Hi everyone! Sky Fire Dragon here. I got the idea for this fic after being FORCED to study Romeo and Juliet last year for English.makes mean pouty face My friend Anica106 meanly suggested I would like it if the YYH charac's did it instead, so shut up b/c she had to study; and the result was the inspiration for this fic. She has inspired many 1/2 (or completely) demented ideas for my writings by her sarcasm when annoyed, and has yet to learn that I TRUST her and take her SERIOUSLY (and I have yet to learn it would b better for my health not to listen to her) so, In short, this is my fic. Non-yaoi, despite what it looks like. Rated PG-13 to be on the safe side; you all know Youko. Please read and reply, flames will b promptly swallowed and regurgitated in sender's direction. Sky Fire Dragon signing out.

((Hey, this is Anica106. SFD asked me to proofread this for her. Sorry if there are still any mistakes; it was the middle of the night, so I may have missed a few. (She had better appreciate it, too--it took me forever. --) So, on her behalf, please read and review, and if you do see a spelling/grammar mistake, don't flame her out about it, because getting rid of it was supposed to be my job. Incidentally, SFD does not own Yu Yu Hakusho. ))

Chapter 1 What's a play???

Kurama looked at Hiei. He had just dropped both his jaw and his katana to the floor in surprise, and was narrowing his eyes suspiciously at him. "What?" He retrieved his katana and resumed cleaning it.

"I'm trying out for a play, Hiei. Romeo and Juliet, it's a Classic. Shakespeare wrote it. They are putting on a play and I would like to be in it." Hiei gave him a derisive snort.

"Hn. What's a play?"

Kurama hid his smile. While Hiei would never admit to an interest in ningen doings, he was not willing to remain completely ignorant, out of a sense of self-preservation developed over a long life of trial-by-error. It simply wasn't smart to not be aware of the customs and life style's of the place you stayed.

"Like a movie Hiei, except it's not on TV; it's live. And if you participate in it, you attend practices and perform however many times it shows. It's fun; you should do it with me." He smiled encouragingly at Hiei, who gave him the death look.

"Hn. Why would I want to be in some stupid ningen thing?"

"Well, you would be able to see more of me," Kurama tried, hiding a smirk.

"I see enough of you already, kitsune. I sleep here don't I?" he held up the blade to the light, examining the edge. Kurama smiled, knowing how particular Hiei was about his sword. He kept it in top condition, and killed anyone who tried to touch it, with the exception of Kurama himself, and even then he better have a good reason.

"In a tree," he countered, and leaned over, pointing with his rose at a dull spot. Hiei frowned and ran his rag over it viciously, as though it's presence on HIS sword warranted as the highest offense. It probably did.

"But I still see you." he replied, bent on the task at hand. "I suppose you need to leave then for that baka play thing?"
"Kurama shrugged. "Momentarily. However, I was hoping you would run lines with me, to help me get ready. And perhaps come to the audition to watch." He looked up at Hiei, hopeful he'd agree--he always had so much fun whenever Hiei accompanied him anywhere. Things never seemed to stay dull for long with a surely, curious fire demon around.

Hiei finished examining his blade for less than mirror-bright patches, stood, and held it out. He ran a few practice drills, sword whistling through the air, slicing just past Kurama's hair and turning into a stream of light as he picked up speed. He finished, and held it out for Kurama's inspection, smirking his approval at it. Kurama leaned over and examined it.

"That IS nice," he admitted, running the tip of one finger down it's length. Hiei glowed silently by his side, eyes full of pride.

"Took forever to clean it properly after all the abuse it went through in our LAST mission." He scowled at the memory while Kurama chuckled. They'd been in need of a lock pick for a huge door, and Hiei's sword had been elected. Later on it had also been used as a pole to launch Kuwabara into a 2nd story window. Quite other than the usual fighting and demon blood. Kurama had a slight suspicion it was Kuwabara's handling of it that made Hiei bristle so.

"So, Hiei, will I have your company?" he asked, smiling still.

"Do you need me?" He asked, sheathing his sword and glancing curiously at Kurama, as though honestly unable to understand this request.

