Time had slowed again.

If he wanted to, Sousuke could have tracked the path of each single grain of sand falling through an hour glass. His surroundings were unreal. The tableau was straight out of a fiction story.

A lone man-armed as much with determination as he was with weapons- stood at the edge of a life or death conflict, watching the other participants with a strong sense of detachment.

His perspective was wide enough to do whatever was necessary, but his primary focus was narrow.

A damsel in distress looked on, beset by something too powerful to resist and too fast to escape. She meant the world to him, even though he didn't consciously know it He had to protect her, no matter the cost.

Other people-almost relegated to the status of 'extras' by his unwavering one-track mind-were spread throughout the scene, but did not register as individual persons. At least not at the primal level…… the part of him that seethed and burned, barely kept under control. Evil coalesced in his awareness.

The principal components of that evil were shocked and unnerved by the actions that marked his arrival. They were frightened and uncertain. They were also hungry and enraged.

A truth would soon be imposed on them.

Something even more dangerous than their kind walked the forest this night.

It was almost a question of will. Who would move first? Which side would impose its desires upon the other? What hand would control the roll of the dice?

Sousuke breathed in deeply, taking a moment to savor the smells of the night. He could allow himself that. It gave him a sense of being one with his surroundings. The long inhalation calmed his nerves. The prolonged exhalation stiffened his resolve.

There was the scent of burning wood. Food was charred and over-cooked. Damp moss and leaves accented the odor of pine needles, rotting wood, and the distant diffuse smell of approaching rain.


He also caught scent of blood. That was not a source of fear or revulsion. It was an altogether too familiar thing to him. It added a sense of reality to an otherwise other-worldly setting.

That scent would be stronger, soon enough. He would see to that.

But, it wouldn't be human blood this time….

The sounds of the night augmented the regular beat of his heart, strong in his ears. Low guttoral growls passed between edgy monsters. Frightened and nervous human chatter carried on the thick night air.

The moans of unseen victims spurred brief visions of soldiers dying on countless battlefields. There were insatiable feeding noises of those beasts too driven by hunger to be wary. Gentle wind rustled the uppermost leaves of the deciduous trees. More forceful gusts bursts rushed past the majestic growths, adding their own inorganic whispers and howls to the dark scene.

He heard a whisper above him.

"Sousuke," the voice said, ever so faintly. "Oh Sousuke."

It was Kaname. She was worried. That was not a problem….. as long as she was safe... as long as she remained alive.

His sense of touch was magnified and refined at the same time. The texture of his shoulder strap could be felt through his shirt. The cold steel and vulcanized rubber of his weapon sent disparate sensations through his loose but ready fingers. His toes rubbed up against the ends of his boots. Wounds throbbed here and there. The sporadic swirling wind tickled the sides of his face. His nose itched.

He moved his feet slightly. The firm but pliable soil gave him a sense of connection to the earth. It was a different feeling than sitting in an Arm Slave. He belonged in the world. He had a right to survive. So did Kaname. So did the others.

The young soldier had been in that place between thoughts before, many times. In most instances, his driving urge to win and survive had helped him out-duel other men, many of whom were bigger, stronger, smarter, or more experienced. A quicker reaction here. A better-placed shot there. A charge where a retreat made more tactical sense. Instincts. A disregard for his own safety.

Many things had made the difference.

He should also light a candle and burn an offering to Luck: it had served him equally as well. In this isolated corner of existence, he needed that commodity more than ever before. He had greater use for it than the distant mass of humanity snug in their homes and busy in their frivolous meanderings. This place. This moment. These foes. They were what mattered now.

The fear should have overwhelmed him. It did not.

The sheer enormity of the situation could have weighed heavily on him. It did not.

The cold and clinical whisperings of statistics and probability should have prompted him to see reason. They did not.

He wanted to live. Very much so.

Even more, he wanted the enemy to die.

