A/N: When I watch Buffy or Angel, one of the things I really hate is that the characters have no history. There have been vampires and or demons (Angel, The Master, Spike, Dru, The Judge, Penn, Darla, James, those two vamp brothers in btvs season one, Anya, ect...) who are centuries old, but no one knows anything about them. Sometimes theirs a piece of info on them, but they never go into it, and a lot of the characters really interest me. It's something I've always hated. So, I've got a history for my characters. Hope you enjoy.

Character Bios


Son Of Evil


Age: 329

Date of birth: 1694

Date of death: 1718

Little is know of Glazzior's life as a human, including his name. What is know is just random facts. He was born in Eastern Europe to a noble family, one of the richest in his country. He was the youngest of his family. His mother died in childbirth. He had three brothers and four sisters. His father, blaming him for his wife's death, made his childhood miserable.

Growing up, thought loved by his brothers and sisters, Glazzior was the victim of both verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his father.

To an outsider, Glazzior was the perfect child, well on his way to becoming a respectable nobleman. To his family, he was a scared, suicidal, emotionally disturbed little boy.

Because of his father's constant blame, Glazzior believed it his fault his mother died, and was convinced he was evil. The only reason he did not end his own life was the love one of his sisters had for him, and her belief that he was a good person. Her name is unknown. All that is known about her is she was the third youngest child.

At age 17, Glazzior earned a fortune in trade, unknown to his family. At twenty years of age, he bought an estate and became lord of a grand manor.

At age 23, Glazzior took pity on a stranger one night, and offered him shelter. The stranger was, unfortunately, a vampire.

The vampire was a fledgling on the run from vampire hunters. Believing Glazzior could use his wealth to protect him, he sired him and renamed him Glazzior.

Three years later, his sire went out one night and never returned. It is presumed he was slain by vampire hunters, as the current Slayer lived over 500 miles away.

After 40 years as vampire, Glazzior had only sired one man; a vampire named Amadeus, and was presumably content with the life he had. Then a series of events happened that sent Glazzior on the path of becoming one of the most feared vampires to walk the earth.

He fell in love with a woman, a human woman. After four years of knowing her, he reviled that he was a vampire. Much to everyone's supprise, as it was an age of immense superstition, she did not reject him.

The woman had a single sister, who, unknown by all, was a Slayer. When she learned of her sister's lover, she attempted to stake him. Her sister, however, declared that she loved him, and would protect him from her no mater the cost. For willingly allowing a demon to her bed, the Slayer called her a traitor to humanity, and a traitor to God, and thought in fitting she die like a vampire, by a stake through the heart. Enraged, Glazzior battled the Slayer, and killed her the same way she killed his beloved.

Thus was born Glazzior The Impaler. He rampaged through the world, killing 13 Slayers, delivering death to each of them by putting there own stakes through their hearts.

So this next part may come as a shock. He fought side by side with seven other Slayers, aiding them in saving the world. He actually saved the lives of four of them. No one knows why he did this, but some believe it has something to do with his lost love.

Glazzior is current master of Nottingham, England. There are rumours of him preparing to go to Manchester, England, to kill the Master Of The City, and take over. It is believed he will also try to take over several European cities, and there are also rumours that he will attempt to take over Los Angeles, U.S.A., Chircargo, U.S.A., and Sunnydale U.S.A. – The Hellmouth.


Age: 307

Date of birth: 1715

Date of death: 1739

Again, little is known of this brutal vampires human life. This is what is known.

As a human, Amadeus' name was Azizi, which means Precious One. Azizi was born in a village in Africa. When he was three his village was attacked and destroyed by slave traders. A number of people died, including Azizi's father and two older brothers. With the exception of a few that were lucky enough to escape all the rest were captured and sold into slavery, including Azizi, his mother and older sister.

When Azizi was seven, a rich white man was attracted to his sister's beauty, and bought her. That was the last time he saw her.

At fourteen, Azizi witnessed his master raping his mother. Azizi tried to stop him, but his master turned on him, beating him nearly unconscious. His mother tried to help. She hit the man on the head with a shovel, dazing him and screaming at Azizi to run. He wouldn't leave her.

It is unknown what happened to Azizi, but his mother was whipped and beaten. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately considering the life she had) the punishment was too severe, and she died soon after.

