Me: Hey, everyone and anyone who's even taking a look at this! It feels good to get even a few reviews for any of my KagomeSango stories, because I know most people are Inuyasha/Kagome and Miroku/Sango fans (including myself!) Thanks a bunch to my reviewers Katzztar, Star of Heaven, Deadly Teardrops, skittles0765, and Fwoggie!

Disclaimer: "Inuyasha" is property of Rumiko Takahashi (the highest taxed manga-ka in Japan!), Sunrise, Viz, and all those other people who bring this series to us!

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Kisu (Kiss)

Sango was sitting by the riverbed, her Hiraikotsu lying by her side. She often liked sitting near the flowing body of water. The sound it made as it traveled downwards served to calm her, helping her mind to think more clearly. A while ago Miroku had proposed to her, and she gladly accepted. Maybe she was overreacting a bit when she agreed to have as many children as he wanted though. He didn't even promise never to cheat on her. What kind of fiancé does that? She sighed. Well nevertheless, she was in love with him, and she believed in him – sort of.

It had been a while since then though, and now Sango was just thinking of something as she watched the water move across the pebbled bottom. She had never actually been intimate with Miroku. Of course, there were the times when she would lean against him, or he would be perverted and try to cop a feel against her will (if that counts), but they had never actually done anything like... kissed. Sango slightly blushed at her thought of kissing Miroku. In an attempt to calm herself, she brought her knees up and placed her forehead on them. 'What am I thinking?' she thought to herself. The sound of approaching footsteps in her direction broke her from her thoughts.

"Sango-chan!" Sango turned around to see her friend from the future jog towards her.

"Oh, Kagome-chan." Sango watched as Kagome took a seat down next to her on the grass.

'What, were you hoping it was Houshi-sama?'

'No! Stupid mind...'

"Augh, I can't believe I'm arguing with myself..." Sango whined.

"What did you say?"

"Uh – nothing Kagome-chan!" Sango turned to face her. Kagome just looked back at her with uncertainty.

"Oh... well..."


"It's just that you didn't look too well from where I was. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. I was just thinking. That's all."

"Really?" Sango nodded in response. "Well... can I ask what about?"

"Eh? Um..." Sango wasn't really sure if she should tell her. She felt too embarrassed to say that she was thinking about kissing Miroku. On the other hand, she was practically her best friend. Maybe she would just talk around it. "Well... Kagome-chan..."


"You've... kissed Inuyasha before, am I right?"


"Well, haven't you?"

Kagome's face started turning red. "I – er – I mean – "

Sango smiled. "It's alright, you don't have to say it. It's written all over your face." Kagome slumped down in her seat.

"Gosh, Sango-chan. What did you ask that for?" Kagome placed a hand against her heated face.

"Well... I wanted to ask you... what it's like," she replied.

"You mean... to kiss?"

A slight blush went across Sango's face. "Y-yes..." Kagome just blinked at her, until sudden realization dawned upon the girl.

"Oh, I get it! You want to kiss Miro – mumph!" Sango cupped a hand over Kagome's mouth before she could finish.

"Kagome-chan! Not so loud!" Sango warned her in panic.

"Sorry," Kagome laughed lightly. "So you really want to kiss him?" she asked with excitement.

"Well, not exactly." Sango sat back on the ground. "I was just thinking about how we're... kind of engaged and all," she slightly blushed at that comment. "But we're never really... close... if you know what I mean."

Kagome thought for a moment. "Are you comparing your relationship with Miroku-sama to the one Inuyasha and I have?"


"Don't do that. Our relationships are different. All relationships are. You just have to figure out how yours works."

Sango stared at Kagome. "You sound pretty well versed in this sort of matter."

"Oh, well... I've just heard a lot of things," Kagome laughed.

Sango focused her gaze back on the waterbed. "I don't know... maybe I'm just afraid."

"Of what?" Kagome tried to get a better understanding of what she meant.

Sango sighed dejectedly. "I'm not sure myself. Maybe just that... I'll be bad at it."

