Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to it, including but not limited to: any of the characters, names, titles, logos, and ideas. This fanfic is written purely for entertainment/recreational purposes. No money or profit is being made. This disclaimer goes for all chapters of the entire fic.

Holy Crud that was a long disclaimer! I was bored, okay?!!! Yes, I have a life. Shut up. I DO! I SWEAR I DO!!! WE SWEARS!!!! WE SWEARS ON THE PRECIOUS!!!!!! (Disclaimer: Don't own Lord of the Rings) shifty eyes

Yes, I'm back. A couple of hate emails coughLady'sEternalDarknesscough and flames and harsh criticism and haters later, to once again plague the website with my terrible writing and annoying repetitions!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and The Dark Wanderer have a new fanfic (co-written) and posted on her account. I hope it's back up, as it was taken down due to a misunderstanding and a squealer (you know who you are, my gophers are hunting). There have been a lot of problems with squealing lately. Anyone else get squealed on and have their stories removed for stupid reasons? Join my union, SSU (Stop Squealers United!!!! Oh yeah!)!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I'll probably get squealed on for this long spiel, but the whole point of it is to tell you all that I am back, and I have a union!!!! JOIN SSU TODAY!!!!!

ANYWAYS, this IS a Draco/Luna fanfic. They're all grown up (sob my little babies!!! All growed up!!) and Luna and Harry are Aurors. Draco is a Death Eater. Please review!!! I live on reviews!!!


"No, no, no, no, no!!!!!! That's wrong!!! What's the matter with you? Can you do nothing right?!!!!" Harry's cheeks puffed out like a hamster eating an apple core as he bellowed at her, something Luna would have found funny if she wasn't hanging upside down by her ankles, both hands tied behind her back, gagged, and submerged in a tank of ice water.

She gave him the best glare she could manage with water seeping up her nose in a cold trickle. "Byme bying!!!!!!" She yelled through the gag in a stream of bubbles. There went her air. "Schit!"

"Try harder!!!" Harry yelled back. "Remember, focus!! And if you get free, try to disarm me!"

Luna closed her eyes. Like she had been taught, she focused on nothing and everything at once. She felt power pulsing in her. She felt the room. The tank, the chairs, tables, pipes, the walls, the floor; they all swirled in her mind, sucked into the whirlwind of dreams and ambitions, lost love and hatred, her wall of self-control, everything that made Luna herself. Her memories flew through her mind. She felt anger, happiness, sadness, physical and emotional pain and pleasure, love, and hatred fly forth unbidden with her recollection of her life. She let it simmer, and then slowly, gathering it in the darkest recesses of her mind, unleashed it like a tidal wave, calling the magic to her.

Her wand smashed through the wall of the tank to her hand, her fingers tightening on it. Glass flew everywhere. Her bonds snapped, and she fell heavily on the floor, yanking out her gag and readying her wand. She dropped back, bracing on one leg, her eyes snapping open like a cat's. The world was in complete focus. She was drifting. Drifting in a room of sharpened detail and heightened senses. She focused on Harry. She watched his breathing quicken, heard his pulse. Saw the way the blood flowed and his heart beat. Saw the muscles working, contacting and flexing under his skin as he raised his wand, almost in slow motion. He was too slow. Luna brought her wand up in a sweep and uttered the first spell that came to her lips. She didn't know what it was, it was nothing but babble to her when she was where she was now, but it send him flying backwards. Silvery ropes burst out of the tip of her wand and wrapped themselves around him.

She raised her wand, power leaping to her mouth as she uttered the killing curse, magic forming in a growing ball on the tip of her wand. A small voice in the back of her head screamed for her to stop, but the new Luna was beyond listening.

Harry's eyes were huge. "Luna, stop. This isn't funny anymore."

Luna was beyond listening. Her teeth bared as her lips drew back in a snarling smile.

"Luna! Stop!"

Luna laughed. She laughed and laughed; the sound echoing off the walls. "Stop?" Her voice was a dry rasp, a dark hiss. "Harry, my dear, I've barely begun."

The door opened. Luna ignored it. It was not important. She had to kill the man before her. It was what pushed her mind, compelled her. Footsteps entered.

"Bloody hell!" She heard someone yelp, and then she was swirling into the darkened depths of unconsciousness.


Luna woke up in the Infirmary. Her whole body ached. She tried to sit up, but her muscles felt like jelly. She sank back down onto the pillows. What happened?

"Is she awake?" The quiet whisper coming from the door made her ears perk up.

"She just woke up, sir."


"Yes, sir."

The voice, which Luna recognized as Harry's, blew a sigh of relief. "Good. I would never have thought this would happen to Luna. I should have been more careful."

"Don't blame yourself, sir."

"It's my job to blame myself. Dismissed."

"Very good, sir." The nurse left the room with a curtsey.

