A/N: this is my first attempt at a Harry Potter fan fic, heck this is my first attempt at any fan fic. I hope you like.
Hermione did not remember why she had hated quidditch so much. Maybe it was because she could not learn it out of a book. Ha books, they seemed miles away from her. She loved the way her quidditch robes wrapped themselves around her as she raced toward the goal with the quaffle beneath her arm, her Nimbus 2000 as though obeying her mind rather then her grip. She aimed and scored.
Ron Cheered her on from his side of the field. The practice match against Hufflepuff was going great, it was so much fun. She did a victory lap around the field then got herself back into position. This team had not looked this good since Oliver Wood left. Her fellow chasers, Dean Thomas and Parvati Patil gave her a high five before the game was called to the end. She flew into a dive and raced Harry to the ground.
"Show off." She muttered as she dismounted her Nimbus 2000.
"Not bad Hermione, I can see what Ron was saying when you tried out. You're natural."
"oh don't be so modest." She said as they walked in to the locker rooms right behind the teams two beaters, Seamus Finnagin and Kellen Marriela.
Hermione had pulled off her quidditch robes and slipped on her school robes when there was a brief knock at the door. Ron went to answer it while pulling his school robes over his head. He had opened the door the tinniest crack before the door slammed open and the Slytherin team came strolling in to the locker room.
They took one look around the room, surveying the teams line up. They burst out laughing when they finished surveying them. Draco Malfoy walked over to Ron and sneered at him before whispering in his ear. "Is this the best you can do? A bunch of mediocre witches and wizards and a couple of mudbloods?"
The Slytherin team jumped in front of Malfoy to protect their captain from the attack of five of the Gryffindor team. Ron had clutched the back of Malfoy's robes and whispered in his ear "is this the best you can do? A bunch of trolls and nothing but pure brained slugs?"
Malfoy wretched away from Ron Sneering again. He waved his hand at the rest of the team and they followed him out the door and up towards the towering castle.
Hermione had kept cool, she had been called a mudblood before and it did not phase her very much anymore. Hermione did notice, however, how cute Draco looked when he was laughing or sneering. If only his wasn't in Slytherin. Then what? She asked herself, would she like him even more? Hermione pushed the thought out of her head before she stored away her broom in the broom cupboard and climbed the hill to the castle.
What was with these nasty thoughts going through his head. Did he actually think Granger looked pretty on that broom of hers, that blasted Nimbus 2000, with her hair streaming back, and a grin on her face as she went to score a goal in the fifty foot high goals? Draco could never freely admit to anyone but himself that he did in fact have those thoughts about a Gryffindor and a mudblood.
A/N i want some reviews before i put up my next chapter