Disclaimer: I OWN THE NINJA TURTLES! (L.G. glances at horde of lawyers coming toward her.) Ok, I don't! I don't!! AHH!!


A/N: Okay people, we're at the end of the line! I wanted to make twenty chapters, but then I'll forget what I was gonna write, so this is the last chapter for CatAstrophy. Hope you enjoy it. This will be an extra long chapter, because I suck at endings and I have to wrap everything up.


Casey stumbled out of the tunnel into the huge empty room. "Uh...hello? Hello? If there's any bad Foot people hiding here, can you come out now?"

Inside the tunnel all three turtles groaned and shook their heads. "Where would they hide if they were in there, anyway?" Mikey pointed out.

Leo nodded. He had a point. The room was totally empty, save for the doors going all the way around it.

In the middle of the room, Casey turned all the way around, and finding nothing, turned back to the tunnel. "Hey guys, there's nobody here, can we find April now?"

Mikey and Raph looked at Leo, who nodded. The three brothers cautiously made their way out of the tunnel, making sure their weapons were drawn.

"You guys look like chipmunks, checking to see if it's clear!" Casey laughed. He was immediately shoved up against a wall, a sai at his throat.

"Never compare me to a rodent." Raph growled, then let Casey go. Casey just smirked, knowing Raph would never hurt him.

They all stood together in the middle of the room. "So...what now?" Casey asked. Everyone looked to Leo.

Leo sighed. "I don't know...exactly. Hang on..." Leo quickly fished his shell cell out of his belt and pressed the speed dial for Donnie's phone.



"Leo! Is everything okay?"

Leo shook his head. Sometimes Don could be just as protective as he could.

"Everything's fine, Don. We're in the warehouse, or whatever it is we're in. We're in a big round empty room, with doors going all the way around. We were wondering if you knew which one April was in?"

"Hang on." There was a pause, and the sound of a keyboard being typed on.

"Okay," Donnie's voice came back, "Is there a tunnel to your right?"

Leo looked to his right. There was the tunnel he had come in through. "Yes."

"From the tunnel, go four doors down to the left. She should be in there."

"Thanks Don."

"No problem."

Leonardo hung up his cell, and turned to Casey and his brothers. "Left, four doors down from the tunnel."

The four of them immediately ran to the designated door, and Mikey tried the handle. "It's locked." He said dejectedly.

"No kidding, Sherlock," Raph said. "Shredder can't just have his prisoners walk right out and tell us what he's doing, right?"

Mikey thought about this. "Nah, guess not." Raph shook his head, and stepped back from the door.

Leo drew one of his katanas and raised it above his head, meaning to slash the doorknob off. But Casey beat him to it, beating at the door repeatedly with his hockey stick. "Come on you stupid door, open!"

"Casey..." Mikey said, slightly amused. "That's not gonna work."

Casey paid no attention to him and continued beating on the door with his hockey stick.

"Casey?" Came a familiar voice behind the door. "That's you, right?"

"Yeah, babe, it's me."

There was a pause, then, "Don't call me babe!"

Mikey, Raph and Leo were all having a silent laughing fit behind Casey.

"I'm here too April!" Mikey said happily, when he was done laughing. "Don't forget the cute one! OW!" He said, as Raph bapped him upside the head.

"Casey, just move," Leo said patiently. Casey heard him this time, and moved out of the way. Leo slashed the knob off with his sword, and the door swung open. April rushed out and hugged each of them.

"Thanks guys," she said. Suddenly her eyes widened.

Worried, Mikey stepped forward. "April, what?"

April just pointed behind him. All four boys turned, and their eyes widened in shock as well.

Behind them, the room was totally filled with Foot ninjas- the whole Foot clan- with Shredder standing right in front of them. Leo narrowed his eyes. Garron was standing next to the Shredder looking slightly nervous.

Raph growled. "I knew you were up to no good!" He shouted at Garron. "You were lying the whole time!" Garron said nothing, just looked at his shoes.

Leo turned to April and Casey. "Casey," he said, "You and April go into that room she was just in. Hold the door shut for as long as you can, and keep April safe."

Casey nodded. "You got it Leo," he said, and gently pulled April to the door with the broken doorknob.

Leo drew his other katana, and heard his brothers do the same with their weapons. They all moved into their fighting stances.

"Foot." Said Shredder, staring directly at Leo. "Attack."

With the single word, the entire sea of black surged forward. Raph took five at a time on the right, Mikey on the left. Leo did the same in the middle, never taking his eyes off the Shredder, who had retreated to the back to watch the fight, Garron beside him.