Most of all, he wanted to save Kaname. His reason might be cloudy, but the imperative was crystal clear.

For that night, he would be Beowulf, faced with countless Grendels.

Woe betide them all.


It was time to move. More creatures could be on the way. The monsters spread throughout the camp-site had lost the advantage of momentum. He would not be so careless, now that he had a good sense of the who's, what's, and where's. There were no other sounds for the following few seconds.

His strong voice carried throughout the forest, echoing down the long and rocky slope. A number of creatures whined with indecision. Others barked short barks, trying to buoy their confidence.

Sousuke threw his bag to the ground in challenge, but not before putting the sling of his TMP around his neck... placing his pistol in his pocket and knife back in its sheath... and pulling out two fragmentation grenades.

He kicked the bag extremely hard, lofting it airborne in the direction of a speechless Atsunobu. As it landed on its side, silver objects spilled out onto the dirt.

Pins fell towards the ground.

Handles flipped through the air, drawing the attention of the sharp-sighted monstrosities. Two small pineapple-shaped objects landed at their feet, innocuous looking, without any sign of worrisome scents.

"YOU ARE A PROBLEM. I DO NOT LIKE PROBLEMS." His voice flittered and danced between towering trees and squat cold mounds of mottled stone. His glance had taken in everything he needed to see for one final time:

Kaname high in a tree. A large silver beast swinging by its arm... somersaulting through the air... landing in front of the slavering mass of monsters. Clear avenues of approach and optimal lines of fire.

"Make whatever shots you have left count. Test the efficacy of silver items. Lead by example." Those were the only words he said to the president of the student council, who nodded his head in return. "Hold fast, Kaname." His words caused the blue-haired girl to hug the tree, wishing it was him.


He started forward, marking certain areas across the clearing. His careful steps kept him outside of the projected blast radius. Sousuke wasn't the only combatant spurred to immediate action.

Their initial uncertainty and fear under control, a number of beasts began running towards him, from different angles. A classic pincer attack. He wouldn't have expected anything less. Speed was of the essence. He had that to spare, despite being sore and winded. Kaname was nearby. She was in danger. She needed him.

"Sousuke, look out...they're-" Kaname didn't have time to finish her warning before the two grenades went off.



Shrapnel fragments whizzed about the site, doing grievous damage to anything near the center of the blast radius.




One creature was torn asunder, huge tufts of fur and skin jumping off of it bones as the jagged bits of metal ripped at its eyes, gums, and softer exposed areas.

Another monster wailed horribly, blinded. Its ears hung on to its head by short threads of skin and one arm displayed a huge mangled flap of flesh and tendon.

Two other bests rolled frantically across the ground, biting instinctively, acting as if they were trying to fend off some large creature that was savaging them with its claws and fangs. Dirt, leaves, and small twigs stuck to the blood streaming down along their fur.

Stung worse than any bee could sting, a number of the less seriously wounded monstrosities jumped away and ran back a fair distance, trying to make sense of the situation. Some growled and snapped at each other, their animal instincts moving to the fore.

"Dammit Sousuke!" Pieces of grenade had buzzed close to the top of Kaname's head. Leaf fragments and bark particles rained down upon her. Her response had been innate.


The alpha male escaped the blast without much additional damage.

Still, it was seriously wounded. Nothing had ever done that to him before. Nothing had ever pulled it away from a pending kill. Nothing had ever injured a significant number of its pack mates. The look it turned on Sousuke promised a prolonged and painful death-slow feeding while he still breathed.

It slunk away into the forest, awaiting its opportunity to strike.

Sousuke was oblivious to Kaname's exclamation and the near palpable enmity projected by the leader of the beasts. He had not caught sight of Kaname shaking her fist. He did not see the alpha male leave. There was no room whatsoever for distraction.

He was in the zone.

