Sleep well?

Artemis later woke up with a monstrous headache. She looked around slowly and found herself chained to a wall by her wrists in her skimpys.

"Isn't this just fucking great?! This is sooooo fucking dandy!" she yelled angrily and pulled on the chains, which broke easily, she benches 450 so that always helps.

"HAZAHHHH!!! CAN'T KEEP ME CHAINED! FWAH!" she got up and paced around her cell. Dracula walked in with a perverted smile on his face.

"Don't you look good? For an annoying little hunter you sure are.." Artemis cut him off before he could finish that sentence.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled pulling a throwing knife out of her boots and twirling it between her fingers. Dracula's eyes were at the knife.

"Give me the knife." He didn't take his eyes away once.

"No." she took the knife and cut a line down her palm, not to deep but just deep enough to draw blood. His eyes widen but now he was staring at her palm, you could see the hunger in his eyes. His widened as he hit the floor knocked unconscious.

"Holy chip and dale rescue rangers! Did I do that?" wide eyed as a boy entered the room his face shadowed.

"You all right?" he said stepping into the light his face was revealed. His light brown eyes studied her, his short light brown hair was not combed. He wore a silver tank top with a silver shirt that had blue flames on it and silver shorts that matched his shirt. (One of my best guy friends from school he kicks serious arse.)


"Well I decided to help a friend out alright. When you need help I'll help yous." He had a heavy New York accent. (He doesn't have one in real life though.) "I know yous is a little weird an' all but what are you doing running around in your underroos?! Don'tchu got any sense? Where's your clothes woman?" he said handing her his shirt.

"Long story. To make a story short, I went here to kick some ghost ass, got knocked unconscious, stripped of my clothes except my boots, and I'm stuck with 2 insane sadistic ghosts and a vampire who's equally sadistic. And thank you for letting me borrow your shirt. "Artemis smiled wrapping it tightly around herself.

"Huh your in quite a bind. And your welcome, I might be perverted but I gots a girl and I don't want to be tempted. Not that you could tempt me or nothing but.. Ehh you get my point. Now lets find your clothes." He said walking towards the door stepping over Dracula. They walked past Royce's containment cell where Ryan and Royce were trying on her clothes. Ryan hand her shirt in his clawed hands. Ryan was holding her pants.

"Its so stretchy." Ryan said pulling on it.

"Wow these are serious booty jeans. Girls got some serious junk in the trunk." Royce said with a smile.

"Royce have you been watching the MTV again?" Ryan asked dropping her shirt.

"Hey! I only watch it because of J.Lo!"

"J.Lo? She aint got nuttin on Mariah! Girls got some serious junkage."

"Oh now I KNOW you did not just insult the butt of J.Lo." Royce said getting angry dropping the pants walking over to Ryan.

"Yea well what are you goin to do about it?" Ryan said pushing Royce.

"Oh my god you two are pathetic! SHUT UP!" Artemis yelled causing both ghosts to turn around.

"Ooooh look who's awake. Sleep Well?" Ryan said with a smile walking over to her.

"Oh shut up." She said decking him and knocking him over grabbing her stuff.

"Excuse me I have to change." She said walking up the stairs as Ryan and Royce stood staring at her.

"Did she just.." Ryan said.

"'Fraid so man. You've been rejected." Doll face said with a smile and followed after her.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Royce said with a wicked smile.

"Yes.. Yes I am." Ryan replied and with that they both disappeared.