"Well, no," he admitted, caught off guard. "But it would still be nice. I would enjoy your company. And generally you try and support a friend's endeavors."

"Hn. Well, I suppose so," he replied, looking out the window in a bored fashion "You'd get bored with out me there."

"Yes, Hiei, I'm certain I will be much more entertained with your presence there." He hid his smile, noticing as he did so that the double meaning had gone completely over the shorter demons head (a/n: snickers) Hiei jumped up.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." He started out the door. Once he got motivated to do something he never wasted any time. It was the whole, 'getting him motivated' thing that was the difficult part. Kurama sighed. This was the OTHER difficult thing.

"Hiei...you have to leave the katana behind--"

"No." Hiei said flatly, putting his hand instinctively on the handle.

(at auditions)

Hiei and Kurama sat in the audience, watching the others go up and try out. Kurama hadn't succeeded in convincing Hiei to leave his katana behind, and was now attempting to teach him some of the subtleties of ningen life and common courtesy. Hiei, however, was proving this to be quite a challenge as he made yet another, rather inappropriate and embarrassing, remark.

"Is she a boy or a girl?" he whispered, none to quietly, squinting at the next person who had just been called. Kurama winced.

"Not so loud Hiei. I believe it's a 'he'."

"How can you tell?" Hiei had not lowered his voice a bit, Kurama noticed sourly.

"...The facial hair?" Kurama suggested, hoping like anything that wouldn't lead into another full scale argument and then explanation of basic human anatomy like the last one had. He was beginning to regret his rash decision that he would be better off with Hiei around. Interesting didn't always mean better off for HIM.

"But he's got....you know...things." Hiei said, puzzled, pointing to his chest. people around them were glaring openly now and it was making Kurama uncomfortable.

"Hiei, that's not nice. They're called...well, the nice term would be 'breast' or 'bosom'." He sighed. How had he forgotten what Hiei got like in public?

"That's not what Yusuke called them," he countered, sounding both rebellious and suspicious.

"I would strongly suggest that you not repeat anything Yusuke tells you about women, guys, or relationships between them," Kurama said quickly. This was going to be harder than he thought. He smiled and apologized softly to the people grumbling angrily at them.

"Like those words you told me not say?" Hiei asked, brows furrowed as he tried to figure this out. Kurama looked up, surprised he had remembered.

"Yes, exactly."

"Hn." A person shushed Hiei loudly and immediately. Hiei's hand grabbed at his katana hilt, and Kurama's hand grabbed onto his.

"No Hiei. We made a deal, remember? Should I allow you to bring it with you, you don't, under any circumstances, take it out or use it." Hiei let go slowly and sulked. Kurama sighed silently in relief and turned to apologize to the person, who deliberately ignored him. The two of them sat in silence for awhile until Hiei forgot he was sulking and got bored again. He shifted restlessly.

"These seats aren't very comfortable," he grumbled.

"It'll be alright Hiei. I think I'm up soon."

"Do you want to 'run lines' with me, then?" Hiei asked, suddenly remembering the request Kurama had made earlier. Beside him, Kurama gritted his teeth. Hiei looked at him, surprised by his response. Normally Kurama was happy when he actually remembered something he'd said. Did he want his help or not? Ridiculous, really, how quick he was to change his mind about things.

"We can't now Hiei; we're supposed to be sitting quietly and watching the other people try out." Hiei stared at him in disbelief.

"Why? they're not any good. The only one who was finished before we sat down. None of these other bakas have a clue" He snorted, glancing at the person on stage who was currently stumbling over another line. It had to be his third in about as many seconds. Kurama smiled in spite of himself at the hot tempered, impatient little fire demon he had somehow managed to befriend.

"Your starting to pick up some ningen slang, Hiei. 'Haven't got a clue'?" Hiei looked at him for a moment, not comprehending, then a shocked expression crossed his face as realization dawned. Just then the director called out Kurama's name.
"Suuichi Minamino." Kurama stood up and looked at Hiei, despairing of him behaving himself without Kurama there to hold him back. He turned to his short, rude friend and briefed him on proper etiquette, hoping that maybe this time he'd actually listen to him.

