Title: Seduction
Author: Junko the Lost
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ryou is dared to seduce Bakura, but there is one problem, his yami is dating Malik. Shounen-ai. Bakura/Malik. Bakura/Ryou.
Warnings: Shounen-ai.
Disclaimer: I neither own Yu-Gi-Oh! or its characters, nor am I making any money from this publication.
Ryou's POV
I stepped out of my apartment, silently closing the door behind me. Brushing my shoulder-length white hair out of my eyes, I made my way to my car before driving off into the night. The digital clock flashed the ungodly hour at me, screaming '1:04' in neon green numbering. The car came to a halt as I parked it in front of a club and stepped inside. The sign above the door proclaimed, 'Scorpio' in flowing red letters. 'Homo Erotica' would have been a better name.
I made my way through the thrumming, swaying, dancing mass of people, entering a door labeled, 'Employee's Only.' Three people were inside, two female and one male.
"Hey Kari, Crystal, Mercury," I said, slowly slipping out of my coat, revealing my outfit of more straps than anything else.
"Hey Ryou," they replied.
"We're on stage tonight," Mercury, my dance partner, said. I smiled and nodded.
A few minutes later, Merc and I were stepping on stage, the synthetic fog pooling around our ankles, the flashing lights turning our skin, hair, and clothes different colors.
"Hit it Max," I whispered to the DJ, stepping out to center stage, facing Merc.
"Now presenting dancers Gemini and Pisces," a voice proclaimed through the mic. Those in the crowd who heard and were frequent customers clapped, hooted, and whistled, recognizing our stage names. I smiled as the music started up.
We started off slowly, sensually, moving rhythmically with the music. The tune picked up and so did our steps. Our bodies knew the steps instinctively from weeks of practice. Merc gripped my leash set on the studded collar around my neck, pulling me close. Our hips swayed together. The song ended slowly and we stepped apart, smiling at the crowd as they cheered.
I didn't have to be in the crowd to know what they saw. They saw Pisces, a tall, muscular guy with a dangerous glint in his eyes and a predatory smirk on his lips, and Gemini, a small, slender boy with seductive, 'come to bed' eyes, and a slender body, perfect for that of a sex toy. It was in their eyes. The dangerous glint that no other word in the human dictionary could describe. Sex. It was raw, but it was utterly human. And it was a game I'd danced around for years, but never gotten to play.
Yeah, I was an exotic dancer (read, stripper) and I was still a virgin. I guess you might be wondering why I, Ryou Bakura, snuck off at night to work at a dance club. Well, I guess it's because I was bored with my life, and everyone thought I was sweet, innocent, little Ryou, so I decided to rebel. No one knew though, and I certainly didn't plan on telling them.
They did know I was gay. But it hadn't come as a shock. I mean, first Yami and Seto hit it off, then Yuugi and Jouno professed their never-ending love for one another, Malik and Bakura couldn't keep their hands off one another, and Honda and Otogi were almost attached at the hip. So, they really weren't surprised. Well, my Yami was kind of stunned, but I don't think he really cared. Oh well.
At 3 am, the end of our shift, Kari, Crystal, Mercury and I stopped at a coffee shop to sit and talk. Merc left early though, and we waved goodbye to him. Kari and Crys were holding hands. Not only were the two girls dance partners, they were going out as well, and they were totally cute together. Crys was slightly more demonic looking, and Kari was innocent looking with large, blue eyes. The conversation turned to how my life was going, and Crys caught me mentioning my Yami several times.
"You love him, don't you?" she asked, voice calm.
"Who?" I questioned, caught off guard.
"This Yami of yours, Bakura."
"He's going out with Malik," I replied, not answering the question. She probably knew the answer anyway.
"Is this Malik kid hot?" she asked without shame. I blushed as I thought of Malik, perfectly toned tan Egyptian body and perfectly styled platinum- blond hair.
"He's not too bad."
Kari giggled in response. "You should seduce them," Crys insisted.
"What, both of them?" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah, both of them, and if their moral standards are as low as you insist they are, I don't see why they'd have any problem with you joining them." She smirked.
