Summary Kuwabara grew up as a psychic, because of that people always misunderstood him. The others, as demons, have Makai; Botan has Reikai. However, is there anywhere for human with powers to belong to? Or are they condemned to wonder the fringes of society as outcasts?

SettingAU, This after Yusuke finding out he's a descendent of a youkai, after the Sensui Saga. Hiei did not get a pardon and still trapped in Ningenkai on parole. They have not met the various leaders of Makai, meaning there are no alliances with Muruko, Yomi or Raizen - yet. So only a year and a half has passed since the beginning of the show, Kuwabara and Yusuke are both 15, nearing 16. Kurama's human form is now 17. Hiei is already a fully-grown demon. Most of the time, I can't stand to change the guys excessively much. So, Hiei is as short as they make him to be in the show, no 'Ohh he's grown taller' that would indicate that he is not fully-grown to begin with and is not true to his character.

Disclaimer I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Edited Argh! -- What ever happened to reviewer who helped a writer by telling them that there's a mistake? COME ON PEOPLE! If I make a mistake please tell me. WE are amateur writers, we can't improve if we don't know there's mistakes in the story. I WANT you to give me constructive criticism. Can anyone tell me how I can find a Beta reader?

YYH Wondering Souls

Chapter 1 Bad News

On to the story

In a far plain in Makai the cries of rage and hate mingled with a shout of annoyance.

"Damn it, Kuwabara! Snap out of it, you jackass! We're in the middle of a fight here!" Urameshi Yusuke hollered as a ten foot tall demon charged at the detective. Urameshi jumped to the side as the tall but lumbering demon made a grab for him. The miss caused it to loose it's balance and fall over.

Three demons fell as Kuwabara Kazuma cut them in half as he used the Reiken. However, it was obvious that Kuwabara's attention was elsewhere. His reaction time was slower, he wasn't hollering with his normal bravado, and his eyes---His eyes seem to be focused on some distant event. "Something's wrong..."

"Well, duh you stupid ass!" Urameshi shouted as his rei-gun took down another of the opposition. "We're here to stop these stupid little demons from using an artifact to resurrect some dead lord and here you are, daydreaming like we're on vacation!"

"Shut up, Urameshi! There's something wrong back home. My posse..." Kuwabara paused as he cut down another member of the demon cult. ", my entire gang... they're in trouble..."

Although the demons they were facing were minor demons- only class D - they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of them. Cutting the opposition down is not the problem, cutting BACK the numbers of the force is the difficult task. For every one of the mongrel rat demons they killed, it seemed as two more took it's place. Even as Kurama used the rose whip to behead a dozen of the fiends, a force of over three times that was running out of the abandoned temple. Kurama readied his whip , but widened his eyes as he saw that this 'force' was panicking for the most part. As the last ones ran out to the open, he could see why. At least four of them were running for the river in a vain attempt to douse the fires on their backs, legs or arms.


Within seconds the temple was engulfed in blazes. A purposeful footfall announced Hiei's return to the battle outside. At Kurama's curious glance, Hiei produced a green orb. "Feh, I have the artifact. Let's finish with these vermin and get out of here."

Soon many of the vast numbers were that of the dead, demonic wererats. Only a hand full were left to eliminate. However, that was when the feeling of ill-ease grew for Kuwabara. Before he could stop it, he was experiencing double vision. But this wasn't the normal type that most think of. Not with the clan Kuwabara's hereditary psychic powers involved. No, Kuwabara is experiencing clairvoyance, having a scene of one remote location superimposed onto the scene of his current location.

Needless to say seeing two different locations at once is very disorientating. Imagine if a psychic was at a cliff's edge and had the image of city street imposed on that? Both scenes seen equally real to the psychic, how can you move from the crowd without falling off the cliff? It is because of such situations that when a psychic starts to have this type of vision, they would stand still and close their eyes. The current scenery from his physical vision would be blocked out but not the mental vision of the remote one. The reaction is often instinctive, just as a person blinks when a friend throws a hand quickly in the face.

As the vision took hold, Kuwabara indeed instinctively stopped in mid-step. His eyes shot open after a second but to Kuwabara it seems as if time was dragging. "No! Okubo!" Kuwabara reached out in front of him, as a sword descended.

The other three looked over to see what made Kuwabara cry out for. They saw nothing in front of the tall human, only on fiend that was approaching fast from the left.

They were surprised when Kuwabara did nothing to protect himself as the demon raised a mace.

In Reikai

The normal chaos was in order in the Reikai Palace. Ogres running back and forth, Ferry girls zooming off to fetch the newly departed and in Koenma's office, all was going the normal route. There sat the prince of Reikai at his desk, who was ignoring the steadily growing piles of paper work as he watched the screen of the spirit world TV. On the screen, it showed his favorite team of spirit detectives on their latest mission, which has taken them to Makai.

A reverberating crash echoed in Koenma's formally quiet office as Jorge barged in crying out "Koenma-sama! I got some terrible news, sir! Take a look at this report." He held out the papers in his hand, only to be ignored.

When his personal assistant did not move for several minutes, Koenma turned to regard him with narrowed eyes. "Jorge Satatome, I am busy monitoring this most recent mission I sent Yusuke and the others on. Put it on my desk."

"But Koenma-sama, it concerns Ku…"

"I don't care! I said I was busy! Now shut up!"

The argument was halted when Botan came rushing into the office. "Koenma-sama! I got some terrible news! It's dreadful, it concerns Kuwabara!"

