Quick Author Note-

Alright, so this is my first fanfic- if you have any constructive criticism please share! Also, I will be updating this in compliance with what the response from the readers is! So, tell me what you think!

Disclaimer- Sorry, I don't own Rayearth.

Story Summary: Fuu has the ability to perform miracles. But after Ferio learns her secret, Fuu finds her secure world suddenly turned upside down.

Miracle Girl

Chapter 1

Not a Cinderella Story

Fuu brushed a lock of slightly curled blond hair out of her face as she counted out her till. Checking to make sure she had the right amount, she turned and glanced out off the large glass windows that made up the side of the building. Moonlight filtered through the windows and the few remaining customers were being helped by different tellers. Glancing at them from under thick lashes she counted them. Two men in blue and black caps and a woman with a small child were all that lingered. It was seven fifty and thankfully Hourtime Bank closed in ten minutes. She straightened the crisp green skirt that was part of her uniform and glanced again at the clock.

It had seemed like ages ago that she had gotten off of a small bus from Ohio and entered the large city of New York. She hadn't loved the idea of coming to the big bustling city, but she needed to get lost, and this was the best place she figured to do it. Part of her still ached when she thought about her home town and the people she left behind. She shut her eyes and tried to banish their caring faces from her mind. They were to near to her heart, and therefore she had to leave. It hurt her, but there was nothing else she could do. Fuu opened her eyes and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand.

The job had come about rather unexpectedly. Her roommate had mentioned that the bank across from the beauty parlor she worked at was hiring, and Fuu had gone in with the incentive of needing someway to pay her rent. She had been hired by the small bank branch, and though she made little more than minimum wage, she enjoyed her job more than she thought she would. It was easy for her to be friendly with strangers, to make small talk with them, she could handle polite conversation as long as no one asked any real questions about her. And no one ever did. Even her fellow coworkers didn't seem interested in getting to know her better. She had worked there for over six months and still she knew little more than the names and what stations her coworkers sat. Of course, she did make a conscious effort not to say anything to them that she didn't have too.

Fuu glanced at the watch again. Seven fifty five. She was almost home free. Today she had worked a double shift for Carol and she was exhausted. But a double shift meant five more hours, and five more hours meant a guarantee of rent. As soon as the last customers were gone she could gather her belongings and go home to a hot meal. Okay, she admitted to herself that a TV dinner wasn't the "hot" meal that most people envisioned, but if Emeraude had gotten home from the salon and wasn't out with her boyfriend then maybe they could pool their money and order Chinese. Then again, she tried not to get to close to her roommate. Fuu genuinely liked Emeraude, and she didn't want to have to go through the arduous task of finding another roommate because she slipped up and got to close to her.

Her stomach growled and she looked at the clock in despair. It was seven fifty nine. Pushing her glasses roughly onto her nose she looked cautiously at the remaining costumers. The mother had just finished her transaction and was now helping her child button up a bright red winter coat. She smiled despite her bad mood as the child struggled with his hat. He was darling, the January weather having left him with permanently rosy cheeks.

A body suddenly obscured her vision and she looked up in shock. Stunning golden eyes filled her sight as the customer who had stepped up to her window smirked at her. Startled by her reaction to his mesmerizing eyes she glanced down at her hands.

"I'm sorry sir this window is closed, please step up to the next available one."

She spoke in an automatic voice. She stiffened when he didn't move. Tilting her head back up she started again at his amazing features. His golden eyes were even more pronounced by the green messy hair that covered his head. Light scars danced over the bridge of his nose and the side of his face. She felt her face begin to flush, the cotton uniform suddenly feeling heavy.


She questioned him in a soft hesitant voice. He leaned forward, and she let her eyes wander up his tall sculpted frame.

"I was just wondering if I could borrow a pen."

The voice was low and rough. His eyes told her that he knew what she had been doing. Her mouth gaped open in embarrassment. He followed suit and let his eyes wander. Crossing her hands over her chest she waited until his eyes found hers again. She smiled through tight lips. He smirked again, this time boyishly and Fuu felt the blush returning. The indignant customer was shamelessly flirting with her! Spinning on her heels she turned and snatched up one of her pens. Practically throwing it at him, her smile grew stale on her face.

"You can keep it. Have a nice night."

Her voice sounded hollow and frail. This sort of thing never happened to her. She didn't like the extra attention he seemed to enjoy forcing on her. And it worried her even more that she didn't find herself completely hating it. Whirling away from him she turned her attention back to her till. He needed to leave. She felt a sudden wave of fear when he cleared his throat and didn't move. What if he didn't leave and just kept talking to her? What if he somehow knew about her? No, that was impossible. She'd never even seen the man before today. Scrunching up her hands, she cocked her head back in his direction. His smirk grew into a smile.

"That's okay. I just need to fill out something quick, then I'll bring it right back-Fuu."

He eyed the pen thoughtfully, and stuck it behind one of his ears. Winking he turned and sauntered over to a customer service counter. She cursed the fact that she was stuck wearing a name tag. Doing her best to ignore him she turned back to watch the mother and son. They hadn't quite gotten his gloves on, and now the young boy insisted on fixing his socks. The mother waited patiently and smoothed his hair, love in her eyes. Watching them had become painful, and she looked down at her hands. They shook and she placed them against the counter in an effort to still them.

Despite desperately trying to avoid it, she felt her eyes inexplicably drawn back to the green haired man. Bent over several documents she let her eyes wander again over him. She had never seen him in the bank before, and he had in only a few words unnerved her more than she had been in years. She needed to go home and escape in a good book for awhile. Anything to keep herself occupied. Fuu would be glad when he left, and hopefully he would never return.

