Disclaimer: The characters of Ranma ½ belong to Rumiko Takahashi. The original plot of the children's story Peter Pan belongs to JM Barrie.

Please review this story! It's been a long time since I thought to make a fanfic on any anime, so I hope you enjoy this...


Chapter 1: Faerie Tale

"Un-cute tomboy!"


Akane Tendou stuck out her tongue at Ranma Saotome, her fiancé. Ranma just glared at her.

"You're acting that way just because you lost our match," Ranma said, smirking and looking disgusted at the same time. Akane gave him a look of indignation, turning red. It was the truth. She was acting fired up because she'd lost.

"Idiot!" she nearly shouted, whirling on her heel and proceeding to stomp out of the dojo. Her gi was soaked with sweat. As much as she hated to admit it, her fights with Ranma really tested her stamina and ability to fight. Lately though, she'd been losing to him in everything that the two of them competed in- gymnastics, volleyball, even martial arts. It hurt her to think that she'd been practicing her martial arts for so long, and she still lost to a half-man.

"Oh, just grow up," Ranma shot at her, this time with the conceit of knowing he was right. "You'll never be able to defeat me! Just spend your time trying to find yourself a husband!"

Akane didn't even look over his shoulder to glower at him. She'd been 'training' with him for a week already, and somehow, those training sessions evolved to fights. Though it was the truth, she just couldn't bring herself to admit that she had a long way to go before she could defeat him.

Akane stomped out of the dojo, and immediately bumped into Nabiki Tendou, who had been carrying a plate of snacks. The Japanese rice cakes fell to the floor without a sound. An instant later, the porcelain plate shattered as it landed.

"Hm," Nabiki said disapprovingly. "I was supposed to sell these to you and Ranma. I thought you guys were getting hungry."

Akane directed her angry gaze to her sister.

"Well, we're done practicing!" she hissed, then made to sidestep her sister.

"Are you angry about losing again?" Nabiki asked in her nonchalant voice. Nabiki grimaced, and for a rare moment, became the real sister that she was. "Losing is a part of growing up, you know."

Akane's look of anger slowly burned to rage.

"We were only practicing!" she hissed, her eyes shooting sparks. "Nobody wins or loses when you're practicing!"

Nabiki looked at her skeptically. Sweat rolled off Akane's forehead. She was breathing heavily from exertion, and her shoulders were hunched in fatigue.

"Oh, Nabiki," Ranma said, appearing at the entrance of the dojo. Akane stormed away from the scene.


The young boy flew through the air, far from all things he considered ugly and ordinary. In other words, he was flying away from Everland for the night to look in on someone. The chilly Tokyo air made him shiver, and for a moment, he reconsidered what he was doing.

He stopped midair, literally freezing because of the wind, and he looked down on the city. It was a huge metropolitan area, with cement and marble and glass buildings. He stared on with distaste. He very much preferred his underground home.

For a moment, he considered turning back to go to Everland. But the thought of the special girl stopped him from turning back. Making up his mind, he flew on.


Akane Tendou stormed into her room. She'd just come from the dining room, where her father and Mr. Saotome were discussing her marriage to Ranma. She looked at the familiar setting of her room, and felt sorely out of place. Not for the first time, she wished that she were somewhere else.

She was changing into her pajamas, when suddenly her bedroom door opened, and P-Chan came in. He was a black piglet with a bright yellow bandanna around his neck. Akane sat on the bed with her arms outstretched, and he readily jumped into her arms.

Akane stroked his thin layer of black fur, and he pushed his nose into her palm. Suddenly overwhelmed, she started to cry. She held P-Chan close to her chest and let the tears flow silently.

She was engaged to someone who hated her guts, she was losing the title of strongest person in her school, her father was pressuring her to tie the knot, and her sisters were acting like it was all the most ordinary thing in the world.

"I wish I were somewhere else," she whispered mostly to herself rather than to him. P-Chan looked up at her with large liquid eyes. Her tears fell unchecked. She reached out and absently switched the night lamp off. Then she fell back into bed, exhausted.


