A Private Moment in a Not Too Private War

Normally he would never allow himself to relax to this extent, nor to be this totally engulfed in pleasure. This ecstasy completely swallowed him. His muscles ached from the physical and mental strain of command, but the warmth caressing him now, brought utter satisfaction. The American Colonel lost all track of time.

What would his captors think if they knew of the enjoyment being inflicted on him at this moment? They would surely put a stop to it. The Kommandant would punish him for such a blatant breaking of the rules, and his accomplice would be placed under lock and key. But he didn't care. For now, nothing else mattered. Neither his men, nor the guards knew of his clandestine rendezvous.

I can't allow this to continue. The fluid embrace combined with the warmth touching my skin is too intoxicating. He stopped to breathe, as he felt his muscles relax. His current state of lethargy made him feel vulnerable, as he became aware of the pleasure of the caress tracing its way over his shoulders, down his spine, and lingering in the small of his back, before slipping over his buttock and gently massaging his legs without pause. "Mmmm" a low moan escaped his lips before he could stop it.

He knew he had to end it, but it was difficult. I'll only stay a few minutes more…no…I must go before I get caught. He argued silently with himself against the irrational thinking keeping him from moving. Finally, his hand reached up to put a stop to the warm embrace. And it was over as quickly as it had begun. He grabbed his clothes and, without looking back, paused in his nakedness to wipe some of the moisture from his trembling body before dressing.

He knew this was wrong. He also knew he would be back again at some future date in the dark of night, when his body was again aching for some intimate warmth given without shame, and taken in the same way. Quietly, he slipped out the door and into the darkness unobserved, stealing away, leaving his fears behind. There was no regret. No, there was only a slight echo coming from his companion, as the sound of dripping water whispered through the camp showers.