Two flanking creatures ran with a heavy sideways tilt, clawing up huge chunks of soil as they streaked along wide loping arcs. A central beast came on slowly, looking for weaknesses and openings, trying to judge Sousuke's tendencies. It had to slow itself down somewhat, hoping to arrive around the same time as its pack mates. That reasoned and appropriate behavior was its undoing. Sousuke was not about to wait.


The Mithril agent shouted as he ran forward.

Rata tat rata tat rata tat rata tat rata tat

The creature did not dodge. Its reactions were too slow. It had not been witness to anything that happened between the soldier and others of its kind.

How could it have predicted the effects of modern weaponry or the skill of the man it faced? Prey rushed towards it instead of away-that was a new and unexpected event. It chose to take a flying leap, arms extended, hoping to tangle up its foe.

Thwop thwop thwop thwop thwop

As soon as Sousuke found the proper distance and line of aim, he ran a series of bullets up along the body of the beast, calmly stepping a bit to his left and ducking as the creature flew past in sudden distress. Blindly, he placed the gun over one shoulder.

Rata tat

Thock thock thock

The final shots were a nail in the monster's coffin. A look of disbelief on its furred face, it crumbled to the ground, mortally wounded.

There was no time for self-congratulation. Gambling on the state of his first foe, and hoping it was not playing possum, Sousuke quickly lifted its body as a shield. There was no time to fend off both creatures at once. He fired his submachine gun while he still could

Rata tat rata tat rata tat

'OOMMPPHH !' Air ushed from Sousuke's lungs.

One creature's mouth closed on its dying comrade's throat just before its body slammed it against Sousuke, knocking them all to the ground.


The beast howled its fury, spitting out a mouthful of flesh from its own kind. The other beast fell hard to the ground, multiple bullet hits slowing its advance.

"Sousuke!" Kaname was afraid for Sousuke. She had good reason. The weight of two creatures held him down, as did a set of claws that passed trough one pants cuff and into the ground. His gun arm was free, but there would be no time to swing it around before the enraged beast struck.

"Kaname!" Sousuke shoved with all his might. He could move the pile- but not in time.

Bang bang bang

The snarling creature that was pinning him to the ground jerked backward, a fresh wound showing on the side of one cheek, and one other on its shoulder. Regaining its determination soon after ducking in shock, it plunged forward, jaw open.

Atsunobu's shots had given Sousuke the time he needed. Swinging his TMP around, he fired point blank at the monsters head.

One of Sgt. Major Mao's favorite sayings was 'I'd rather go down the river with seven studs than a hunderd shitheads.' He couldn't recall the source. At that moment, he temporarily placed Atsunobu's name under 'studs.' Revisions could come later if necessary.

Rata tat rata tat rata tat rata tat

Shump shump shump

One edge of the advancing beast's head dissolved in a cloud of blood and bone fragments. Exposed brain matter stuck to the moss and leaves on the clearing floor after it fell heavily on one side, a pitiful whine coming from its mouth before it went completely silent.

The other creature hadn't gone away to lick its wounds. It leaped, a subtle trail of blood streaming off in scarlet beads behind it.

Bang bang bang

Atsunobu's shots all missed.

Bang bang bang.


Sousuke's shots did not.

Laying on his back, head pressed hard against the ground, Souske fired at the airborne target. The angle was odd. The view left him somewhat disoriented. But, with the monster's approach angle, he couldn't miss. The only question was whether or not the creature would live long enough to return the favor.

Sousuke had switched over to his pistol. The mercury-tipped bullets caused grievous wounds, blowing bits of fur, muscle, blood, and bone from both sides of the hurling terror. Even with part of its face missing, one limb hanging uselessly, and a gaping wound in the chest, it bounced and rose again, intent on Sousuke's death.

Click click click

The clip was empty. Sousuke's efforts had fallen just short.


Something fell heavily through the tree, landing on the creature's back just as it began to spring again. It was Kaname, a series of fresh scratches lining her face courtesy of the trees branches. Once she found herself on a huge growling lump of fur and muscle, she was at a loss. She hadn't thought that far ahead.

