Well what do you know? I'm just spitting these things out but I guess I have to since I have been on hiatus I guess you could say for a while so here it goes and btw to ghzowy – I will try to deal with the whole betraying of trust thing and thank you so much for the advice helps a lot (I probably won't be able to do a lot with it in this chappie bc she doesn't really see Harry but when she does, I'll try to deal with it)

Disclaimer: NOT! I don't have to do those anymore

"What did you just say?" Hermione asked after Draco finally stopped sputtering out broken sentences.

"I said, 'We have to go'. It's that simple. Come on!"

"No! You said 12 Grimmauld Place!"

'Shit' Draco thought. "No, I didn't."

"I'm not stupid, Draco. I heard you and now I want to know why!" Hermione yelled. This was a lot to take in.

"Hermione, no one's supposed to know."

"Know what, exactly?"

"You know...uh..."

"There's no dancing around the issue, Draco! Now answer the damn question!"

"Stop yelling! You're giving me a migraine!" Draco yelled, hoping to distract Hermione enough so she would let it go or at least calm down. But by the look on her face, that wouldn't be happening soon.

"Nice try, Draco" Hermione said in her normal voice, or as normal as she could muster it. "Answer me."

"Fine, but know, I am breaking a very important rule. I'm... I'm a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Like hell you are" Hermione said disbelievingly. "You're a death eater."

"No, I'm a spy for the Order. I took the mark two days after I told Dumbledore I would help the Order."

"But how did this happen? Does anyone else in the Order know, besides Dumbledore? Have you ever been to 12 Grimmauld Place? Did you know about Sirius being innocent?" Hermione was bursting with questions, and she didn't know how to stop asking them.

"Whoa, Granger, calm down. One question at a time."

"When did you decide to switch sides?" asked Hermione, settling on which of her questions was most important.

"Well..." Draco started, thinking hard about just why and when he changed sides.


He could hear her screams. It had never been this bad before. Voldemort had just been here, and he yelled at him. He yelled at him for a mistake he made. And now, he was taking it out on his wife. His wife of almost twenty years.

Draco sat in the study across from his parents' bedroom. Where his father, if you could call him that, was beating his mother. After about an hour of hearing his mother's pleas and cries, Draco couldn't take it anymore. He got up to leave, but just as he did so, his father came out of his bedroom and was buttoning his shirt.

"Hello, Draco" Lucius said calmly while smoothing the wrinkles out of his shirt.

"Sir" Draco replied.

"Don't bother your mother; she is very tired. She has had a long night." This sent Draco over the edge. His father spoke as if his mother had been working all day and needed rest; not as if she had just been brutally beaten, and probably raped, but his father.

Draco waited patiently for his father to go downstairs and leave the house before he rushed in to his mother's bedroom. Seeing her lying on the floor, half-conscious, infuriated Draco. One of the cuts on his mother's cheek , in particular, wanted to make Draco scream. He could tell that this mark was made by the Malfoy ring, the same ring he wore on his finger now. It was at this moment that he knew, he didn't want to be anything like his father

"Mother, what did he do?" Draco asked quietly, helping Narcissa onto the bed.

"Never mind that, Draco. I just need some sleep."

"I'm sorry, mother. I won't let him do this to you again." But Narcissa didn't hear Draco's promise, nor would she ever.

Draco didn't know why he was doing this at first, but he took some parchment and his fancy quill that his father had given him and starting writing:

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I need to speak to you. It's urgent. I won't write why, but if you could make it possible for me to floo into your office before three days from now, it would be greatly appreciated.

D. Malfoy

The very next day, Draco received a letter back from Dumbledore saying he could floo in that minute if he wanted to. And he did.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, what is it that you need to speak to me about?" Professor Dumbledore said cheerfully, as soon as Draco had settled himself into one of the many chairs in Dumbledore's office.

"I want to help you" Draco said simply. He had thought about this a lot, and he was sure that this was what he wanted to do.

"Help me what, exactly, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Bring down Voldemort." All the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes was gone as Draco said this.

