Harry Potter & the Journey Into Isolation

By The Short Fat Fag

Chapter One – We Found Him

The morning of August 23rd was a somber one in the flat above the joke shop located at Number 93, Diagon Alley. Fred and George Weasley shared the flat ever since the beginning of the year when they moved out of the Burrow so they could be closer to their workshop and storefront. The usually jovial pair was known to be happy from the time they got out of bed until they went to it each night, but for the past three weeks, they had been anything but happy, for that's how long Harry Potter had been missing.

The day after Harry had turned seventeen, the day he had reached his magical majority and could openly perform magic, he had been promised that he would be taken to the Ministry of Magic so that he could get his apparition license. Harry had been very excited about it and he had gotten Neville Longbottom to promise to go with him, since they shared the same birthday, Harry thought they could get tested together.

The morning of August the first, Harry had been collected by Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, Mr. Weasley and Bill Weasley and the group went to the office of Magical Transportation for the test. There they met up with Neville and his grandmother and the two boys went to take their written exams.

After both of the boys had finished the written portion of the exam, the group went to eat lunch where Neville sat picking at his meal.

"Come on Neville, you'll be brilliant mate," Harry said to him.

Neville didn't look so convinced, "I don't know Harry, I'm not you…" Neville began.

"And I'm not you, and you can do more than you think you can, especially when you put your mind to it."

They both smiled at each other and after they finished eating, they went to take their practical portion of the exam; they had to apparate for the examiner. After taking a deep breath each of them apparated across the room easily and repeated it across the building with ease. The final part of the exam was to apparate from the Ministry building they were located in to the secure location across the city. Harry smiled at Neville and nodded to him and they both apparated with a crack.

When Neville appeared at the secure location, in one piece, he was excited and wanted to congratulate Harry for his passing the test as well, but Harry wasn't there. In fact Harry was no where to be found. Harry Potter had simply disappeared without a trace. Members of the Order and officials of the Ministry looked for him for hours but without any luck what-so-ever. Harry Potter had simply disappeared and could not be located.

Now three weeks later, after endless reports in the Daily Prophet and countless searches conducted Harry was still missing and presumed to have been captured by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. However, that wasn't true, as Severus Snape had reported to the members of the Order shortly after Harry went missing. In fact Voldemort was furious that someone else had abducted the one person that he wanted to personally kill.

"Severus, it is possible that one of the Death Eaters has Harry and that they haven't reported it to their master?" Dumbledore asked the potions master at an Order meeting.

"Doubtful Headmaster, as he looked into all the minds of the Death Eaters with that theory in mind at our last meeting."

Molly Weasley who had been crying nonstop since Harry went missing asked, "Why is 'You Know Who' so adamant about getting Harry back, surely he would be happy with him out of the way?"

Snape looked to the Headmaster, who nodded slightly and said, "Whoever has Potter is torturing him and the pain that he is experiencing is flowing through their connection and affecting the Dark Lord."

Molly began to wail in despair once more, someone was torturing her Harry. Arthur took his wife into his arms to comfort her. Many of the other members were looking like they could use the same thing done for them. So this is how the past three weeks have gone, the Order, the Ministry and the Death Eaters each trying their best to find the Boy Who Lived before anyone else did and no one succeeding. That is until the morning of the 23rd of August.

On this particular morning George Weasley went down to unlock the door and open for business as usual when he found a large lump of something wrapped in rags laying on his front step. At first George had no clue what it could possibly be, then he thought that maybe it was Mundungus Fletcher come by for a morning cuppa. He placed his hand on what he thought was a shoulder to wake up their friend to come in, but instead he heard a low moan of pain coming from the pile of dirty rags.

George bent down and began to take a much closer look at this person, who was becoming obvious was not Dung Fletcher. The body of this person was covered in bruises and cut marks and looked to be starved to near death. It wasn't until George pushed back the hair from this person's forehead that he knew who he was.

"FRED!" George bellowed and drew out his wand to levitate the semi-conscience man into his shop.

"George, what is it?" Fred asked as he ran out of the workroom.

After George shut and relocked the door he turned to his twin and said, "Get on the fire to mum and get her over here as well as anyone one else from the old crowd."

"Why?" Fred asked curious.

"I just found Harry on our doorstep."

Fred's face went as white as it could and he ran back into the workroom and began to frantically look for floo powder to call everyone, while George took Harry upstairs and put him into bed.


