
A large female cat lays painfully in the mist of a dark alley. She's in labour. She struggles through her pregnancy for the life of her and her unborn babies. A long hour later the female cat single-handedly gave birth to eight tiny kittens. Three had unfortunately passed on due to complications during the birth. Therefore there remained five kittens, four were perfectly healthy and one runt. The runt was extremely small in size which caused it to be extremely weak, barely able to suckle milk from her mother. Her mother seemed to care for this kitten especial and did her best to help her survive.

The runt had been the most appealing kitten due to her adorable size and difference in eye color. One eye being an obscure blue and the other a dark forest green. The kitten grew to have supple fur in a nice shade of black. The other four kittens had their own desirable attributes as well but she stood out. Also being the only kitten that had resembled her mother. The other four either had a light grey coat or completely white, inherited by their father.

Though these kittens had possessed a certain beauty they would not be acknowledge be man kind due to the simple fact that they had lived on the street, not pure breed. Common people would much prefer to buy animals that came form stores. Thinking a cat that came from the alley must be either dirty or infected. But all of this pettiness did not bother the kitten and her family. They were perfectly content with their lives having each other to depend on.

Several weeks had past since the trouble some birth and the kittens had grown quite big and were able to move on their own. They were adventurous and seemed to find trouble were ever they went, keeping their mother on her toes at all times. Their mother was extremely protective and would do anything for the life of her kittens. The runt was still an abnormally small size but she stayed close to her mother the majority of the time.

One evening the kittens had been playing around the alley in which they had been born into. They were running around, jumping, in general having a great time. One of the kittens decided to wonder out of the secure alley in the streets. Their mother and the other kittens quickly followed suit. The one grey kitten easily separated from them in the confusion of the side walk as the people passing overlooking the fact that there was a small kitten below them.

The poor lost kitten found his way to the middle of the road. The stampeding people cleared the way enabling the mother cat to see her kitten helplessly wanders in to the crazed streets. With out a thought the mother rushed into the streets unsure of anyway to save her baby, only knowing that she just couldn't stand and watch. She arrived and quickly grabbed her kitten by the back of his neck. The other kittens watched in a fright as their mother and her baby tried their very best to dodge speeding cars. The mother had no escape. While trying to doge one car she found she was in the way of another, this caused her to move around frantically and she was beginning to tire.

She suddenly lost balance and stumbled her baby flew out of her mother she froze as a car passed over the kitten, the tires barely missing him. His mother failed to notice a car heading straight towards her. Once she realized her kitten was safe she relaxed and turned to her side to see the car rushing towards her seconds before it ploughed on top of her all the kittens could do was stared, as the car easily trampled of her frail body. The small kitten ran to his mother. Without noticing or feeling any pain from impact another car trampled over him as well.

They four living kittens stare from the side walk as the watched their family vanishing from them. The smallest one almost ran into the street not wanting to believe what her eyes presented before her. Her three remain brothers and sisters ran away back into the alley all heading in different directions. The small kitten felt empty and alone as she began to walk along the side walk slowly, not heading in any particular direction just trying to make sense of what she had witnessed a while ago. She wanted her mother back she wanted to see her eccentric brother running through that alley as he use to before. She wanted to go back to a couple hours before she knew that there was a different world besides that alley that they lived in, an unkind world, and a dangerous one. The poor kitten walked into a central park.