"Mr. Malfoy, are you sure about this?"

"I have never been more sure, sir."

"But, you do realize that if you do this, you will eventually have to fight your father?"

"That is one of the main reasons I want to help you, sir." Dumbledore thought as Draco said this. He couldn't tell what it was, but he knew that something big must have happened if Draco was ready to finally choose his own path in life.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy, I cannot do anything but accept your kind offer to help our cause. But, if you tell your father this, he will most likely not hesitate to kill you. Your father can never know, and he will most likely force you to become a death eater."

"Then I will do so, but I will help you any way that I can."

"Are you suggesting being a spy?" Dumbledore asked.

"If that is what it takes" Draco answered. Dumbledore was amazed by how much Draco had grown up. Not only had he switched sides, but he had the incentive to do something about it.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked. He was very happy to have another spy in Voldemort's ranks, but he wouldn't let Draco make this type of a choice without knowing for sure it was what he wanted.


And so, Draco was made a member of the Order of the Phoenix two days before he took the Dark Mark.


Of course, Draco didn't tell Hermione all that. He had started to, but then got lost in his own thoughts, realizing that he wasn't sure if he wanted her to know all the details of his decision.

"Draco?" Hermione asked, placing her hand on his arm, trying to get his attention back. "'Well', what?"

"Well, I just decided that I didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps, that's all. I guess it happened over the summer. I don't need a master the way he does." Hermione wasn't very satisfied with this answer, but she realized that Draco was a bit uncomfortable talking about it, so she let it be.

"So, I guess when you said the Dark Mark didn't go deeper than your skin, you weren't kidding, were you?"

"It's only on my arm for the good of the Order, nothing else." Hermione noticed how different Draco was now. Maybe it was just her seeing him in a different light, but he seemed much more mature and not a bother to be around.

"But... why wouldn't Dumbledore want us to know? We're members of the Order, also."

"He was afraid that there might be a traitor. Obviously, he was right."

"Wow. This is a lot."

"Look, Hermione, I wanted to tell you, if that makes you feel any better."


"Yeah. Once you get past the whole annoying, in-your-face-know-it-all part that everyone hates about you, you're not that bad."

"Only you can turn anything and everything into an insult" Hermione said, almost forgetting about their current predicament. She felt lighter than she had in days, before she remembered her best friend was a traitor. "Wait! Ron! When's he getting back?"

"What?! Why?"

"He said he was going to come up to my room and see me when he got back! I gave him our password!" Hermione yelled worriedly.

"Shit! He was talking to Voldemort for a long time about something at the revel!"

"You don't think it had something to do with me, do you?"

"I don't know. There's no doubt Voldemort knows what Harry did to you; he must know how close Ron is to you, especially now."

"But, Ron wouldn't give me over to Voldemort, would he?"

"I don't know, Hermione. He said that since he is helping Voldemort, he gets money and you."

"So, Voldemort plans on taking me and giving me to Ron? I didn't even know Ron felt that way" Hermione said, in a very surprised tone. "But, that doesn't even make sense, because Voldemort needs to kill me and Harry. Ron won't get anything. Voldemort's just using him. if I live, voldemort dies. He's not going to keep me around just to make Ron happy. I thought Ron was smarter than this. Even if Voldemort wins, he can't have me, because I'll, most likely, be dead."

"That's what I thought, but I don't-"


"Hermione? Are you awake?" Ron asked from outside Hermione's room door.

"Shit!" Hermione whispered. "Draco, go back to your room; use the balcony."

Draco ran over to the balcony and closed the doors behind him. He originally was going to go back to his room, but half way there, he turned around. He felt like he needed to stay to make Hermione didn't get hurt. He didn't read anything into the sudden surge of protectiveness he felt over Hermione; he just saw it as something good for the Order. He saw Hermione open the door and greet Ron from behind the windows in Hermione's balcony doors.

"Uh...hi, Ron."

