Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, they all belong to JK Rowling. She's a fantastic author, and I respect her so much, andI would never steal anything or claim anything.

Authors Note: I apologise for the delay of this chapter! I've been busy, my betas have been busy, everybody has been busy!

This chapter is my longest so far! I hope you'll all like it! Draco gets hunted, Harry gets humiliated in public and many other things are happening! Drama! -Enjoy!

A big thank YOU to my betas, Sarah and Samantha, who are working on my old chapters and fixing them! People would be throwing stones at me and hunt me down, if it wasn't for you guys!

Thank you, Sarah - Princesspepper - for beta'ing this chapter!

And last, but not least - thank you to all of you who are reading Drunk and leaving me reviews! I love you.

This chapter is dedicated to Michael Serpent, author of: The Golden Snitch and Milk is My Sugar. You were a big inspiration to me; may you rest in peace.


Chapter 14

Save Me

Draco sat down on the ground with a heavy sigh. His heart was still racing in his chest, and his shirt was feeling wet from cold sweat. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then, his head snapped up, and he opened his eyes. It was dark now. And cold. Draco wrapped his arms around himself, trying to warm his body.

There was a popping sound from a place behind him. He held his breath and crawled behind a nearby bush. Then he saw them.

There were aboutthree of them, their masks shining silver in the moonlight; their cloaks whirling behind them in the wind. They were talking quietly to each other, looking around as if they were searching for someone, which, Draco knew, they were.

Draco made himself as small as possible, and didn't make a sound. One of the Death Eaters was now standing right in front of the bush he was behind. It wouldn't be long before they found him. There weren't many hiding places around here.

"Our master told us to look behind every single stone until we find him!" one of the Death Eaters said. "He can't be far away."

They split up, and started to search in different directions. The Death Eater nearest to Draco was still coming closer. Draco knew he had to act quickly. He raised his wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Draco screamed, hitting the Death Eater in the chest. The man froze and fell forward, into the bush. Draco jumped back and looked up. The remaining two Death Eaters had heard him. They were storming right towards him.

Draco ran. He ran as fast as he could, ducking now and then when a spell was being shot after him.

Finally, he saw Hogwarts lying in front of him, the lights from inside the castle shining like big, yellow eyes in the night.

'Just a bit more to go,' he thought, gasping. His muscles were starting to get numb; his whole body was hurting from all the running. 'Just a little more...'

They were close behind him now; the spells were getting harder to avoid. Draco felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes. 'It's hopeless... they're too close!'

Then he heard it. The sound of a broom flying through the air. He looked up.

There was someone coming right torwards him. Someone with black, windblown hair, and a very angry look on his face. Harry!

"Expelliarmus!" Harry roared, pointing his wand at one of the running Death Eaters.The mandidn't even have time to look up, as he was being thrown backwards, his wand flying out of his hand. The other Death Eater pointed his own wand at Harry, opening his mouth to hex him. Draco was faster than him. "Serpensortia!"

A giant snake emanated from the tip of his wand, and was flung towards the Death Eater. He stopped, struggling with the snake, which was now curled around his face.

Harry stopped in the air beside Draco. "You really like that spell, don't you?" There was a faint smile on his lips. "It is nifty, isn't it?" Draco said, still gasping for air. Harry held out his hand for Draco to take. Draco grabbed it and climbed up behind Harry to sit on the broom. Then they took off.

Draco put his arms around Harry's waist, holding on tightly. He closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of Harry's neck. He breathed in Harry's scent, and for the first time that evening, he felt completely safe.

"How did you find me?" he asked, not moving his head.

Harry turned his head a little, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. "I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you dissapeared. I have this... Er, map, you see... It's a map that shows me every person in Hogwarts and where they are the giving moment. That's how I knew Mrs. Norris was coming that night in the library." He paused. Draco lifted his head a bit, studying Harry's profile. They were almost at the castle now.

"I was waiting for your name to appear on the map, so that I could find you. I saw your name and two others, which I didn't recognize, on the Hogwarts grounds, and then I hurried out here. Did you know that you were away for several hours?"

Harry dived and they landed right outside the huge front doors. Draco dismounted the broom, and then waited for Harry to do so as well. Then they walked inside the castle.

Draco stopped.


Harry stopped.

"I meanHarry." The word was soft.

Harry turned around. Neither of them said a word. Draco looked at Harry's face through the darkness.

"Thank you." He smiled.

Harry ducked his head and looked away. "It was nothing..."

"You probably saved my life. That's more than nothing."

"What happened back there, Draco?" Harry titled his head. Draco felt his green eyes looking right through him.

"He knows about you... about us."

He heard Harry breathe in slowly. "What us?"

