Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

            This is a story I started a few years ago for myself and for my younger brothers. Originally the main part took place in 2001 (when I started writing it) and I have chosen to keep it that way to save trouble. This means that the Pokemon found in Ruby and Sapphire and the new episodes have not been discovered. Please keep this in mind.

            Also, I would have to say that this is an AU story. Most of this stuff would probably never happen in the show, but that's why they call it fan fiction, I guess. Some characters may be a bit OOC, but I've tried to keep the main ones close. Well, we'll see how it turns out, won't we? Thanks, and on with the show!

                        PART ONE: ASH ----2001

            Chapter 1: Home Again

            Ash was exhausted. He had been walking for hours, and he hadn't eaten since breakfast. He looked back at his friends, Misty and Brock. Misty's Togepi was asleep in Misty's arms, and even Brock and Misty were looking droopy. Ash thought for a minute.

            "Hey guys, we're pretty close to PalletTown! We can stay at my house. Mom will give us something to eat, and we can sleep there!"

            Misty perked up immediately. "Oh, I'd just love to sleep in a real bed for a change, instead of a sleeping bag!"

            "Yeah, and maybe your mom will let me cook and help out with chores!" Brock cried.

            He's crazy, Ash thought. "What about you, Pikachu?"

            "Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, jumping up and down excitedly.

            Ash laughed. "I guess that settles it!"

            When they got to a phone booth near PalletTown, Ash called home. His mom answered after a couple of rings.

            "Oh, hi, honey," she said. "Where are you calling from?"

            "I'm right near home. I just wanted to call and tell you I'm coming. Well, we're coming," Ash corrected himself.


            "Now!" Ash said. "I mean, as soon as I get off the phone with you."

            "Today?" His mom sounded shocked. "But you can't!"

            Ash was surprised. He'd thought his mom would be glad to see him. "Why not? What's wrong?" he asked. Misty and Brock looked at each other. What was going on?

            Ash's mom seemed to be trying to think of something quickly. "Because your room isn't clean."

            "That's okay, Mom. I don't mind."


            Ash cut her off. "I'll see you soon. I love you. Bye!" He hung up before she could say anything else.

            Later, the trio walked up to Ash's house. Ash turned the doorknob. "Mom, I'm here!" he yelled.

            His mom came into the living room. She looked embarrassed. "I wanted to tell you…" she said quietly.

            All three kids stared, shocked. Ash was the first to speak. "Mom, you got fat!"

            "You idiot!" Misty said. "She's not fat! She's going to have a baby!"

            "A baby?"

            Ash's mom blushed. "She's right, Ash. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just couldn't find the right time."

            Ash couldn't think of anything to say. "But-but-how?"

            "Honey, I think I already had that discussion with you."

            "No! I mean-my father's gone! Did he come back?" Ash couldn't remember ever even seeing his dad, but he'd never really thought about him before.

            His mother shook her head. "No, Ash. Your father isn't this baby's father."

            "Then who is the baby's father?"

            She sighed. "Professor Oak."

            Ash blacked out.

            "Ash, are you awake?"

            Ash opened his eyes. His mom, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Mr. Mime were standing over him, and he was on the floor. He sat up.

            "Oh, Mom, I had the weirdest dream where you were having a baby, and Professor Oak was the father."

            She smiled. "Oh, Pumpkin, that wasn't a dream."

            "You mean it's true?" He couldn't believe it.

            His mom nodded. "Yes, it is, and now that you know, I have something else to tell you."

            "I don't think I can take any more surprises," said Ash. His mom and friends laughed.

            "This one's for you and your friends," Ash's mom said. "Professor Oak and I are getting married, and we want all of you to be in the wedding."

            Misty squealed with delight. "Oh, I'd get to be a bridesmaid? With a beautiful dress and flowers?"

            Ash's mom nodded.

            "Oh, it's so romantic!" Misty kept babbling on and on and Ash finally tuned her out. Brock said nothing.

            Suddenly Ash frowned. "But, Mom, what about Dad? Aren't you still married to him?"

            "Ash, there's something I never told you. Your father died a few years ago. He was killed by a mysterious Pokemon."

            Ash fainted again.

            "Honey, you've really got to stop doing that."

