I don't even know what this one is about. I think I'm making fun of Brendan and May dating. Or something.

I just realized how crazy I was when I was thirteen. o.O


There are those things

that make you think,

That make you confused,

And make you blink,

Like the tale

of Brendan and May,

So sit back.

And read what I say.

- - -

It was a tale

of friendship and love,

Blessed by the moon

and watched by angels above,

When the white-haired asked

if May wanted to go out,

For she was one

he can't life without.

- - -

The girl nodded yes

and screamed with delight,

Making the Linoones run away,

And the Taillows fly in fright.

So the two they were off

on no doubt their first date,

To go the fair

until it was late.

- - -

Things became ugly

when Brendan tripped on a rock,

He fell with a bang

and got hurt in the co-

Clocks were a'ringing

when Brendan rolled on his back.

May only smiled

and had a giggle attack.

- - -

The boy was annoyed

as he picked himself up,

Wondering why

everything was messed up.

The girl only laughed

and took a hold of his hand,

Remarking to him

that this is what Latios has planned.

- - -

The boy only stared

and blinked twice at her,

Also wondering why

he picked this girl.

May sat down

when something plopped on her lap,

It turned out that it was

bird crap.

- - -

She screamed in horror

and jumped up in alarm,

Forgetting her date

and her girlish charm.

It was Brendan's turn to laugh

as he rolled on the floor,

Beating his fist at the ground

and pleading for more.

- - -

There are more horrible things

that I mustn't tell,

For if I did,

Brendan would send me to hell.

So now I shall end it,

I bid you adieu!

Hope ya had a good time, and please

come back soon!