No, I didn't discontinue this. Alright, here's chapter 7. Read and review!! ::bows:: Arigatou.

Standard Disclaimer Applied: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho!!


Youko went balled-eyed at the sight in front of him. Glaring at Hiei, he planted his hands on his hips. "What are you doing here anyways, Hiei-kun?!" he clenched slowly, though it still came out in a snarl. Hiei spared him one look at the corner of his eyes before turning back to the table.

"I just wanted to get some sweet snow, thank you very much," he replied, taking another bite. He closed his eyes, chewing thoughtfully. "And besides, it would be nice to get one last desert before our mission."

Botan raise a mysterious brow. Youko didn't tell her about this. "What mission are you talking about, Hiei-kun?"

Hiei opened his mouth to replied but before anything came out, Youko suddenly pounce on him, squeezing his mouth shut (very tightly) his hand. In the process, Hiei growled and instinctively thrust out of his grasp, only to have his bowl of sweet snow thrown up and come spilling down…

…all over Youko's head.

Boatn gasped in surprise as Youko let go of Hiei, a cold liquid seeping down his neck. Hiei mouth opened in shock.

"My sweet snow!!"

((a/n: May we all have a moment of silence for the poor sweet snow? ……Thank you. Now lets continues on.))

Growling, Youko roughly shook and cold mess in his head. The liquid of it flionged and splatter all over the place as Botan yelped and held her hands up to block any from going into her eyes. "Youko-kun, stop it!"


Night was descending fast as the building started to quiet down a bit, relaxing more into a more happier, lighter atmosphere. All of the people in the halls all smiled and laughed together, sharing stories and fond memories of their past or previous events. Everything was just so…




"I said I'm FINE! I want OUT! I WANT OUT NOW!!"

The whole entire hospital stopped whatever they were doing and all gazed at the direction the noise had came from. They all blinked. Once. Twice. Then again. Suddenly, an announcement went on the loud speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that outburst was just Botan again. You may all return as you were."

Sighs of understanding were heard throughout the place.

Is was just that blue-haired girl...again.

Botan was mad. No, probably beyond mad but she did tried not to show it. Sitting crossed-legged on her bed she glared at the wall.

They won't let her leave.

True she was almost raped, yes she was still scared and of course she wanted help but being stuck in a hospital with NOTHING to do whatsoever and having to see a consular ("We must get you to think that not all guys are like him") was way too boring in her mind. Plus: she wasn't permitted to have any visitors except for family members.

Which mostly meant her mother and Kurama-san. Groaning again, she fell back onto her bed as the door to her room opened and in came in her own private nurse, Katou Hiro.

Walking in with a smile, Katou brough in a tray with a bowl of ice cream. "Hello, Botan-san! I thought that this might cheer you up!" he greeted cheerfully. True some of the nurses were starting to get agitated with the girl since she always says that she never needs their help (politely, of course) and always prefer to do things on her own (ignoring the fact that the reason why they have nurses is because they are there to help you), but he was quite attractive to the girl. She was probably 3 or 4 years younger than himself but he didn't seemed to care ay all. He liked her for being indepenant and strong.

Botan picked up her head and managed a smile at Katou. "Thank you, Katou-san demo I am not hungry right now."

"I see," he replied, slightly hurt. But he quickly recovered. "Is there anything you do want?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed suddenly that it surprised him a bit, even after getting used to her outburst. "I want to get out of here!"

Katou frowned slightly. "But Botan--san, you've only been here for one and a half days."

"And that's why we are here to bust you out of this joint."

Both heads whirled around towards the window where Youko stood by proudly wit a smirk and Hiei, who was currently climbing in. Botan beamed. Katou frown deepened.

"Oi! Youko-kun! Hiei-kun!" Botan cheered from where she sat. Katou fumed silently.

"What are you two doing in here?"

Youko walked up to him with his hands on his hips mockingly. "What are YOU doing in here is more like it," eh shot back dully.

Katou face turned red with anger. In the confusion, Hie went up to him and grabbed the sundae from his hands and sat down on Botan's bed to eat it. ( yum!)

"Do you have PERMISSION to be in here?" Katou retaliated back bluntly.

"Oi, do you?" Youko answered back. Katou sweat dropped.

"I work here! And you can't just drop in by the window whenever you feel like it! That's against the rules!"

Youko yawned. "Yeah, whatever. Are you done yet cause I have better things to do with my time then to talk to the likes of you." Crossing his arms, eh looked at him plainly. "Now may you leave? There's something t hat I must disgust with Botan-chan."

He was almost about to open his mouth when Botan spoke up. "Thank you for the ice cream, Katou-san. I'll call you if I have any trouble with anything."

Katou turned his gaze towards Botan. "Promise?"


Finally, the nurse sighed in defeat. "If that's what you want, Botan-san…" Talking one last glare at Youko he silently left the room. Youko frowned.

"What a pesky little boy…" He sat down on Botan's bed where she was looking at Hiei eat ice cream. Turniong her head, Botan smiled at Youko.

"It's nice for you to come visit."

"Nice to see that that Katou guy is all over you."

Botan's eyes widened in shock. And she felt the blood running to her cheeks. "W-what?!"

Youko frowned slightly and shook his head. "Nothing. It's nothing."


Finally the day came where they allowed Botan to come home from the hospital much to everyone's happiness (except maybe for Katou). Sighing soundly as she got in her room and hummed a merry tune as she gazed around it. Howe she missed her room! Her bed, her dresser, her everything! Being in the hospital was too boring for her anyways. Hoping up, she plopped down on her bed blissfully, lying down on her pillows and hugging her stuff animals lying randomly on the bed. Home was great.