A few months after Azizi's 19th birthday, he was sold to a new master; the vampire Glazzior. For reasons unknown, Glazzior developed an interest in his new slave. After a few short months Azizi proved that he was a truly exceptional man, with many fine qualities. But what really stood out was his intelligence.

Now slaves were not supposed to be intelligent. Most other masters would have punished this. Glazzior, however, nourished it. Glazzior hired tutors from all over Europe to teach Azizi how to dress, speak, eat, and act like a gentleman.

He was taught how to read and write, how to do math and create art, and learned things unknown to most people, regardless of their race.

At age 24, Glazzior sired Azizi, declaring only he was fit to become his first child. When he arose Glazzior renamed Azizi Amadeus. Ironically, it took a murdering, soulless demon to realise whatever colour our skin, we are all human, and we all have the ability for greatness.

After 70 years by Glazzoir's side, Amadeus became restless and left to become a master in his own right, and to find his own dark destiny, though he arranged meetings with his sire every few decades.

In 1995 a Slayer wiped out most of the vampires under Amadeus' command, including two Amadeus had sired himself. Badly wounded, he went to Glazzior to heal, and has been at his sire's right hand for the past eight years.

Amadeus is second most powerful in the clan.

He has killed three Slayers.


Age: 234

Date of birth: 1769

Date of death: 1802

After the vampire Glazzior had killed his seventh Slayer, her Watched wanted revenge and hired a samurai named Kenjirou Akimoto to kill him.

Glazzior and Kenjirou battled, which very nearly resulted in Glazzior's death. It was pure luck that he won.

Amazed at the skills Kenjirou possessed, Glazzior sired him and renamed him Yoshi, a Japanese name he'd heard that appealed to him.

In 2001 Yoshi was called to England to aid his sire in defeating a vampire that was attempting to kill Glazzior and take his place as Master Of The City.

Using the skills he acquired as a human, combined with the enhanced muscles he gained with becoming a vampire, Yoshi has slaughtered four slayers and is among the most feared and deadly demons in the world.

He is the fourth most powerful master in the clan.


Age: 222

Date of birth: 1781

Date of death: 1812

New York born Emily Addams originated from a wealthy upper-class family and led a fairly happy life. Unfortunately, at 12 years of age, she witnessed her parent's murder.

Devastated by her parent's death, and consumed by a violent, ferocious rage, Emily vowed to hunt down the three men responsible.

In those times women had less rights than they do nowadays, and many of the things she needed to extract her revenge were denied to her because she was a woman.

Because of this, she began to explore other means.

At 17 years of age Emily joined a coven of witches, and practised the darkest black magic.

At 19 the coven rejected Emily, as she was becoming a danger not only to herself but also to them.

At twenty years of age a group of vampire fledglings kidnapped her and gave her to their master as a gift.

The master was non other than Glazzior The Impaler.

Curiosity roused by the power Glazzior sensed in her, he did not kill her. Instead, he attempted to earn her trust.

However, this task was especially hard as in her studies Emily had learned that for most part vampires were not to be trusted.

And the task became harder still as in her studies on the occult and demonology Emily had heard many stories about Glazzior and his ferocious children. (By children I mean those he sired, if it is not clear)

Eventually though Glazzior succeeded in earning her trust and convinced her to tell him why she filled herself with so much dark power. And he, in return, revealed the story as to why he became The Impaler, and both realised the purist thing they had in common. The desire for vengeance.

Glazzior asked Emily to become his childe, explaining to her that if she became a vampire she would gain even more magic, on account of being a supernatural creature.

Emily was hesitant to accept Glazzior's offer, unwilling to lose her soul, but Glazzior preyed on her emotions, and eventually convinced her to leave her human life behind.

As a vampire Lily, as she became known, has become known world-wide by the demonic community for her skills in dark magic.

It is said that Glazzior choose the name Lily for his newest childe because on the night she arose, an old beggar woman placed a single white lily on her grave.

Lily is fifth most powerful master in the clan.


Age: 153

Date Of Birth: 1850

Date Of Death: 1869

Richard Jones did not have a very happy life. If one where too read the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, or watch the movie based on the novel, then you would get some idea of what his life was like.

