Letters from the undead.

Author- Fayth


Pairing- Mostly W/S

Summary- Title is pretty self explanatory

Disclaimer- Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy and that Cute Grr arrgh guy are the real owners, I borrow.

Distribution- Redssoulmates, Breathe, Rapture, liveforme, Bite Me… please, Hellmouth Café, Eternal…literally. Anyone else just ask.

Notes- Takes place after Lovers Walk.


Willow frowned as she stared at the envelope in her hands, who would be writing to her? She didn't know anyone outside Sunnydale except…she smiled thinking the mystery solved, it was obviously her parents. They had left just a few weeks ago, although this was the first time they would have written… ever.

She wondered if they would be surprised at the woman she had grown into. After that whole scary debacle with Spike, she had decided that it was ridiculous to keep both Oz and Xander hanging, so whilst in the basement of the factory she had told Xander that it would never work between them. Then when Oz and Cordy turned up they left it at that, still best friends with a little unresolved tension but nothing that couldn't be fixed in time. She'd broken up with Oz a few days later. He'd been surprised to say the least but she knew that it wasn't love; she'd seen what love was like, thanks to Spike and she wanted that.

After Oz had driven her home that night she'd had a surprise visitor. She'd been sitting on the porch thinking when he'd heard a car pull up. It was a black Desoto, a very familiar car to her. An arrogant, bleached blonde and, above all, sober vampire jumped out and she raced for the house only to halt at his words.

"Wait Red!"

She paused and turned to him "What, do you still want me to do the spell?"

"Nah." He waved his hand "Got a better idea."

"Ok." She gave a hesitant smile "What are you doing?"

"I saw you out here on my way out of town and I thought I'd stop and say thanks."

Her eyes wide with surprise "Why?"

"You were nice, even when I threatened you." He shrugged a shoulder "Figured you were a decent chit."

"Well," she didn't know what to say to that "Uh your wel-" ok telling a Vampire he was welcome when standing in the doorway probably wasn't going to win her any smart points. "No problem."

He grinned as if he knew what she was going to say "Look love, I just wanted to give you a bit of advice okay? Tit for tat and all that. I could smell the wolf boy on you and the drooling moron; I guess you got your own love problems. Don't string them along, it ain't fair on you, not a decent bird like you, you'll be eaten up by the guilt. Choose one and make it stick. If Wolfie ain't giving you what you need ditch him, don't go playing around. Oh and the moron seems to chase whatever ain't available you don't need that."

"Thank you." Willow was honestly touched by his advice "You already helped me." She blurted out

"How's that?" he raised an eyebrow and leaned against the car door

"You and Drusilla? That's love, I want that. I broke up with Xander and I'm gonna do the same to Oz. I wouldn't travel halfway across the world to get him back or do a spell; I don't love him like that."

Spike just nodded as if confirming what he already suspected. "I knew you were the smart one."

"Ok, thanks." They were quiet for a second before Spike tossed another grin at her

"Gotta go, gotta win Dru back."

"How?" Willow asked genuinely interested

"I'm going to torture her until she loves me again."

"Let me know how that turns out for you." Willow smiled at his enthusiasm and waved as he got into the car. "Bye."

"Night Red."

Willow smiled thinking back to that night, a very surreal might in all but one that had made her stand up and decide once and for all what she wanted. She would always appreciate that. Still smiling she opened the letter


You told me to let you know how it turned out for me. Well I've been travelling for while now but I've not reached Brazil yet, hell I'm not even in Mexico yet. I am holed up in this crappy hotel room just inside Texas waiting for night because the suns rays aren't exactly vamp friendly., neither are the damn cowboys! Pity that, I'd like to see the daylight. I'd especially like to see my Princess in the day, a vision she'd be. Actually a pile of dust, but you get my drift. Just wondered how that thing with the Wolf boy went, hope you didn't let him hurt you. That comfort you did for me when I was hurting, you shouldn't waste it on him. Get someone who appreciates you. Suns almost down, so I'm going. Should be stopping in a few days at El Paso in another hotel, the Days Inn- some kind of Irony in there I think. Anyhow the address is 5035 South Desert Boulevard El Paso, Texas 79932.


Willow's jaw dropped, Spike was writing to her? As in actually making contact and conversation? Plus he'd told her where he was heading; did that mean that he expected a response?

Throwing the rest of the mail on the table she made her way upstairs still clutching his letter in her hands.

Resolving not to think about it she put it on her table and got dressed.

She thought about the letter as she got ready for class.

She thought about it as she chatted with Buffy and tried to speak to Xander, who was still annoyed about the breaking up even though he knew it was for the best.

She thought about it as Cordelia tried to talk her into going shopping with her.

She thought about it as Giles lectured them on the proper use of the dewy decimal system.

She thought about it as Snyder made her tutor another jock in history.

She thought about it as she patrolled with Buffy and watched Oz play at the Bronze- just because they weren't dating didn't mean that they didn't need support.

She thought about it as she lay on her bed doing her homework, her eyes casting over to where it stood on the bedside table. She finally threw her calculus book to the floor in disgust and grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

Dear Spike

Hey, how are you? It's me. I was surprised to get your letter but I'm glad you are at least feeling more positive about things. I have never been to Texas or Mexico, what's it like there? Is everything really sandy? I imagine that it's always bright and Sunny there, although that's probably not a good thing for you…or me I tend to burn easy; although possibly not as easy as you. I broke up with Oz and Xander, Xander still won't talk to me properly but he does have Cordelia to put up with too so I can forgive that even though it stings a bit, I mean we have known each other since we were in footy pyjama's and we were both members of the we-hate-Cordelia club. Oz wasn't happy about it and nearly went Wolf on me but it worked out in the end. I think he's dating Amy Madison now, she's a witch too. Much better than me because her mom was a Wicca- an insane Wicca that we had to banish but still it's in the blood, the Wicca not the insanity.

I hope.

Um it's nearly Christmas, not that I celebrate it, being all Jewish and stuff but it's still a pretty time of year. You'll probably be having Christmas in South America. I bet it will be pretty and I'm gonna shut up now. Hope you have a good time.

Willow Rosenberg- A.K.A. Red.

P.S- A Vampire staying in the Days Inn- very funny!

She sealed the letter and stuck a stamp on it, figuring that at least she had written it there was no need to send it. She had just wondered what she would write if she did reply. It was no big, she didn't have to send in fact it was probably not a good idea, Buffy would flip. Resolving not to send it she turned back to her calculus homework. She had a lot to do; besides the post wasn't collected until 7 am.