A knock was at her door suddenly and she sat up with a smile. "Who is it?"

"Youko. Can I come in?"

Blinking, she said yes, wondering what this was about. For all the time she'd known the boy, he'd NEVER used the front door--ever! Except when he'd first coem over she house but that was it. This was new…

Opening the door, Youko silently closed it from behind him, a visible frown on his flawless features. Botan giggled, use to seeing him so unhappy' and decided to try to perk him up withy her 'happy mode'.

"It's so nice to see you, Youko-kun! Wow, you actually didn't use my windlw! What a treat!"

The expression on his face didn't change, if not got more angst. Frownuing and growing worried, she beckoned him to sit down next to her. "What's wrong? What happened? Did anything happened to your mom or--"

"We have a problem."

It wasn't his normal, laid-back tone. His voice was cold and harsh, falt with no emotions except for hate. He mouth opened slightly to see if she dared to talk, closed and opened again. Getting up from her bed, she walked cautiously to him. "What is it, Youko-kun? What's wrong? You can tell me."

Taking a deep breath, he looked at her floor. "'m going to heb gone fro a while. A long while actually."

She was baffled and shock, yet still seemed utterly clueless. "Huh?"

"Hiei," he began, suddenly looking up at her. "You remember Hiei, ne?"

"Of course…"

"He's not a human. He's a demon."

Botan looked at him as though he'd just innocence that he was gay. "I don't understand," she chocked out. "ARe you in danger?"

Shaking his head, Youko sighed miserably. "Iie. Hiei is on our side. And he is also from the demon world--Maikai--"

"I thought that that was a made up place!" Botan agrued bluntly, not liing the way this is going. "It's not real!"

"It is," he snarled slightly that made was back up a bit in shock. "Maikai IS real. And there has been a problem. Hiei has requested me to go help him with this 'problem' or else Maikai shall cease to exist."

Tears started to grow in her eyes but she held her ground anyways, placing her fists in front of her and looking his strait in the eye. "I don't belive you! You're making this up! What kind of a cruel joke is this?!" Before he can respond, she shook her head violent around. "And even if it is true, why do you have to go to Maikai? You'll get KILLED! This is a wrodl filled wioith demons and killers! You'll get hurt! What can be so important that you have to go?!"

Youko's eyes narrowed with a spark of hatred and anger in them. He looked away from her.

"Maikai is going to have a war."

Botan eyes widened, tears springing out. The demon world is going to war? Why would that effect them in Ningenkai? What was he saying? "I--I don't understand."

Youko golden gaze suddenly softened. Botan always was the gullible one. He could go without telling her first, could he?

No. She would KILL him if he did.

Taking in a deep breath, he made up his mind. Abruptly he bend down and covered his lips with hers in a quick kiss. Her lips were soft and warm he realized but he suddenly felt her gasped against him. Instantly, before she can respond, he pulled away with his hands on her shoulders, his eyes back to their intense, hot gazes.

"Botan-chan, listen."

Just listen…

"I'm going to war with Hiei."

Don't listen.


Alright, all done!! Thank you to the follow who review that last chapter!! You are all are the best!!

Shy-Lil-Dreamer: Lol. Everyone loves ice cream!! ::giggles:: hope you like this chapter.

Inuloverfreak14: It was fun to use it!! ::smiles:: Thank you for the idea again!! It was awesome!! Actually, it was your idea that inspired me in this chappie!!

Lady of Roses: Here's the next chapter, hope you liked it!! I hope that your question was answered also.

Whitedragoness: I'm glad you liked it! And I hope that you enjoyed this chapter as well. Hiei is cool, isn't he?

yen-chan-27: Yeah!! I'm glad you're happy!! ::reads review:: Thank you! And I guess I have to start updating more often now since I have no more school! ::starts writing next chapter:: I hope now we all know what part Hiei plays!

KitsuneGirl: Here you go, I updated! Hm…::read review:: Sweet snow!! ::holds up cone:: Yummy!! ::continues to read:: Ohhh…ouchy, a brain freeze? Hope you feeling better!!

Shygurl: Yeah! Thank you!! Y/K/B are so cute, ne?

midnight pysch: I'm sooooo glad you like it! And hoep you like this chapter! And your review was NOT lame!! I was honor for you to review my story! J

John Cena's Basketball Star: I'm glad you read it too! I hope you enjoyed it!!

Insaneoveranime: I'm glad you like it! It's is cute, ne? I just think that Y/B or K/B are the greatest couple! .I ope that you enjoyed this chapter.

shy dreamer: Awww…we can't blame Hiei now, can we? ::giggles::

Mariok: I'm glad! Hoep you lied this chappie!

Nameless: You really think so? Thank you. I'm honored that you reviewed!

sweet lady: I'm glad you did.

yami-yugi: I'm glad you liked it.

: I like sweet snow too! Hope you liked this chapter.

Darkchick: I agree. I'm glad you though it was funny. . Hope that you had enjoyed this chapter.

Lovely white: ::blushes:: I'm not worthy! Hope you enjoyed this wittle chappie.

Alright, dear. Now it's time to review again!!

ALL RIGHT! 18! New record!! ::dances around room:: YEAH! ::Happy happy:: I lloove you all!! And as a reward…whoever comes up with an idea that they would like to see happen, I'll put it up!! So review and tell me what you want and it will happen!