"But I-"She cut me off.
"Twenty bucks says you can't," she said, knowing I wouldn't turn down a bet.
I left the café that night thinking. How was I going to go about this?
I awoke to an alarm screeching in my ear. Tiredly, I swatted the button and sat up, blinking sleep out of my eyes. I walked out of my bedroom, angrily rapping on the bathroom door.
"Yami, hurry up!" I shouted, waiting a couple minutes before he stepped out.
"Fine, fine, have it, you sissy." My eyes took in his lean form, wet and dripping, and wearing only a towel.
This might be fun after all.
After my shower, I headed down the stairs. Bakura was waiting for me at the door, impatiently tapping his foot. I smiled innocently, putting an extra little sway to my step.
There hadn't been a lot I could do with the school uniform, but I had pulled my hair back for once, and opted to use glasses instead of my usual contacts.
But the thing that changed my appearance the most was that little bit of confidence, it changed my entire aura to seductive. It was the same amount of confidence I used while on stage. The look on Bakura's face was well worth it.
Bakura's POV
As I glanced up the steps at my hikari, annoyance plastered to my face, I had to fight to keep the surprise out of my features. Ryou had pulled his hair back and was wearing his glasses, which he rarely did. The glasses made him look intelligent, and the way they were pulled down on his nose so that he just barely glanced over the top of them was downright seductive.
But something else was different about him. He seemed darker somehow, more confident. I watched him smirk as he slipped into his jacket, his eyes were darker, somewhat...lustful. His smirk widened. His arm accidentally brushed mine and I unintentionally shivered.
"Come on, Yami," he purred, opening the door, "we wouldn't want to be late for school." Before I could say anything, he walked out the door, chuckling to himself. I quickly followed, closing the door behind me.
I must be rubbing off on him.
The entire way to school Ryou had been quiet, but just his walking had been enough to drive me insane. From the slight sway of his hips to the way he adjusted his backpack, it was all enough to make me scream.
I mean, this was my innocent little hikari. Just last night he'd yelled at me for not doing the dishes. What had happened? I rested my head on the desk, groaning. It was English class and I was supposed to be working on a poem. But Fate decided to be mean to me, and a certain hikari sat two seats in front of me.
"What's with Ryou?" Malik whispered, leaning over to me. He raised a quizzical eyebrow. Apparently, I wasn't the only one noticing Ryou's strange behavior.
I shrugged, continuing writing my poem. I glanced up, accidentally looking at Ryou. He looked back, catching my eye and winking. Groaning, I slammed my head back on the desk.
By lunch time I was just this side of insane. I'd only had one other class with the now-named Hikari from Hell, but that was more than enough. Whenever I wasn't around him, he managed to plague my thoughts anyway.
Malik and I were eating outside, flirting as per usual. A couple of tables away was my hikari, totally engrossed in some book. Gently, I took Malik's chin and kissed him passionately, hoping Ryou would notice and take a hint. When we broke apart, however, I chanced I glance over at him. He was looking at me. No, not looking. What he was doing seemed more like undressing me with his eyes. He licked his lips.
Ryou's POV
Stage 1, a complete success. I believe I have made my intentions perfectly clear to my thick-headed Yami, even if I did manage to disturb him a little in the process.
Stage 2, act innocent and add in the barest hint of flirting. I had to make him calm down. He was becoming jumpy and paranoid around me and that was entirely counter-productive.
It was difficult as well to act so seductive what I wasn't that way by nature. I mean, I'm usually the kind of person you talk to when there are no walls available. Okay, so maybe I'm not that bad, but I'm not exactly the social butterfly either. And being seductive all the time was hard. I mean, it's fun once in awhile, like for my job at Scorpio, but it gets tiring after awhile.
Bakura and I walked home together and I made it a point to be silent. I didn't even try to walk seductively. Just you average, innocent, bookworm, nothing to see here. Ri-ight. Innocent? Who, me?
Bakura stopped in front of our apartment building, tapping me on the shoulder.
"Hm?" I questioned.