Richard was born under a bridge in London, and his mother, weak from illness and lack of food, died mealy hours after he was born.

From an age as early as three years old, if not younger, Richard would most likely be seen approaching upper-class men saying things like "shine yer shoes, guv'na?"

Growing up, Richard knew little apart from cold, hunger and disease. At seven years of age, Richard witnessed the death of his father, who was publicly executed by hanging, for stealing a simple loaf of bread.

At thirteen, Richard's best friend was sent to prison for assaulting a police officer, and was later sent to Australia. They never saw each other again.

After that unfortunate advent, Richard grew angry, bitter, and acquired a hostility that at times made him dangerous.

At 19 Richard took to prowling the alleys and dark London streets, and made a habit of mugging people.

It was on one such night that Glazzior spotted the young man. Richard intrigued the vampire, and Glazzior stalked Richard for seven weeks, learning all he could about him.

Knowing that the rage boiling just below the surface would be unleashed if he became a vampire, Glazzior sired him and renamed him Jax.

Jax was taught to harness the rage inside of him, to draw strength from it. He was also taught how to use a variety of weapons. His strongest form of combat, though, is hand to hand born out of a lifetime of violence as a human. Of all the vampire's under Glazzior's command, both those he has sired and the minions who are forced to serve him, Jax is one of the most dangerous. Not because of his age and strength, though they are fairly impressive, but his desire to always come out on top, and the things he's willing to do to ensure that he does.

After six years Jax became Glazzior's enforcer. (Vampire society is very primitive. The strongest one is Master, and the Master's word is law. An enforcer makes sure the Master's law is followed. If the law is not followed, well...you know what vampire's are like, work it out for yourselves.)

Glazzior often attended ceremonies, parties and balls hosted by the upper- class, and he often brought Jax with him. Over the years, Jax slowly lost his bottom-class accent. Nowadays, the only indication that it is not his original is the shortened works and slang that occasionally slips into his speech.

Jax once fought a Slayer to a standstill, but was not able to kill her.

Jax is the sixth most powerful master in the clan, and the weakest.


Age: 69

Date Of Birth: 1934

Date Of Death: 1952

Ricky Martins was raised in a trailer park a few miles outside of phoenix, U.S.A.

He never knew his father, who ran out on his mother when he learned that she was pregnant.

Ricky was raised by his mother, and suffered immense abuse at her hands. You see, unfortunately for Ricky, his mother had Munchild's syndrome.

But she did unspeakable things to him that were not mealy a result of a mental illness.

From the age of six years old, Ricky was forced into prostitution by a pimp. The pimp was his own mother. Ricky was forced to withstand rape, torture, humiliation, bloodletting, BDSM. . . There are reports of his mother actually masturbating at times when she was present for this.

Ricky had no friends throughout his human life. At school he was the 'freak', and was a victim of bullying on a daily basis.

Ricky's earliest childhood memories are of confusion, pain, misery, and death wishes. His mother told him that he was a bad child, and that he deserved everything she did to him. And, though he never understood what he did wrong, he did believe that he did SOMETHING wrong. He never understood that it was his mother in the wrong, not him.

At 9 years old Ricky began self-mutilation in an effort to get some relief from his emotional pain by replacing it with physical pain. He also attempted suicide numerous times.

This went on for over a decade, and is the reason he was turned.

At 19 Ricky went to a secluded spot and slit his wrists, for what he hoped was the last him. He had completely given up on life, and wanted mealy to die.

What he didn't know was that several vampire fledglings were less that a mile away from him. In the company of these fledglings was a single master. Not master because she was the leader, but a true master, with over a hundred years of power. (A/N: Legend has it that as the years go by, a vampire's power increases. As time goes on, a vampire will get stronger, faster, more agile, improved senses, etc. . .) The master was the vampire witch Lily.

Lily ordered the fledglings away and went to investigate the smell, curious of why there was so much blood.

She quickly found Ricky, who had obviously tried to end his own life. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, Ricky still clung to life.

Curious as to what would drive the young man to such extremes, Lily performed a mind-link spell. She was shocked at what she saw, and was going to leave him to die, but then remembered why her sire had made her 'brother' Jax, and the circumstances around it, and decided to sire Ricky. She knew that the rage inside Jax had been released upon vampirism, and also knew that the same would happen with Ricky.

