Key To My Heart – Chapter Twenty-Three – The Snitch Strikes.

Willie POV

I was cleaning some glasses when I heard shouting. It was a Brit, so for a sec I thought it was Spike comin' to see what I'd learned. Which was nada. But it wasn't Spike. Whoever he was, he sounded angry. Brawlin' is off limits in my bar. I had a feelin' he didn't care. Seconds later, two vamps walked in. One was a white guy, the other Asian. Chinese or Japanese or something. The white guy was REALLY mad. His eyes swept over the demons in a way that said one, he was lookin' for trouble, and two that I should put the expensive booze somewhere safe while I still had the chance. The white guy slouched on a stool in front of me, the Asian one followin'. "Two B&Bs," he said. I glanced at the Asian guy. He didn't look like the B&B type, too well dressed, to fancy lookin'.

"I don't like mixed drinks," he said to the white guy. Thought so. Guy had an accent. There's been a few vamps in here the past few days, all British. They hadn't said, but I got a feelin' they're Glazzior's. I know Glazzior's supposed t' be operating in the UK now, so they have to be his.

"Fine, I'll 'ave yours then."

"As you wish. A white wine for me it you would."

I nodded an' fixed the drinks, keeping an ear open.

"I didn't need your 'elp."

"She was seconds from staking you, and I hardly think that this is the place to discuss this."

"Yeah, wotever." They've just been scrappin' with the Slayer? How the fuck aren't they dust? They godda be Glazzior's. Wonder if they're Master. Shit, I hope not.

"You cannot carry on behaving this way. You are reckless and impulsive." I brought them their drinks over; tryin' not to make it obvious I was listenin' in.

"Like I give a fuck. We're demons! We should do wotever we want."

"If you do, the next time you are captured by the government, we shall leave you there." Shit, are they talking about the Initiative?

"Low blow mate. OI!" I jumped. Shit, did he catch me eavesdropping? "Get me an ashtray." I reached under the bar and pulled one out, dumpin' it in front of him. He pulled out a smoke an' lit up. Guy sounded like he was used to givin' orders. I wondered again if he was a Master. If he is, way the Asian guy's actin' around 'im, he must be one too. Two Masters in my bar, one possibly lookin' for trouble. Why me? "So wot, you finish yer drink, then run along ta tell th' big man?"

"Though I would not put in those terms myself, in essence yes."

"Well, don't let me keep y' from bein' the good little childer," British vamp sneered.

"You won't, I can assure you."

"Poofter," British vamp muttered. They didn't say anything else, an' soon the Asian vamp had finished his drink.

"I'll see you later."


He left, an' the British vamp stared into his drink. I went to serve Ed, who was waving frantically, but kept an ear open. Few minutes later he ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. I should wait till he's drunk, but he might not stay that long. Should I risk it? "Something on your mind?"

He looked up. "Ay?"

"Just seen a little bummed."

"Why th' fuck would you care?"

I started whipping down the bar. "I've the one who gives ya the drinks buddy. All part of the job."

He took a swig of beer and sighed. "S' jus…I dunno. 'Aven't bin a vampire that long." HASEN'T BEEN A VAMPIRE THAT LONG? How on God's green Earth isn't he dust? He's not a Master, that for sure, to young, so how come the Slayer couldn't stake a fledgling? He shouldn't be anywhere near Slayer strength for another one or two hundred years at least. He carried on talkin'. "S' like, one minute, it's all make believe, th' next, I am one. Swear t' God, 'alf th' time I think I've gone nuts, an' right now I'm in a padded cell next t' freaks who think they're Superman or birds or sommat."

I got over my shock, old bartender skills kickin' in. "Don't worry about it. It takes time, I know. Geez, half the new vamps that come here…"

"Vampire," he said.

I stared at 'im. "Huh?"

"It's vampire, not vamp. Say it with some fuckin' respect 'fore I rip yer arms off an' beat y' to death with 'em." I laughed, which I could tell surprised the hell out of him, which only made me laugh even harder. I slammed a beer bottle in front of him. "I didn't order that," he growled.

"On the house kid. Call it a thank you for the laugh." He glared at me, but then he looked down and I saw a tiny smile that he was tryin' to hold back. That's how you deal with demons, see? Course, some of 'em'll make good on their threat, but most won't.

"'Ow come your not scared? I mean, I am a vampire, an' you're just a human."

I picked up a dirty glass. "Kid, let me put it this way. If I got a dollar every time a demon threatened me, I'd be a very rich man by now."

"Yeah, I bet." He finished his beer then reached for the one I'd put in front of him.

"So, that guy you came in with. He ya Sire?"

He snorted. "Fuck off."

"Didn't think so."

"God, me Sire's so annoyin'. Do this, do that, blah blah blah. Y'd think bein' an evil undead creature a darkness would be more fun."

"We all godda follow rules kid. Part of live."

"I'm not alive."