Kaname made it onto the 'stud' list. Well, maybe not. Sousuke would need to find a better label when there was time.

If they both lived...

"Kaname. Run!" Sousuke, Ren, and Atsunobu spoke at the same time. Atsunobu threw a heavy candelabra, striking the monster on the side of the head. The ornamental centerpiece bounced over to where Sousuke could pick it up. One of the prongs was bent.

The monster whirled, instinctively going for the nearest threat. Its jaws snapped shut a hair's breadth away from Kaname's nose. It opened its mouth again, claw wrapped with Kaname's hair. Kaname owed Sousuke her life. Not because of his act, but because of the habits he formed in her.

Not even thinking just what she was doing, the blue-haired girl landed a tremendous slap on the side of the monster's face, knocking its head aside just as it was about to lunge. The beast did not fall backward as Sousuke often did, but its brief withdrawal bought her some time.

"Moron!" The word also slipped out by habit.

"More are coming!" Ren's simultaneous exclamation was accurate. The silver beast had gotten some of the more seasoned creatures under control. They were running towards Sousuke and those near him.

There was a particular quote that Sousuke was fond of, from General Dragomirov in 1890. The words ran through part of his mind, and he found himself shouting them as he used a heavy silver object as a club:

'If your bayonet breaks, strike with the stock...'


'If the stock breaks, hit him with your fists...'


'If your fists are hurt, bite him with your teeth.'


Souske would save his teeth as the last resort. He repeatedly struck the beast on the back of its head. The monster fell heavy against Kaname, knocking her off her feet. It was no longer intent on biting or rending anything. The back of its skull was caved in.


Sousuke spoke flatly, dropping the erstwhile club by Kaname's hand.

A deft practiced motion ejected the spent clip from his pistol. Another familiar motion loaded the partially full clip that remained. He brought his gun around carefully, the adrenalin beginning to frost his vision. These next shots would have to count more than any he had taken before.

'Execute every act of thy life as if it were thy last.' Marcus Aurelius' quote was quite appropriate at that moment. Any miss would be his last act.

Time slowed even further than before.

The first beast took one step. Two steps. A third step. Its posture changed, suggesting it was about to pounce.



The bullet flew in its mouth, blowing a huge hole in the occiput as it exited. One down.

The next beast was on its third step. Its body tensed slightly as the eyes narrowed and the jaw opened.



The bullet hit at the junction of the snout and eye region. The explosion blew the lower jaw bone out of place and drove the jellied eye back into its brain. Devoid of consciousness, the body stumbled involuntarily, and then began flopping like a beached fish. Two down.


The third creature was pushing upward, its last foot leaving the ground. A long lash-like run of slobber ran back from its mouth like the tail of a kite. Claws spread as wide as possible. Ears fell flat against it head.

Bang bang

Thud WHAM-M-M!

Some philosophers might consider these monsters to be heartless creatures. They would be right, in regards to that one particular leaping horror. One round hit its chest, doing serious damage without exploding. The following bullet blew up, expanded rapidly, and sent fragments throughout the unfortunate beast's chest. The rapidly beating heart became a colander for one fraction of a second just before it became a moist red pulp.


Sousuke had stayed still, his two arms locked, creating most stable platform possible. As a result, he could not step aside in time as the third lifeless beast bounced hard off of him, knocking him to his knees. Looking up, he saw the silver creature barreling down at him like a freight train out of control. He brought his gun in line with its head.

Click click click

Empty again. No time to reload.

This was it.


Kaname had made a valiant run. Her arms held out in front of her, she pushed the large monster away from Sousuke at the last moment. The snapping jaws and swiping claws barely missed. It tripped over the soldier's outstretched leg. One claw caught in Kaname's blouse, pulling her down behind it.

Sousuke, Kaname, and the alpha beast landed within arm's reach of each other.