The latch of the window clicked, and was unlocked. It slowly slid open... And in the window frame crouched an agile young boy, who was barely out of adolescence. He stared in admiringly at the girl sleeping silently on the bed.

A small person buzzed around him like a little fly. She was a fairy, as small as the palm of his hand, and as protective as a mother bear. The boy waved the fairy away impatiently.

The girl on the bed gave a sigh. With a sudden burst of courage, the young man floated into the room and stopped to stand beside her bed. Her body was facing him with her eyes closed. As he took a closer look, he realized that her breathing was still irregular, and that she, in fact, wasn't sleeping.

She was just lying down with her eyes closed. He took a step back, and the floorboard creaked. The girl's eyes flew open.

Akane Tendou stared at the apparition before her in shock. It was a young boy who seemed to come right out of the caveman era... His gold-brown hair fell in a careless fashion over his forehead and eyebrows, and his eyes were a luminous shade of blue-green. He was clearly a young man, but there was still something mischievous and immature about him.

After staring at each other for a while, Akane made a move to scream. The boy jumped into the air...Akane waited for him to fall back down. Instead, he continued moving higher into the air with surprising speed, until his head hit the ceiling.

"You can fly!" Akane exclaimed after her initial shock. She jumped out of bed and took a fighting stance. "I don't know why you're here, but you better get out or else!"

The boy looked at her incredulously. Then he saw the fire in her eyes and the offensive pose, and his hand flew to the dirk at his side. It was a blade that was slightly shorter than a dagger but longer than a knife. It was light and easy to conceal, so he often carried it around.

He remained in the air. From behind her, she heard P-Chan yapping furiously.

Akane stepped backward onto her bed to elevate herself a bit. The boy was still floating, and it wouldn't do her any good to be on unequal footing.

"Who are you?" she asked. 'And what are you wearing?' she wanted to shriek, but didn't. He appeared to be wearing some sort of yeti costume. A thick layer of bear hide went across one shoulder and into his waistband. It was laden with several green vines and flowers and nuts. He appeared to be sporting a...how do you call it...short SKIRT made of the same bear hide and vine decorations.

His brown leather ankle boots had no sole and made no noise whatsoever.

He looked at her suspiciously, his hand tightening at his side.

"Who are YOU?" he shot back uncertainly. The corner of his mouth moved to make a tentative friendly smile. Akane braced herself to attack.

"Akane Tendou, heir of the Tendou Dojo Style of Martial Arts! What's your name?"

The boy floated to the carpeted floor and backed up to the direction of the door. Akane jumped from the bed and went to the opposite side of the room. P-Chan was now yelping furiously.

"Peter," he said. "Pan." He crossed his arms across his chest, then resumed his position with his hand to his dagger.

Akane simply stared at him. Peter Pan was the name of the magical character that flew into Wendy Darling's window and took her to Neverland. He didn't exist in real life. This boy was clearly insane.

"Oh," she said sarcastically, going back to guarded position. "And you're supposed to come from Neverland, too?"

Peter frowned. "It's EVERland."

Akane was stupefied, ten slowly lowered her arms. Her thoughts went back to her problems and her wish to escape from them all. Peter saw her loosening up, and his arms fell to his side.


P-Chan, who was watching the whole exchange, realized that his squealing wasn't doing anyone any good. There was nothing he could do while he was in piglet form. He was on the bed, trying to shout threats to the boy who called himself Peter Pan, but all that came out were pathetic whines.

Finally, when he saw that Akane was letting down her guard and that Peter Pan was also letting down his own guard, he realized that he had to do something before Peter took advantage of the situation.

He saw that Peter was blocking the doorway, so without thinking twice about it, he jumped on Akane's table. He ignored the bright yellow being that sat perched on the table and jumped out the window. He landed deftly on the grass below the balcony. He turned to run into the interior of the house and up the stairs, in the hopes of waking Ranma.


