A few hours later the five arrived in Pewter City. Since it was later they got a room at the hotel for the night. Mewtwo went out on the balconey and stared up at the moon. Well, he thought. I was able to avoid Giovanni for yet another day. He sighed and closed his eyes. And maybe now Karen will be nicer to me...

"Mewtwo," a voice behind him said.

The Pokemon turned around. Karen stood in the doorway.

(Karen,) he said.

She walked toward him and took his hand. "When I said I was sorry back there I ment it," she told him not exactly meeting his gaze. "I was wrong. You didn't deserve all that I put you through." Now she looked away fully. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

(Karen,) he said putting his other hand under her chin and making her looked up at him. (I do. I do forgive you,) he told her. (And I'm sorry for the way I have acted toward you too. You didn't know.)

"About Ai?" she asked.

He nodded.

She sighed. "Looks like we both have something in common," she said.

(What is that?)

"We both lost someone we loved dearly."

He nodded again. (So we understand each other now?) he wanted to know.

"I guess." she hugged him around the waist. "Mewtwo, I truely am sorry for the way I have acted. I was just angry and needed someone, anyone, to blame. I'm glad you forgive me. I truely am. I promise... I will treat you better."

He put his arms around her too. (I promise the same thing,) he said.

"And..." she went on. "I now understand why you are the way you are. You are just misunderstood. Maybe as time goes on we'll learn to understand each other more."

(Yes,) he said nodding. (I think we will.) He looked up at the moon. Ai's face seemed to be in it. She was smiling down at him. I can feel it... in my heart...



Sorry. I was kinda in a hurry to get this done. Well now it's finished. I hope you all liked the fic. I noticed a lot of the times in this fic everyone is in a hotel. Well the reason for the is; I didn't have very many ideas. I had to re-watch Pokemon the first movie twice to try to get a better grasp at Mewtwo's personallity but I don't think I succeeded very well. All well. Better luck next time. If there is a next time...