Harry came and sat on the edge of Luna's bed. His intent green eyes searched her silver ones.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

Luna shrugged. "I am, other than the fact I feel like pudding. This is actually kind of nice, because I always wanted to be pudding. Chocolate. Or vanilla. Just not strawberry."

Harry laughed. "You're back to normal, at least."

Luna looked at him, her eyes scanning his soul. "What the hell happened?"

Harry's laughter cut off. "Or not." He sighed deeply. "Luna, I don't know. Using magic without a wand is a new practice. Hermione is trying as hard as she can, but she still can't seem to figure out what we're doing, right or wrong. You managed it, but something happened. Have you ever read the Muggle book, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide?"

Luna crinkled her nose thoughtfully. "A long time ago."

"Yes, well, that's what it's like. You managed to get farther than any Auror has managed to get so far, and we don't know what happened to you. We think that you made a new breakthrough, but instead of you controlling the magic, it controlled you."

Luna swallowed. "Will it happen again?"

Harry chewed his lip. "We don't know, Luna."

Luna shrugged. "As mum used to say, 'Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff'. Stop worrying."

Harry laughed. "We'll just have to be more careful next time. Sorry about pushing you. I never imagined that would happen."

Luna sighed gallantly, putting on an exaggerated air. "Harry, dear, me either. And even Hermione didn't know. And if she didn't know something, there'll be a blue moon tonight. Which is, technically, impossible, because everyone knows the moon is made of parmesan. Not blue cheese, parmesan. If it was blue cheese, I would have gone and eaten it. But I haven't. But it could be mozzarella. Or cheddar, white cheddar............"

Harry laughed again and hugged her. "Just be careful, okay?" He asked, his fingers gently caressing the diamond ring that graced the fourth finger of her left hand. "We don't want anything to happen to us before we get married."

Luna smiled. "Of course."

"Sir?" A cautious knock sounded at the door. A short, bald man with tufts of hair at least a foot long sticking out in every direction and a ruddy, sweaty face shifted nervously from foot to foot, rubbing the back of his neck, clutching a small envelope.

Harry sat up, twining his fingers with Luna's and briefly squeezing her hand before releasing her. "Yes?"

"Um, Mr. Ronald Weasley asked me to give this to you, sir. He says it's urgent. Sir. It's about the Muggle killings, sir. Sir, he says there was a note on one of the bodies, sir."

Harry stood, brushing at his robes. "A note?"

"Yes, sir."

"Let me see it."

"Here you go, sir." He handed Harry the envelope. "Anything else, sir? I can help, sir."

Harry turned and headed back to Luna. "One thing, stop calling me sir so much. You sound like a house elf."

"Sorry, sir."

Harry shook his head in exasperation. "Please tell Ron thanks and I'll see him in the board room with Hermione and the twins later."

Bowing and scraping, the man left.

Harry sat down heavily on the bed. Luna chuckled at him, rubbing his shoulder. "So, tell me, how does it feel to be the head of the Order of the Phoenix and all Aurors?"

Harry rubbed his eyes tiredly. "You have no idea." Pulling a letter opener out of a drawer that Luna floated over to him, he slit the envelope and pulled out the plastic bag inside. A crumpled, damp piece of paper smeared in blood, mud, and curvy, thin neat writing was inside. Harry pulled it by the light, and all the mud and blood disappeared. "Good old Hermione." He muttered, scanning the writing.

"What's it say?" Luna asked, peering as best she could without moving too much over his shoulder.

Harry froze.


Harry licked his lips. "I thought he was dead." He muttered.

"Who? You-Know-Who?"

"Voldermort? No. he could hardly be dead unless he was hit by a stray spell in the past battle, but he wasn't even there. It's Malfoy."


"You remember him, the kid from school? Slytherin?"

"Oh, him. But he's dead! I saw Ron kill him!"

Harry's face hardened. "Apparently not." He shoved the note at her. "Read this!"

Luna held it up to the light, almost hearing the drawl of the former Slytherin's voice.


You think you have won, don't you? There is much, as always, for you to learn. You think I am dead? Was the Dark Lord dead twenty-two years ago? No. Granted, he was not living as he should have, but there are levels of survival to which he is willing to sink, as am I.

Congratulations on your engagement. Luna has become a lovely woman, perfect for you. Lonny Lovegood seems like an odd choice, but as always, Potter, you had to be better than anyone else was (or more......unique?).

Please tell Weasley (the young one) to stop using the orange scented shampoo. It smells horrible. Oh, and Dobby and Winky will be married soon, as will Ron and Hermione. They will tell you the news tonight. As it were, they cannot read this part of the letter if they try. It would spoil my announcement.

Remember, Potter, I know everything. You cannot hide.

Draco Malfoy, Death Eater."

Well? Continue it? Burn it? holds lighter by story