"H……….e………r………e….." Atsunobu's voice called out, seeming to stretch on half way to forever.

The Glock tumbled quickly through the air. Sousuke thought he could read the engraved markings as it flew.

He caught the gun just as the beast moved.

One platter-sized hand slammed Kaname hard to the ground, rattling her teeth and piercing the skin of one breast. Blood welled up and began to stain her shirt. She screamed in sudden pain.

The enormous mouth opened, showing a collection of teeth that would have made a shark envious. The snout thrust straight towards Sousuke's unshielded neck.

The young soldier acted by gut reaction. No sane person with time to think would have taken the same course of action. He shoved his hand into the monsters slavering mouth, firing his pistol directly into its gullet, trying to angle a shot up through the brain pan.

"Eat this!" He had no time to cringe at the cliché sound of his words.

Bang bang bang bang click click

Powerful jaws, almost mechanical in their impressive strength, closed as the same moment that metal slugs began tearing through bone and soft tissues. The way that Sousuke held the gun kept his hand attached to his body, but it did not keep him free of harm.


Sharp fangs penetrated partially into his lower forearm, skidding across his bone and evoking wave after wave or excruciating pain. He saw a curtain of red before his eyes, almost passing out. Even closed to death, the alpha mail shook its head, trying to dislodge the foreign object and drag its tormentor down into death with it.

Souske just managed to pull his hand out in time, watching as the monster hacked and spat, pushing the gun out with a powerful thrust of its tongue. Blood flowing rapidly out through the back of its head and neck, the beast locked its gaze in on the young Mithril operative. It readied itself for one final leap and a pair of fearsome swipes.


Whose voice was that?

Sousuke's began reaching for his knife. He realized there was no time. He knew the blade would not turn aside the weight of the creature. And, no more wounds were needed. The action was automatic, the last effort of a fighter.


Was that Shinji? Shinji!


The monster jumped, huge calves and thighs launching it as if augmented by a steam catapult.

Sousuke's hand touched the knife hilt. Kaname looked on, her eyes glued to Sousuke's face.


Yes, it was Shinji.

During the battle, he broke away from his blanket of self pity and pessimism. Something inside him shouted, telling him to live. He had to fight, if only once in his life. Picking up a large stick, he ran, holding the branch like the lance of a jousting knight.

The bespectacled boy could not reach the battle in time to make a difference with the first beasts. But, he did arrive at the precise moment that the alpha male had gone airborne. Leaning with all this might, he rammed the end of his stick into the beast, trying to push it off course. The impromptu weapon snapped loudly, stinging his hands and sending a jolt up his arm.

One clawed hand still hit, driving deep into Sousuke's side, tearing the muscles between his ribs. He and the monster fell to the ground. They looked eye to eye for a moment, kindred souls of different species. Both breathed heavily. The creature smiled a lupine smile and died. Sousuke nodded his head. It had been a monster, and an enemy of sorts. It had also been a warrior, a leader.

"We d-did it. We really d-did it." Shinji was close to babbling incoherently. His uncharacteristic rage was wearing off, and his fear was taking hold again. He began to shake uncontrollable, on the verge of soiling himself. What had he done?

"Yes, Shinji. We did." Atsunobu said.

The vast majority of the creatures had stopped milling around or darting here and their with uncertainty. One of the larger remaining beasts was fiercely attacking some of the others, getting them in line. Even worse, more dark shapes began to materialize out of the fog, the unending line of glowing red eyes suggesting that huge numbers of monsters on the way.

"We did well. Close your eyes and rest now. It will all be over soon." The Student Council President was speaking to Ren now.

Even after watching Shinji, none of the other students had followed suit. Not a single one had rushed forth to offer support. They had all been taken aback by Sousuke's frontal assault. Their bodies and minds were numb, unable to take any more in.

To some, it was like a video game with no end. There was no way to push the 'off' button. There was no way to reset. All of their life counters were down to '1.'