"Excuse me Hiei. Stay here, don't kill anyone, don't repeat anything you've ever heard Yusuke say, and try not to get yourself into trouble, please." He looked at him imploringly

"Baka kitsune. I know what to do. Go up there and show all these fools how it's done." he looked away from Kurama, focusing instead on the front of the stage, indicating that the conversation was over; he was through listening. Kurama gave another inward sigh at his response, thinking wryly that sometimes he wasn't sure if he appreciated Hiei's unwavering support and belief in his abilities or not, and walked quickly up to the stage. the director gave him a bored look.

"What part are you trying out for?"

"I would like to try out for Romeo." Kurama answered politely and confidently. Everyone in the audience snickered, thinking he was a girl. The director looked confused and mildly surprised. Kurama tried again a bit louder, supposing the lack of response meant he hadn't heard.

"Romeo? I would like to try out for Romeo."

"Listen, kid, Romeo needs a --" the director started. Kurama cut him off.

"I'm not a girl."

"Oh. Oh,...well, um...I guess...did you have something prepared or did you want to do a sight reading?" the director asked, giving Kurama's hair a look. Kurama himself stuttered; he had forgotten he'd never actually run lines with Hiei.

"I... I was going to prepare something but--I'm afraid I ran out of time. I'll do a sight reading." He blushed slightly and glanced toward Hiei, who, he noticed, was glaring everyone down for laughing at him. He was also touching his katana longingly.
"Alright," the director said, handing him a script. "Would you like me to read the other part, or do you have someone else here who can read opposite you?" Hiei stood up at this and glowered at everyone, hand on hilt of his beloved weapon, eyes narrowed and spiky hair dangerous looking, staring out like a very short, but fierce angel of vengeance.

"I'll do it."

Kurama glanced at him, a bit apprehensive."Hiei?" The director barely glanced at them and gave an impatient snort.

"Fine, hurry up and get down here, we haven't got all day."

"Yes, you do. It says 'auditions until-"

"Just come on up here, Hiei," Kurama interrupted smoothly, attempting to head off another confrontation. They seemed to be common whenever Hiei went with him to anywhere. Hiei's voice sounded in his head as he walked up.

((You're nervous, fox. You're sweating.))

((I know; I'm afraid I can't help it.))

((Why?)) the voice was calm and sardonic. Hiei was teasing him. ((You have no reason to be.))

((I am, though. That's just how these things are.))

((Are you going to be nervous when you do this play thing?)) He sounded slightly curious, and mostly condescending.
((I don't know. I've never been in a play before.)) The director interrupted their silent conversation.

"Hee-yay? Was it?"

"Hn. Close enough, I suppose." Hiei snorted. The director was an American, and obviously not proficient at pronouncing Japanese names yet.

((I'm proud of you Hiei. That was much improved over last time,)) Kurama silently told him, approvingly.

((The guy lived, didn't he?)) Hiei responded testily, remembering how the 'last guy' had ended up. Kurama shrugged.

((I suppose you could say that.)) The director handed Hiei a script as well and sat back, tapping his fingers impatiently on the desk.

"You read this one, opposite of Sooey-chi." he told him. Hiei and Kurama faced each other about three feet apart. Hiei started reading and did exceptionally well, considering he had never before encountered old English, at least as far as Kurama knew. He himself returned it flawlessly. in fact, he thought with a tinge of excitement, it was going really well, until--

"Cut!" the director yelled.

"What? We haven't read all of the lines yet," Hiei protested, looking peeved at the interruption. Kurama had been right, this was sort of fun, once you got into it. Stupid words, but, the idea was a good one.

"What's wrong? Were we not doing something correctly?" Kurama inquired of the director, who shook his head and stood up briskly.

"No, no, calm down, boys, it was fine. Hear-ray? Why aren't you trying out for the play?"

Hiei 'hn'ed as Kurama knew he would. "I have no desire to be in your stupid play. I am only here because Kurama requested it of me." Kurama did a mental head slap. Hiei never remembered to call him 'Suuichi' around other people.

"I did say you didn't have to if you absolutely did not wish to be..." he replied, laying on the guilt, knowing Hiei would be affected though he wouldn't show it.

"Hn." So, he had been affected by the guilt trip! Kurama awarded himself a mental point.