"I told Malik I'd meet up with him at the coffee shop. See you when I get back?" I think he purposefully tried to mention Malik to throw me off but little did he know that it wasn't that easy. But I pretended anyway.
"Oh...okay," I said softly, turning my head as if to stop him from seeing me tear up. "See you when you get back." I walked the short distance to the entrance, closing the door behind me. I could almost feel Bakura gaping at me. I smirked, running upstairs to our apartment.
When Bakura came home, I said nothing, acting defiantly angry. He'd tried to talk to me, but I'd stubbornly ignored him. Eventually he'd relented and gone off somewhere to do his homework.
During dinner, I acted depressed. "Yami," I said halfway through. I could almost feel him tense up.
"Yes, hikari," he responded.
"I'm sorry if I've been acting a little odd lately. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, and school work has been really frustrating me, and then- never mind." I rested my head on my arms, looking pitiful. Come on, Bakura, take the bait.
"What?" Score!
"It's nothing."
"Ryou, you can tell me."
"Do you think anyone could ever love me?" I asked. He looked surprised, not expecting that one.
"W-why do you ask?"
"It's just, all my friends are pairing off and I can't help but feel a little...jealous." I force myself to fake cry and wipe away my tears.
"Ryou, I-" I cut him off.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Yami." I got up and put my dish in the sink before heading to my bedroom. I didn't have to work that night so I got a full night's sleep. I changed into my PJ's and fell asleep instantly.
I woke up the next morning to hear Bakura on the phone. As silently as I could, I picked up the phone in my room and listened to his conversation.
"I'm just worried about him," Bakura's voice said.
"He'll be okay," Malik replied.
"He just seems so depressed lately."
"Teenage hormones?" Malik offered pitifully.
"Not funny."
"I know, but you just have to let him get over it on his own. He'll find love eventually."
"I think he thinks he already has," Bakura replied seriously.
"In who?" Malik asked inquisitively. "Maybe we could try to set them up."
"Me," Bakura replied. I could almost see Malik gaping in shock. I hung up the phone, grinning to myself. The trap was set.
Author: Junko the Lost
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ryou is dared to seduce Bakura, but there is one problem, his yami is dating Malik. Shounen-ai. Bakura/Malik. Bakura/Ryou.
Warnings: Shounen-ai.
Disclaimer: I neither own Yu-Gi-Oh! or its characters, nor am I making any money from this publication.
Ryou's POV
I stepped out of my apartment, silently closing the door behind me. Brushing my shoulder-length white hair out of my eyes, I made my way to my car before driving off into the night. The digital clock flashed the ungodly hour at me, screaming '1:04' in neon green numbering. The car came to a halt as I parked it in front of a club and stepped inside. The sign above the door proclaimed, 'Scorpio' in flowing red letters. 'Homo Erotica' would have been a better name.
I made my way through the thrumming, swaying, dancing mass of people, entering a door labeled, 'Employee's Only.' Three people were inside, two female and one male.
"Hey Kari, Crystal, Mercury," I said, slowly slipping out of my coat, revealing my outfit of more straps than anything else.
"Hey Ryou," they replied.
"We're on stage tonight," Mercury, my dance partner, said. I smiled and nodded.
A few minutes later, Merc and I were stepping on stage, the synthetic fog pooling around our ankles, the flashing lights turning our skin, hair, and clothes different colors.
"Hit it Max," I whispered to the DJ, stepping out to center stage, facing Merc.
"Now presenting dancers Gemini and Pisces," a voice proclaimed through the mic. Those in the crowd who heard and were frequent customers clapped, hooted, and whistled, recognizing our stage names. I smiled as the music started up.
We started off slowly, sensually, moving rhythmically with the music. The tune picked up and so did our steps. Our bodies knew the steps instinctively from weeks of practice. Merc gripped my leash set on the studded collar around my neck, pulling me close. Our hips swayed together. The song ended slowly and we stepped apart, smiling at the crowd as they cheered.
