The WWE Insane Little Adventure
By Crys Skywalker
Author's Note:
Okay as promised, I am adding to my adventure series. I have no idea how many of these I going to write, but for now I going to have fun with these little inspirations. Now this is going to be probably more than one chapter long. I just don't know how long.Rating: PG-13 (hopefully the whole thing is)
Parings: Lita/Matt, Rob/Crys, and Jericho/Trish/Christian
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody, but myself....
The WWE Insane Little Adventure
It was one of those nights; not much was going o in the WWE world. Everybody hung out those they wanted too before matches and setup was even started. Matt and Lita had there little pre-match makeout session. Kane and his brother the Undertaker sat and chatted for a while. Crys Skywalker, one of the new divas sat and was massaging Rob Van Dam shoulders. Those two had been going out for a couple of months. Jericho and Christian were doing their usual fight over Trish before practice. Jeff Hardy wandered around looking for something to do. Little did they notice a very mysterious man wandering around.
He walked into a room that held the food and bottled water for the wrestlers. He held a vial that held a strange neon greenish liquid. Nobody knew what this liquid was going to do, or the chaos this vial was going to bring. The mysterious man pours a little of that vial in each of the selected water bottles of the certain wrestlers. He quickly disappeared to watch the results of the little liquid.
As usual Vince McMahon decided to have the usual pre show who wants who. Evolution was the first to speak up. Hunter, being so usual with his prowless, requested for a shot at Kane. Kane snorted at Hunter.
"As usual that man has to prove his manhood to everybody." Skywalker sarcastically quipped. "Hunter get a life, you so need it!"
"Why do you allow you bitch of a woman do all the speaking for you Rob?" Triple H asked. He laughed at Rob's lack of a quip back. However Hunter did not see Skywalker behind him. She grabbed him into a chokehold.
"Now dear little H, are you going to keep calling me that? Or am I going to have to snuff what little life you still have?" She deadly whispered in his ear. Hunter whimpered a bit, but finally complied. Everybody laughed, while Hunter lowered his head in embarrassment. A few tears fell from is eyes.
"Okay let's leave him alone, for now." Ric Flair intervened before someone commented about the tears Hunter was letting out. It was becoming a common occurrence that Hunter was either crying because of Crys or Kane. Before Crys began her WWE career, Hunter could take on the comments, but Crys had brought the worst out of the champion. And it emotionally hurt him. Only the other wrestlers knew that Crys could beat up most of the guys on the roster, and Hunter was amongst those she could beat up.
"Whatever." Kane laughed. Both Rob and Crys looked at each other and then at Kane.
"Dude, you have officially been hanging around us too long." Rob laughed.
"Can we please finish this, so that practice can start?" Vince McMahon impatiently spoke. He wanted this meeting to be over with. And preferable about ten minutes ago. "Alright I need to make sure all of this is done. The matches are set and it is time to practice. So if anyone else needs me, page me." Vince left and said his good-byes.
So one by one they grabbed their water bottles and went to training. Rob and Crys walked with Undertaker and Kane to the ring. They watched Jericho and Christian play fighting with each other. Trish followed behind them looking absolutely disgusted. Rob giggled a bit. Pouring a little water on his face he looked at Kane and then squirted him with some of the water.
"Tag dude! You're it!" Rob laughed. Kane ran after him all soaked. Laughing like children, they chased each other down the halls. Undertaker looked at Crys.
"It's so nice to see them acting like this. I was really worried that Kane was going to have that vendetta against Rob for the rest of his life. He holds a grudge sometimes." Undertaker looked really relieved. Both Rob and Kane played with each other, but tried to stay close to Crys and Taker.
"Yeah. I'm glad to. They act like brothers again. Rob talks about how happy he really is now. Kane kept him wanting to stay in childhood." Crys smiled.
"Well it really good for Kane to have his first. I stole his all those years ago that I'm glad that Rob brings it out of him." Taker spoke. Kane walked up to Crys and Taker, Rob was hiding behind him.
"I don't feel well, brother. Can we go back?" Kane looked at the ground when he asked this.
"Do you feel like you're going to puke?" Taker asked. Kane nodded. "Okay brother come on. Rob don't feel bad it wasn't you're fault. Kane has always been the sickliest one. He'll be fine."
Taker took Kane back to the locker room. Crys looked at Kane and back at Rob. Puzzlement crossed her face.
"Is Kane shorter?" Crys asked. Rob looked and looked at Crys.
"Yeah I haven't even noticed." Rob was floored. What the hell was going on. Jericho who was a lot shorter than usual ran across. Crys blocked where he was running.
"Don't Crys... I need to go to the bathroom. I don't want to take a leak in my pants." Jericho looked absolutely desperate. Crys stepped out of the way.
"Sorry." Crys spoke as Jericho ran off. Crys looked at Rob. "Umm... Robbie, are you feeling okay?"
"No. I'm in pain, all of the sudden. What ever is happening to me it really hurts. Crysie help me." Rob sobbed as the pain increased. Rob ran into Crys' arms not realizing how short he gotten. He was almost the size of a child. Crys lifted him into her arms. Rob cried as she tries to soothe her lover.
"What the hell is going on here?" Crys spoke out loud.
Author's Note:
Have you figured out who all are going to be chibis? Well next chapter you get to find out whom all are chibis.... Well you want to guess, go ahead. Suggestions? Comments? R&R. Thanks.