"Heegay? Would you consider coming back later for a second try-out?" the director was approaching death. Kurama silently slipped forward a bit to put himself more directly in front of Hiei.

"You don't want me then?" he asked, slightly hurt. The director brushed this comment aside.

"No. Stupid boy, of course I want you back here again. Same time tomorrow. and bring along your little friend if you can." Kurama winced at the 'little friend' comment; however, Hiei mostly ignored it.

"Hn. Baka ningens." he muttered, just loud enough for Kurama to hear, and stalked out. Kurama sighed and sent out a mental plea.

((Be nice, Hiei...))

((I'm not nice.))

((For me?))

((....)) Kurama took the sullen silence for a 'yes'. Out loud, he nodded to the director: "Thank you very much; we'll be there," and turned and left to follow Hiei out. Exiting the door, he almost ran over said fire demon, who was hovering just outside it, looking mutinous.

"You said 'we'," he accused, glaring at the fox.

"I did," Kurama agreed, starting off in a lazy walk for the ice cream parlor.

"Why?" Hiei didn't know how much staying in the ningenkai was affecting him. Earlier, he had used some ningen slang, and now he was asking redundant questions to avoid admitting what he already knew. Kurama hid a smile.

"I believe you will enjoy it, Hiei, once you get involved with it. We already made the first cut!"

"It would've been hard not to with the competition we had," the sour little figure at his side grumbled. Kurama sighed, and hit upon an idea.

"Will you do it for ice cream?" Hiei immediately perked up at this suggestion, and failed miserably at hiding it.

"Sweet snow?" He just managed to keep from drooling. Kurama bit back a chuckle. Hiei was trying so hard to act indifferent after all; he didn't want to irritate the little demon by letting him know he found it amusing.

"Yes, Hiei. Sweet snow."
"So, when you get the part, can we come here everyday you have that play thing?"

He looked so hopeful, Kurama couldn't bring himself to refuse him. He could ignore the question, however.

"Don't be so confident, Hiei," he chided gently. "I might not get the part. And the director wanted you back, too, don't forget." Hiei, however, was not so easily distracted.

"Hn. So does that mean sweet snow?" Kurama gave in with a graceful shrug.

"Yes, Hiei, if you want. If we do get the parts, we'll come here for sweet snow every day after practice." He barely glanced at Hiei, who was thinking this over. He already knew the demon's answer. He might be the Forbidden Child, and a fierce fighter, but he was never able to resist Rocky Road ice cream. Especially if it had chocolate syrup on top.

"...Then I suppose that's alright," he said grudgingly. Kurama grinned down at his friend.

"Wonderful. We should go tell Yusuke and Keiko and the rest about it." Hiei, however, hesitated at this.

"... Can we wait? I don't want that baka to know unless he has to."

"Who, Yusuke?"


"Ah," Kurama murmured. "Well, in that case, we'll go start on our ice cream tradition and then go home. I still have homework to do. I'm glad school's almost out."

(Next day at auditions)

The director was impatient. He had told his co-workers they had to be here today to witness these two boys. He had no doubt in his mind that they would be in the play; it would practically be a sin not to let in someone of their caliber, in fact. But it wasn't so easy to decide what part. The red head boy wanted to be Romeo, had read the lines for Romeo flawlessly, had the necessary attitude the director wanted for Romeo...but that hair...and the short one would have been perfect except he wanted nothing to do with any of it except the red head. There might be something going on between the two, come to think of it.....but they'd had to suffer through all the other applicants anyway. None of them had been worth the time or attention. Now it was time for those two boys, finally. He called them up, and was delighted to see both had showed. He'd actually been fairly doubtful of the shorter one's appearance.

"Well, well, well, Soey-chi. I see you managed to bring your little friend back again," he said briskly, eyeing both of them for their responses. If they was something going on between them, it was best he knew about it NOW. The shorter one seemed to have gone a little pink, and the read head placed a gentle but firm and wonderfully manicured hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I did. He's very glad to be here." Kurama replied, holding Hiei back with a restraining hand on his shoulder. Hiei had flushed slightly in anger at the 'little friend' comment and growled quietly. It wasn't that Kurama was afraid Hiei might actually do something, but if he got a part in the play he would need to start getting him to behave now. It was guaranteed to take a while. Especially since the director's next comments didn't help his temper any.