When Ricky arose, Lily explained to him what had happened, as he did not remember, and told him what he now was. A vampire.

Lily also explaned to him that when someone arose a vampire, their sire chooses a new name for them. She explained how it symbolised the end of one life, and the start of another.

After a few moments thought, she named her newest childe Alexander.

As Lily had predicted, Ricky's lifelong pain was unleashed when he became Alexander.

Suddenly, a lifetime of pain, confusion and rage was unleashed upon the world. Powered by the hate he felt as a human, Alexander rampaged through the continent, and quickly became America's very own William The Bloody.

Because of his liking of knives and other sharp objects, as well as his tendencies to cut his victims and enemies into pieces, Alexander quickly earned the nickname 'Slasher', which he usually goes by to this day.

In 1964 Lily took Slasher to Paris and introduced him to her sire. Glazzior was very impressed with his grandchilde and the two soon took a liking to each other.

Slasher also met Jax and they soon developed a friendship, most likely due to their similar past lives.

Lily and Slasher reunited with Glazzior seven months ago. It is unknown why, but with Glazzior's children gathering around him, the rumours of Glazzior attempting to make war on other vampires and take over more cities, including the Hellmouth, home of Buffy Summers, the one the demons call 'The Immortal Slayer', these rumours may actually be true.


Age: 16

Date Of Birth: 1987

Date Of Death: 2003

Mathew James Robertson was born and raised in England. He comes from a poor working-class family, and his hometown is well known for it's high crime. But despite this, Mathew loved his life.

While not the most popular boy in school, he was not unpopular. He had a loving mother and father, and a younger brother and sister. He didn't have many friends, but the ones he did have, he would trust them with his life.

Mathew lived an unremarkable life. He was just an average child. He had a Playstation, comics, videos . . . He did fairly well in school, got into fights pretty often, but that was about it. At 11 this mother insisted that he learn self-defence, so he started a type of karate called Wudu-Rye. (A/N: Hope I spelt that right. It's the type of karate I used to do.)

As he became a teenager, his biggest worry was homework and girls. Unfortunately for him, that soon changed.

At sixteen Mathew was out late one night and took a shortcut home through a park. His parents had forbidden him to go thorough it at night. There were no lights, and his farther had often called it an axe-murders wet dream. What got him, though, was not even human.

As is said in Glazzior's 'bio' he is the current master of Nottingham. Mathew's hometown is near the city, and is one of the surrounding towns Glazzior rules.

Glazzior was in the same park as Mathew, and when he saw him, he attacked. Glazzior thought Mathew nothing but food, and was surprised when Mathew fought back.

Glazzior noticed the skill Mathew fought with, but what really surprised him was the self-discipline Mathew possessed. He knew the boy was afraid, yet, he did not let it show. He even went so far as to mock him.

Greatly impressed by the boy's courage, Glazzior sired him and took him to a nearby cemetery.

A few hours after that Lily found a homeless man, slit his throat, and performed a glamour spell to make him look like Mathew. The police believed it a normal murder, and Mathew's funeral soon took place.

But before that happened, the 'real Mathew' soon awoke a vampire.

The new vampire was confused and frightened. He did not understand what had happened. When he was first informed what he was, he refused to believe it, claming that vampires weren't real, and that he didn't want anything to do with their 'cult'.

After that, a middle-aged man was thrown at his feet, and without even thinking, he fed on the man until he was dead.

Minutes after he went outside and discovered he was in a graveyard. While Glazzior was thinking what to call his newest childe, they heard a sound from behind them. The vampires spun around to discover a raven perched on the crypt they had just come from.

The vampires stared at the bird, and Glazzior decided that's what he would call his new childe. Raven.

Raven, as he is now known, is a complicated case. Glazzior has sired hundreds of people, from every race around the world. However, most of them were troubled people, full of fear, rage, hatred, and self-loathing. But Raven was not.

As a human he was content. When someone becomes a vampire, they're purest hidden emotions are unleashed. But Mathew had no hidden desire or hatred. Therefore, when he became Raven there was barley any change. The only thing that changed is that he feels no guilt when he kills, something he would if he were human.

