Disclaimer- I don't own Kuzco or Pacha they belong to Disney. But I do own Zida! As she is one of my characters, that I created!

Told ya I wouldn't take long to put this Chapter up!

This Chapter is kinda simple, Pacha has managed to widdle down the possibilities of whom the ghost could be down to... Well, you'll just have to read and find out, won't cha?

Hope you enjoy this Chapter, please read and review all!

Pacha sighed heavily as he furrowed his brow, This is hard work, all this researching... What's it been? Two hours? And I still don't have a thing... He sighed once again.

He read over a very old script, it was about Emperor Zen's death, (Emperor Zen is Emperor Azka's father,) he had read it six times so far, each time hoping something helpful or interesting might pop up, but as expected, nothing ever did.

The script read:-

Emperor Zen died of simple old age, he died at the age of 45, his son, Emperor Azka then took over as ruler of Peru.

Although, the Emperor's death was a tragedy, many of the peasants and even some of the nobles were quite thankful of his death... Emperor Zen had killed over, it is believed, twenty thousand peasants, many for what seemed as crimes they obviously did not commit, some were killed just as a cruel enjoyment for the Emperor...

But, the new ruler, Emperor Azka, promises to treat each and every peasant with care, to be in touch with the people and their needs. He promises to go the opposite way from his father's way of ruling, he promises to make this a good country...

"A good country..." Pacha said quietly, as he decided to read the script over one final last time.

Suddenly, he spotted something, "Wait a sec... Twenty thousand deaths? Crimes people did not commit? Cruel enjoyment?"

Pacha was starting to put two and two together, he knew births were currently not registered at this time, but he knew deaths for crimes or anything like that, certainly would be registered!

Pacha jumped to his feet and started to search for any records whatsoever of deaths during Emperor Zen's reign.

"There must be something!" Pacha cried desperately as he started to throw books and old scripts to the ground, seriously not caring what condition they were in or what.

Then he found it... A record of all the deaths during Emperor Zen's reign...

He slowly and gently opened it, twenty thousand deaths? He could believe it! This thing was huge!! There were pages and page filled with different names of people who had been sentenced too death.

Just at that moment, Zida burst into the library, "Anything new?" she questioned curiously, but secretly hiding the fact she was so desperate to find out what on earth was going on, and who the hell was doing this to Kuzco!

"Yup, I think I've figured it out," Pacha nodded, not taking his eyes off the page for a second.

Zida's face immediately brightened up, "Great! Who is it that's doing this? Is it Emperor Zen?"

Pacha shook his head, "No, I don't think it is the Emperor... I think it might be a peasant, trying to gain revenge for an unfair death..."

Zida nodded as she listened attentively, "I understand, so how many people are believed to be guilty for this?"

"Over twenty thousand..." Pacha replied, but with such a simple and casual voice.

"TWENTY THOUSAND!!!" Zida cried in disbelief, her eyes so wide they might even fall out!

Pacha nodded, still reading over every single name and why they were sentenced to death.

"OH MY GAWD!!!" she paused as she tried to calm herself down, she had started to hyperventilate and was trying to slow down her breathing, "Okay... So, you're telling me... There are twenty thousand possibilities?"

Pacha nodded, "Yup!"

"Well, how are we supposed to know which one is the ghost out of all that!?!" Zida questioned loudly, furious at the fact Pacha was acting so calm and casual about this.

"Well, I guess we could read over every single name, how they died and why they died, like I'm doing..." Pacha replied, then he suddenly snapped the book shut, making Zida jump in surprise, "Or we could try and talk to this spirit, and somehow manage to coax the name out of it?"

Zida blinked in surprise for a few moments, until a wicked smile passed her face, "I like the way you think Pacha..." then she paused, "B-but, what if it doesn't want to tell us anything?"

"Then we'll make it tell us!" Pacha grinned.

"But, how?" Zida raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"It's simple..." Pacha paused, as he started to lead Zida back up to Kuzco's room, where Kuzco was and the ghost that was haunting him....

Reviewers, please review, thanks!