Soon half the Foot were either dead or unconscious, but there was a whole other half and the turtles were getting very tired. Leo frowned. Garron had jumped into the fray five minutes ago, slashing Mikey's arm, but not enough so he couldn't still fight. And the Elite hadn't even shown up yet. Leo started to become very worried about the safety of his brothers.

"Foot." Came Shredder's voice again. "Stand down."

All the ninjas immediately stopped fighting and backed away from the turtles, including Garron.

Shredder stepped forward again. He held something in his hand. Something shiny. Mikey squinted at it from across the room. Suddenly his eyes widened. Shredder had all four stones in his hand.

"How did you know where to find them?" Leo asked calmly.

Shredder cackled evilly as only evil people can cackle. He pointed to Garron. "Garron here was nice enough to tell me how to find them. He led me right to them."

Leo glanced at Raph, who was looking like he wanted to rip Garron's throat out. Usually Leo would have told him to back off, but he said nothing. He wanted to rip Garron's throat out too.

Mikey looked extremely upset. He had trusted Garron, and now it looked as if Garron had betrayed them.

Shredder grinned under his mask, and pointed straight at Leo. "Garron. Attack."

Garron leapt forward and a sword appeared out of nowhere into his hand.

Leo was ready and jumped at Garron with the same force. Mikey and Raph looked on in shock as their brother fought as he had never fought before.

Shredder did nothing, just stood there and watched the fight take place.

Mikey and Raph both cringed as Leo crashed to the floor onto his shell, breathing hard. He didn't get up, just lay there panting, katana still in hand.

Raph started forward. "Leo....?"

"Do not take one step closer!" Shredder snarled. Raph growled back but nevertheless froze in place. Mikey looked like he was lost.

"Raph..." he squeaked.

"Just do what he says, Mikey," Raph snarled.

Mikey nodded mutely and started to look around helplessly.

Shredder strode over to where Leo lay and raised his spiked fist. Leo just lay there, glaring daggers at the Shredder.

Shredder raised his spiked fist higher, and-


Just as Shredder's fist came down, Garron leapt between Shredder and Leo and took the killing blow.

Shredder turned to look where Garron had fallen. Raph took this opportunity and quickly running forward, jammed his sai into the back of the Shredder's unprotected neck and into his brain.

Shredder fell to his knees and then limply thumped to the floor. Mikey and Raph both ran over to Leo, who was starting to sit up.

"Leo! Leo? You okay man?" Mikey asked. Leo shook his head to clear it a few times, then nodded.

Raph let out a sigh of relief. He got up and went to where Garron lay. "Man....what was with this guy?" he wondered out loud. Up until death, Garron had always been strange.

Mikey finished making sure Leo wasn't seriously hurt, then sat back on his heels. "I guess Raph got rid of the Shredder for ya, huh Leo?"

Leo smiled weakly. "Yes, Mike, I guess he did."

They were interrupted however, by Raph's shout, "What the shell!?"

Leo and Mikey rushed over to where Raph stood fixated on Garron's body. It was disappearing.

All three turtles stood with their mouths open until Garron's body was totally gone.

Mikey was in shock. "How the...how'd he do that??"

Raph and Leo didn't say anything. Suddenly Leo frowned. In Garron's place was something. Four somethings.

Leo bent down. It was the stones! He scooped them up and put them in his belt while Raph went and retrieved Casey and April from the room.

"Whoa..." Casey said as he observed Shredder's dead body. "Sorry I missed this."

Raph shook his head grimly. "No you're not Casey, trust me."

Casey shrugged. "Whatever."

Leo came over and showed his brothers what he had found in Garron's place.

"Awesome!" Mikey said. "And now Shredder's dead, we won't have to worry about him. But what the shell was with Garron?"

Leo shook his head. "I guess we'll never know, Mikey. He's gone, and we can't ask him."

Mikey scratched his head. "Yeah, I know."

Raph sighed. "Come on guys, let's get back to April's place. You know Splinter's gonna make us train in the morning."

Both of his brothers nodded. Mikey motioned to their human friends. "Come on Casey, April. We're getting outta here."

April and Casey grinned, and followed the turtles out the door.

The next morning, the curator of the Artifacts Museum of New York was surprised with four ancient stones sitting in his coffee cup.


A/N: So there it is, I told you I sucked at endings. I left a bit of a mystery with Garron, you can draw your own conclusions.