Disclaimer: I don't own lotr, sadly enough, but if I did, this book would be published and not on a website. Boo hoo for me.

Ane Femil was tackled by her teammates as she kicked the winning goal just before time was called. The game had been intense and the satisfactory of the win was so thick she could almost taste it, and man did it taste sweet.

Ane loved soccer, almost as much as she loved reading, and was always found doing one of the two. She didn't have many friends, but she cherished the ones she had. They were funny, outgoing, and-er- random. She could tell them anything.

Her best friend and confidante was a boy named Jack Riley. He was smart and blonde, an odd combination, though he didn't seem to mind, but he had a crazy side to him as well. He could turn anything into a joke and yet still keep it clean- sometimes. He too enjoyed reading, but loved to use it as a weapon. His vocabulary was to beat all others. One couldn't tell if he was complimenting or insulting them, and that was what always cracked him up. He also used his ability with words to learn new languages. He could already speak fluently in about five by the time Ane had met him, and was currently learning Danish.
Her other close friend was Haley Shapiro. She was a blonde in disguise, but everyone who knew her knew it wasn't a very good one. She loved to laugh and was all around a fun person to be with. She took nothing seriously until it came to either passing or failing a class, or when it involved her love life; which consisted of two people, Johnny Depp and Captain Jack Sparrow. If any one dared try and make a joke out of her and Jack Riley, she would bite their head off, spit it out, and claw their eyes out. The only time any one had ever seen her mad was when the class clown Jay Bealey had asked her when the last time she'd kissed Jack was. She proceeded to kick the crap out of him. No one mentioned it again.
Ane laughed to herself as she remembered that little incident. She was the only one who had found it amusing. She wiped the sweat off her face. She too was a blonde, but was paler in complexion than any of her friends, since she had grown up in a state where it always rained (Washington) and had moved to California at the beginning of fall. She was lucky enough to have not inherited the pimples and blotchy skin that most of the teenagers in her family were cursed with. Her eyes were an odd color that no one could place, but they seemed to change colors every time you looked at them.
She sighed in relief, but there was a hint of sorrow in it too. She was glad the game was over and won, but it meant the end of the season until next spring. She would miss the after school practices she had grown so used to. But she quickly put a smile on her face as the principal came over to the team with the trophy.
"To our new champions!" he said and handed her coach the trophy.
But her coach shook her head and said, "This doesn't belong to me. This belongs to each of you. You guys did great. We had a stupendous season, and you all better try out again in the spring, or I'll hunt you down." The team laughed, "Really, you guys, you deserve this... now hit the showers!"
She always said that, though no one ever did. But no one ever cared either. That was just the way the coach was.
Ane left her team to go find her brother, Tim. He was supposed to have gone home and gotten her soccer bag and some clothes to change into after the game. She was going to take some bus to the airport, and from there she was going to visit some family back in Washington over winter break. She had to leave right after the game if she wanted to make the flight, allowing her some time if she missed the bus.
Her eyes searched the crowd that was now exiting the bleachers, looking for Tim. She soon found him as he reached the fence that blocked the bleachers from the field. She ran up to him, and he leaned over the fence to hand her a pair of jeans and a light blue long-sleeved shirt. She took it then looked expectantly at him.
"What?" he asked looking a bit confused and annoyed. He was nineteen, just two years older than she, and was in serious need of an attitude adjustment. He always seemed to be angry at the world.
"Is that it?"
"Ulch! Fine! Congratulations!"
"That's not what I meant. Where is my bag?"
"I couldn't find it amongst the wreckage that I assumed used to be your room. It would take an archeologist years to find it in all those layers."
"Okay, okay, I get it. I need to clean my room, but still! I need that bag for my pads and cleats. Where else am I supposed to put them? And what about shoes? Didn't you bring me a pair to change into?"
"No. You didn't tell me you needed shoes. You just said to grab your bag and some clothes."
"Ulch! You're impossible! But you did bring my suitcase, right?"
"What suitcase?"