Draco ignored the sudden sting in his heart by Harry's words and shrugged. "You know... whatever we are."

Harry kept staring at him. Draco ducked his head. "He's a Legilimens, you know..."

Harry laughed bitterly. "Yeah, I know that. He sort of gave me a lesson fifth year…"

Draco narrowed his eyes. He would have to ask Harry about that later. "Anyway, he read my thoughts, and you were in them."

"You thought about me?" Draco could hear the smirk in Harry's voice and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but that's not the point! The point is that we're in danger! He can use this against the both of us! He knows I have a weakness now!"

Draco's eyes widened. He had not wanted that to slip.

They were both quiet for a long while. Then Harry took a step forward. "I'm your weakness?" His words were nothing but a whisper, but Draco still felt the hair on his arms rise. He didn't know how to get out of this one.

"So? What if you are?" he spat. He suddenly felt nerveous. The thought of the kiss only a few hours ago was still fresh in his memory, and Harry was coming even closer.

"Then I'm flattered," Harry breathed, breaking the last few inces and placing his lips on Draco's.

It wasn't a long kiss, but that didn't make any it less perfect. Harry slowly pulled back, staring in to Draco's eyes.

"You know," he said hoarsely, "this is the first time we're both fully aware of this happening, and there's no spell involved either. If you want an excuse to run away again, now would be good, before my reason returns."

Draco was still dazed as he opened his eyes, smirking.

"Oh no, Potter. I won't give you that pleasure." His eyes roamed over Harry's body a split second. Then he grabbed the front of Harry's ropes and crushed their mouths together.

He sighed deeply when Harry's tongue met his own. He lifted his hands and cupped Harry's face, holding it still. Harry's left hand was on his waist, the other on his neck.

They stood like that for what seemed like hours, kissing, touching, holding. Draco was just about to put his hand under Harry's shirt, when suddenly he heard a door closing nearby.

They quickly broke apart, both breathing heavily.

"Oh, shit, there's someone in here!" Harry whispered. Pulling Draco with him behind a statue.

"Can you see who it is?" Draco asked, his own eyes searching the dark hall. "It's not that late, anyone could walk in; what on Earth were we thinking, standing out he—?"

"Shush, shut up!" Harry hissed, cutting Draco off by covering his mouth with his hand.

They sat quietly, waiting for whoever was there to appear in the room.

But nothing happened.

"I don't there's anyone in here," Draco said. He looked at Harry, who looked strangely pale. "What is it?"

Harry returned his look, his eyes filled with fear. "If no one came in, it had to be someone who left!" he said.

"Someone... someone who's been here the whole time!"

When the door slammed behind him, the boy let out a shaky breath. He stood still for a few seconds, trying to calm his nerves.

He couldn't believe what he'd just seen. The image was still clear in his head; the low moans and the sound of wet lips were still ringing in his ears.

He walked quickly down the hallway. He could feel the heat from his flushed skin, as he touched his cheeks to cool them with his hands.

He did not know how to feel. Everything inside him felt... empty. He couldn't quite express it, but it was as if something inside him was starting to boil. Some strange, forceful feeling was quickly coming to surface, and when it did... he knew he had to hurry.

His footsteps quickened, and he tore the bathroom door open and stumbled inside.

He leaned against the wall and clenched his fist.

And then Blaise Zabine let out a long, fierce scream of rage.

Harry and Draco stared at each other in what seemed like hours, before Harry finally spoke.

"Who... who do you think it could have been?"

Draco leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He didn't look at Harry as he answered.

"It could have been anyone, Harry."

Harry sighed frustratedly, and went to stand beside Draco. Draco turned his head and looked at Harry, his eyes suddenly filled with anger.

"What where you thinking kissing me like that in here! It's a public space, you knew anyone could come in!"

Harry blinked. He stared at Draco incrediously.

"What was I thinking? Okay, first of all, Draco, we kissed each other, we where both in it, and secondly..." he blushed. "I don't think either of us were capable of thinking clearly right that moment."

Draco mumbled something that Harry couldn't hear, and walked over to the nearest window and leaned against the frame.

"What did you say?" Harry asked suspicually.

Draco, who was now kicking his foot aginst the stone wall, didn't answer right away, but sighed deeply.

"Nothing, it's just..." He stopped kicking and looked at Harry. "You know how fast rumors spread in this school. Soon everybody will know; the Slytherins, the teachers... just everybody! And I've got a reputation you know, and I have to maintain that."

He ran a hand through his hair, and even though Harry wasn't exactly flattered by Draco's words, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

'He's not ready for this,' he thought. 'Hell, I don't even know if I am!'

He took a few steps toward Draco.