Sometime later, the small flat above Weasley Wizard Wheezes was packed with members of the Order of the Phoenix and Madame Pomfrey who was in George's bedroom taking care of Harry.

"You say you just found him on your doorstep this morning?" asked a very worried Remus Lupin.

"That's right," replied one of the twins, "we were just opening up for the day and there he was at the door."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, he wasn't awake." George replied. "I thought it was Dung at first, but then I realized it wasn't and when I took a good look at him and saw his scar, I knew who it was and brought him up here and put him to bed."

Dumbledore came up and put a hand on George's shoulder, "You did the right thing, George. Without medical training no one could have done better." George gave a half smile to the aged wizard who looked like his entire world may have just come to an end.

Moments later Madame Pomfrey came out of the bedroom and closed the door securely after her.

"Well Poppy, how is he?" Dumbledore asked.

"I won't lie to you Albus, he's not in good shape at all," the nurse answered, "He has multiple broken bones, more cuts and bruises that I can count. Some of them are weeks old and have not healed yet. Also I think he's been under the Cruciatus curse or something like it for long periods of time. There's also a few other things that I think have happened to him, that I won't care to mention right now."

Dumbledore looked at her with a slightly confused look, but the stern school nurse refused to tell anymore, especially in this company. Then the Headmaster sighed and said, "I think we should move him to Hogwarts for the time being then, until he is healed."

"No, Albus, I do not think it would be best if her were moved until I get a few of those bones healed. He has already punctured one lung because of a broken rib; I don't want the other one damaged as well."

"Very well, I'll see to the arrangements with the Weasleys, since they are the ones who are going to be inconvenienced by this the most," Dumbledore said and turned to the twins, who were listening to their conversation with extendable ears.

"He's not an inconvenience!" they chorused together with their arms folded across their chests.

Dumbledore gave a tired smile and said, "Of course, he isn't."


A short time later at Grimmauld Place Dumbledore was conducting a meeting with the members of the Order of the Phoenix in attempt to compile all the information they knew about Harry disappearance and location for the past three weeks.

Remus had only reluctantly left Harry to come to the meeting, mostly because Poppy had him thrown from the flat by Dobby the house-elf, who had heard about Harry's return and had gone to be by his side. Dobby had become a great asset to the school nurse, as he kept everyone away who might get underfoot. Everyone quickly learned to not anger the little elf where Harry Potter's well being was concerned.

"Headmaster, the Dark Lord is completely unaware that Potter has been found and he is continuing to send out Death Eaters to look for him. I do not believe that he was behind this at all."

Dumbledore nodded to him and said, "Thank you Severus, I concur with your assessment of the situation, however, what we must find out who did abduct Harry and why."

"Why would anyone other than Death Eaters want to harm Harry?" Tonks asked.

"I don't know, but apparently there was someone." Dumbledore replied.

Then the others sat in silence for a moment.


While the meeting was taking place at Grimmauld Place, Harry was beginning to awaken back at the flat in Diagon Alley. At first he only stirred slightly, but then he woke and he would have screamed if he could, but his mouth was so dry that he barely was able to moan in pain let alone scream in horror. However, both Madame Pomfrey and Dobby were both immediately alerted to Harry's movements and were at his side momentarily.

"Harry Potter, is you's awake?" Dobby asked quietly and received no answer. This caused the house elf to look at the school nurse only to discover that she was equally worried about him as well.

When Madame Pomfrey laid a hand on his shoulder, Harry began to shake and lurch about and she quickly removed her hand. Grabbing several vials from the tray she laid on the bed side table, she began to speak to Harry as calmly as she could.

"Potter, it's me, Poppy Pomfrey and I need you take these potions, they will help heal you. Do you understand me?" she asked and got no response. So the nurse attempted to force the healing potions down his throat, but Harry resisted and fought as best he could considering he had such little strength to fight with.

Seeing her struggle with Harry, Dobby went into action. "Harry Potter, I is hoping you's is knowing how much you means to us and that you's forgive Dobby for this," and with a snap of his fingers Harry stopped struggling and drank the potions Poppy poured into his mouth.

When she got the last potion down Harry's throat he fell back into a deep sleep and when Madame Pomfrey turned to thank Dobby she found the elf smacking his head into the door frame crying, "Bad Dobby, Bad."

"Dobby," she said, "Please stop hitting yourself, you did the right thing."

Dobby stopped and said, "Thank you's."

To Be Continued … Please Read and Review