A Pain Worth Bearing: Chapter One

Hey everybody! This is SapphireDemon, and (obviously) this is my first fic on Fanfiction.net. It's not my first story that I've written, but it'll be the one I post up first. This is a Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life fic that stars Jack. The main couple is Rock and Lumina, but it'll have a little bit of JackMuffy. I don't know why, but I really think that Rock and Lumina make a really really CUTE couple! She's so pretty and he's really cute, so I just think it'd be great if they hook up. Oh and on a side-note... I don't know how old Lumina or Rock are because I borrowed the game from my friend and not the booklet where it has all the info on people, but I still think that they make a really adorable couple.

About this story: Its rated R, just to be safe. This will have bad language from time to time and WILL (I REPEAT) WILL have sexual situations in later chapters. Don't worry, this chapter is safe and it doesn't have anything inappropriate, but I do keep in mind that I'm not much of a writer for little kids, I like adding adult themes because that's the type of stories I write. I am seventeen and mature, not a pervert or a sicko and I DON'T write about sex for fun or to get off on it. This isn't a pointless lemon, IT DOES have a story and the lemon is an extra, so I have warned you. If you don't like these types of stories let me help you out... DON'T read it. Simple, huh? I don't accept flames, so if you didn't like my story please don't review or flame me. Just go on with your life. I'm open to suggestions and corrections, so I don't mind that. This story is fiction and 90% of it isn't true and doesn't follow the game. Keep in mind that this is A STORY and I don't want you all to say "No that's not true" or "That doesn't happen". I played the game, I know, so keep that in mind.

Disclaimer: I don't own harvest moon, but I do own this story. Harvest moon belongs to Natsume and other companies... not me.

"Good morning Jack." Smiled Muffy as she flipped some eggs on the frying pan. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah." Jack mumbled, dragging himself over to the kitchen table. " Muffy!! What are you doing!?"

"Huh?" Muffy turned around and gave Jack a look of confusion. " What's the matter Darling?"

"Give me that!" Jack angrily said, taking the spatula away from Muffy. "You shouldn't be doing anything, you're pregnant remember?"

"Tee-hee-hee oh Darling you worry too much." She giggled. "I may be pregnant, but I'm not useless."

"I wasn't saying that."

"I'm pregnant, but I can still make my man a good breakfast." She smiled, serving him some eggs, bacon, soup, and a glass of juice. "Now eat up because you've got a big day today."

"Thanks but take it easy okay?"

"I will."

Muffy poured herself a glass of warm milk and quietly ate her fruit salad. Since she was pregnant she decided that eating healthy was a good idea because Nina had told her that what she ate affected the way her baby would turn out. Since this was their first baby together, she wanted it to turn out perfect, so a good fruit salad for breakfast was a good choice.

Now that she was married, Muffy decided that becoming a little more responsible would definitely make her a better person. She wanted to prove to Jack that she wasn't just a big flirt, sexy, and beautiful, but also a hard working responsible young woman who could hold her own, even in a farm.

"You're still going today, right Jack?" Muffy asked.

"Huh?" Jack looked up from his bowl of soup and asked, "Going where?"

"To help out Romana remember?"

"Oh... yeah... I forgot about that..." he sighed, remembering last week. "I promised I'd help clean out her mansion."

"But doesn't she have a butler?" Muffy pointed out.

"Oh you mean Sebastian?"


"His daughter got into an accident so he had to go attend to her for a whole month." Jack explained. "Nobody would take her up on her offer... so I said yes..."

"Tee-hee that's why I love you Darling." Muffy giggled as she blew an invisible kiss across the table. "You're so nice... and you can't say no to people in need."

"Well I'm done, I'll be back later okay?" Jack wiped his mouth and washed his dish. "Thanks so much for breakfast you're the best."

"Have a good day Darling." She said, kissing him on the cheek. "Good luck."

"Take care okay?" He said. "Seriously, I want you to take it easy."

"Will do." She winked. "Now get going! Romana is expecting you."

Jack walked out of the house and made his way down the hill, passing the hotel. He spotted Rock sitting in front of the hotel looking a little down and chose to talk to him for a while. A little sidetracking wouldn't hurt, right?

"Hey Rock! What're you up to?" Jack waved.

"Huh?" Rock looked up at Jack in a daze and stood up quickly. "Oh hey Jack!"

"What's the matter? You look down..."

"Nothing, nothing at all." Rock chuckled. "I'm just really bored."


"Yeah there's nothing to do..."

"Why don't you look for a job to keep you entertained?"

"And work as what?"

"Uhhh... hey I know! Since Muffy isn't working at the bar anymore, I'm sure that Griffin needs an assistant." Jack said. "How about it?"

"A bar... huh?" Rock thought. "Sure."

"I'll talk to Griffin about it later okay?"

"Thanks a lot Jack."

"You're welcome."