            Ash opened his eyes. His mom helped him to stand up. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to upset you," she said, "but I had to tell you."

            "Then why didn't you tell me before now?" Ash asked angrily, embarrassed that his mom was making a fool out of him in front of his friends.

            "I don't know." She looked like she was about to cry.

            Ash hugged her. "I'm sorry, Mom. It's just a shock, that's all. I'm sure you had a good reason."

            There was a knock at the door just then. Ash's mom opened it. "Oh, hi, Samuel! We were just talking about you." She opened the door wider so he could see the kids in the living room. "They know everything," she added. Professor Oak stepped in and she closed the door.

            "Hello, Delia," Professor Oak said, and kissed her. Then he turned to the kids. "Hello, Ash, Misty, Brock." He nodded at each of them in turn.

            "So, Ash, your mother has told you about everything. How do you feel about it?"

            "Okay, I guess." What else could he say? "It was a little bit surprising at first."

            "A little?" Misty laughed.

            "Shut up, Misty!"

            "Ash!" his mom scolded. "You know I don't like you saying that! Now you apologize to Misty!"

            "Sorry," Ash muttered.

            Professor Oak stood. "I have an idea. Why don't you all come over to my house, and we can have a barbecue."

            At that, Pikachu jumped off of Ash's lap and raced to the door. Everyone laughed.

            When they got to Professor Oak's house, Ash thought of something. "Professor, does Gary know?" Gary was Professor Oak's grandson, and Ash's biggest rival.

            "As a matter of fact, he's here right now. He's staying with me while his parents are away on vacation. He's taking a break from Pokemon training. And I just told him the news a little while ago," Professor Oak said as he opened the front door.

            "What does he think about it?"

            Oak hesitated. "Well—"

            "What are they doing here?" Ash turned to see Gary standing in the living room, arms folded across his chest and a scowl on his face. "Isn't it bad enough that you're marrying her? Gary continued. "I mean, at least I shouldn't have to see them until the stupid wedding!"

            "Gary! That's enough!" Professor Oak exclaimed. "Go to your room!"

            Gary opened his mouth to argue, then decided against it. He turned and stormed out of the room.

            There was an awkward silence, which Brock finally broke. "Well, that went well."

            "I'm so sorry, Delia," Professor Oak said. "I don't know what's gotten into my grandson."

            "It's all right, Samuel. It's not your fault. I didn't expect everyone to be thrilled with the idea," she replied, "although I admit I'm a little surprised by Gary's reaction. I used to baby-sit him and Daisy. He seemed to like me then."

            "Daisy?" Ash asked. "Who's Daisy?"

            "Don't you remember Gary's sister Daisy, Ash?" his mom asked. Ash thought for a few moments.

            "Oh, yeah!" he said finally. "She used to make us play house, and we had to be her babies." That hadn't been much fun, but she was older, so they'd played what she wanted.

            "Daisy's here, too," Professor Oak said, bringing Ash back to the present. As if on cue, a stunning young woman walked into the room. She had long, glossy black hair which she'd tied back with a purple ribbon, and she had a mixing bowl in her hands and a little bit of flour on her nose. She wore a lavender dress and a surprised look on her face.

            "Grandpa, you didn't tell me we had company!" she cried. "I must look like the bride of Frankenstein!"

            "Then you can call me Frankenstein!" Brock said. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" Brock said that about every girl he'd ever seen.

            Misty grabbed Brock by the ear. "Come on, Romeo."

            "Are you Daisy?" Ash asked the girl. (A.N.  Yes, he is extremely dense, isn't he?)

            "I sure am," she replied. "And you must be little Ash. I haven't seen you in years." She set down her bowl. "I was just mixing dough for cookies. Who wants to help me get them in the oven?"

            "I do!" Brock cried.

So there's the first chapter. I hope people will read and review! Unlike my other stories, this one is already written, I will just need to type and post chapters. My typing takes forever (I suck at typing, I only use two fingers!) but I'll try my best to do a chapter every day. And one other thing: it may seem boring at first, (even I think so) but it will get more interesting, I promise! And reviews are always good incentive to type for hours, not to mention that they make my day! Well, thanks for reading. There's plenty more to come!