I in no way own the Charmed characters, plots, and powers, although I wish I did. They belong to Spelling Co, Brad Kern, the WB Network, and their affiliates. Sorry if I somehow broke a copyright law and I didn't know it. Please, don't sue me.

Thanks to Riku and Sora Forever, X3, buffspike, bubblz, Kata Malfoy (I'm glad someone liked my cliffhanger! And Now you get to find out! Hehe), and Willows2 for reviewing!

You lucky people! It's about to storm and I may end up having the comp get hit by lightning and die, just to make sure you people get the final chapter of my story! So, here it is. :Sniff: The end. Fin. Finale.

Chapter 16

"Hey, Paige!" chirped a woman with hot pink hair. "It's me, Paige!" The Future!Paige smiled and extended her hand. Numbly, Present!Paige shook her future self's hand.

"Hey, Phoebe," said Future!Phoebe, who was sporting light brown hair in a ponytail.

"Piper." Future!Piper looked almost exactly like her past self, with the exception of a couple age lines.

"Hello, Leo," Future!Leo had a haircut strangely familiar to his past selves: His hair was about the same length as it was around the time Prue died, with the exception of the occasional gray.

"This is how Wyatt and I know you guys," Chris said.

"Don't be afraid," Future!Piper said. "We're you guys… in about 22 years."

The Present!Charmed Ones were having trouble processing this new turn of events.

Baby Wyatt curiously toddled closer to Future!Piper. Confused with having two Pipers in the same room, he raised his blue bubble-like shield.

"Aww… It's okay, sweetie. I'm just Mommy, from the future. Just like big Wyatt," Future!Piper pointed to big Wyatt, and baby Wyatt lowered his shield. Future!Piper picked him up and held him. "See? It's okay."

"We just came back to check up on Wyatt and Chris," Future!Leo said, as if reading Present!Leo's mind. "They've been here a while, and we wanted to make sure they were okay. Our memories hadn't caught up yet. You know, the whole time-continuum nonsense." The Present!Charmed Ones nodded dumbly.

"Well, we really must be going…" Future!Phoebe said, pointing to a digital projection of a watch on her wrist. "We don't want to mess up the past too badly."

"Umm… Mom? Dad?" Chris spoke up. "Umm… maybe… can Wyatt and I come back for occasional visits or something? Make sure we're growing up okay and everything?"

"I'll think about it," Future!Piper said. Chris nodded and the boys joined their parents and aunts in front of the portal.

Chris hesitated for a moment. He turned around and ran back to the Present!Charmed Ones and met them in a group hug. "I love you guys so much," he said. The family held a tight embrace as the Future!Charmed Ones looked on, grinning. Finally, Chris joined his real family.

"Goodbye!" They said in unison, as the portal sucked them in, blinding the current Charmed Ones. After a moment, the light disappeared, leaving just the chalk Triquetra on the wall. Leo slowly picked up Wyatt from the floor as the family stared at the drawing.

"Wow," Piper summed it up. "Wow."

A/N: The end! I hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope you will check back occasionally for new stories. Drop me a line and tell me what you thought of my story, or just to chat! Have a nice life everybody! Lol.