"No, but ya not exactly the standard corpse are ya? You walk, you talk, you fight and fuck…you may not be alive per say, but ya still a part of life."

"Guess. Kinda comfortin', wot you say."

"Like I said kid, all part of the job." I saw a demon come through the door. "Clem! Back in a minute kid." The vamp nodded, running his finger around the bottle's rim. Clem slid onto an empty stool.

"Hey Willie. How's business?"

"Not to bad. You're buddy Spike was in here a few days ago. Threatened to burn the place down."

Clem winced. "Sorry about that."

"Not your fault. Beer?"

"Yeah, please." I got it him. "So, who's that?" He nodded at the vamp. I looked over, to see him flexing his fingers like he expected somethin' to happen.

"You know, he never did tell me his name."

Clem looked at the vamp, then back at me. "Glazzior's?" he mouthed. I shrugged. Clem looked at him again, then took a sip of his beer. He looked like he was weighing his options, then he shifted over to the vamp. "Hi," he said, sticking out his hand. I whipped up some beer, trying not to make it obvious I was listening in. The vamp looked at Clem's hand, then at him.

"Wot in fuck's name are you?"


"Huh. Never met a clem before."

"No, I am Clem. That's my name. It's short for Clement." The vamp didn't shake Clem's hand, and he took it back. "You?"

"Raven." I tried not to snort.

"Really? Cool!" Huh. Seems Clem likes it.

"So wot are you?"

"I'm a b'rakella."

"Right. So wot's a b'ra…um…"

"B'rakella," Clem said helpfully.

"Right. Wot's one a them do?"

"Well, 'we' do…um…well, our faces open up, and we've got claws, of course," he waved his hand, showing the claws, "and, um…well, you know, we're all different. Some of us got in for the whole murder, mayhem and destruction thing, some of us just like to chill."


"So, you're a vampire right?"


"Been one long?"

"No. Not even a year."

"Ah, fresh meat," Clem joked. The vamp cracked a smile.

"Try it, hippie."

Clem laughed good naturally. "So, what's up with your hands?"


"Saw you flexing them. S' matter?"

"Oh; um…well, y' know 'ow some vampires 'ave claws?" Clem nodded. "Well, y' know, I was jus' tryin' t' see if I could do it. Stupid, I know."

"Naw, it's not. See, the trick is relaxing."

"'Ow would you know?"

Clem shrugged. I'd like to know that myself. "Well, I kind of hung out with this vampire in 1932. He was one of the Master's bloodline. I saw him teach others a few times."

"The Master?" I almost dropped the glass I was putting away. Jesus, this kid doesn't know who the Master is? Or, y' know, was? Man.

"The Master was the leader of an ancient and powerful sect of vampires called the Order of Arilius. Kind of a Doomsday cult. They followed ancient prophecies that would help them unleash the Old Ones."

"Y' mean the first demons?"


The vamp took a swig of beer. "Y' know, sommat I always wondered 'bout that. If these demons were so powerful, 'ow'd humans kick 'em out? An' another thing. Demons walked th' Earth 'fore humans got 'ere, right?" Clem nodded. "So, wot I wanna know is this: were dinosaurs' demons?"

I saw Clem considerin'. "Well, um…hey, first of all, mind if I have a cig?"

"Sure, 'elp yerself."

"Thanks." The vamp passed 'im a pack and a lighter. Clem lit up an' gave 'em back to him. "I don't smoke often, but I do like to have the odd one every now and then, you know?"

The vamp nodded. "Yeah, got a few mates who are social smo…" He trailed off.

"I'm guessing you're talking about some people you hung out with when you were human?" The vamp nodded. "Miss 'em?" He didn't say anything. Clem took a drag. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Believe me, you're not the first vampire to miss the people who were close to him, and you won't be the last. I'm guessing you didn't kill them when you, err…woke up?" The vamp shook his head. "Thought not. Most vampires do, but I guess you know that. According to them, it makes it easier. No more links to who you used to be."

"So wot, you tellin' me t' go on a killin' spree? Break th' necks of everyone I knew?"

"You could if you want. I wouldn't advise it. But, here's the thing. You're immortal. A hundred years from now, when you still look like you do now, they'll be skeletons. All you've got to do is wait."

"Not that immortal mate. I've seen vampires get killed."

"There are ways to kill you, sure, but not that many. If you're careful to stay away from stakes, sunlight, fire and things that could kick your ass, you could live to see the end of the world." Clem took a final drag on the cig then snuffed it out. The vamp stared at his hands. He looked like he was thinking. Well, can't say I blame him. Clem sipped his beer and I went back to cleaning. A few minutes later I heard stool legs scraping the floor. I looked up. The vamp threw some money on the bar and walked out. I looked at Clem and raised my eyebrows. He shrugged. Well, at least I've got some news for Spike. I've found Glazzior's weak link. Should keep him from torching the place. And that vamp didn't trash the place. Hey, the night's lookin' up.