"No. Oh no, please say you didn't. Crap. Man! What am I gonna wear?!" now she was panicking. She started pacing along the fence trying hard to think clearly and not let her emotions get ahead of her, "I know. I'll just borrow some clothes from Jenny. She's about my size. There. It'll be fine. Do you still have my backpack, Tim?"
"Yeah, I have it. You dumped it in my car before you left for the game, remember?"
"Good. I have one thing then. I'm gonna go change, 'kay?"
"You're asking me for permission now?"
"Oh, giete! I'm leaving. Bye!"
"Might want your backpack."
"I'll get it after I change!" she said not looking back, "Stay here."
She went to one of the nearest buildings, to the side that had a girl's bathroom and went inside. There was no one else in there despite the fact that it was the end of the game and every one should have been piling in there. 'Perhaps they weren't allowed to use the student bathrooms,' she thought. She chose a stall and started to change. She took off her silver shorts and maroon shirt. She put on the light blue shirt, but realized she could see her bra through it so she put on her soccer shirt over it. Surprisingly, it looked really good on her. The jeans were somewhat baggy so she was able to slip them over her cleats and shin guards, she being too tired to take them off then put them back on again.
She left the bathroom and went to go find her brother. Knowing him, he had not listened to her and was off wandering around waiting for her. She checked the stands, and sure enough, he wasn't there. Luckily, she found him leaning up against his red 2000 Chevy pick up. He opened the back seat door and threw her the backpack. It was heavy laden with her books and journals, along with a bathing suit for swimming, and pretty dark blue dress she threw in there in case she needed something fancy to wear to a dinner party or some thing. She nodded a thank you to her brother, who nodded back and got in his truck. "Have a good trip," he said before closing his door and starting the engine. She started her walk through the parking lot, which was now almost empty, as he drove off.
She walked down the sidewalk that went by the office and bus drop off. She got to the corner and took a paper out of her bag as she waited for the light to turn green. It was scribbled and she could hardly read it. 'Why can't Tim write proper instructions?' she thought bitterly as she just barely made out 'turn left at light'. The light turned and she crossed the street. The sign read 'Peaceful Stream Drive' and she smiled.
She walked a ways and looked down at the instructions, but could not make them out to save her life. 'Great. Now I have to ask for directions.' She was in a strange part of town she had never been to. The high school was almost at the south end of town and only one neighborhood stood between it and the next town. She had lived in Escondido for near on three months, but never ventured to this side of the school before, and now she realized why. It was only one 'o'clock on a Saturday but it seemed to be nearly dusk here. She didn't like the feeling this place gave her and the sooner she left, the better.
She saw a man standing on a street corner. He seemed to just be staring of into space, because even though there were no cars coming in any direction, he just stood there like he was waiting for something. She approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him into pulling a gun on her or something. He was wearing all black, and was starting to almost scare her.
"Excuse me, sir," she stated softly. She waited until he turned to face her completely. He didn't answer her so she decided to speak, "Do you know where there is a bus stop near here? I need to get to the airport."
He smiled at her, a sweet and kind smile that made her feel like they were old friends meeting after a long time of being parted. She smiled back at him. His face looked kind, but there was a weariness in his eyes that made her want to cry. He was good looking man, even though he looked to be well into his forties.
"The bus you are looking for is just beyond those trees," he said nodding in the general direction of a glade of strange trees Ane had never seen before. His voice made her melt. It was sad, but was as gentle as a rippling stream, and sounded like music, "It will arrive at the stop soon, so you should hurry to make it."
"Thanks," she breathed, not being able to find any words worth saying to this man. At first her legs wouldn't move but the neighborhood seemed to close in around her so she decided it was time to leave and made her way around the graceful man, who nodded to her and stepped out of the way.
She walked across the empty street and continued down the sidewalk for a few seconds. She looked back at the man, but he wasn't there. She looked up and down the cross street, but he had disappeared. She was confused, but shook her head and continued on towards the trees.

End of chapter uno! Oh yeah! does victory dance to halleluiah chorus R&R! (holy crap, I never thought I'd ever utter those words. washes mouth out with soap mmmm...tastes just like mom's meat loaf.)