It looked like that would change at any moment.

Sousuke struggled to his feet, part of his shirt hanging like shredded red tassels. He stood looking at the reinforced monsters, their postures once more indicating confidence and expected dominance. The fate of his fellow students looked grim, as did his own. He had few regrets. The struggle had been a just one. He had done his best.

"Kaname..." He walked over to the blue-haired girl and offered her his hand. She stood uneasily, gasping as her wound sent another searing bolt of pain through her. "There is something I should say..."

He needed to speak fast. The final charge would come soon. Furred bodies would flow across the clearing, like an irresistible wave on a sandy beach. Their lives would all crumble away like a sand castle.

"Yes..." Even in pain and facing her death, Kaname's eyes opened wide, brimming with tears. There was something she wanted to say too.

"I... uh... wanted to tell you..."

"Yes, Sousuke..." Kaname stepped closer to him, eyes locked on his. Neither saw Ren begins to shimmy down from her tree, intent on spending her last moments by Atsunobu's side.


"Yes..." Kaname closed her eyes and tilted up her chin, lips parted. Time was moving ever so slowly for her now.


"Sousuke. Me too. Me too." The words would be coming now. If only she could hear them once before she died.

"Kaname... uh... you really fought well. I'm so proud of you. You can fight by my side anytime."

"Yes, me too. I think I lo-" Kaname stopped, eyes snapping open, oblivious to the monsters streaking across the clearing in every possible direction. Screams began again. Howls split the night.

"W-H-A-T? " She froze. Sousuke's words finally caught up with her.

Atsunobu bowed his head. Ren smiled, brushing off her dress as she walked.

"We did it," Shinji whispered.

"OOOOOOOOH! Big idiot! " Kaname kneed Sousuke in the groin with everything she had.

Sousuke fell onto his hands, face brushing against Kaname's groin region as his eyes rolled back in his head.

"Pervert!" Kaname' slap was as powerful as ever. A large red handprint throbbed on the side of the young fighter's face.

A staggered line of creatures closed in on the isolated group of students, oblivious to the small social drama acting itself out. There was a new alpha male now. It was time to make that known in the best way possible. The food animals would be slaughtered to the last. No resistance would be suffered.

The slapping of taloned feet against the harder areas of the ground sounded like endless raindrops on a thin roof. A rising volume of animalistic exultations looked to serve as funeral music.

Successive numbers of monsters battered against cabins. Treed humans were tracked by climbing beasts. Stragglers in the forest learned that there was no place to hide. Monsters jockeyed for position as they raced towards huddled and exhausted groups of humans.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO H-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O O-O-O-O-O-. Here he comes to save the day..."

That shout was barely audible, heard over Sousuke's communicator.



Missiles streaked downward from some unseen craft. Huge explosions were followed by small expanding fireballs. Monsters and parts of monsters flew in every possible direction, painting the trees and ground with splotches of red.

"OH YEH! Better than any damn arcade game. Hasta la vista, baby..."

SHUMP Whammm SHUMP Whammm SHUMP Whamm

SHUMP SHUMP SHUMP Whammm whammm whammm

A number of exploding 57mm shells landed amongst the frantic and disordered creatures.

More bodies were blasted into oblivion. Thermal sights made hiding impossible, as soon as the retreating beasts passed a significant distance beyond the still roaring camp fires.

"Damn it Weber! Didn't I tell you 'ladies first,' you hopeless asshole. The next round of drinks is on you. And the one after that too. Got it?" That second familiar voice was music to Sousuke's ears. "If my chute gets stuck in a tree, I'm going to kick Sousuke's ass."

"Good. Hmmmpppfff." Kaname was feeling better. She was used to explosions.

Two very loud thumps were heard, and a slight tremor shook the clearing. The rising heat from the fires briefly showed two ghostly M9's with the ECS working.


