Thank you for all of your reviews i was about to stop the story but im still going to continue it thanks to all of your reviews I dont own sailor moon!


There lips were almost touching when Darien thought about what he was about to do 'what are you about to do Dar?Are you crazy?You can't just kiss her that would push her more away from you.'

" since we are already here and it dosn't look like Mina and Andrew are coming back anytime soon do you want to go get icecream or something?"Darien asked as he took a step back from her.

"I guess so...."Serena smiled slightly.'Why was he about to kiss me then move away?Why is he acting so nice?I wanted him to kiss me but why.....?'

There was a long silence as they walked to the icecream shop,both of them thinking about the kiss that almost happened.The silence lasted until they came to the icecream shop.

"Serena what kind of icecream do you want?My treat."Darien offered.

"No Darien I couldn't."

"Don't worry about it.What icecream would you like?"Darien looked at her questionably.

"Mint chocolate chip double scoop!"Darien looked at her wide eyed,noded and laughed.

"What's so funny?"She asked getting annoyed.

"Nothing."Darien stated plainly.

Darien orded chocolate and Serena mint chocolate chip.After they ate their icecream they went for a walk in the park.Darein told Serena about how he had no parents and about his childhood life.

"Darien I'm so sorry."She looked at him sadly.

"I don't need your pity."

"I don't pity you I just think no one should have to be without parents."She watched his eyes sadden.

Darien not wanting anymore of her sympathy said "Serena, it's getting late let me walk you home."

He walked Serena home and when they got to her door she surprisingly kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you for a wonderful day.Bye Darien."

Darien blushed "Bye." 'I should do this more often.'

Serena rushed into her house and fell on her bed and was thinking about the kiss she gave Darien.She sighed. 'He so cute but.....hes mean a lot more than he's nice.' The phone rang and Serena picked it up.


"Hey Serena its Raye.So how was your day?"

"It was ok I guess."

"What did you do?"Raye asked wanting to know more about what happened between her and Darien.

"Well I sorta hung out with Darien,and he was really nice!"

"So you really liked hanging out with HIM?"She asked trying to gather more infomation for their plan.

"Yeah.......and guess what we almost kissed!"

"You did!?Wow thats great!" 'I have a lot to tell the others now!'Raye thought.

"I kissed him on the cheek!Tomorrow I think I'm going to bake him some cookies and bring them to his apartment.If you know the directions to his place can you give them to me?"Serena wrote down the directions as Raye gave them to her.

"Thanks Raye,see you later."

As Raye hung she thought 'Part of plan is done she already likes him and I think Darien likes her too.They need to admit their feelings to eachother now.I can't wait till the rest of them hear this.Are plan is really working!'

Serena took a quick shower and went straight to bed so she could wake up early to see him.While she slept she thought of Darien all night long.

BEEP!BEEP! The alarm woke Serena up and she went straight to the kitchen.She got out the already made chocolate chip cookie dough(AN:seeing how she can't cook all that well)After she baked the cookies she took them out 'A little burnt but its the thought that counts right?'she thought.She took out the paper that she wrote the directions on and headed out the door with the cookies and directions in her hand.

She arrived at the big apartment complex building and went inside.She went to room 505 and knocked.No one answed.She knocked again still no answer.So she went inside,then she heard some nosies coming from a room with the door closed.She opened the door and her eyes went big eyed she saw.......


I promise i will update very soon thansk for the reviews much appreciated!Oh i told all of you i would be updating in a week well i was bored lol so i updated the next day well good bye for now.REVIEW PLEASE!