Title: "Life's Purpose"

Author: Jackie W.

Email: jackiesficaol.com

Rating: PG-13

Classification: SJ UST/Romance

Season: Season 7, immediately after Lost City II

Spoilers: Up through Lost City part II.

Summary: Sam makes a decision that changes the course of her life.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment, not monetary purposes, and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Author's Notes: This story is dedicated to all of the women out there who find their purpose in life each time they kiss a scraped knee, help with homework, or question their teen as to where they will be, with whom and when they will be home. Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

When she was very young, Sam Carter became fascinated by the stars. As she grew older it became her purpose in life to do everything in her power to make it into space. Then one day she was assigned to the Stargate project, and she achieved that dream in a way she never could have imagined. Her purpose in life expanded to become one of discovering new worlds and protecting her home planet.

That purpose was cemented after Jolinar died within her, leaving her to pick up the pieces which included being told she could never carry a child to term. At the time she was able to bury her feelings on the subject quite easily. After all, she wasn't at a point in her life where she was in any way contemplating having a family, and she was able to convince herself that her career should be her priority anyway. Two years later a miscarriage would bring home to her just how silly a notion that was. She had lost something precious, and she was forced to take time to grieve for that. No one but her doctors had ever known about the baby, nor had she ever discussed her inability to carry a child with anyone but Janet.

Then on April 18th, 2005 her life took on a whole new purpose.

May, 2004

Colonel Jack O'Neill had been in stasis for two weeks when the SGC finally made contact with the Asguard. Thor and a team of scientists immediately responded, and within two days were ready to make their report to Dr. Weir and the remainder of SG1. Sam, Daniel and Teal'c felt like they had been holding their breath for the entire forty-eight hours. The news when it came caused quite a stir.

"Can you help him?" Dr. Weir asked breaking the tension that had gathered in the room.

"Perhaps," Thor answered.

"You're not sure?" Weir attempted to clarify.

"Removing him from stasis is not a problem, and as you know we have the technology to remove the knowledge from Colonel O'Neill's mind. However the extended time he was infected with the knowledge coupled with the time in stasis have left some physical damage that will be difficult to correct without the proper genetic material at hand," Thor explained.

"Genetic material?" Daniel inquired.

"First we would need a large enough supply of blood to basically replace all in O'Neill's body which has been tainted by the stasis process. This needs to be an exact match," Thor informed them.

"O'Neill's clone could provide this, could he not?" Teal'c suggested.

"Sure," Sam answered. "It would have to be donated over a period of time, but I'm sure Jon would be willing."

"That would be acceptable," Thor agreed. "However we would also need what you refer to as stem cells and cord blood, matched genetically to O'Neill to allow for regeneration of important cells in his body. Without it we cannot guarantee that he would survive the revival process."

"Cord blood?" Dr. Weir clarified, hoping the alien had the term wrong.

"Yes, from the umbilical cord of the offspring of O'Neill," Thor verified.

"Ok, that's a problem," Daniel stated the obvious.

"Not really," Thor announced. "Loki kept many samples of O'Neill's genetic makeup from his experiments. We simply need a surrogate to supply the ovum and carry the resulting child to maturity. We would ensure that the embryo is a genetic match that will provide the needed stem cells and rich blood before implanting it."

There was stunned silence followed by protests from many voices at once.

"You are kidding, right?"

"Jack would never agree to that."

"I do not believe O'Neill would approve."

Only one voice was silent as her heart broke. They were right. Jack would never approve. He would be outraged at the though of bringing a child into the world with the express purpose of saving his life. And he would feel obligated to be a father to the child even though it was only genetically his. There would be no miracle to save Jack this time.

Thor was blinking in confusion at the storm that his words had caused. Finally he raised a finger to ask for silence.

"I do not understand. We had hoped that O'Neill would reproduce in the future to pass along his genetic traits anyway. This will allow for us to pick the perfect blending of genes. We had hoped that Major Carter would agree, considering her close relationship with O'Neill," Thor explained.

Four sets of eyes swung to look at Sam.


Sam felt herself squirming under the sudden attention. Dr. Weir looked apologetic, but both Daniel and Teal'c were suddenly very quiet as if this put a while new wrinkle on the request. Thor just looked expectant.

Dr. Weir broke the awkward silence. "I don't think you realize what you are asking her to do Thor," she gently told the alien. "She would be that child's mother and responsible for it for many years to come."

Daniel looked like he wanted to explore the idea and Sam decided to put a stop to this right away. "Besides, Thor, I can't," she stated softly.

Now the looks all turned curious. She took a deep breath and plunged ahead.

"I can't carry a child to term. The naquada in my blood would cause a miscarriage. It basically would poison the fetus," she explained.

"I don't think it would, Sam," Daniel interrupted. "Sha're was able to give birth to Shifu with no problems," he pointed out.

"Yes, but she had a symbiot, Daniel. Even though Amaunet was 'sleeping' the Goa'uld still could act as an immune system, even for the baby. Without that, the baby's immature systems couldn't cope with the heavy metal," Sam continued.

Daniel was in true scientist mode now and Sam could see a million questions he was dying to ask. Mentally she begged him to let it be. Dr. Weir saw that Sam was struggling to maintain her composure and tried to help.

"So that's a big no then Thor," she told their ally who had been silent throughout the discussion.

"Sam I'm so sorry. We had no idea. Are you sureā€¦ I mean it is all just theoretical," Daniel sympathized, beginning to understand just what Sam was saying. "You could try someday. The doctors could be wrong."

"They're not," Sam assured him raising pain filled eyes to meet his which widened as he correctly guessed that there was more to the story.

She looked away, blinking to rid her eyes of sudden wetness only to lock glazes with Teal'c who nodded in understanding. She would probably be fielding questions from them later in private.

Meanwhile Thor who had remained silent since suggesting Sam bear Jack's child finally spoke up.

"Major Carter is correct. Without interference the naquada in her blood would slowly kill her unborn child. We do have methods of preventing that however," he calmly stated.

"You do?" Sam asked, slightly stunned.

"Yes. It requires the introduction of certain enzymes into the embryo while it is still at the simple cell level, but that would be easy enough to do, especially if we are testing the embryo to ensure a genetic match for O'Neill prior to implantation anyway," Thor told her.

Sam felt a surge of pure joy. She could have a baby. Feelings she thought she had dealt with three years ago welled up. Suddenly the situation was very confusing. Jack would be fit to be tied to know she was even considering this. She could hear his voice in her head.

'Have you totally lost your mind, Carter?'

Holy Hannah, maybe she had, because everything in her was urging her to say she would do this.