AN: This is my first fanfic so please don't criticize too harshly!! And I do not own any of these characters...blah, blah, blah.

Chapter 1: Pouring Down Rain

It was a dark, stormy, summer night in the town of Greenwich. There was only one light on in the house where you would find a girl around fifteen years of age staring out the window of her bedroom. Her name is Katie Bell and was quite pretty. She has light brown hair with natural blonde highlights that fell just above where her shoulder blades ended, gorgeous hazel eyes, petite athletic structure of only five foot, one inch.

She wasn't an ordinary teenage girl; she was half witch and half muggle. Her dad would be the wizard, therefore her mother being a muggle. A muggle is someone who is non-magic.

Katie was watching and listening to the rain, thunder, and lightning, thinking about her friends and the coming school year. She will be attending her sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She hasn't really had a chance this summer to see her friends, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. Angelina was in Hawaii at the moment doing tons of fun stuff, and Alicia was supposed to be visiting some of her family in France.

Then Katie's thoughts seemed to wonder off to a certain someone. Her perfect obsessive quidditch captain, Oliver Wood always seemed to invade her thoughts. Oliver Wood is a Scottish bloke who has brown hair...a little shaggy, chocolate brown eyes, lean and a little muscular, but still hot.

Oliver and Katie used to be best friends until Katie's fourth year and Oliver's fifth. Oliver was a little over a year older than her, which never really mattered until they started changing. Her fourth year was the year that she realized her feelings for him.

She began to avoid him, only talking to him during quidditch or about quidditch. He thought there was something wrong between them, but being a guy he just blew it off and decided to focus more on quidditch. He isn't a jerk or anything; he just didn't know how to talk about it with her.

Her thoughts then turned to how dedicated he was to the game they loved; staying up really late to come up with new maneuvers and talking to him self when he thought he was alone, burrowing his eyebrows in deep thought.

A flash of lightning followed by a clash of thunder brought her back to the present. Katie glanced at her transfiguration homework that she had started earlier that evening. "Ugh...I really don't want to do my homework, but it looks like I have to. Either I do it now or later, and I would prefer now." Katie thought to herself.

The girl got up lazily and shuffled over to her desk by another window. Taking her quill into her right hand, she started writing where she left off. Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, gave them an assignment over different types of advanced vanishing spells.

Katie just finished her homework when she heard tapping on the window. She looked up to see an unknown owl with an envelope in its beak. Walking over to the window with curiosity filling her head questioning who would send an owl this late. Feeling sorry for the owl she quickly opens the window letting the owl out of the storm. She went over to her desk and opened the top drawer. Finding the owl treats after rummaging through her things. Katie gets an owl treat out of the package and hands it to the owl. The owl gratefully takes it out of her hand.

Looking on her bed where the owl dropped her envelope, still wondering who it could be from. Curiosity getting the best of her; she grabs it and plops down on her bed. Tearing the envelope open in a hurried manner... 'Maybe it's from Angelina, she said she would write back'. Anxiously she pulls out the letter and unfolds it quickly. Katie smoothes it out so she can read it, and realizes the handwriting isn't recognizable. It read:

Dear Katie,
I have wanted to say this to you a long time now...I just don't have the Gryffindor courage. Well, I have started to have feelings for you for a while, since probably in the middle of fourth year when you joined the Gryffindor quidditch team. I know I haven't been the nicest guy, and I'm really sorry about that. I really didn't mean to treat you badly. Its just that I thought that would get your attention and you would like me, but I was wrong. Well, it did get your attention, just negatively. I have changed a lot this summer, mentally and physically. I have matured a great deal. I hope you will give me a chance or at least be my friend. I have to go...its getting late if you haven't noticed. I just had to write you and tell you my true feelings for you. You are always in my head. And it frustrates me I can't have you because I know you don't like me back. I will see you next week at Hogwarts.

Marcus Flint

Katie just sat there in surprise and shock; eyes wide open and jaw hanging down. 'This has got to be a joke...Flint couldn't have wrote this!! Fred and George Weasley must have done this as one of their jokes for Katie! Marcus Flint doesn't like me, does he? I mean sure he flirted with me a little, but he did that with every girl.' A lot of confusion and words set in her head. What did he mean by change exactly? What did he mean he would see her at Hogwarts...he was supposed to have already graduated last year.

Deciding she better get to sleep she changed and got into her bed, leaving the window open so the owl can leave when the storm was over. She turned to her side so she was facing her desk propping herself up with her elbow, turning the lamp off. Katie just laid in her bed thinking about Flint and "his" letter. Listening to the soothing pattering sound of the steady rain falling; sleep finally overtaking her.