"Well, it's obvious who's the older. Well, what I would like you boys to do is read lines for me again. But put in anything extra you want. Make it as memorable as possible."

"Same lines as before?" Kurama asked, reflecting that director's last sentence hadn't entirely been the most fortuitous.

"Yes. Unless you have something planned." Kurama shook his head; Hiei hadn't been willing to role play once they'd gotten home, instead falling asleep immediately on his side of the bed, and stealing all of Kurama's covers for himself. "Well then, take it away, boys! You have the whole stage. And it's just me and the other directors, so don't be nervous."

((You heard him,)) Hiei remarked, raising an eyebrow at Kurama.

((But I'm a little worried. This is from the big balcony scene.))

Hiei snorted ((The 'big balcony scene'? As opposed to what? The little balcony scene? Do you think you can handle this fox?))

((I'm not nervous about my capabilities, just the part,)) Kurama clarified.

((What do you mean?)) Hiei asked, vaguely curios.

((WELL, it's a guy/girl scene part--)) Kurama started to explain but was interrupted by the director's voice booming over from the back where he sat with the other judges.

"What's the matter, boys? Don't just stare at each other! Do what you did yesterday! Only better."

Hiei and Kurama read their lines, acting them out as they went. They hardly had to look at their papers--Kurama had made them go over it multiple times out of nerves the night before until Hiei had threatened to run him through with his katana. The directors watched, stunned by what they saw. The two of them had managed to transport their viewers to another place and time, with out props, or anything other than their voices. And compared to the other amateurs that had tried out, no matter how good they had been....it was extraordinary. They had the two switch roles and move onto a new section for a cold reading and switch roles again. Kurama loved every minute of it, and whether or not he would admit it, Hiei had a sense of the dramatic, and so, truth be told, did the fox. By the end of it, even Hiei was having fun with it, although Kurama knew better than to try and get him to acknowledge it. When they finally finished however, he did allow himself a vague sense of disappointment as the directors huddled together to confer in whispers. Kurama decided to risk the 'fun' issue.

"There! wasn't that fun? You know you were enjoying yourself by the end of it."

Hiei grunted. "The ningens are idiots. That girl--Julie? She's never met the guy and assumes she loves him? Why doesn't she just sleep with him and get it over with since that's obviously what she wants?"

Kurama winced. "You definitely know how to degrade a piece of classic literature, Hiei," he said dryly.

"By speaking the truth?"

"Hiei, at the time the story was written, love at first sight was a very popular theme, and so were tragic endings. Shakespeare wrote what he knew everyone wanted to see."

"So he played to the crowd. Typical," Hiei sniffed. "It wasn't that tragic, either; they were both idiots. They deserved to die."

Kurama sighed. "It doesn't work that way, Hiei."

"OK, boys. That's good, thank you; we'll be posting the results on the board over there tonight. You may go. Tell the next person to come in on your way out," a director--not the one they had seen before--told them. Hiei and Kurama left by way of the sweet snow shop. Kurama remarked that if they kept this up both of them would soon become fat and lazy. He actually thought this highly unlikely as he looked at Hiei's muscles, easily definable despite his normal black attire, but he thought the comment might slow down Hiei's attack on his ice cream cone. It didn't. Hiei barely spared him a glance, and then continued to slurp away. Passersby stared and watched with interest as the feminine red-head strolled along, holding his cone of pink peppermint chip with a divine air, accompanied by a small spiky black haired boy frantically licking his chocalota mint chip. Kurama supposed it was an amusing sight. He glanced down at Hiei again, wondering how many more ice cream cones it would take to put even an ounce of fat on his demon body. Suddenly, Kurama frowned. He looked Hiei up and down. Hiei paused while eating his ice cream.

"What?" Kurama was giving that 'look'. In Hiei's experience, whenever Kurama got that 'look', the outcome was never in his favor. He still remembered the disastrous hair cutting episode from a few months ago.

"We have to find you some ningen clothes, Hiei. Those just won't do. I'll ask Yusuke if he might have any old ones that'll work."

