Code LYOKO (Chapter 1) By: Amanda Kluna "Relita, Relita, can you hear me Relita?" Jeremy got home from school and sat at his computer trying to get hold of Relita in LYOKO, a virtual world.

"I'm here Jeremy." Relita came on the screen, looking worried. "Something's going on. Xana has come into your world again, but I can't find what he has taken over yet. Did you find it Jeremy?" she said looking hopeful. "Relita, Xana has taken over the flying fish! I don't know what he is thinking. Why would he want to take over the fish? The Samurai suit I can understand, along with the alien suit, and the satellite, but the rats I didn't understand, now this! I don't know what he's up to, but I'll call the others to the factory so they can help you get to the tower." About an hour later, Jeremy, Yumi, Od, and Ulrick were at the old abandoned factory. Kiwi, Od's dog, had followed them. Od and Ulrick went first to LYOKO. "Transporting Od, Transporting Ulrick." Jeremy said while typing in the coordinates needed to get to Relita. Next Yumi went. "Transporting Yumi." Soon the three friends were in LYOKO. They found Relita quickly, and were off to find the tower. "The tower is somewhere in the forest area by the lake." Jeremy said, clicking away on the computer keyboard. The four of them now went to the forest area were they are to find the tower. There was a scream in the street outside the old factory. When Jeremy went to go see what made the scream, he saw Sissi being attacked by the flying fish. "Somebody, please help me, aaaaah." Sissi was curled on the ground trying to hit at the fish around her, crying. Jeremy quick grabbed a tennis racket. He ran outside with it and swung it at the fish around Sissi. "Come on, move it, follow me." He said pulling Sissi up and dragged her by the hand towards the factory. "Move Sissi, move. Hurry up before they come back." Jeremy wondered why she always needed help. At school, she's one of the meanest girls there, but whenever Xana comes near her; she becomes all scared and starts crying. 'I mean he is a bad guy, but she acts like his killing her.' He thought in his head. When they came to the floor where the computer to LYOKO was, Jeremy told Sissi to stay in the other room with Kiwi. They couldn't have people find out about LYOKO. Jeremy had been trying to make it so Relita could come out of LYOKO, but he hadn't had that much luck with it. He already has made the mistake of thinking a new girl at school was Relita who had lost her memory, and showed her the computer, and world of LYOKO, and everything, but then she ran off and told the principal about it, making Jeremy sound crazy. Thank goodness there is a past return button to go back after they defeat Xana. He went and sat at the computer again to see how the others where doing. "Hey Jeremy, long time no see." Od was leaning against the wall. "I got hit badly, so now Ulrick and Yumi are bringing Relita to the tower, we were close enough to see it. So they're almost there." He said walking towards the door. "I'll go see how Sissi's doing. She crying again?" Od said with a smile on his face. Jeremy nodded, and Od walked out the door chuckling to himself. "Hey, you guys ok? How you doing?" Jeremy said. "Jeremy, we're at the tower, Relita just went inside." Jeremy started clicking away at the keyboard again to see the inside of the tower. Relita just entered and was walking to the platform. Outside Ulrick and Yumi were talking and waiting for Relita to stop Xana and save both worlds. Suddenly, there was a laser shot between them. It was a one of the monsters that Xana sends out to try to get them. It shot again and when they jumped back to avoid it, Yumi fell in the lake. She had hit her head on the hard ground and fell unconscious, sinking in the water. Ulrick was trying to kill the monster, but it was very powerful. He then noticed that Yumi was gone, and that her fan was by the lake. "Yumi!" Ulrick cried out, and quick drove his sword into the middle of the monster, killing it. He dove in the lake, but he couldn't find Yumi! Suddenly, his hand hit something, it was her! He pulled her back on the shore, but she wasn't breathing. "What do I do? What do I do?" Ulrick started to panic, "I have to give CPR. It is the only way to revive her." Ulrick bent down towards Yumi's face, closer, closer until......
To Be Continued In the next chapter, Yumi and Ulrick talk about the letter from Sissi and about what Yumi had said. What will happen now? To find out, wait until the next chapter. (Of course.)
