A/N: Going to end up Kiba/Hige but a series of one shots examining their lives and relationships.

Warning: Yaoi, deal with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Wolf's Rain.



Ice. How far could it extend? He wasn't sure but at this rate there was no end to it. They had been walking for miles, the four of them, in seemingly no direction. Of course, despite their beliefs, they all followed Kiba. He smelled it the best, where paradise was. Hige could tell. One look in those blue eyes of that wolf and he was certain of it.

This was the wolf to follow.

Most of his life had been spent with those humans unlike the white wolf. In a city he knew where to go to get food, where to sleep and how to sleep. It was art of itself. But out here, in the middle of a frozen no where he was humbled to find himself looking to his friend for help. Was friend the right word? He didn't know. Hige however felt that it didn't matter what a relationship was called, all of them changed and changed again anyway.

There was definitely a deep connection between Kiba and him, even if sometimes it was hard to feed information to his companion over his pride. Stubborn one might call him, but Hige just considered it "trustingly impaired." Of course this odd expression was made up in the tan wolf's head and though Toboe might laugh, Tsume and Kiba wouldn't.

Of course analyzing his fellow was useless when he couldn't even feel his feet.

"Ummm...could we take a break? Toboe has been complaining for the last hour and my feet are actually frozen." Hige asked, slowing down. Kiba looked in all directions to see nothing of shelter but sighed, giving in. How could he argue with that? Hearing complaints in his ears wasn't exactly pleasant and night had fallen hours ago.

"I suppose so." He turned Tsume who nodded. "Right."

"I'm going for a walk then." Everyone's head lifted to see Tsume sulk off, Toboe standing quickly.

"But you could get lost. Or or. Hurt."

"I'll be fine."

"No...uhhhh...I'll go with you." At that he dashed off after the grey wolf.

Hige turned to Kiba who had closed his eyes in mock meditation. With deep, contented breathing.

"So this is how you lived?" At this question the other wolf opened one eye.


"Thought so."


"You seem so relaxed."

Kiba rolled onto his back to look at the clear, dark sky. Taking a deep breath he said slowly, "I suppose I am. Why?"

"Dunno. We're friends right?"

At this Kiba turned to Hige and looked closer, almost as if sniffing at his soul. Then he smiled slightly, and turned back to the stars.

"I guess we are."