"Come back here!" Akane fairly hissed as she watched Peter climb on the windowsill. Peter looked back at her in surprise.

"But I have to tell my friends about Cinderella," he said, as if it were an excuse. He paused. "I live with my friends. They're the Lost Friends."

Akane had been sitting on the bed. He'd asked her to tell him the story of the girl who lost her glass slipper. She'd told him the story of Cinderella, and now, it looked like he was about to leave. But if he were the real Peter, he would have to take her to Everland.

She thought about her problems, and suddenly grew desperate for him to take her far away.

"But I know lots of stories," she said hesitantly. "Stories I could tell your friends."

Peter looked at her, enchanted by her earnest appeal.

"Come with me," he said without hesitation. He felt Tink, his fairy, suddenly fly to his ear in warning. He swatted her away. He took a step closer to Akane.

Akane looked at him, and all she saw was freedom and adventure. She imagined a lush environment where she could escape from her current problems. She took a step forward, and suddenly; the first real problem came up.

"I don't know how to fly," she said. She said it breathlessly and a little off-sounding, as if she just realized it.

Peter grinned.

"No problem," he said, grinning charmingly. "You just think happy thoughts! Then you leap into the air!" He jumped back into the air, and twisted and twirled about or something, and ended up sitting on the ceiling upside down.

Akane started, looking up at him.

"Happy thoughts..." she murmured. "I got it!" she said loudly, more to motivate herself than anything else. "I got it!" she stood up on one end of the bed, and tried to think about her friends and family...

She began to smile and ran to the edge of the bed. But just before she stepped over the edge, she remembered Ranma, and instantly began to fall. Peter saw this, and he quickly grabbed Tinkerbell, and showered the fairy dust on her. Akane began to float.

She levitated uncertainly, the tingly feeling making her light- headed. She frowned apprehensively, and then swan backwards in the air...she gave a kick midair...

She looked at Peter. He looked at Akane. Simultaneously, the two of them broke into smiles. Tink flew out of the window first. Peter hopped out the window and stood on the narrow ledge. Akane climbed out onto the ledge beside him. They stood side by side...

Peter floated gracefully into the sky. Then he slowly turned around in mid-air... held out his hand beckoningly to Akane...


"Why are you here, Ryoga?!" Ranma said angrily, then threw P-Chan out of his bed. P-Chan flew against the side of the slightly open shoji door.

P-Chan came bolting back with a vengeance. His small piglet body hit Ranma straight away in the forehead. This brought Ranma out of his groggy state.

"What?!" Ranma snapped, running a hand on his now red forehead. He sat up in bed. He looked to his left and saw that his father was taking up some of his side of the futon. Ranma shoved his father back into to the other side of the futon. Ranma glared at P-Chan. P-Chan was still yelping.

"I thought you were with Akane," Ranma snapped again, holding the poor piglet by his fur. Ryoga held the impulse to spit on his rival. At the mention of Akane's name, Ryoga's excitement increased, and he started yelping with twice more energy.

Ranma's eyes widened.


Akane Tendou looked at the boy floating in front of her. It was such a strange image, a strange boy floating against the backdrop of modern Tokyo at night. Far behind him, the moon shimmered. It was strange. It was strangely enchanting.

Akane longed to escape from the crazy world she'd been forced to live in, but somehow...she hesitated, then looked over her shoulder to her window. Through the glass, she could see the room she'd lived in for almost all of her sixteen years. It wasn't too late...

Peter sensed her hesitation. He floated closer, until his face was in line to Akane's ear. Such in a state of confusion Akane was in that she didn't really notice. She just stared over his tanned shoulder straight to the moon and tried to get her thoughts in order.

"Forget this place, Akane," he said imploringly. "Forget it all. Come with me, where you'll never, NEVER have to worry about anything again."

He floated backwards again to look at her. Akane's head went up. Their eyes met.

"Never," she said. "Is a VERY long time."

Peter's face broke into a beautiful slow smile...

