Yay! My first fanfiction! (crickets chirp). Okay, well anyway here it is. I appreciate constructive criticism. Tell me what I am doing wrong.

Jack Spicer was sitting is his lab. He had modeled it too look like an underground complex, but due to watching so many action movies, he had changed the décor. It was now more like the lab of an evil scientist, with plenty of half built gadgets, shiny stainless steel tables, and a chrome interior. He was telling Wuya his latest plan.

"It will be simple." Jack assured her. "All we do is kidnap Kimiko and-"

"We tried that before and it failed! What makes this time different?" Wuya interrupted. "Watching those movies must be rotting your already pathetic brain."

"Your hurting my self-esteem." Jack informed her in an upset voice.

"Good!" Wuya shouted. "You have a huge ego and it needs to be cut down to size."

"Just let me get on with my plan." Jack said. "Alright. So then we let the others come to rescue her. Next, while they're here, Chameleon-bot will pretend to be me, while we go and steal the Shen-Gong-Wu."

"Alright, fine." said Wuya, finally admitting defeat. "But when will we have the opportunity?" Suddenly she shivered. "A new Shen-Gong-Wu just became active. This will be the perfect opportunity to put your plan into effect."

Okay. That was the prologue. Hope you enjoyed it. (crickets are silent). Please read and review. Oh, wait. If you're reading this then you probably read the [short] prologue. Tell me what you think, even if you don't like it.