Disclaimer: ARGH!!!! OMG!! I do not own Charmed...now I'm gonna cry...actually I'm laughing my ass off, cause I'm sooooo taking over the set soon...just haven't figured out when!

JULY 2003:

"Congratulations Mr Gordon and Miss Halliwell, you have a healthy baby girl."

Piper smiled, her smile stretched from ear to ear...after nine months of pain, and nausea she had finally given birth to a beautiful little girl.

"She's perfect honey, looks just like you," Dan whispered to Piper, as the midwife handed the infant to the tired, but very happy mother, and then kissed both mother and baby.

Piper smiled at that comment, but when she looked closer, Piper realised that her worst fear was true...she didn't look like Dan; not at all...she looked more like Leo...

'SHIT' Piper thought, 'You bloody idiot, you have a one night stand with your ex and get pregnant!'

"Do you have a name for her?" The midwife asked after a while.

Piper looked into Dan's eyes and he nodded, telling her to speak.

"Charlotte Melinda Halliwell." Piper said smiling.

"It's a beautiful name." The midwife said nodding.

"I love you," Dan told Piper after the midwife had left.

"I love you too."

5 years(ish) later

"You sure you okay to look after her?" Piper asked Leo.


Piper was amazed...Leo had known Charlie for 5 years, but still had no clue that she was his daughter. It was a good thing she supposed...other wise she'd have a right dilemma on her hands...Dan or Leo...

"Mommy, where you go?" Charlie asked her mother, as she clung to her mother's hand.

"Charlie, we've already gone through this; I'm going to have dinner with Daddy, I'm meeting him at the restaurant. We'll be back later...Now, you be a good girl for Leo..."

"I always is!" Charlie exclaimed, grinning.

"It's am honey."

"That's what I said..." Charlie replied, and then furrowed her brows in thought.

"She's right Piper, always an angel..." Leo said, picking Charlie up so that Piper could make a get away.

"'s good to know!" Piper shouted as she ran to the car, secretly thinking, 'Wonder who she takes after there...'

A couple of hours later Piper and Dan returned to find Charlotte and Leo sitting on the couch, playing with Charlotte's dolls.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, as she ran to her 'father', Dan had been working all day, so this was the first time she'd seen him today.

"Hey sweetie," He said kissing her forehead.

"Thanks for watching her Leo. Hope she wasn't too much trouble."

"Of course not, an angel just as always, right Charlie?" He gained a vigorous nod from the five year old with that.

The adults just laughed. Leo looked around the room, and then his eyes fell upon the grandfather clock on the wall.

"I better be going then." Leo finally said. But before he even moved he had a five year old flinging herself at him.

"Do you gotta go?" Charlie asked looking into Leo's eyes.

Piper's heart broke, she really did hate seeing them having fun and being so close without knowing...one day she'd probably just burst...but until that day, she'd keep it to herself and watch them live their lives.

"I'm sorry Charlie, but I do...I'll see you soon though, okay?" Leo said, crouching down, so that he was looking into her eyes. Charlie looked very thoughtful for a moment, but then nodded as she wrapped her small arms around Leo.

"I had lots of fun tonight," Leo whispered as he peeled Charlie off of him, "Look forward to next time." Leo said with a wink.

Charlie smiled, as her parents thanked Leo again, and said goodbye.

"So, you had fun baby?" Piper asked as Charlie jumped into her arms.

"Yeah, lots and lots...did you and Daddy have fun too?" Piper couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter.

"Yes...now, you hurry upstairs and Daddy and I will be up in a minute to say good night."

Piper turned Dan, as Charlie scampered up the stairs.

"You want to have some more fun after she's in bed?" Dan asked slyly.

"Dan..." but before she could finish the sentence he'd wrapped he's arms around her, and started kissing her neck. "Dan," Piper murmured, "Not now..."

When they arrived in Charlie's room, she was bouncing on her bed humming the 'Barney' theme tune.

"And what do you think you're doing young lady?" Dan asked her, just joking around, of course.

"Uh...n...nothing...," Charlie said, going slightly red as she sat down on her bed with a bounce.

"Oh...it's okay munchkin, Daddy was just joking," Piper said softly, kneeling in front of her young daughter who looked like she was about to cry.

"Y...you sure?" Charlie asked as she fell into her mother's arms.

"Positive." She replied.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to make you upset," Dan said.

"'s k." Charlie sniffled.

"Now, why don't you get under these warm covers," Piper tried coaxing Charlie into getting into bed.

Piper held back the covers, as Charlie crawled underneath them.

"Night night, Charlie." Dan whispered to his 'daughter', kissing her forehead, before leaving the room.

"Love you baby," Piper said softly, tucking Charlie in.

"I love you too Mommy." Charlie replied sleepily.

Piper kissed Charlie goodnight, and then walked over to the door.

"Night night." Piper said flicking the light switch.

"Night...Mommy...can you leave the door open. I don't like the dark..."

"Of course." Piper said smiling as she turned back to see her daughter enter dreamland.

Hope y'all liked it...OMG!!!!! I can not believe that I wrote a Piper/Mr 'I can fry chips in my hair' scene...EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Ew...ewww....ewww......Next chapter, they're soooo going to have to fight! ARGH! this quick edit thing is a right pain...it took out my asterixs and lil' wavy lines!! NOT FAIR!