"Hey 'Mione. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, really. I was just a little worried. You just collapsed and disappeared. I didn't know what happened to you."

'Dammit, Granger. He's not going to confess to you' thought Draco.

"Oh, yeah, about that. I've, uh, I've been feeling a little sick lately, and today it got really bad and since we were in Hogsmeade, I decided to just go home instead of wait to go to the Hospital Wing."

"Oh, that makes sense. I just wish you had told me before; I probably wouldn't have been as worried if I knew that."

"Hey, I'm sorry, but please don't worry anymore. See, I'm perfectly fine."

"Yes, of course you are."

"So, did you go to the feast?"

Draco listened hard; he, too, had been wondering what Hermione did while he was gone.

"No. there was no reason for me to go."

"Oh, come on, Hermione. Just because Harry's a cheating asshole doesn't mean you can't have fun."

"Yeah, well, Harry and Ginny won't leave me alone anyway. So tonight, I decided I would get a night to myself."

"I guess that's fair. But, Hermione, don't kill yourself."

"I won't, I promise" Hermione said, smiling. There was a sudden leap in Draco's heartbeat, but he paid it no mind.

"Alright, Herms, I'll let you sleep. I just wanted to see if you were okay and say good night" Ron said before going over to Hermione, and hugging her. Draco noticed Hermione go rigid at first before returning the hug. Ron kissed her lightly on the cheek, before leaving. Hermione, not knowing Draco was watching there, collapsed onto her bed and started crying. Draco immediately felt sorry for the sad Gryffindor. Her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, her friend who was like a brother was a traitor, and she had a power that most who knew of it were afraid of.

'She doesn't have to do this alone' Draco thought as he opened her balcony doors and walked over to Hermione. He sat on her bed and in complete non-Draco fashion, rubbed her back soothingly. She stopped crying, just for a minute, to throw herself into Draco's arms and sob into his chest. Draco hadn't expected this at all; he was just trying to be nice.

'Wait!' Draco thought, as he awkwardly put his arm around Hermione. 'Since when does Draco Malfoy just want to be nice? I may be on the good side, but I'm not, and I repeat not a sap! What is it about this Gryffindor that brings this out of me?' Draco suddenly became very aware of just how close he was to Hermione. Her hair was tickling his chin and he could smell a faint trace of vanilla coming from her skin. He completely forgot that she was crying and very upset.

"Why does everyone think it's okay to lie to me?" Hermione sobbed, snapping Draco back to attention.

"What is it Hermione?" Draco asked, releasing her. He didn't like the way he was feeling as he held her. Hermione lifted herself from Draco's shoulder and looked at him through watery eyes.

"First Harry, now Ron. They don't even care that they are lying to me and betraying my trust. Why is everything terrible happening to me?"

"I know it's not fair, Hermione. But, with the Order, we can end it."

"But don't you know what this means? I'm going to have to fight against one of my best friends. The only one I could talk to."

"You can't talk to me?" Draco asked.

"Well, I can, but only in these dorms. And I didn't know I could really talk to you until a little while ago."

"That's true" Draco said thoughtfully.

"But, I'm glad you're on our side, Draco. It makes it much easier to e living with you" Hermione said, smiling.

"Yeah, I'll bet" Draco said returning the smile. "But, Hermione, you have to understand something. If someone on the other side finds out about me, they'll kill me or give me to Voldemort so he can do it. No one can know."

"I know, but when are you going to tell Dumbledore about Ron?"

"Shit! I forgot. We have to tell him now. Let's go."

Draco and Hermione both made their way to Dumbledore's office, not caring if anyone was around. Thought Hermione would never publicly admit it, being Head Girl made doing secret things a lot easier. They arrived at the gargoyle statue after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Wait!" Draco whispered for what seemed like the millionth time that night. "What if he's sleeping?"

"Are you kidding me? That man doesn't sleep" Hermione replied, as if it were the most obvious piece of information in the world. "Skivving Snackboxes. Honestly, the passwords Dumbledore chooses" Hermione said as the staircase that led to Dumbledore's office appeared before them. Draco quietly laughed and lead the way to Dumbledore's office, but before he could knock, he heard Dumbledore's voice on the other side.

