Heartaches and Tears
By Padfoot

We'd fight and we'd argue,
We'd laugh and we'd smile,
We shed our tear,
We made our losses,
We've done our waiting,
We'd feel the pain together.
We'd feel the pain,
The throbbing of heart,
We'd feel the pain of love.

All these heartaches and breaks,
Is that what they call love?
Is this pain and emotion,
Worth going through?
I ask you Harry,
To let me express to you
What a true friend feels.
See, it ain't easy for me to survive
In this world of heartaches and breaks,
In this world called love.

I cry myself to sleep,
In this jumbled emotion.
It's hard for a girl
Who's falling for her best friend.
It's hard for a girl
To win an emotional battle.
It's hard for a girl
Who's in love with Ronald Weasley.
I don't know what I'm feeling,
But right now it hurts.

I'm lost without you,
I'm just that tangled up,
I'm just that stuck in,
The world called love.

How much pain you've caused me
Is more than I can say.
But along the way,
I had to cause you the same pain.
But in love,
Good comes out of the bad
We just have to make it through
The bad before good.

We share the same pain,
We're bonded by it,
And after all we've been through,
All I have to say—
I love you.
I just—do.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ronald Weasley. But that is my poem.

Padfoot was bored and felt like adding what she thought was a nice ending to Moony's story. Ahh- it's an emotional poem. Moony- if you don't want it there- take it off. Review to tell me what you think! Thanks to Padfoot! More thanks to Moony!!!!