I didn't have to be in the crowd to know what they saw. They saw Pisces, a tall, muscular guy with a dangerous glint in his eyes and a predatory smirk on his lips, and Gemini, a small, slender boy with seductive, 'come to bed' eyes, and a slender body, perfect for that of a sex toy. It was in their eyes. The dangerous glint that no other word in the human dictionary could describe. Sex. It was raw, but it was utterly human. And it was a game I'd danced around for years, but never gotten to play.
Yeah, I was an exotic dancer (read, stripper) and I was still a virgin. I guess you might be wondering why I, Ryou Bakura, snuck off at night to work at a dance club. Well, I guess it's because I was bored with my life, and everyone thought I was sweet, innocent, little Ryou, so I decided to rebel. No one knew though, and I certainly didn't plan on telling them.
They did know I was gay. But it hadn't come as a shock. I mean, first Yami and Seto hit it off, then Yuugi and Jouno professed their never-ending love for one another, Malik and Bakura couldn't keep their hands off one another, and Honda and Otogi were almost attached at the hip. So, they really weren't surprised. Well, my Yami was kind of stunned, but I don't think he really cared. Oh well.
At 3 am, the end of our shift, Kari, Crystal, Mercury and I stopped at a coffee shop to sit and talk. Merc left early though, and we waved goodbye to him. Kari and Crys were holding hands. Not only were the two girls dance partners, they were going out as well, and they were totally cute together. Crys was slightly more demonic looking, and Kari was innocent looking with large, blue eyes. The conversation turned to how my life was going, and Crys caught me mentioning my Yami several times.
"You love him, don't you?" she asked, voice calm.
"Who?" I questioned, caught off guard.
"This Yami of yours, Bakura."
"He's going out with Malik," I replied, not answering the question. She probably knew the answer anyway.
"Is this Malik kid hot?" she asked without shame. I blushed as I thought of Malik, perfectly toned tan Egyptian body and perfectly styled platinum- blond hair.
"He's not too bad."
Kari giggled in response. "You should seduce them," Crys insisted.
"What, both of them?" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah, both of them, and if their moral standards are as low as you insist they are, I don't see why they'd have any problem with you joining them." She smirked.
"But I-"She cut me off.
"Twenty bucks says you can't," she said, knowing I wouldn't turn down a bet.
I left the café that night thinking. How was I going to go about this?
I awoke to an alarm screeching in my ear. Tiredly, I swatted the button and sat up, blinking sleep out of my eyes. I walked out of my bedroom, angrily rapping on the bathroom door.
"Yami, hurry up!" I shouted, waiting a couple minutes before he stepped out.
"Fine, fine, have it, you sissy." My eyes took in his lean form, wet and dripping, and wearing only a towel.
This might be fun after all.
After my shower, I headed down the stairs. Bakura was waiting for me at the door, impatiently tapping his foot. I smiled innocently, putting an extra little sway to my step.
There hadn't been a lot I could do with the school uniform, but I had pulled my hair back for once, and opted to use glasses instead of my usual contacts.
But the thing that changed my appearance the most was that little bit of confidence, it changed my entire aura to seductive. It was the same amount of confidence I used while on stage. The look on Bakura's face was well worth it.
Bakura's POV
As I glanced up the steps at my hikari, annoyance plastered to my face, I had to fight to keep the surprise out of my features. Ryou had pulled his hair back and was wearing his glasses, which he rarely did. The glasses made him look intelligent, and the way they were pulled down on his nose so that he just barely glanced over the top of them was downright seductive.
But something else was different about him. He seemed darker somehow, more confident. I watched him smirk as he slipped into his jacket, his eyes were darker, somewhat...lustful. His smirk widened. His arm accidentally brushed mine and I unintentionally shivered.
"Come on, Yami," he purred, opening the door, "we wouldn't want to be late for school." Before I could say anything, he walked out the door, chuckling to himself. I quickly followed, closing the door behind me.
I must be rubbing off on him.
The entire way to school Ryou had been quiet, but just his walking had been enough to drive me insane. From the slight sway of his hips to the way he adjusted his backpack, it was all enough to make me scream.
