Hiya minna-san! lol. This is very...new since i just started this but i LOVE k.b!!! This was one of my old storys but I never asked anyone to read it! So anyways...

Yu Yu Hakusho does NOT belong to me!!! ::cries...: and neither does anyone esle in this fic except for a few maded up characters! All of this belongs to... Yoshihiro Togashi-sama!!! Okay, anyone still there? Lets get on with it!!! And as always, PLEASE REVIEW!!!

on with it!

Chapter 1: Childhood...Enemies!

"Mommy, I don't want to go visit the new neighbors!" a little girl with pale blue hair complained as her mom place on her coat for her as her mother wrestled her into her jacket. Her mother smiled warmly at her only child and let out a light laugh as her daughter pouted in mock misery.

"Botan, honey, I already told you. We should welcome them here with open arms. They are coming from someplace really far away. And besides," her mother added mysteriously, "I heard that they have a child about your age."

At this, 7-year-old Botan instantly brightened up. She loved the idea of new friends, being the hyper, bubbly, active girl she was. "Really, mama? A boy or a girl?"

"We'll see," was her mother's only reply as she hastily placed on her own coat and ushered Botan to the door. "Now come on. Time to go."

As they reached the driveway, Botan's mom suddenly stopped brutally. "Oh, no! I forgot the cake!" And with that her mom went running back into the house. Botan sighed in embarrestment.

"Mommy is always so forgetful!"

"I don't see why we had to move here," a little boy with pale silver hair complained as he ran down the stairs to his mom. "This place is disgusting."

"Kurama!" his mother exclaimed strictly as her son came over to her and sat down at one of the cahirs present inn the room. "That attitude has grounded all over it young man."

"I don't see why we had to move though. It wasn't my fault that that lame school got me expelled."

"You got into a fight with a boy," his mother reasoned as she beckoned him to come to her. When he did, she picked him up and settled him on her lap.

Kurama pouted. "He was making fun of me," he retaliated.

"You argued with your teachers."

"They wouldn't pay any attention to me."

"You threw stuff at your classmates. "

"They all called me dumb!"

"You hit your principle!"

"He made me do homework!"

His mother sighed and ran her fingers threw her son's hair. "I know it's hard, Kurama, since your father died and all but I do really think that this move will be good for us. The both of us."

Kurama's golden eyes softened at the gentleness of his mom's voice. His mother was the world to him ever since his father die and he'd protected her and looked out for her all of his life. And the last thing he wanted was to make his mom sad.

"Okay, mommy."

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Oh! Those must be our new neighbors!" Kurama mother cried as she placed Kurama down and got up. "I forgot that they were coming today!" She grabbed Kurama's hand as she dragged him to the door and opened it.

"Mommy? Want new neighbors?" Kurama asked nervously as he watched his mom opened the front door. On the other side was two girls: one about his age and one about his mom's age.

The older woman had light blue hair and a warm smile. She had pale pink eyes and seemed very excited. In her hands she had a plate, covered with a bowl.

Next to her was the girl his age. She, like her mother, had blue hair a little below her shoulders. She had pale purple eyes but didn't look as excited as her mother. Her hands were behind her back as she looked on, confused.

Botan's mom came back outside with the cake in her hands. Afterwards, the two walked over next door and up the steps. Botan watched with anious eyes as her mom ranged the doorbell. Their was a short silence when someone opened the door. A woman about her mom's age and a little boy.

The lady was tall with long black hair and warm brown eyes. She seemed a little embarrassed but happy nonetheless. Her ahir was pulled back and she smiled brightly.

The other was a little boy. Unlike his mom, he had gold eyes and short silver hair. Plus he didn't look as happy as his mom. In fact, he looked solemn.

A boy?! He's a boy!

She's a girl!

"Hello! It's nice to finally meet you! I'm Suzuki Yui and this," her mom beckoned to Botan, "is my daughter, Botan. We live in the blue house next to you," Botan's mom introduced, merrily. Kurama's mom seemed just as happy.

"I'm Youko Shiori and this is my son, Kurama." She stood aside to gain entranced to the two. "Please, come in."

Yui and Botan stepped in the house as the two grown-ups shook hands.

"This is for you," Yui offered, handing Shiori the cake. "From me and Botan."

Shiori smiled widened. "Thank you so much, Yui-san. You really shouldn't have" She turned to Kurama. "Why don't you take Botan and got play nicely, Kurama?"

"But mom…!" Kurama started but his mom gave him a "warning look". He sighed whitewashed. "Fine," he mumbled as he walked about. Botan blinked and looked on at him, not sure what to do. Kurama sensed that she wasn't moving and turned around, slightly irked.

"Are you coming or not?"

Botan nodded slowly and cautiously followed him out of the room.

What an attitude! She observed. This boy has no manners at all!

Kurama wakled down the hallway and stopped at a door, opening it. He looked back at Botan.

"This is my room," He explain as he stepped in. "Come on in if you want."

Botan smiled nervously as she walked in. Then her eyes widned and she gasped. Kurama looked at she weirdly.

What wrong with this girl now?

What surprised Botan wasn't the big screen TV in his room, or the DVD, vcd and audio collection he had or even game systems and and toys this boy had but it was something else--more shocking. She looked at him and pointed an accusing finger at the baffled boy. "Your room is next to mines!" she cried out, horridly.

Sure enough, the two kids' room were next to each other's. Kurama blanch.

"Oh great! My room is nice to the big mouth!"

Botan huffed as her face reddened in angry. "Who are you calling "big outh", jerk!"

Kurama got into her face and smirked.

"You, big mouth."


"Big mouth!"




The two glared at each other when suddenly, a voice came from down the hall.

"Botan, sweetie! Time to go!"

Kurama smirk widened as he heard this. "See ya later, Big Mouth!"

Botan growled as her face reddened more.

"You are the biggest…!"

Suddenly the two moms appeared at the door, a little curious and a little interested.

"How's it going in here?" Shiori smile at Kurama. Kurama forced a fake smile to his mom and chuckled.

"Fine, just fine."

"What about you, Botan?"

"Great! Never better!" the little girl lied. The two moms smiles got bigger.

"That's great, you two!" Yui replied. "Me and Ms. Youko had a great time to!"
Shiori nodded, grinning ear to ear. "Now that all of us are friends, we can see much more of each other!"

Botan's and Kurama's smiles dropped as they gawked at each other, mouths opened wide.What have I done?!


Botan looked at Youko in horror. Youko did the same thing. Then the two noticed their moms giving them the "look" and forced a smile.

I'll make your life...

...a living hell!

No da! And they will! I'll make sure of it!!! Bwuahahahah ::ahem:: Should I...?

Next chapter: Botan and Youko has been driving eachother CRAZY over the years but when Botan gets mixed up with the wrong boy, how will Kurama ask? And what if shes attempted rape and...suicide?