A few weeks after he was turned he was out hunting one night at a night club and spotted a young Christian girl named Sarah Williams. He seduced her and lured her out of the club, but for some reason did not kill her. Not even Raven himself knows why he spared her life.

Raven befriended her and after a month began to fall in love with her. He introduced her to his family (A/N: His vampire family) and his (new) home.

Nearly two months into their relationship Raven and Sarah met for a date. Raven was wearing a shirt with the top buttons undone and Sarah was wearing a tank top and a silver cross.

Raven ignored the cross, believing a cross burning a vampire was mealy superstition.

They kissed, and Raven pulled her close. The cross pressed against his flesh and burned him.

Raven jumped back, growling. He had automatically revealed his "true"(?) face. Sarah was understandably distressed.

Raven's face became human again and he attempted, unsuccessfully, to calm her down.

Sarah demanded answers and Raven told her he was a vampire. And also a demon. Sarah said he tricked her into loving him, and that she hated him. Raven told her he was falling in love with her, and begged her to believe him.

Sarah asked if he had a soul, and Raven told her he didn't know. Which, suprisingly enough, is true. Though Raven feels no remorse for those he kills, he does for other things. He also feels happiness, sadness, joy, sorrow . . . love. Raven has often thought about the philosophical side of being a vampire.

It's unknown what exactly happened between them, but a short while after the incident Glazzior found Raven in a cemetery curled up in a ball on the ground crying.

Raven attacked Glazzior, saying he hated him for making him into a monster. This is very suprising. Vampires have very few laws, but one of their most sacred is to never attack ones sire or master. Especially if they are one and the same.

The next night Raven went to Sarah and begged her to let him prove himself to her. She refused, and said that she never wanted to see him again, and that she wished that he were dead.

Eight nights and eight and a half days after that Raven awoke to find Sarah with tears pouring down her face, and a stake pressed over his heart.

They stared at each other for a few long moments, then the door to Raven's room banged open and Glazzior rushed in, growling, his face that of a vampire.

Glazzior grabbed Sarah and was about to plunge his fangs into her neck, only to be stopped by Raven's fist smashing into his face.

The other clan members came in as Raven was on his knees begging his sire not to kill the young woman he was in love with.

Though the other vampires demanded Glazzior, and some even said Raven himself, kill her, Glazzior told Raven he would spare her life if Raven promised his body and demonic soul to him. Total obedience. Total submission.

Seething with rage, Raven reluctantly agreed. Glazzior warned Raven that if he ever broke his promise, he would find Sarah, torture her, rape her, and force her to witness the death of everyone in her life, and then finally kill her.

Sarah was released and Raven escorted her to the door. Raven asked her if she still doubted his love for her, and Sarah asked him to touch her cross again for her.

He did, and again it burned him. Because of her Christian upbringing, Sarah could not believe that one rejected by God could ever love. Especially a demon. She ran into the daylight and Raven watched her go, cursing his own existence. He never saw her again.

A short while after that Raven was captured by the British Initiative. (A/N: While George Bush and Tony Blair were working together on the whole war on Iraq thing, Bush told Blair the truth about demons and helped him set up a UK version. Their were things Bush kept form Blair, like the whole Adam thing, but he did let him have designs for behaviour modification chips like Spike's.)

Raven was there for just over three months. His clan located the labs and Glazzior, Jax, and Lily were able to gain access posed as scientists. The vampire's opened the cell doors and released the demons from their cells, and the outer doors granting a small army of vampires and demons access, let by Amadeus and Yoshi.

It is unknown what took place in the Initiative as Raven refused to say what had happened to him, but he came out broken. His body healed, but his mind did not. He had become a different person, different from both the human and the vampire that he once was.

Eight weeks ago vampire hunters attacked their underground lair in the daytime. They were accompanied by a witch who cast a paralysing spell. The only ones unaffected were Raven and the other fledglings, which were no match for experienced vampire hunters. Raven ran to Glazzior, not knowing what to do. His sire told him to drink his blood.

Raven drunk, and Glazzior poured his power into his blood, and thus into Raven. (A/N: Remember how the years go by a vamp gets more and more power? I've done it so that there's like a mystical dam that keeps the power out of the blood, but if said vamp wanted, he or she could bring the walls down.) Within seconds, Raven was transformed into a master.

In less than twenty seconds every human was slaughtered.