An unseen multibarrel gun spat round after round, as the unseen mecha dished out retribution the old fashioned way. Small trees were ripped in half by the flying metal, falling this way and that, clearing new trails. Running monsters faired no better, decorating nearby vegetation and rocks with their entrails and bodily fluids. Ricochets off of iron-bearing rock set sparks high into the air.


ooooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o oooo o ooooooooo

The monsters were now in full retreat. Huge thudding footsteps could be heard following after one large group.

"Bad dogs. Really bad dogs!"

Melissa's voice had Sousuke nodding his head. He doubted that any creature would have still be standing anywhere near the clearing.

There was no way an M9 could follow too closely after the fleeing monsters. But, the assault had served its purpose. With any luck, helicopters would be arriving in time. They wouldn't be able to land in the heavily forested area, but soldiers could rappel down and the wounded could be airlifted out.

"Sousuke, old buddy…… do you read? Sousuke, answer…… you better not be dead." Kurz' voice didn't sound too worried.

The look in Kaname's eyes was indecipherable. She could hear the communicator.

"Urzu-7, little Miss Tessa has a few things she wants to talk to you about later!" Sgt. Weber was his usual flippant self. Sousuke didn't mind. He knew that his long-haired squad mate's M9 was standing watch.

Nothing would sneak up on them. It looked like they might live.

"Sagara here. It was a close one. Too close." Sousuke brought the communicator close to his mouth. His pain caused a quick inrush of breath. "I... owwww... I was in much more danger from Miss Chidori..."

Kurz didn't miss the inflection in his friend's voice. Sousuke was in great pain. And he was in trouble with Kaname again. "Hang in there, Sousuke. Medical personnel are on the way in. You might feel better if Kaname gives you some mouth-to-mouth."

Kaname looked indignant. Then her eyes narrowed. She smiled like a cat sizing up a caged canary. Sousuke began to sweat.

That might have been the scariest thing he'd seen all night.

"Shut up Weber, before you get some boot-to-mouth. Cut the chatter. This isn't some f-cking high school slumber party. There are people dying out there. Vector in the evac choppers. Start acting like a soldier. For once!" Melissa's voice came through as the communicator defaulted to the command channel briefly.

Sousuke barely heard Kurz mutter "Bitch..." Unfortunately for Kurz, Sgt. Major Mao had the gain on her com system turned to full.

"You and I are going to have a little talk when we get back to Da Danaan, Kurzie Poo..." The Sgt. Major's voice could have warped steel.

Sousuke closed his eyes... leaned back ever so carefully...and lay down on a patch of moss. His chest felt as if it were on fire. His hand stung terribly. Every muscle ache, bruise, and scrape he had been able to ignore for since his first contact with the foe had began to clamor for his full attention. He opened his eyes again, sensing a presence.

It was Kaname.

"Are you OK, Sousuke?" She looked worried. "You're so bloody." Her eyes were wide. She bit her lip. She flinched repeatedly, in a fair amount of pain herself. Her hands fluttered. She was uncharacteristically wool- headed.

"I will live. No vital organs were struck. The mind can survive pain. It is good that you are still living. You are wounded too." He paused, looking away. "Sorry. I never should have left you. It is my fault."

Kaname's attention was focused fully on Sousuke. She ignored the loud amplified voice projected by Kurz' M9, telling the hiding and barricaded students that the area was secure.

"That's right, you big jerk. I didn't want you to leave me!" Kaname put a hand to her mouth. "Hmmppfff. I know you were doing what you thought was right. You did make it back in time. I may forgive you in time. I... I..." She had started to get very personal. Her automated defenses suddenly tossed in some flippancy, but they couldn't patch the hole in the dike.

"Kaname?" The pain surging through him, Sousuke closed his eyes again for a moment. When he could, he looked up into her face.

"What I am trying to say is..." Kaname blushed. In a forest full of death and devastation, she still had the ability to blush.