"Look... maybe we can somehow work out who saw us, and confront him or her before they get a chance to tell everbody."

Draco's eyes lit up, hope replacing the frustration.

Harry seemed to gain more confidence by knowing he was lightening Draco's mood, and continued.

"We have to keep our eyes open," he said. "Maybe we'll notice that some of the students are acting weird around us and then we'll have a talk with them."

Draco turned his head away from the window and looked at Harry with a tired smile.

"I guess we don't have any other options. Look, I have to get back to my dorm now, I need to finish that essay for Potions."

He started walking towards the door, his silver hair shining in the moonlight.

Harry couldn't help it; he called out.


Draco stopped and turned around. Harry could feel his searching eyes on his face, and cursed himself for being so afraid of being hurt once again.

"Please don't walk away again, pretending nothing between us happened," he said, not daring to look Draco in the eye and read the answer to his question.

The following silence was unbearable. Harry was just about to crack, when Draco slowly crossed the room, gripped his face in his own hands, and kissed him softly on the lips.

"We don't have to pretend anymore, Harry," he whispered, "it's too late for that."

Then, he left.

As Draco walked down the stairs to the Slytherin dungeons, he pondered over how things with Harry had gotten this far. The curse had been broken, but still he felt this need, and… hunger for the Gryffindor. Harry had asked him not to pretend. How could he, when every fibre in his body told him that this wasn't something magical or temporary? This was something else.

This was something he couldn't make excuses for.

This was something real.

And even though he should probably be feeling horrified or disgusted by this, he didn't.

And therefore, Draco Malfoy entered the common room, a secretive smile in replace of the famous Malfoy sneer

"Pansy! I need to speak to you in here right now!"

Pansy lowered her Witch Weekly magazine and looked at Blaise.

"What is wrong with you boys lately? You just have to shout all the time, don't you?"

She put the book away and crossed her arms.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Blaise lowered the arm that had been gesturing for Pansy to come with him out of the common room.

"For fuck's sake, Pansy, we can't discuss this in here!" He went to where she was sitting and grabbed her arm. "Now, get off that fat ass of yours and come on!"

Pansy struggled to get out of Blaise's grip, but the boy was too strong.

"Don't you ever call me fat again, Zabini!" She cried. "Let go of me!"

She cast a first year a venomous glare, before Blaise dragged her out in the hall.

"What the hell is your problem?" she spat as soon as the portrait closed behind them.

"Why didn't you tell me about Draco and Potter?" Blaise asked backening her against the wall.

Pansy froze. She stared at Blaise.

"You... you know?"

Blaise rolled his eyes and stepped back. "The hell I do. I saw them."

"Where?" Pansy felt the blood rush out of her face. How could Draco be so reckless?

"In the Great Hall. I went in there to look after my Potions book. It was all dark and empty, I thought, but then... I saw them. How could he do that? It's bloody Potter, it's a boy!"

He thumped his fist against the wall with a cracking sound. Pansy shuddered, but Blaise didn't even seem to notice. "I thought I knew him! He's a traitor! A filthy blood-traitor and a fucking liar! We talked, and he always talked about girls and how much he liked them! I can't wait to tell his father!"

Pansy stared at Blaise. She'd never seen him this angry before, and the sight frightened her.

"Blaise, no. You can't tell his father! He would kill Draco!"

Blaise looked at her coldly. "So what? If he doesn't kill him, I will. Draco's dug his own grave; he's betrayed us all."

Pansy sighed. She didn't know what to say. To some extent, she agreed with Blaise. She didn't approve of that... that relationship or whatever it was that Draco and Potter were having, but she didn't want Draco to be hurt, either.

She looked up at Blaise. "How did you know... that I knew?"

Blaise, who was healing his wounded hand with his wand, didn't look at her but answered quietly.

"You didn't speak to him for weeks, Pansy. You avoided him. You never avoid him, everybody knows you're crazy about him."

Pansy felt her chest tighten. "Yeah... I am."

"I always imagined Draco and you getting together someday," Blaise said, straightening up and wiping off his bloody hand on his robe. "You're a perfact match."

Pansy couldn't help but smile. "Really? You know, I always thought so too," she smirked.

Blaise looked at her seriously. "I'm not going to let Draco screw this up," he said. "This... thing with Potter has to stop. I'll do what I can, alright?"

Pansy leaned forward, and kissed Blaise's cheek. "You're the best!" she said.

"Let's make a deal." Blaise said. "I help you get Draco, and you help me with Potter."

"It's a deal!" Pansy said, holding out her hand. Blaise took it and sqeezed it.

"A deal."

Harry had never, before this day, looked forward to Potions. Ever.