Glazzior tested Raven and discovered that he had gained more power than was intended, suppassing all the other masters save for Glazzior himself and Amadeus.

Recently Raven has often thought about his brief romance with Sarah. As it is said above, Raven mourns his humanity, and Sarah, in a way, represents all he has lost. Raven has often wondered if he felt for her was truly love, or if it was the cause of an obsessive longing. Many times since the young vampire has wonded if he ever really loved her at all. To this day, he does not know.

Glazzior has often voiced his disapproval of Raven's working-class accent, but Raven refuses to change the way he speaks. Something which frustrates Glazzior to no end, much to Raven's delight.

Raven is third most powerful master in the clan.


Age: 18

Date Of Birth: 1985

Date Of Death: 2003

Emma Nicilson was born and raised in Nottingham England. She never knew her mother, who died when she was a year old. She also lost her older brother at age 11.

Emma was raised by her father, who was a drunk and often beat her. As Emma reached pubity and her body began to change to that of a woman, her father began to take a new interest in her.

While drinking one night Emma's father was overcome by a drunken rage and as well as mercilessly beating his daughter, he also brutally raped her.

This continued up until the night she was turned.

At 18 as Emma was walking home one night she was spotted by the vampire Raven. Raven smelt the fear coming off the young woman and took an interest. They were alone on the street and she did not know he was there. The fear coming off her was incredible and the young vampire, curious, decided to follow her.

As he followed her Raven noticed her fear intensifying, and when she reached her home, walked up the driveway and opened the front door she was shaking so bad Raven thought she was going to have a seizure.

A few nights later Emma was at a pub intent on getting drunk when Raven approached her. They started talking and Raven acted as charming as he possibly could, lightly flirting every now and then.

Around 2:30a.m. Emma was very drunk, and after convinsing her to give him her mobile phone number (not very hard in her drunken state) Raven took her home.

The following night Raven rang her and asked her if she'd like to meet him for a drink. Emma agreed.

They met five more times and Raven asked if she'd go out on a proper date with him. Emma agreed, completely unaware that Raven was simply playing with her.

After the date Emma tells him she doesn't want a boyfriend, but she would like a friend. Raven agrees.

After a few weeks Raven's feelings for her became genuine. They left a nightclub together one night and walked down a dark alley, they were attacked by three muggers. A man grabbed Raven and slit his throat, then throws him to the ground.

While the other two held Emma the man who had attacked Raven quickly searched his pockets.

While this was happening, one of the men holding Emma kissed her, and reached inside her shirt. Emma screamed and Raven's eyes snapped open. Raven's hand wrapped around the first mugger's throat and he snapped his neck.

The two holding Emma whirled around at the sound and witnessed a truly terrifying sight.

Raven was feeding on the man who attacked him. When he had finished, he stood up and the two men saw the wound on his throat healing before their eyes. Very few have ever faced a vampire truly furious, and even fewer have lived to tell about it, but it is said that even a Slayer would hesitate to engage one in battle. And Raven was in a rage.

His face was the hideous face of a vampire, he was growling as feiously as any demon, his muscles were rippling with the preternatural strength of a vampire, his face and fangs were dripping blood and his amber eyes were actually glowing.

Somehow, the muggers quickly got over their shock. It is possible that some sort of survival instinct told them that even if they ran, it would do them no good. They each drew our knives and lunged at Raven. It wasn't even a battle. It was a slaughter.

Emma was terrified, but Raven was able to calm her enough for semi-rational thought. That final confrontation with Sarah and her rejection of him was still fresh in his mind, as it had only happened three days before. (That was the reason he and Emma were at a night-club. Raven told Emma that he and Sarah had broken up, she Emma suggested a night out to cheer him up. Though if you were to ask Raven, he would tell you that she dragged him kicking and screaming, and then bullied him into co-operating) Even so, he believed that Emma deserved the truth. But instead of the rejection he both expected and dreaded, he was met with curiosity, amazement, awe, and a new level of friendship.

Nine days later Raven asked Emma if he could meet her family, and was shocked by her violent refusal. Believing Emma did not trust him as much as he had thought, he voiced his hurt. Emma apologised, and was quick to assure him that this was not the case. She would not, however, explain her refusal.