Jack waved bye to Rock, making his way up the hill and up to the huge mansion that Romana owned. When he reached the door he could hear young Lumina playing the piano. He tapped the door lightly and waited for somebody to answer.

"Ohhhh Jack." Romana smiled, giving him a tight hug. "Please come in, you have lots of work to do."

"Morning Miss Romana how are you?" Jack politely greeted as he walked into the expensive and elegant mansion that she owned. "Morning Lumina!"

"Oh... good morning Jack..." she greeted, almost in a whisper. "How's Muffy...?"


Lumina watched Jack walk into the kitchen with her grandmother and sadly sighed. She never told anybody... but she had always had a small crush on Jack. When he first moved into town, she'd bump into him in a number of occasions and every time he had a beautiful flower in his hands just for her. Lumina would blush, but she'd accept the flower. When she found out that he married Muffy... her heart broke in half. She knew he was much older than her and that it was impossible... but something in her heart told her that just maybe... just maybe... it could've happened.

"La Fa Di To..." She repeated in her mind as she scrolled thought the piano keys, memorizing each note.

"Do you understand Jack?"


"Good, now start your scrubbing." Romana chuckled, throwing him a small dirty towel. "Sebastian used to clean with that, so you can pick up where he left off."

"You look mad..." Jack pointed out. "Something the matter?"

"Oh it's just Lumina."


"Yes she's been acting up lately... she's been quiet and she keeps running off instead of playing the piano. The piano is her life and she needs to keep practicing so that one day she'll be famous and move out of this dead town."

"But... does she really want to play the piano?"

"It's not her decision if she wants to or not, she HAS TO." Romana strictly said, reclining on the kitchen wall. "I couldn't fulfill my dream of becoming a pianist... so I want Lumina to do it for me."

"Oh..." Jack wanted to argue about it a little more, but duty called. He decided to leave it at that and just get this side-job over with.

"I'm going to take a walk okay Jack?" Romana announced. "Could you do me a favor and watch Lumina for me?"


"Great, thanks."

Jack got down on his knees and began scrubbing the floor clean. He knew that a mop would be better but when he asked, Romana didn't have one.

"Poor Sebastian... he's old and he has to do all this work on his own..." Jack sighed. "I better check up on Lumina. Romana did say that she kept running away so it was good to make sure she was still inside the mansion, just in case.

"Lumina?" Jack called out from the kitchen.

No response


Still no response

"Oh no." Jack thought as he raced out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Oh, there you are..."

"What's the matter Jack?" she asked. "You look worried."

"Why didn't you answer?"


"I was calling out to you... and... never mind." He said, sighing in relief. " You're still here."

"I was playing with my Siamese kitty, Luna."

"You named her Luna?" He asked, kneeling down to look her in the face. " That's a pretty name."

"Really? You think so?" Lumina blushed, avoiding his stare. "T-Thanks... I named her that because her eyes remind me of the moon."

"Your eyes remind ME of the moon." He smiled.

"Oh..." she turned into a deeper shade of red and couldn't help but smile. " H-How's life?"

"Good, Muffy takes real good care of me."

"Oh..." Every time she heard him mention Muffy, her heart would hurt a bit. She still had to get used to the fact that Jack was married and would forever be married.

"She's almost due."

"When is she having the baby?"

"Next month."

"Boy or girl?"

"I don't know yet... but I hope it's a boy."

"Are you happy?" she asked, looking down.


"Are you happy?" She repeated in the same way.

"VERY happy." He assured, patting her on the head. "I've got some cleaning to do so how about we go get some ice-cream after I'm finished okay?"

"Really? You mean it!?" Her eyes glittered once more and her smile returned to her pale face. "Thanks Jack!"

After work...

"What flavor do you want Lumina?"

"Hmmm..." Lumina thought. She was in such a great mood! Going to get ice- cream with Jack, holding his hand, and it was just the two of them... an image she had always dreamed about and now it was finally a reality. " Chocolate chip."

"I'm in the mood for chocolate." He smiled.

"Welcome!" Van greeted. "You two here for my after-work-special ice- cream?"


"What flavor do you want Jack? Oh and is this your little date?" he teased as he lightly poked Lumina's nose. "You're so cute Lumina, you're getting more and more beautiful each day I see you. One day, I wont be able to resist."

"Haha isn't that illegal?" Jack chuckled.

"I was just teasing." Van laughed.

"Hehe you're funny Van." Lumina giggled. "Do you have chocolate chip today?"

"For you, always." He scooped ice-cream into a cone and carefully gave it to her. "This ice-cream business is doing really good."

"Yeah?" Jack asked in surprise as he took his chocolate ice-cream. " You're who everybody turns to when work is over."

"I start selling ice-cream around five in the afternoon so when people finish working, they can treat themselves to a nice cold cone for just fifty cents." Van explained as he watched Lumina lick her ice-cream. "You know what Lumina?"

"Hm?" she asked through a mouthful of ice-cream.

"I have a son that's about your age, I think he's a year older... would you like to meet him one day?"