The rest of the day dragged on, and when lunch was nearly over, Harry was so nervous that he couldn't sit still.

He hadn't seen Draco anywhere the whole day. He slept too late, and almost missed breakfast, and when he came down, there was almost no one left in the Great Hall.

On his way between classes, he'd been craning his neck, hoping for a glimpse of silver-white hair, but there had been no sign of Draco.

'Maybe he's been taken!' Harry couldn't help but think, but he tried not to start worrying until Potions.

"Jesus, Harry, did you drink too much coffee this morning?" Hermione said as the three of them made their way down to the dungeons.

Harry, who'd been looking over his shoulder and almost walked right into a statue of a knight, gave Hermione a quick glance before he continued looking after Draco.

"Well, you're acting very weird, and you're all... hyper! Relax, Harry, or you'll get a heart attack."

"Don't be silly, I'm not hyper at a—ARGHHH!" Harry jumped with a start. He looked at Ron angrily.

"Not hyper, eh? The only thing I did was give you a little poke in the side!" Ron grinned. They laughed all the way to the classroom.

As they each took a seat, Harry kept an eye on the door. He let out a relieved sigh when Draco finally walked through the door. Their eyes met briefly, and Harry felt warmness spread in his chest. He thought about the kisses they'd shared the night before, and couldn't help blushing slightly.

Draco looked amused by this. He grinned, and gave Harry a wink before he took a seat a few tables away from Harry's.

Harry smiled to himself and turned towards Hermione to ask her about today's homework. He found her staring straight at him, a serious expression on her face.

"You need to talk to Ginny," she said in a low voice. "You can't do this to her, it's not right."

Harry looked at her. He suddenly felt very guilty. He hadn't even thought about Ginny. The last time he'd spoken to her, he'd been rude and practically told her to bugger off.

"I know, I... I just don't know what to say. I don't want to hurt her."

Hermione took his hand and sqeezed it gently. "I know you don't, but she will get hurt eventually. Just don't lie to her anymore."

Harry nodded and gave her a small smile. Then they both straightened up, and kept still, as Snape strode into the room and glared at the class.

"Take out your books and read the instructions on page four hundred and one! There will be no need to talk."

"Man, I hate theory," Ron sighed. Snape was writing the formula for Polyjuice Potion on the blackboard, and every so often he stopped for a few moments to explain the certain magical powers each of the ingredients contained. "I mean, we already know how to make that one!"

He and Harry sniggered, but Hermione was too busy writing notes. Harry grabbed his quill and was just about to start writing, when suddenly something hit his shoulder, and fell onto the floor. He looked down. A crumpled piece of paper was lying next to his foot. He bent down and picked it up, then quietly unfolded the note. It was written in neat handwriting. Draco's handwriting. Harry turned his head a little and looked at the Slytherin. His head was bent, but Harry could see a smirk on his lips, as he kept staring at the surface of the table, avoiding Harry's questioning gaze.

"Mr. Potter!"

Harry's head snapped up. Snape – and everybody else – was looking right at him.

Snape walked down to his table and snatched the note out of Harry's hand, before he had the chance to hide it.

He quickly muttered a spell that changed the handwriting, so Snape wouldn't recognize it.

"10 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention in class!"

There was an angry mumbling from his classmates. "Now, lets see what this could be."

As Snape quickly read through the words, his face twisted into an evil, victorous smile.

"Isn't that adorable. A little love letter! You all just have to hear what it says!" Snape cleared his throat and began to read:

"Have you been hiding Harry? Haven't seen you all day. Anyway, meet me tonight at the Quidditch Pitch, at eight o'clock. By the way, you forgot to do your last buttom on your shirt. It looks rather sexy, actually."

Snape read the note in a high-pitched sing-song voice. When he was done, he looked at Harry with triumph glittering in his dark eyes.

"I wonder who the... hmm, lucky girl is?" he smirked.

The Slytherins where shrieking with laughter, and even a few Gryffindors looked like they were surpressing a snigger. Harry tried to hide his face in his palms, but he knew that everyone could see his flushed face through his fingers. Then he sneaked at glance at Draco. Draco wasn't laughing. He just sat there smiling knowingly. "Prat!" Harry thought. He caught Draco's eyes. Draco looked at him and mouthed: "Astronomy Tower. Eight o'clock!" He smiled.

Harry nodded and smiled back.

At the blackboard, Snape was now doing another dramatic reading of Draco's note, to the Slytherins big amusement. 'Shit, this is embarrassing!' he thought. But he couldn't help smiling to himself.


Please, do review! I love to read them! Critism in any way is mostly welcome!

And to all od you who doesn't like the idea of my Harry/Ginny parring... don't worry, I'll fix it ;)