Akane's felt her own lips pull at the corners to form a smile of her own. She didn't hear her bedroom door crash open behind her. Peter didn't hear it either. He was too busy staring at Akane.

"Come with me to Everland," he said. Akane floated into the air...

And saw that her ankle was being held by a very unwelcome person: Ranma Saotome.

"Akane!" he yelled. "What are you doing?!"

"Let go of my foot!" Akane shouted back. Peter could only stare, dumbfounded. The lovely moment had been ruined completely.

Ranma clamored out of the windowsill, and he momentarily let go of Akane's foot. Taking the opportunity, Akane jetted away from the ledge. She grabbed Peter and dragged him to a point around ten feet away, so that Ranma couldn't tackle either one of them.

"Akane-!" Ranma said, more out of surprise than anything else. "You're...flying."

Then Ranma took notice of the strange young boy standing beside his fiancé. Ranma's raised an eyebrow at the strange apparel.

"Hi, I'm Peter Pan," the boy said in a friendly way. "I taught Akane how to fly."

Akane looked at Peter sharply and realized that Peter had a very friendly streak.

"You shouldn't have told him that!" she said to him angrily. She made a move to float away further. "Let's go!"

Peter looked at her, then at Ranma. "Okay."

Ranma was left there, standing on the ledge, looking like a fool. There was nothing he could do about Akane leaving. She was flying, for goodness sakes.

"How?" he shouted suddenly to Peter. "How do you fly?!"

His own words sounded crazy to him, as they went against everything he was taught in Physics class. But Peter didn't seem to know this. He turned straight away, taking the bait. He flashed a charming smile at Ranma, who withered.

"You just think happy thoughts!" Akane exclaimed, very sarcastically. "They leap you into the air!" 'Actually, the correct answer is you need fairy dust,' Akane thought in her mind.

Ranma looked at her skeptically, then looked at Peter. He nodded.

"Happy thoughts..." Ranma said. He was deep in thought for a moment, then he snapped his fingers. "I got it!" he said. He braced himself. "Martial Arts! China! Being a full man again!"

He leaped into the air-! And he was floating. He hovered to a point just beyond the windowsill uncertainly. Then he grinned. Akane was dumbfounded. All she did was stare in annoyance as Ranma floated up to her and Peter.

"Akane, you're not thinking straight," Ranma said when they were face to face in the air. That was actually the understatement of the year. Leaving in the middle of the night on a boy's whim was more than not thinking straight. It was insane.

"I'll let you win tomorrow," Ranma said, thinking this was the best bribe he could offer.

'Wrong move,' Akane thought as she felt her face cloud in rage. She gritted her teeth, and when she opened her mouth, out came a stream of un- happy thoughts.

"Idiot!" she said to him. "Pervert!"

Ranma frowned as his happy thoughts started to cloud over. Akane glared at him.

"H-Hey..." he started.

Peter, ever helpful, looked concerned.

"Akane," said he. "What are you doing? Here," he said to Ranma. "Grab my hand."

The golden-haired boy made a move towards Ranma. Akane felt herself start to get desperate. She didn't want it to come to this, but she had no other choice, apparently.

"Girl form!" she said loud enough only for Ranma to hear. That was the last straw. Ranma fell.

"Uncute tomboy!" He said back as he fell backwards. "I don't care if you leave!"

Ranma was already in position to land on the ground in such a way that he wouldn't hurt himself. Peter had other thoughts. He was quite a quick young lad, and he'd grabbed Tink in mid-air when Ranma started to fall. He zoomed towards Ranma and sprinkled the magical dust. Ranma stopped falling and began to float. He looked amazed.

"Hmph," was all Akane could say. She crossed her arms and looked away.

Ranma glared at her and looked away.

Peter looked at both and grinned.

"So where do we go?" Akane asked Peter, pointedly ignoring Ranma. Peter turned to the moon.

"Second to the right and straight on till morning," he said. "Follow me to Everland!"




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