I mean, this was my innocent little hikari. Just last night he'd yelled at me for not doing the dishes. What had happened? I rested my head on the desk, groaning. It was English class and I was supposed to be working on a poem. But Fate decided to be mean to me, and a certain hikari sat two seats in front of me.
"What's with Ryou?" Malik whispered, leaning over to me. He raised a quizzical eyebrow. Apparently, I wasn't the only one noticing Ryou's strange behavior.
I shrugged, continuing writing my poem. I glanced up, accidentally looking at Ryou. He looked back, catching my eye and winking. Groaning, I slammed my head back on the desk.
By lunch time I was just this side of insane. I'd only had one other class with the now-named Hikari from Hell, but that was more than enough. Whenever I wasn't around him, he managed to plague my thoughts anyway.
Malik and I were eating outside, flirting as per usual. A couple of tables away was my hikari, totally engrossed in some book. Gently, I took Malik's chin and kissed him passionately, hoping Ryou would notice and take a hint. When we broke apart, however, I chanced I glance over at him. He was looking at me. No, not looking. What he was doing seemed more like undressing me with his eyes. He licked his lips.
Ryou's POV
Stage 1, a complete success. I believe I have made my intentions perfectly clear to my thick-headed Yami, even if I did manage to disturb him a little in the process.
Stage 2, act innocent and add in the barest hint of flirting. I had to make him calm down. He was becoming jumpy and paranoid around me and that was entirely counter-productive.
It was difficult as well to act so seductive what I wasn't that way by nature. I mean, I'm usually the kind of person you talk to when there are no walls available. Okay, so maybe I'm not that bad, but I'm not exactly the social butterfly either. And being seductive all the time was hard. I mean, it's fun once in awhile, like for my job at Scorpio, but it gets tiring after awhile.
Bakura and I walked home together and I made it a point to be silent. I didn't even try to walk seductively. Just you average, innocent, bookworm, nothing to see here. Ri-ight. Innocent? Who, me?
Bakura stopped in front of our apartment building, tapping me on the shoulder.
"Hm?" I questioned.
"I told Malik I'd meet up with him at the coffee shop. See you when I get back?" I think he purposefully tried to mention Malik to throw me off but little did he know that it wasn't that easy. But I pretended anyway.
"Oh...okay," I said softly, turning my head as if to stop him from seeing me tear up. "See you when you get back." I walked the short distance to the entrance, closing the door behind me. I could almost feel Bakura gaping at me. I smirked, running upstairs to our apartment.
When Bakura came home, I said nothing, acting defiantly angry. He'd tried to talk to me, but I'd stubbornly ignored him. Eventually he'd relented and gone off somewhere to do his homework.
During dinner, I acted depressed. "Yami," I said halfway through. I could almost feel him tense up.
"Yes, hikari," he responded.
"I'm sorry if I've been acting a little odd lately. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, and school work has been really frustrating me, and then- never mind." I rested my head on my arms, looking pitiful. Come on, Bakura, take the bait.
"What?" Score!
"It's nothing."
"Ryou, you can tell me."
"Do you think anyone could ever love me?" I asked. He looked surprised, not expecting that one.
"W-why do you ask?"
"It's just, all my friends are pairing off and I can't help but feel a little...jealous." I force myself to fake cry and wipe away my tears.
"Ryou, I-" I cut him off.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Yami." I got up and put my dish in the sink before heading to my bedroom. I didn't have to work that night so I got a full night's sleep. I changed into my PJ's and fell asleep instantly.
I woke up the next morning to hear Bakura on the phone. As silently as I could, I picked up the phone in my room and listened to his conversation.
"I'm just worried about him," Bakura's voice said.
"He'll be okay," Malik replied.
"He just seems so depressed lately."
"Teenage hormones?" Malik offered pitifully.
"Not funny."
"I know, but you just have to let him get over it on his own. He'll find love eventually."
"I think he thinks he already has," Bakura replied seriously.
"In who?" Malik asked inquisitively. "Maybe we could try to set them up."
"Me," Bakura replied. I could almost see Malik gaping in shock. I hung up the phone, grinning to myself. The trap was set.