Continued From Before...... (Chapter 2) "Ulrick, is Yumi OK? Is she going to be Ok? Is she alive?" Jeremy was as frightened as Ulrick was panicking. "Jeremy! Calm down, Yumi's going to be fine. She's just a bit tired, that's all. Gosh!" Ulrick helped a coughing Yumi to her feet. "You sure you're gonna be Ok?" Yumi nodded and tried to control her breathing. "Thanks for saving me. It's usually Sissi that needs saving." "Actually, I had to save Sissi from the fish with a tennis racket." Jeremy said laughing. "Listen I had gotten a note signed by your name. Did you send me a letter of any kind?" Ulrick whispered to Yumi. "I didn't send you that letter. That was Sissi trying to be mean to me, but I saw the note fall out of your binder, and I saw it had our names on it, so I read it and knew it was from Sissi. But, if I were to write you a note; that would probably sum it up." Just then Relita walked out of the tower, "I did it, and Xana is defeated, for now at least. Sorry it took so long." "Ok, that's fine. Return to the past now." Jeremy said as he pushed the past return button. They all were back at school. Back in there boring math class, with the boring math teacher. Yumi and Ulrick went outside, leaned against the building, and talked. The school day was over, and they were glad it was a nice day. "So, I guess we both now know that we like each other, so now what do we do?" Ulrick asked. For the first time in her life, Yumi couldn't find a single thing to say. "Um, I don't know. I'm still trying to get my heart to stop pounding in my chest. I just..." She couldn't say anything else, for Ulrick had just pulled her towards him and placed his lips tenderly on hers. The rest of the world vanished, leaving just them together in each others arms. It ended, and Yumi could barley stay on her feet. "Um, sorry." Ulrick said pulling away slowly. 'Why did I just do that? Gosh, she must think I'm crazy now.' Again he started to panic; he couldn't believe he had done that. He turned, wanting to get as far away as ever, so she would never have to see him again, but as he was turning, he was stopped. She had grabbed his arm, "Don't leave. Please don't leave me." Tears swelled in her eyes and gently slid down her cheek. Ulrick was astonished. "Why are you crying? I've never seen you cry before. Are you Ok?" He asked, worried, for she had never cried before. Not in front of him at least. He wiped at one of her tears. Yumi shivered at the light touch of his hand. "I'm crying because, well, because, I've always wanted to be with you, to be held by you, and to kiss you, but I've always been so afraid of what you would think if I were to tell you that. I was afraid that you would hate me, and not want to be my friend anymore." "Yumi, I would never think that. You will always be one of my best friends, and I hope me yours." Ulrick said, looking so deep in her teary eyes, he could have sworn he could see her soul. Yumi stepped closer to him and turned her head to look in his eyes. She reached up and ran her hand lightly throw his hair. He trembled slightly, and that made Yumi smile. She moved her hand downward to the back of his neck and slowly brought him towards her. "Now it's my turn." She whispered, feeling his breath on her face, covering her like a blanket in the middle of winter. She raised her own head and caught his mouth with hers. Ulrick brought his arms around her, pressing her against him. She made a slight noise, and put her arms around his neck. Ulrick gently pushed her up against the wall to feel more close to her. Together, they messed around with each others hair, and lips. Suddenly, Ulrick opened her lips with his, and slid his tongue in her mouth. She made a quick little jump from being surprised, but soon got used to it. She returned the jester and twirled her fingers in his hair.
To Be Continued In the next chapter, Yumi and Ulrick
Continued From Before...... (Chapter 2) Yumi broke away, scared, and angry at herself. 'My gosh, what have I just done?' She wondered, shaking and touching her lips. She was so scared of what had just happened. She couldn't keep herself from shaking. She sank to the ground and hid her head in her knees. Ulrick didn't understand. I wonder what the matter is. 'Why is she so sad?' He tried to think of how he could cheer her up, but didn't find much. So, he just sat down next to her, and waited. 'If she wants to talk about something, I will let her say it when she wants to say it.' He decided. Yumi looked over at him, and seeing him smile at her, made her smile too. She sighed and tried to start talking, but couldn't. 'How am I going to tell him? I don't even know what I'm trying to say!' she thought. As she racked her brain, trying to find the right words, Ulrick reached across and lightly touched her shoulder. "Um, Yumi, I was wondering if everything's Ok. I don't know what the matter is, and I'd like to know, because, well, I wasn't sure what just happened. I mean, um, I thought you had said that you wanted to kiss me, so I don't know if I read it wrong, or not." Ulrick finished and looked at Yumi, but she avoided his eyes. So, he waited, again. After a while, Yumi looked at him and tried to talk again. It was still hard for her, but she managed to finally say something. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You didn't read the message wrong, but I shouldn't have sent it the way I did. I just... I just don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry for causing you so much confusion." Again, she began to cry. 'I've cried more in the past 15 minutes than I have in my entire life.' She thought to herself. Ulrick wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say to make her feel better. For what seemed like forever, they just sat there, and waited still. Ulrick looked up at the sky and say that it was getting dark. He gasped and glanced at his watch, seeing that it was near six o'clock. Yumi looked at her watch, and saw the same thing. She jumped up and started to head for home, when she stopped and turned towards Ulrick, "I'm sorry again for what I'm going to do." She said in a small voice, as she leaned forward and lightly kissed him again. Then she turned around at ran home.