(Hitomie: Hi!! Thank you so much for all the nice reviews! [Yay!])

(Saharah: Remember now, the more reviews, the more motivated Hitomie will be to write the next chapters!!)

(Hitomie: Yup! Oh yeah, I might not come out with the chapters really fast because of school and stuff [Blah] ... stupid school... It was the weekend when I wrote the other 2 chapters, lol.)

(Saharah: Anyway, We don't own Yugi-oh! On with the story!)


The next morning everyone was downstairs, eating breakfast except for Yami, Yami Bakura and Kaiba. "Hey, do you know what was REALLY weird last night?" Asked Tristin. "Kaiba."
"Yeah, I hit Kaiba on the head with the freezer door and then he was all like 'mommy!' and clinging to my leg!" Said Joey.
"And then he went over and sat on my leg saying to spank Joey, and then started crying!!" Continued Tristin.
"And then I came in and he said I was his grandpa and stuff!" Cried Tea. Yugi, Bakura and Mai looked at them with an I'm-talking-to-an-insane- person kind of look and then slowly backed away into the other room. About two minutes later Yugi's head popped around the corner.
"GET 'EM!!" Shouted Mai. She, Yugi and Bakura jumped at Joey, Tristin and Tea with white cloth-like thingies in there hands. They struggled as they tried to put the three people into the cloth.
When the mess/fight was over, Joey, Tristin and Tea where all strapped up in straight jackets. They all shouted 'what the hell?!' and squirmed around trying to get the straight jackets off. Marik and Yami Marik got up and began to push them toward a conveniently placed closet in the kitchen. "You should quit moving, you can't get out of those things, you will only make them tighten themselves. Believe me, I know." Said Yami Marik will an evil smirk on his lips. They then shoved them into the closet and locked the door shut.


Yugi, Bakura, Mai, Marik and Yami Marik where all sitting back down when Yami came stumbling down the stairs. "Good morning, Yami" Said Yugi with a smile.
"Meh." Replied Yami, wiping sleep out of his eyes.
"Not a morning person, are ya, Yami?" Laughed Joey. Yami glared.
"I don't understand how you can wake up so damn early and be so happy!" Mumbled Yami. He checked the clock hanging over the window. It was noon.
"Here, try this Yami!" Said Yugi, holding up a cup of coffee to Yami. Yami took it and sipped it. Then took a bigger sip. He then guzzled the rest down in 6 seconds flat.
Yami began to twitch. "Meep... meep, meep."
"Uh... are you ok Yami?" Asked Yugi.
"MORE!! MORE COFFEE!" Yelled Yami, holding up Yugi by the collar of his shirt.
"Over... there..." Choked out Yugi. He pointed to the coffee pot on the counter. Yami rushed over to it and drank the whole thing. He ran back over to Yugi.
"Yami... I don't think-"
"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!" Yami shouted into Yugi's ear. Yugi flinched and got up and made more coffee.

-Meanwhile in the closet-

"We. Need. To. Get. Out!" Shouted Joey, pausing in between each word to try to wiggle out of the straight jacket.
"Uh-oh..." Said Tea looking down. The two boys followed her gaze.
"Yuck! What is that?!" Asked Joey. Red stuff slowly started to appear 'down there'.
"Eeeek! My period!" Screeched Tea. Joey and Tristin turned there head away and gagged. Tristin began to bang his head on the closet door.
"Hey! Okay! The joke is over now!! We need out!! We have a leaky Tea in here!!!!" Hollered Tristin.

-Back outside the closet-

Yami Bakura slowly walked down the stairs and sat down at the table. He then slumped down and fell half asleep. He was mumbling something about Kaiba. Yami noticed the Tomb robber's lack of enthusiasm in being awake and ran toward him with the freshly made full pot of coffee. 'Drink!' Is all Yami said and tipped Yami Bakura's chin up and poured the whole pot upside down into Yami Bakura's mouth. You could hear screaming and weird sounding gurgling.

After Yami was done, Yami Bakura glared at him, but his glare was soon replaced by a HUGE bug eyed look. Yami Marik took note of this and didn't want to be part of what was about to happen next, so he walked into the living room and turned on the TV to watch Jerry Springer.

Yami Bakura twitched and began to jump up and down. Yami Bakura and Yami looked at each other and then ran in front of the closet and opened it. Tea came rushing out and crashed into Yami Bakura, making him fall over onto his back. He stuck up both his arms and legs straight into the air. "WeeWooWeeWooWeeWoo" Yami came toward Yami Bakura in zigzags, holding out his arms like he was driving a car. He stopped and plopped down beside Yami Bakura. Yami Bakura sat up quickly and they both got up, stuck out their arms like an air plane and ran into the living room. The whole time this was happening, Marik, Bakura, Yugi, Mai, Joey and Tristin where staring at them wide-eyed. Then they all turned to Yugi and glared.

When they ran into the living room Yami Marik was sitting on the couch staring intently at the TV screen. Yami Bakura ran up and sat beside Yami Marik and Yami sat on the ground, bobbing his head like an Egyptian dancer. Yami Marik didn't even notice him. He was staring at the screen watching girls get 'Jerry Beads'. Yami Bakura slow-ly turned his head toward Yami Marik. Yami Marik looked at him.

"CHOMP!!" Yami Bakura bit into Yami Marik's arm, drawing blood. "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you!?!" Roared Yami Marik. Yami Bakura went into a giggle fit. As if Yami had smelt the blood coming from Yami Marik's arm he turned his head around and jumped up. "WeeWooWeeWooWeeWooWeeWoo" Yami picked up Yami Marik's legs and Yami Bakura took Yami Marik's arms. They lifted him up, took him into the bathroom, dropped him down into the tub and then ran away giggling like little school girls. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Hitomie: Ok! That's the end of this chapter. I would have continued but I have EVERYBODY nagging at me! AHHHH!! The noise! cries)

(Saharah: Yeah... Anyway... What will happen next? What are Yami and Bakura going to do next? Find out! Next chapter!! Oh yeah, Jerry Beads are what you get at the end of Jerry Springer. Girls come up, take off there shirts and dance around and then get a really cheap looking necklace of beads, usually green, lol.)

(Hitomie: Banging head on desk)

(Saharah: o.0;;;)

(-Random Person-: Review please!)

(HitomieSaharah: O.O;;)