
Rain. Out here. I can't believe the temperature rose to above freezing. What kind of global warming is occurring here? I look at the wolf sitting yet again to my left. Kiba still stares out into space but today I sense his thoughts here, instead of at paradise. All I want to do is warm that cold soul whenever I see his eyes freeze over in thought.

I want to let him rain.

I swear he's hiding something. Holding something back. I already thanked him profusely for saving me. I still don't remember how we ever got back up the cliff but I have a hunch it was all thanks to him anyway.

"What are you thinking about, Hige?"

"You." He twitched slightly, that obviously came as a shock. "About why you would be so kind. You're not exactly friendly. Not mean. But not friendly."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"And what have you decided?"

"It's to do with my feelings." He sighed and turned away from me. "I care about you differently than Toboe and Tsume."


"Well...I sort of care the same, but more so. And I find myself wanting to touch you. Rather than having to." The words came out rushed, yet innocent at the same time. The tan wolf smiled childishly.

"I feel the same way. And I dunno what it is but I know what Humans call it." Kiba turned to Hige with interest evident in his movements. "Love."

Kiba just snorted. "Sounds stupid." The two wolves found each other uncomfortably close. Then Kiba sighed, relaxing into Hige's awkward embrace. With a soft smile Hige replied.

"It is."