"Hey shrimp! Where're you and pretty boy goin'?" The loud, obnoxious voice saved Hiei from answering Kurama's statement about his clothes.

"Speak of the devil." Kurama turned and saw Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Keiko walking towards them.

((Kurama, I will kill you,)) Hiei thought viciously.

"Hiei is accompanying me to see the results of my audition," Kurama replied. ((I left you out of it.)) he pointed out silently to Hiei.

"Auditions? Yusuke and Kuwabara are taking me to somewhere for a surprise. Is that it? Did you guys audition, too?" Keiko asked, looking at each of them in surprise.

"AWW, Kurama, you ruined the surprise," Yusuke whined, glancing over at Keiko.

"What'd I do?" Kurama asked. These two were so cute, always pretending there was nothing between them.

"Never mind. SO, Kurama, what part did you try out for?"

"Well, I said I wanted to try out for Romeo, but they had us read a bunch of other stuff as well."

"Us?" Keiko asked. She would notice, Hiei thought dryly.

"Hiei read opposite me," Kurama explained.

"But you said YOUR audition," Kuwabara said accusingly.

"Hiei was helping me out."

"Hey," Keiko interrupted. "Isn't that Botan and Koenma?"

"What? Diaper boy?" Yusuke demanded, turning to look everywhere.

"Yusuke! (slap) Be nice! And you said you would stop calling him that!" She glared at Yusuke, who rubbed his cheek and grumbled.

"Where? Where is he? I don't see him!" Kuwabara was craning around to see as well. Kurama and Hiei merely stood, Kurama calm and complacent, Hiei with his arms crossed.

"Over there, buttface. He's in his teenager form," Hiei snapped, barely inclining his head in the right direction and looking irritated.

"Why you! I oughtta--" Kuwabara growled.

"Hn. Don't bother. You know you're hardly worth my effort," Hiei cut in smoothly, yawning.

"Hiei! Kurama! Yusuke! Keiko! Kuwabara! What a surprise!" Botan had spotted them.

"Hello," Koenma replied, rather less enthusiastically.

"Pacifier Breath, are you here cause of the try-outs, too?" Yusuke asked, surprised.

"I've told you before, Yusuke," Koenma began, but Yusuke cut him off, ignoring it as always.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Short skirt over here already slapped me once for it." (slap)

"And there's another one!" Keiko shouted.

"Well, I'm glad one of you has proper respect. I really don't know why Keiko puts up with you. I wouldn't," Koenma remarked, barely glancing at Yusuke, who was flat on the ground. It had been a hard slap.

"Same reason Botan puts up with you, your Royal Babyness." Yusuke growled in reply and stood up.

"SO, did everyone except Hiei and Keiko try out for this play?" Kurama finally asked.

"Yes," everyone except Hiei and Keiko answered.

"Ah. well," Kurama said, slightly taken aback. He hadn't expected this. Everyone paused, not sure what to do now. Oddly enough, it was Hiei who broke the silence.

"There's the list," he said, pointing. Obviously, they weren't going to get around to noticing themselves, so he'd have to do it for them. Baka ningens. Except Kurama.

There was a pause while everyone looked to where Hiei was pointing, then they all rushed over.

"Move over, you oaf! I can't see!" Hiei snapped to Kuwabara as he pushed to the front and stood on tip toe.

"Oh, I'm sorry, squirt. Need me to pick you up so you can see?" he snickered.

"Hey! You watch it or--" Hiei snapped.

"Yeah, or you'll what?" Kuwabara taunted.

"Give it up moron. Have you learned nothing from last time?" Yusuke snapped, pushing between them. There was a slight pause, then--

"Who exactly was that aimed at?" Hiei asked finally. Yusuke just shrugged carelessly as he scanned the list.


"I'm in I'm in!" Botan squealed, jumping up and down excitedly. Everyone looked at

her, startled.


ok. End of ch. one! cheers wow...that took a long time to type. My head is spinning... . Um, well, u guys better have appreciated that, b/c I have a history final 2morrow that I put off studying for so I could type this up. Um, Read and review plz!!! Points to button goes off to 'study' history, aka: take a nap