Disclaimer: I own nothing! Don't sue me...

Summary: Rogue gets her powers under control. Now she can touch whoever she wants. But there is something holding her back from enjoying her dream. Than Rogue meets Gambit and everything changes...

A/N This is my first attempt at lemon. I think that Remy/Rogue are perfect for each other and so I decided to try writing a lemon about the two. This story is finished. I am in the process of editing it. The last chapter is also a little uncertain. Any feedback is welcome. I will be posting one chapter at a time depending on the responses I get. I would also appreciate ideas on the endings... It will become clearer as you read on, but still the final touch eludes me. Oh, and don't forget the warnings. This story is rater R. It means that if you are easily offended by STRONG LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE and LEMON – DON'T READ.


Rogue was untouchable. She couldn't have skin to skin contact with another living and breathing human being. One touch and Rouge ended up with another voice in her head and the unlucky soul she touched would be in a coma. She was forced to exist inside her own skin. Wearing gloves and covering every inch of skin with close Rogue was protecting everyone from her 'gift'. Her head was already full of unwanted voices she did not need any more.

Rouge was a mutant. She lived at the Xavier Institute for the gifted with others like herself. Unfortunately for her she was a freak among freaks. Because of her powers Rouge was never completely accepted. Everyone was still afraid of her, flinching every time she came close enough to touch.

Rouge tried to pretend that it doesn't meter. She thought if she convinced herself that she needed any one that it could actually become the truth. It helped her somewhat. The pain of her power and all the memories and voices in her head became easier to bear. The less emotions Rogue showed the less painful it was. Professor X, nor other mutants, who made an effort to make Rogue feel better, couldn't save her from her pain. Rouge chouse not to become close to anyone. She tried not to get attached. She was doing it for everyone's sake. If she stayed away no one would get hurt. Hiding away her emotions helped ease Rogue's suffering. Sometimes, while looking at what others had and acknowledging that she will never have anything remotely like it Rouge's feelings would come out and she would pay the price of locking them away for so long.

In the end, Rogue's emotions became her salvation.

Rogue would practice controlling her powers every moment of her free time, spending as many hours training her mind as she could stand. In the end it wasn't meditation that helped her find the switch.

One night, after an exhausting training session with Wolverine – the only person in the world who came close to understanding her, Rogue had a dream. She dreamed of herself as Marie. She was Marie and eternity ago. She had family, friends and people who cared about her. She could touch. She was dreaming about her past life. Everything looked real...

Marie was in her room getting ready for bed. Her parents were downstairs, watching TV. Her new boyfriend Cody just went home after spending some quality time with her in her own room. Marie couldn't get what happened out of her head. It felt amazing. Everything was so new to her. Her first kiss was amazing. Her second one was even better. After that, Marie lost count.

They agreed to go out to the movies tomorrow. Marie couldn't wait! It was just too perfect.

Life was perfect.

Rogue didn't have time to finish that last though. Her old room wasn't there anymore. Then the realization came. That never happened. I must be dreaming.

The scenery changed. Rogue was surrounded by clouds and thick fog that were suddenly floating all around her. She couldn't see anything past her. There was nothing around her. Everything was dark and quiet – a combination that Rogue did not like.

She could still feel the warmth of the room around her and smell the cookies that her mother just finished baking in the kitchen and the most wonderful feeling of them all –Rogue could feel the touch of another person's skin to her own.

Than the unfairness of it all hit Rogue like a ton of bricks. She will never have that. It was all a dream.

"I didn't want it to stop!" eighteen year old mutant shouted into the distance as if someone showed her the dream on purpose. "It felt so real..." Rogue wanted to cry.

"I want to touch. I want to have a normal life." Tears were streaming down her pale cheeks now but Marie ignored them. She continued screaming into the darkness. "Why me? Why?"

"Because you're strong..." A voice from the shadows suddenly answered. "Because you can handle it..." It was coming from behind Rogue and she quickly turned to face it. She was too shocked to speak. "You can beat it."

The last sounded like a command but Rogue did not have time to think about it. Something was coming closer, Rogue could feel it.