"That's what I was trying to say to him! But no, he cuts me off." Jorge waved a hand at the glowering prince before turning his attention to Botan. "You didn't bring them with you?"

The blue-haired ferry girl faced the blue-skinned ogre with a panicked look. "That's the terrible part! They refused to come!" She had to wait to continue until Jorge's exclamation of "WHAT" died down. "They said they needed to stay, even after death, they are completely loyal to him!"

"Oh dear, this is no good. Especially after this dreadful mission." Jorge ignored Botan's questions and merely pointed at the TV screen. "Watch, they are being even more malicious with poking jokes and general insults at Kuwabara today."

At that point Koenma was standing on is desk jumping up and down while waving his hands and screaming "What are you two talking about!" He stopped when they both hissed shhh in unison. All attention was given to the screen.

In the Makai

The four agents of Koenma had finished their mission and were now on their way back to the portal that would take them to Reikai. Kuwabara was setting a quick pace, running at an astonishing fast rate.

The others were keeping up with him but they were annoyed with two facts, which Yusuke was the one to point them out. "Hey Kuwabara, slow down! We finished the mission in time so why hurry? Are you in that much of a rush to get out of the demon realm? Besides your arm is still broken, baka."

On Kuwabara's other side, Kurama turned to face him. "Indeed, Kuwabara-kun, we need to stop of a moment. Normally you would have healed by now. At the very least, let me tend to the bone that's sticking out and use my plants to stabilize the arm."

Shaking his head, Kuwabara refused. "No! That's not it, not at all. I told you that something was wrong back in Ningenkai, something to do with my friends. I have to get back there!" He was in a panic to get back home. Something had gone wrong, very wrong indeed.

"Hn, it's his own fault that his arm got broken. If he didn't loose his concentration back there, that low class demon would never have hit him with it's club. What an amateur." Hiei wasted no pity on the only human of the group.

"Hiei's right, you shouldn't daydream in the middle of a fight, Kuwabara." Yusuke said as he stepped in front of the towering human and stopped, which tripped Kuwabara to the ground. Ignoring the cry of pain, Kurama wasted no time in running to him and using the diversion to check on his arm.

Kuwabara didn't pay any attention to Kurama as he pointed a finger in Yusuke's face. "Listen, back when we fought against the Saint Beasts and we were here in the Makai, I told you that I sensed that Keiko was in danger back in Ningenkai. And I was right! After the fight with Sensui and I got the Jigan Tou, my spirit awareness became even stronger! So don't you tell me that I was daydreaming! I know something's happened to my friends!" With saying that, he got up to continue to run.

Yusuke gave a pointed look to Kurama. "How is the moron's arm? Shit, I've given him some broken bones in the past but he healed up fast. Damn baka, there's been times that I really hurt him, but he's all healed and is looking like he never got in a fight not even five minutes later."

"Kuwabara's arm is healing, slowly but surely." Kurama shook his head in contemplation. "It seems that he's not healing quite as fast as he normally does because he is foolishly putting all his energies into this run."

Kuwabara ran on ahead, refusing to wait for the others. He did not want to hear their words, however he still did. "How ironic that they give words of concern only for them to be followed by insults." He heard them all, calling him foolish, a baka and an amateur, damning him even. "It is always like this, they seem to care for me one minute then the next they insult me. I can feel the contempt they often have for me. Sometimes I wonder if their concern is only because they don't want to be blamed if anything happened to me. Damn it all, I can't believe that I wasted my time with them when my real friends needed me! And now... I know now it's too late to save them!"

Back in Reikai

Botan's eyes were wide as they overheard Kuwabara's lament. "Oh my, this is worse than I thought. He already knows!"

With a sense of dread, Koenma picked the report out of Jorge's hand and began to read it in silence. After a few moments, he put the file down on the desk. "Botan, from your reaction I'm assuming that you were referring to the three humans that were friends with Kuwabara are the three spirits that refused to come along?" He was answered by a head nod. "Kuwabara will not take this lightly. Now listen both of you, when he arrives, you let me talk."

Both lackeys nodded. Although they see Kuwabara as a friend, too often have they seen this particular human get viciously angry. And it was always over mistreatment of his friends .

A short time later

They did not wait long before Kuwabara threw open the doors to Koenma's office. Even as he panted, trying to catch his breath, Kuwabara studied the look on their faces. From Jorge's fearful look to Botan's sorrow to Koenma's apprehension, they confirmed the young psychic's fears. "I was right, wasn't I? Anda Okubo, Komada Sawamura and Myamoto Kirishima are dead. They were murdered, weren't they?"


End note In the beginning of the EV of the Dark Tournament, Yusuke calls the thin friend with shaggy hair, Myamoto, while in the JV Yusuke calls him Kirishima. In most places, including Shonen Jump, I see him referred to Kirishima. So, I am going to act as if Myamoto is his family name.

The other thin friend, the one with a buzz cut is called Sawamura in the JV. Like Kirishima, in the EV for some reason, they changed his name to Komada. Since the ORIGINAL versions, the Japanese anime & manga, call him Sawamura, that shall be his given name. For my story, I'll use Komada as his family name.

So all I had to do is make up a family name for Okubo. I had a list of some Japanese names and went through them to find a few that were identified as a family names and choose which I preferred.

I choose Anda because it shows that we English speaking people that have never taken a course in Japanese shouldn't assume how a Japanese names sounds by its looks alone. To someone who speaks English only and tried to guess at its pronunciation would guess often that we would say it like so: AND-ah. But according to the world baby book it came from, that is wrong. According to it, Anda is pronounced as: awn-dah.