Title: Lost Butterflies Summary: The CSI team deal with the loss of one of their own. Disclaimer: CSI doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer and Anthony .E. Zuicker Spoilers: Set after Butterflied Rating: PG-13 A/N: Indicate a flash back

Chapter 8

"You son of a bi-" "We had a deal!" Slade objected as he sat in the interview room. He knew Detective Brass and the senior CSI, Grissom, were watching, but he didn't care. "I gave you the information and you turned me in!" He sulked like a chastised child.
"I kept my end of the bargain, you just failed to mention the dead body in my apartment that ended up having a sample of its DNA switched so everyone thought I was dead, or your dead playmate. Alicia Silverman."
He sunk into his chair. "What are you talking about? What body? What playmate?" Sara sat down opposite him. "Don't play coy Will, you know what body and you damn well know who Alicia Silverman is." She practically threw the morgue pictures at him. He looked at the lifeless body of Alicia Silverman and frowned. "I've never seen that woman before." "Oh, really?" Sara heard the door handle click and quickly put a chair under the handle to stop anyone gaining access. Brass and Grissom had no idea she was in there; they thought she was still at the hospital. She heard Brass' muffled protest then he left and undoubtedly went next door to look through the glass.
"Lady Heather told us you were a frequent visitor of Alicia's, until she just didn't work for you and you kidnapped me!" "I've never heard of Lady Heather and this wasn't about you Sara. It was about Amber." He roared. "If you don't let Brass in right now then you'll lose your job and you couldn't tolerate that. So open the door!
"Sara I swear to you I am not a murderer. Someone's set me up..." Thud, thud, thud. They had a battering ram at the door and it wouldn't be long before it gave way. "Trust me Sara, I didn't do this. Look, just investigate what I found out, please?"
She moved the chair and it swung open as they rammed into it. She'd expected Grissom to be red in the face and lecture her, but he just looked sadly at her. With a 'poor little Sara' look on his face. She couldn't stand it.
"I'm taking a vacation." She muttered as she walked out of the small room. "Make sure Will is treated fairly." She walked past Grissom, past Catherine and Warrick who both held betraying looks of sympathy underneath their smiles. Nick hugged her briefly and muttered his joy at her being alive, but she continued past them to the locker room. She was taking a vacation to Golem to find justice for Amber Bennett. Screw what Grissom thought, or how glad everyone was that she was back.
She went through the appropriate channels and used her vacation time to get two weeks off. As she was packing her SUV Greg pulled up outside her house and smiled. "Heard you were going on 'vacation'. You're going to solve the Bennett case aren't you?" "No..."

"I want in." Greg objected. "I followed the case five years ago and it'd be good experience."
She sighed as she loaded her last bag. "Greg, the case was cold when I worked it, it's been five years...I barely have a cat in hell's chance..." He smiled mischievously and when he left his car he handed her a slip of paper. "Slade handed it to me as they took him to the state pen," He explained. "He's got a lead and I wanna' help."
She read the note and smiled to herself. "Sara, you know I love my job, we're both devoted to what we do, please help me finish what I started. Will." "Fine, just get your stuff in my car fast. We're late already." At Greg's confused look she explained. "We're five years too late for Amber and you've got a lot of catching up to do."