Two nights later Raven went to Emma's house to see her, thinking that if her parents opened the door, invited him in and started a conversation with him, it wasn't his fault. Typical vampire.

As he reached within a few hundred yards of her home, a wind blew and he smelt fear. He listened, and his vampire hearing picked up the sound of a man shouting, and a girl pleading with him not to hurt her, but her voice held no hope that he would. Her voice sounded broken. The voice was Emma.

Panicked, Raven ran and, with the supernatural speed all vampires possess, reached her home in seconds. Raven paid no heed to the fact that he had never been invited in, believing, as he had with Sarah's cross, that this was merely another superstition. Spying an open window, he attempted to enter, only to be stopped by the barrier that keeps all vampires from entering a human's home.

Sensing Emma was in danger, he pounded against the barrier, determined to break it. But his efforts were to no avail.

Furious, he circled the house and saw Emma and a man that he presumed to be her father in what looked like a bedroom. Seeing as the walls were pink, he guessed it was Emma's.

Raven leaped to the roof of a neighbour's house in order to see what was happening and saw a sight that sickened even him, a murderous demon.

Emma was no longer screaming. She was naked and her father was brutally raping her. Emma's body was limp, like a freshly killed corpse. Her eyes were dead. The only indication of life was the silent tears running down her face. Raven was overcome with hate and loathing. In his rage, his demon face emerged, twisting his face into the hideous image of the vampire.

Raven leapt at the house, intending to break threw the wall, but was again stopped by the barrier. Helpless, he returned to the roof of the neighbours' house and roared. The next night he confronted Emma about what he saw, and she broke down and told him everything.

Emma pleaded with Raven to make her into a vampire, and though Raven refused time and time again, he eventually agreed. But before he did, Emma asked him to make love to her. When Raven asked her why, she replied that she wanted to experience just once what it felt like to have sex with someone she cared about, and who cared about her. Just once before she died.

That night Raven booked them both into a hotel, but they didn't engage in any sexual activity. Instead, they talked all night, mostly Raven answering questions about what Emma could expect when becoming a vampire. Emma vowed that her first victim, after she arose, would be her father.

The next night they tried to have sex but Emma was to traumatised by what her father had done to her to go through with it. She asked Raven what exactly he felt for her, and he replied he loves her as a friend, but nothing more. She then asked him to turn her the following night. She spent all the next day with her old friends, and enjoyed the sunlight, knowing it would be her last time.

That night Raven sired her, and two nights later she arose. Keeping her promise of killing her father first, she returned to her former home, Raven by her side. Unable to enter due to her now being a vampire, Raven hid in the shadows and Emma knocked on the door. Her father opened it, saw her, yelled at her to get in, and hit her.

Though Emma was at this point a vampire, she was still afraid of her father and his violence. As he hit her her mind retreated into itself and her demon took over. She killed him, forfilling her promise. Her first kill was her own abusive father.

As it turns out, Raven had kept his relationship with her a secret and when the other vampires where less than happy to discover Raven had made his first childe without their permission. However, they decided to give her a chance, and though she was the childe of a fledgling, her inner savagery soon brought her much respect.

Raven had not given Emma a new name when she arose, and the other vampires where pressuring him to give her one. Emma was also keen for a new name, wanting to distance herself as much as possible from her human life. Raven eventually named her after the night-flower. Jasmine.

A short while after Raven was captured by the British Initiative; Jasmine witnessed Initiative soldiers capture a demon. Believing they had something to do with her missing sire she followed them to an entrance that led to the Initiative labs. She reported this to Glazzior, who had been searching for the reason behind the disappearances, gathered dozens of demons and told them that none of them would be safe until the Initiative was destroyed.

Having gained the loyalty of over a hundred demons, Jasmine led Glazzior, Amadeus, and Lily to the entrance, and they where able to capture five soldiers, and Lily use magic to get information from their minds. Lily then erased their memories, and 12 days later they attacked.

Jasmine continues to try and make Raven tell her what happened to him in there, but he always refuses to say.

A/N: Hope you weren't to bored. Sorry for any mistakes, I was just trying to get this bloody thing finished! I'll get these guys to Sunnydale soon. If you have any questions leave them in a review or e-mail me. My e-mail's fearfulshadowyahoo.co.uk