Disclaimer: Not mine, Squeenix's.
Rating: PG-13 for Leon's pissy whining. Yuffie-bashing, but I don't think of Yuffie like that. Leon does.
Pairing: Absolutely none.
Summary: Leon bitches to (at) Yuffie after the Pegasus Cup.
Notes: 15-Minute Ficlet for the word 'loss', written in 17 minutes. MUCH shorter than what I'd usually post here on FF.net, but I liked how this came out. ::shrugs::
"There's no way I could lose."
"…well… ya did…"
"There's no way. This is impossible."
"…again, ya did… gods, it's not that big a deal, Squall…"
Leon turned to look at his young, more-often-than-not annoying partner and scowled. "Yes. It is." Yuffie frowned childishly at the older man's scolding tone of voice. "…and how many fucking times do I have to tell you, it's 'Leon'."
The ninja frowned again. They just - moments ago - lost the Pegasus Cup to Sora… just like Yuffie thought - and said - they would. Sora was getting a hell of a lot better with his moves, she warned Leon… and, even if Sora still wasn't as good as either herself or Squall, the kid still beat them. Somehow.
Like she said he would.
Needless to say, Leon was freakin' pissed.
Which was why she refused to gloat, because Leon would probably shoot her.
"I… can't fucking believe this…"
Yuffie sighed heavily and crossed her arms, trying to decide whether or not to comfort the brunette as he dug his fingers very hard into his scalp. After all, she knew he was totally impossible to deal with when things like this happened.
…well, not like things like this happened all that often. The Heartless in Traverse Town were nothing to handle, and they never really had to fight anyone who posed a real challenge other than… well, Sora, in the tournaments. And the last time Leon lost to the Keybearer… the man was pissed for nearly an entire week. And now… Yuffie had an idea it was going to be even longer before Leon was sane again.
"I can't believe I lost to that little shit again…!!"
"Squall, it's not a big deal. The kid's a freakin'… like… y'know… he's like the 'chosen one'," the ninja decided finally, throwing her arms in the air. "Of course you can't compare with something like that… I mean… it's impossible! This is the same kid that's gonna save all the worlds from the Darkness!"
She didn't notice it at all as she spoke, but Leon actually stopped listening to the girl talk immediately after she called him by the wrong name - YET AGAIN - and instead switched over to simply glaring daggers at her in hopes that her tiny little teenage head would soon explode and end his misery. He had no clue how he and Aerith were able to deal with the girl for so long…
…and he couldn't believe he lost to the kid AGAIN!! Not only was it unlikely for it to happen in the first place, but it was greatly insulting. He, Leon, the master of the Gunblade and the head honcho over in Traverse Town, lost - TWICE! - to a 14-year old kid with a key.
It wasn't fair.
At all.
"This is your fault, Yuffie," the brunette muttered, holding himself back from stealing the ninja's shuriken and chucking it at her out of spite, "if you didn't jump around all the goddamn time and actually helped me for once, then—"
"Hey, don't you go blaming this on ME!!" Yuffie shrieked, also keeping herself from attacking her partner with the Conformer, "you're the one who's too freakin' focused on winning that ya can't even stop for a freakin' second to heal yourself!!"
Leon scowled before reverting back to ignoring her.
"…I can't believe I fucking lost…"
"Well believe it, Squally," Yuffie started as she headed towards the door, ticking a finger at him, "because there's no way any of us is ever gonna beat that kid."
"It's 'Leon'," he snarled as the girl left the holding area, correcting her for the umpteenth time.
The brunette fumed quietly for a moment before standing to look outside, only to see a familiar-looking blonde wielding a - gigantic - sword out in the courtyard, expertly swinging it around as he waited for his next fight… well, Leon assumed that was what he was waiting for, anyway.
After a short span of watching the guy practice, Leon raised an eyebrow at his ingenious idea.
Since Yuffie was completely worthless fighting alongside him, then maybe - no, definitely - a new teammate was in order.
Leon had to beat Sora in battle one of these days… and maybe that blonde across the Coliseum would be the one to help.
He smirked despite himself as the caped blonde stepped calmly into the arena and proceeded to successfully take out all of his Heartless opponents within seconds.
…that guy would definitely work to Leon's advantage.
To hell with Yuffie. Leon actually wanted to win for once.