"I am listening..." Sousuke grimaced, but paid attention to Kaname.

"Uh...I... want to tell you that you... I... uh..." Kaname was unaware that Kyouko, Maya, Ryo, Mizuke, and a number of other girls had run over to see how she was doing. They all waited behind trees, watching the conversation.

"Yes?" Sousuke spoke very quietly.

"I really think you're pretty special...and I... I... think I have..." Kaname paused looking down at Sousuke. He had taken on some harrowing odds and come out alive.

Could she do any less?

"Kaname, I may pass out soon. What is it that you want me to know?" Sousuke closed his eyes.

"I...uh..." Kaname shook her head. She was feeling somewhat dizzy herself. It was now or never. "I wanted you to know that I... I think you fought well too. I'm proud of you." She put her hand on Sousuke's cheek, ashamed of her own cowardice. Then again, this wasn't exactly a romantic setting.

"Thank you, Kaname. That means a lot to me. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I always want to make sure you are safe." Sousuke grimaced again. He fought to remain conscious.

His next words came from deep within, unmonitored. They were hard for Kaname to make out. "You mean so much to me."

"What was that?" Kaname sat straight up. "Sousuke?" His words had brushed lightly against her ears, like a feather caught in the wind.

Sousuke moaned, unable to reply.

"Sousuke," Kaname said quietly, coming close to tears as she watched Sousuke's obvious agony.

A noise behind her caused her to turn. She saw heads peeking around the trunks of ash trees and firs. The girls had ducked back into hiding too late.

"I see." Kaname was displeased. Very displeased. Her eye caught sight of Sousuke's TMP. It didn't matter whether or not it was loaded. Her friends wouldn't know either way. Walking over, she picked it up.

"What does a girl need to do to get a little privacy?" She swung the gun around. Her friends took off running, headed towards the center of the clearing as an unseen rescuer directed.

She went back to sit by Sousuke, putting his head in her lap. She brushed the hair away from his closed eyes. He opened those eyes and looked up at her.


"Shhhhhhhhh... rest easy Sousuke…. I'm taking care of you now. You're safe. I won't let anything get you."

"It is not a problem. I could use a dressing. There should be some in the side pocket of my bag."

Kaname walked over to retrieve the requested items. She felt remiss. This wasn't the first time she had seen Sousuke wounded. She should have cut off his shirt and attended to his wounds long before he said anything.

"My hand could use bandaging as well. Please apply an antiseptic to the injuries first. Dog bites are notably dirty wounds. Human bites are worse. Who knows what these creatures' wounds might do..." The words brought Kaname up short, causing her to stop while cutting the bleeding soldier's shirt with scissors she had found.


"Yes, Kaname?"

"Were... were those monsters werewolves?" Her hand trembled. She looked down at the blood on her own blouse. Any thought of a Whispered connection had slipped her mind for the moment.

"I do not know, Kaname. They were killed by conventional weapons. But, they were intelligent, and like no animal I have ever heard of. They could be genetic creations. Who can say right now? I do not know if it matters, as long as you make it out of these mountains alive."

"Thank you, Sousuke…… but... I have seen some of the horror movies…… in America... and at your place. We were both scratched. You were bitten. What are we going to do?" Kaname looked extremely troubled.

Sousuke lay quietly for a few heartbeats. Kaname's fingers gently touched his cheek."I see. We have two choices, Kaname..."


"If wounds caused by the creatures do not cause the victim to become like they themselves are... then we will go on to heal physically, and face the more difficult task of healing here..." Sousuke touched Kaname's chest over her heart, gritting his teeth as he moved his arm. "And here," he touched his own forehead.

"And if the bite does create a monster?" Kaname shuddered.

The young operative lay quiet again. He ran his unbandaged hand through his hair.

When he was able to speak again, Sousuke pointed up at the full moon. He then put his hand on Kaname's. Squeezing , he looked up into her eyes.

"We hunt..."