well enough to tell you everything in the morning."

Dante nodded reluctantly and stifled a yawn. He was really tired all of a sudden, though still itching to have his memories back, but he figured that it wouldn't kill him to let things slide for the time being.

"Alright," Dante sighed sleepily. "Tomorrow then." He unconsciously reached a hand to Maj's cheek and gave her a deep kiss, sending the expected chills throughout his body. And as soon as his eyes drifted shut he lost all sense of anything until a severe jolt of pain erupted all along one side of his body. He yelled and stumbled backwards, nearly falling over the pile of broken wood that had once been his desk.

His eyes widened in alarm and he gripped his side as blood gushed between his fingers and around the foot long blade lodged in his side. He pulled the dagger out with a cry and tossed it to the ground beside him. He looked ahead and saw Maj, her back now turned to him obviously staring at the line of Marionettes covering the front wall and blocking the large double doors to DMC; the same ones he had failed to notice until now. And he was pretty confident that his new wound had been cause by one of the leering puppet demons.

"Agh…shh.." Dante groaned and hissed in air. With his memory gone, he couldn't remember if he'd ever felt pain this intense. And matters were only made worse as his body remembered about his previously injured shoulder. "…Maj? Get…Get away from there. Get…behind me. Please."

Dante staggered forward and Maj turned her gaze to him. And expecting horror, Dante was surprised to see rage in her eyes. He squinted and blinked and that split second was enough time for fear to have finally registered on her face.

Maj hurried behind Dante and clung to his jacket desperately. "Oh please. Don't let them hurt me Dante. I'm so very frightened," Maj squeaked from behind him. "Please. Make them go away." Yes. Make them go away. Maj thought angrily. What was my brother thinking, sending those worthless demons here? Wasn't killing one of the sons of Sparda enough for him? "Dante. PLEASE. Save us!"

Oh, how Dante would have loved to have done just that. But he couldn't force his body to move. He was rooted to the spot and right now, he felt that he was showing as much fear, if not more than, the woman behind him; the one that he was supposed to be protecting.

"Ah. Shit." Why do I have to be Mr. Heroic? What the hell are these things? I know I'm supposed to be the devil hunter here, but goddamn. Maybe I'll just quit. Right here and now. Yup. No devil hunting for me. And besides, this could all be just a bad dream.

Dante stared ahead at the demons and broke out of his thoughts just long enough to duck from away from two whizzing blades, pulling Maj down to the floor with him. Yup. Just a bad dream.

"Do something Dante!" Maj's voice was more forceful than before and Dante very nearly let out a squeak.

"I'm trying, Woman! But I don't have anything to fight with!" And my left side feels like it's been hit by and eighteen-wheeler! Dante resisted the urge to shout.
Maj clammed up for second, scowling darkly behind Dante's back. And you don't have a wall of weapons at your disposal? Maj looked at the wall impatiently and while the devil hunter was distracted by the approaching demons, she summoned a strong gust of wind that knocked Sparda off the wall. It fell with a loud clang but Dante didn't seem to notice. Maj huffed and then exclaimed loudly so that Dante would look at her. "Look!" She pointed. "Your sword!"

"Huh? Oh!" Dante saw the large blade lying a few meters away and crawled towards it.

Maj scowled. Stand up, you buffoon! "Hurry Dante! They're coming!"

I KNOW! Damn it. Irritating as hell that woman. Maybe we are in a relationship. "GAH!" Dante rolled over as blade came crashing down. A blue marionette had suddenly rushed towards him and slammed it's blade into the floor where he had just been; the same kind of blade that Dante had recently ripped back out of his side. Oh. You are so dead, freaky puppet man. Like hell I'm gonna be taken out by a possessed kid's toy...no matter how mean and scary they are.

Diving the last two feet to his sword, Dante grabbed Sparda in a tight fist and swung it around, sliding up to one knee. He blocked the next few swipes of two Marionettes a little awkwardly; one managed to slice his sleeve while the other nicked his hand, but as soon as he got to his feet he took them out easily enough.

Maj sighed with relief as Dante took out Marionette after Marionette. She had been worried for a moment there as Dante was acting more like a frightened child than the renowned devil hunter that he was supposed to be, but he seemed to be back in his element now. There were only three marionettes left to do away with.

Dante cleaved his sword through another and managed to block a blow from behind on the back swing. He was very close to finishing off the remaining puppets when he got a hitch in his wounded side that caused him to hesitate in delivering a blow. It was all the chance the red puppet, Bloodi Mari needed. Using its power, Dante found himself being hoisted up on invisible strings and he wriggled helplessly as the demon leapt towards him, wrapping its spindly legs around his neck. It slashed down at its face, spraying blood as its arms ripped across Dante's face and through his shoulder.

The devil hunter cried out but here was nothing he could do. He was stuck in the spell and too weak to fight his way out of it. Another Marionette came up behind him and wasted no time in doing a number on Dante's back.

Dante's head swam and his hearing was dropping to low hum. He could just make out the shredding noise of his clothing as the Marionettes kept up their frenzied attack. Each swipe was like any other and Dante could no longer distinguish between the jolts of white hot pain. It was just a continuous string of agony and Dante couldn't figure out why his body still wanted him to be awake for it. He should have passed out long ago from pain, or loss of blood at the very least.

Pass out. Just pass out. Come on. You know you want to. You don't want to be awake for this. Just go to sleep. Give up already. Let's go, man. Enough!


Despite what his mind was pleading for his body to do, Dante had to give up on losing consciousness in the instant he heard Maj's terrified scream. He was supposed to be protecting her, and here he was trying to force his mind into darkness.

With an inhuman roar, Dante pulled his arms down with all his might and managed to break through the puppet's spell. At that moment an odd sensation rushed through his body and Dante could feel himself changing, feeling a new energy course through his limbs. A cooling haze swirled around him and Dante lost his notice of pain. He was still aware of his wounds and the seeping blood, but the pain was no longer bothering him as much. It almost felt like it was lessening. Could his body be healing by itself? Maybe. Not important right now though.

Maj screamed again and Dante struck out his fists at the demons that had taken such joy in assaulting him only moments ago. Blue jolts of electricity emitted from his hands and feet as his blows hit their mark. And he kept wailing on the two demon puppets until they both crashed to the ground. A quick use of Sparda finished them off.

Dante remained in a fighting stance for a few minutes after he had done away with the last of the Marionettes, until he was sure that no more were coming. Then his arm fell heavily at his side and Sparda hit the floor again; Dante soon followed, first his knees, then his hands. He was on all fours, breathing raggedly and shivering when Maj hurried to his side.

"Darling…Are you…"

Dante didn't hear her. The cooling mist and the burst of strength he had used to finish off the Marionettes had run out. He was drained and more than willing to welcome unconsciousness now.

"To..morrow…" Dante breathed and dropped to the floor, falling into nothingness immediately.

Hope that was long enough for you guys. Made it twice as long as I was originally intending because I felt that, for once, I wouldn't leave it at a cliff.

Love hearing from you guys so make sure you keep up the reviews and I'll try to have the next chapter out far faster than I did this one. What was it…like 5 months? Geez. I've been slackin'.