Kagome smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry about something like that. When it happens, it'll happen." She placed a comforting hand on Sango's shoulder. Sango didn't say anything in response, so Kagome just assumed that she was mulling it over. Kagome sighed with aggravation. "If you're really so worried about it though..." Sango shifted her gaze to look at Kagome. "I hear that some people practice by doing it on their hand or arm." Sango looked down at her own aforementioned body parts.

"That sounds too odd of a thing to do. I couldn't imagine myself doing something like that." She paused. "Besides, a hand and an arm are totally different from a person's lips," she said in a depressed tone. Kagome took a moment to think again in silence.

"Well... I suppose that..." she hesitated for a moment. 'I can't believe that I'm even considering suggesting this.' "I could practice with you instead."

This fully grabbed Sango's attention. She looked up at Kagome as if she were out of her mind. "What!?"

Kagome turned away from her friend's gaze, aghast at herself by what she had just uttered. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know why I just said that." She was pink with embarrassment. 'I'm so stupid! I'd better leave...' She had just motioned that she was about to depart, when...


"Eh?" Kagome turned back to look at Sango. She seemed to actually be contemplating what she had just proposed.

"It'll..." Sango blushed. "Just be a practice kiss... right?"

"Um... yeah..." This time it was Kagome's turn to blush.

Sango gulped. "A-alright then."

"Are you sure?" Kagome affirmed Sango's approval.

The two girls shifted to face one another, both quite nervous about what they were about to do. Kagome slowly closed her eyes and leaned towards Sango, whom followed her friend's actions.

'If this is just for practice, then why is my heart beating so fast?'

'Oh, I don't know - maybe because you're about to do it with a friend who's the same gender as you!?'

Sango had just stopped moving before anything could occur, but Kagome had already closed the gap between them. The tender sensation of her lips on her own was something new to Sango. It caused her to forget about dropping the whole idea, and instead melt into the warm atmosphere the kiss created. Kagome's soft lips gently massaged hers, and Sango responded to them. It felt nice, even if it was just a practice kiss. Sango jerked out of her reverie however, when she felt what seemed to be arms come around her neck.

"Kagome-chan?" Sango said as she pulled away. Kagome looked as if she had a dreamy look in her eyes, but it immediately went away as she realized what had just happened. She quickly retracted her arms away from Sango, her face flushed a bright red.

"I-I'm so sorry, Sango-chan!" She avoided eye contact with the taiji- ya. "I-I guess I just got carried away with myself." 'Idiot!' she mentally scolded herself. 'I knew it was a bad, not to mention stupid idea. I never should have said anything.'

"Um... it's okay. Really," Sango assured her, though she thought Kagome's actions were sort of peculiar. It was kind of a shock which bewildered her beyond belief. A silence hung in the air, neither one not sure what to say to the other. Kagome finally broke the stillness, with something Sango would never have expected.

"You know..." she wavered. Sango glanced at her. "I think that kiss... was actually... better than the one with Inuyasha." Kagome bowed her head in discomfort, not daring to look at Sango.

Sango thought a boulder had fallen on her head. At least, that would explain why her thoughts were all of a sudden being jumbled up in her mind, going by at about 500km an hour. She was so confused, and didn't know at all what to say, or even how to respond to Kagome's comment. She finally managed to say, "W-what?" Kagome just chuckled to herself dully.

Still not looking at her, she said, "I told you you had nothing to worry about." She picked herself up from off the grass she was sitting on. "I'm going to head back to the others," she added while patting the bottom of her skirt. "Are you coming?"

"Um... not just yet. I think I'll stay here just a little while longer," Sango replied, going back to the stream in front of her.

"Alright then." Kagome started walking off in the direction she had come from, a melancholy look on her face. Sango watched her leave from the corner of her eye, until she lost sight of her. She laid herself down onto the grass, letting out a sigh from her built up tension.

"What was that just now?" Sango closed her eyes and placed a hand over her forehead, while the other rested on her torso. "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all..." she mused. Opening her eyes, she slowly moved her hand down her face so that the fingertips lightly touched her lips. "Or was it?"

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Me: Whew! Well that was the end of that. What do you think? I know the plot is kind of lame and stuff, but it just came to me one day when I was watching this show on TV. I think this'll be another one-shot fic. If I think of anything, I may continue a bit more. Anyways, feel free to review, but no flames thanks.