"Come in, Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger." Draco glanced nervously at Hermione, but she just shrugged and quickly turned the brass doorknob of Dumbledore's office door.

"Ah, my Head Students, what a delightful surprise. Late, but delightful all the same." Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk with his half moon spectacles placed firmly upon his nose; his hands were folded on his desk, as if he had been expecting a late night visit. "Now, would either of you like to tell me why you're in my office at this late hour? Please, sit" Dumbledore said, smiling. Draco and Hermione sat down still remaining silent. They didn't know where to start.

"Er-" Draco started, looking to Hermione for help.

"What Draco is trying to say is that I know he's a spy for the Order" Hermione said calmly. All the portraits that had pretended to be asleep were up and alert after Hermione said this.

"I see. I clearly remember telling Mr. Malfoy no one was to know of his position relating to the Order" Dumbledore said, looking at Draco, but talking to Hermione.

"Well, I found out about Draco supposedly being a death eater by accident, and he hadn't meant to tell me about him being an Order member, but the safety of me and other Order members was and still is at stake." Draco was amazed by Hermione's ability to explain the whole situation without any apparent difficulty. She sounded as if she was presenting a project to a professor, not telling her headmaster that her friend was a death eater.

"How are the Order members in danger?" Dumbledore asked curiously. Draco had found his voice by this time and spoke for the first time since he arrived with Hermione in Dumbledore's office.

"Ron's a death eater, sir."

At first, Dumbledore did and said nothing. Hermione and Draco looked at each other, both confused at the reaction Dumbledore was no displaying. As if sensing their confusion, Dumbledore stood up and started pacing around the room.

"Well, this is news" Dumbledore said, more to himself than to Draco or Hermione. "So the truth comes out."

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm confused, sir" Hermione started. "Ron knows where the headquarters for the Order is. He may have even told Voldemort. Isn't this bad? Don't we have to get all the members out of 12 Grimmauld Place?"

"That certainly would be the case if Ron could have told Voldemort, but that's not possible."

"What-Oh!" Hermione said, realization dawning on her.

"What? 'Oh!' what?" asked Draco, who was still very much in the dark.

"When I joined the Order the summer before 6th year, I had to recite a certain oath that magically binds me to the Order. This oath forbids me from telling anyone who isn't blood related to me or an Order member where the headquarters are or the composition of the Order's membership. Ron took the same oath, so unless Voldemort and him are long lost cousins, Voldemort doesn't know about the Order or where members meet."

"Well done, Miss Granger, correct as usual" Dumbledore said.

"Wait, I didn't take an oath when I joined" Draco said, after he finally caught up to what was going on.

"No you didn't, Mr. Malfoy. And this is because you are family to the owner of 12 Grimmauld Place. Because of this bond, you can tell anyone anything. But I trust you will not." Draco had almost forgotten that he and the late Sirius Black were related.

"I may not have taken an oath, but I am loyal to you, Professor" said Draco firmly.

"As I suspected. Now, you two really should be going. We can't have zombies for Head Students, now can we?" Dumbledore said smiling. Just as Hermione and Draco reached the door, Dumbledore said, "Oh, and, Miss Granger?"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione said, turning around to face the headmaster.

"I know this all must be very upsetting to you" Dumbledore started, in obvious reference to her eyes, which betrayed the fact that she had been crying. "But you mustn't distance yourself from Mr. Weasley. You must carry on as usual. Good night to you." Hermione nodded, and she and Draco made their silently back to the dorms.

A/N: well there you have it. I hope draco wasn't too much out of character but he is good now so hes gonna act a lil different. By the by I started another story, this time sb/hg so if you're feeling generous check it out. And if its not too much trouble please review review review it helps a lot when you guys tell me what you think and what you think is going well and what you think needs some work so do the right thing and click the button that you know I love