"Just thought you could use a friend."

"You're married?" Lumina asked in disbelief.

"Hahahha... haha... ha..." Van laughed, embarrassed. "Of course I am."

"Didn't think somebody like you would be married." She said.

"Hey Lumina, that wasn't nice." Jack said, holding back a laugh. " Apologize to Van."

"Sorry..." she said.

"Why thank-

"Jack." Lumina gave him a light hug and looked up at Van.

"Good." Jack patted her on the head.

"You're a naughty little girl, huh?" Van said in annoyance. "I'm gonna close up shop, see you tomorrow Jack."

"Bye!" Jack waved. "Oh that's right... I forgot! I was supposed to get Rock a résumé."

Jack dragged Lumina with him to the bar and looked around for Griffin. He saw him playing his guitar and talking with Murrey.

"Ah Jack how are ya?" Griffin greeted. "How's Muffy doing?"

"She's fine."

"Come by for a drink?"

"Not now."

"Oh, who's this little beauty next to you?" He asked, eyeing Lumina. " Haha I haven't seen you in a long time Lumina, have you been hiding from me?"

"No... Grandma keeps me locked up."

"Haha children say the cutest things huh Jack?"

"I'm NOT a child..." Lumina angrily mumbled.

"Moi." Murrey interrupted. "I'm h-h-h hungry..."

"I'll be right there Murrey." Griffin chuckled. "Okay, seriously what brings you to my bar Jack?"

"Since Muffy doesn't work here anymore... you think you could use a new assistant?"

"Hmmm..." Griffin looked up and rubbed his chin carefully. "Well... I s'pose so. Why? You got anyone in mind?"

"Rock needs a job, you think you could give him one?"

"Rock? Oh you mean Ruby's son? Sure why not?" Griffin chuckled, slapping Jack's back... hard. "Tell him he's hired and to start tomorrow morning. We open up shop at around ten so don't be late."

"Great! I'll tell him right away!"

"Bye Jack! Bye Lumina!"

Jack walked out of the bar and into the hotel. He greeted Ruby and her husband and asked for Rock.

"Rock! Jack is here to see you!" Ruby shouted.


"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, sorry for coming so late." Jack apologized.

"Don't worry about it." Ruby smiled. "Oh, wait here! I have a special soup for Muffy. Since she's pregnant I'm sure she could use the extra vitamins."

"Thanks so much Ruby."

"Yo Jack!" Rock greeted as he slowly walked down the flight of stairs. " What brings you..."

He paused as he spotted Lumina standing next to Jack, holding his hand possessively and looking around the hotel. She was very beautiful, this was the first time he's seen her in months. He had seen her walk around Forget- Me-Not Village, but after a while she seemed to have disappeared and he forgot all about her. Now that she was here... in his home... he saw her in a very different way.

"I just came by to tell you that Griffin hired you and he wants you to start tomorrow, is that okay?" Jack asked.

"Y-Yeah... s-sure..." he blushed, admiring Lumina's beauty and above all... her innocent appearance.

"Can you start that early?"

"Y-Yeah... I can..."

"Great!" Jack smiled.

"Here you go!" Ruby held out the sealed bowl and smiled. "I really hope Muffy likes it, it's very nutritious."

"Thank you so much Ruby." Jack said, showing his gratitude the best way he could... with a warm smile. "Muffy will love it for sure."

"It's got some Ruby Spice in it."

"Let's go..." Lumina said, tugging Jack's sleeve.

"Bye Jack." Rock said as he watched Lumina walk away. "She's really hot..."

"Bye Jack."

"Bye Lumina, I'll come visit you tomorrow okay?"

"Thanks for taking care of her." Romana said. "She can be a brat sometimes."

"Actually, Lumina is a very behaved young lady."

"Tee-hee thanks Jack."

"Well I have to go back to my farm, so I'll see you later."


Jack walked back to his farm and collapsed on his bed. He took a deep breath, tired from today's hard work. His life was finally starting to take shape and he thanked God for that. He had a beautiful wife, a child on the way, good neighbors, good friends. Everything was perfect... or so... he thought.


SapphireDemon: So what did you guys think? Okay, okay I KNOW that this chapter was nothing, but I don't like writing LONG chapters, it makes the reader not want to read. I'll have the next chapter up soon though. I promise it'll get more interesting, okay?

Murrey: I'm h-h-h hungry.

SapphireDemon: Damn you Murrey! Stole my freakin fish!

Murrey: Moi?

Sapphire Demon: (sigh) Forget it... keep the damn fish.

Murrey: Moi! T-t-t thanks.

SapphireDemon: Don't forget to review! Please? So at least I know you read a little bit of it...

Murrey: Moi R-r-r-r review please?

Next Chapter: Okay so Rock is curious about Lumina, but what about her? Is she attracted to him as well? What happens when they meet? And what about Van's son? Why is he so... creepy? To find out... read the next chapter of this thing. (Coming soon! I promise!)