"You don't have a choice. You will ether win or die." Rogue tensed up, getting ready for whatever was out there. "There is no middle ground. Not anymore..."

That's when the attack came. The shadows around Rogue suddenly started moving. The world around her was no longer quiet. Everything was full of noise and the fog was thickening. It was becoming harder and harder for Rogue to keep her cool.

It attacked Marie from her left. It was just a shadow. It was shaped like a human, but it was completely black and the shape of it was blurry. It didn't look real to Rogue. It had a very real kick, though, that sand Rogue flying to the ground from the loss balance.

The shadow didn't wait for Rogue to get up. It attacked the girl again. This time Rogue was ready for it. Instinct from hours of training took over when Rogue rolled away from the foot that was aimed at her chest. Rogue skillfully rolled to her feet and delivered an overhead kick to her shadowy opponent, or tried to. He foot went right through her attacker while its fist solidly connected with Rogue's face.

Rogue was once again on the ground and now the world was spinning and there was strange ringing in her ears. Rogue barely had time to get out of the way when the shadow flew past her with the intent of taking her head of.

How do I fight something that I can't touch?

This shadow wasn't real. But the hits it delivered were real indeed. Rogue realized that her head couldn't take another direct hit. Another punch like that and this fight would be over.

Rogue managed to get back on her feet in time to doge another series of punches. Now, thinking that any attack against this creature would be useless Rogue concentrated on defense. Punch – block, kick—step to the side, another punch--inward block, elbow to the face—near broken nose and a crescent step back.

She couldn't hold out for much longer. There was no way that Rogue could keep up this fight. She lost. She was dead.

Thinking like that, while blocking another punch, Rogue went over all the possibilities in her mind again. If she concentrated on defense she could hold her own for at least another half an hour without being killed. Then, when she used up all her strength there would be no way to defend herself and the fight will be over. Rogue could also attack. So what if she couldn't hurt her opponent. It was a lost fight anyway. What did she have to loose. She never had anything to live for in the first place.

Rogue decided to go for it. One final series of attacks. She would give it all she got and then if she died than so be it. Somehow, the thoughts about this being a dream never entered Rogue's mind. Everything was too real to be just a dream. Too much was at stake and Rogue had no doubt that if she lost this fight she would die.

Gathering all her remaining power Rogue went into the offensive and to hell with consequences.

Rogue woke up with on hell of a head ache, her body felt sore and there was a coppery taste in her mouth. I won. Was the first thing that came to her mind. What happened to me? Rogue felt hurt and disoriented.

Then the memories came floating back, the dreams of her former home and the fantasies of what should have been, then that shadow world and of course the fight. I won. Here memories of the fight were blurry. That shadow creature was a formidable opponent. But Rogue was stronger.

Something was different, she could feel it. This wasn't about her feeling like hammered shit either. Rogue couldn't put her finger on it but something was there. After thinking about it for a moment Rogue decided that getting up and taking a very hot shower might help sort everything out.

After following through with her little plan Rogue started feeling like an actual human being. The head ache wasn't as severe and her sore muscles didn't hurt as much. The weariness was still firmly in place and she could barley keep her eyes open.

Feeling that something wasn't right didn't go away ether. Something was wrong. Something was missing.

Rogue tried to concentrate on the feeling and then suddenly there was a tingling sensation in her skin.

Everything started to make sense. It was her power. That's what it was all about. Rogue realized what that shadow fight really meant the dream took on an entirely new perspective.

I won.

Does that mean that I can touch? With absolute certainty Rogue knew that the answer to this question was yes. She could finally have skin to skin contact without knocking anybody into a coma.

She also realized that now she could turn her power on and off.

She could finally have a life.

Rogue felt exhausted from everything she had to go through in one night. Even her happiness didn't keep her from immediately falling asleep upon reaching her bed.

She would start her new life tomorrow.

A/N So, what did you think? Was it good, bad, absolutely horrible? Tell me. I really want to know. And now I'm going to say what I absolutely have to say – Review!