A person again stepped in front of her window and she turned in exasperation. Couldn't they read the sign?

"I'm sorry but this window is clo-"

She froze at the large gun now level with her head. Her mouth worked open in horror, but all that came out was a squeak. The man lingering in the back with the blue cap now stood in front of her with a gun in his hand and a grin on his face. She stumbled back in reflex nearly tripping on the loose carpet.

"Freeze." He screamed at her.

She flinched at his voice and raised her hands in the air. His hands trembled slightly as looked over his shoulder. The man in the black cap stood in the corner, a gun also in his hands. Unlike the man whose gun was level with Fuu's face, the second man stood calmly the gun almost an extension of his body. The woman fell to the floor dragging her son with her. The child screamed out in confusion and his mother brought a hand over his mouth. She murmured something into his ear and he stilled, wet tears still covering his face. The two other tellers immediately threw their hands up. She glanced at the green haired man, but all she could see was the top of his head.

In all the time she had worked here, for some reason the idea of robbery had never occurred to her. She watched hands raised and wondered if this was the last night of her life. Fuu would be found dead at twenty two with a bullet in her brain, and no one would care. The five o'clock news would briefly mention the tragedy before moving on to sports, the news anchors barely thinking about the fact that she no longer existed. That thought brought a stinging realization. At twenty two she didn't have any real relationships. She hadn't spoken to her family in over two years, and she had no close friends, or even an ex-boyfriend to fondly remember her. All because of the fact that she was a freak. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

"Hey baby, don't cry."

The robber spoke in a condescending tone and brought a hand to her face. He cupped it roughly. She visibly flinched as a new thought popped into her head. She would rather die than let either of these men touch her.

"Not now Robbie."

The other robber spoke in a low voice. Robbie leered at her again, but lowered his hand. Fuu relaxed slightly.

"Money in the bag."

Robbie pushed a bag into her hands before turning his attention onto the other tellers. Fuu struggled with the large bag before successfully shoving the money from her till into it. She looked at the robber for direction.

"The other tills now."

The robber without a name spoke in a commanding voice. She scooted around to the next till, practically on top of Susan, the teller whose window was next to her own. Susan was biting her lip, her black curly hair clinging to her now sweat streaked face. Fuu smiled reassuringly at her. She emptied it quickly, the bag now barely half full. Going to the last till she opened it and began to empty its' contents.


Bruce, the other teller working whispered. He eyed her under white hair and a wrinkling forehead, "Underneath the drawer is a panic button." His mouth barely moved.

Fuu froze as she contemplated what to do. Did she dare to press it? Bending as if trying to gather the bag she looked under the counter. A red large button came into view. Biting her lip she stood back up carefully. Taking a deep breath she twisted as if to pick up some loose bills. Straightening she let her fingers press the button. She tensed and waited for alarms to sound, for something to happen. But nothing did. Gathering the heavy bag in her arms she turned again to the robbers. Just her luck that it was broken.


The second robber still stood stoically, while the one called "Robbie" was now flipping through the notebooks in Fuu's area. Fuu made her way to the safe. Being that she sometimes had to close she was one of the few that knew the safe's combination. Turning the dial with shaking features she had to restart over four times. Her fingers wouldn't seem to listen and kept slipping. Finally finishing it she listened for the telling click. It didn't sound. She redialed the combination, but again it didn't open. Fuu did it again, but with no luck. Turning back to the robbers she spoke faintly.

"It isn't opening." Robbie's head shot up.

"What do you mean it isn't opening?"

He threw the notebooks he had been rifling through to the ground and hopped over the counter. Pressing himself uncomfortably close he glared at her threateningly.

"Open it."

He cocked the gun and pressed it to her forehead. Feeling the cool metal of the gun on her forehead, her mouth went dry.

"It wont open… it isn't working."

She spoke in a halting voice. Turning to the vault, Robbie slammed his fist against it. The mother screamed, startled by the resounding crack of bone on metal.

"Shut up!!"

Robbie screamed turning briefly toward the woman. She cowered in fear, bringing her son closer to her.

"I'm sorry."

Fuu spoke loudly, this time only trying to take the robber's attention off of the mother. If anything happened to them, she didn't know what she would do. They were innocent, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She glanced at them, trying to make sure that they were okay. The other robber had approached the counter, and Fuu caught a glimpse of moving green out of the corner of her eye. Confused, she tried to turning to get a better view, only to find herself slammed painfully against the wall.

Robbie had shoved his gun into his pants and now gripped both her shoulders tightly. She bit her cheek to stifle the urge to shriek.

"What did you do? What did you do bitch?!"

He shook her forcefully. Knowing that no response would satisfy him, she kept silent and tried to hold onto consciousness. Her head smashed painfully into the wall and she saw spots of black. Blinking rapidly, she tried to bring her eyes back into focus. The other tellers were now lying on the ground, hands on their heads. The mother was still crying softly, and the young boy looked around in bewilderment and fear. Fuu glanced at the other robber, even as the one holding her tightened his grip.

He was slumped against the farthest wall, head lolling to the side, tongue hanging out of his mouth. He was out cold. The man with green hair stood above him, the robber's gun now in his hand. Motioning with his mouth for her to remain quiet, he cautiously approached the other robber from behind.

Robbie suddenly let go of Fuu, and her tired body slumped to the floor.

"Get up." He spoke in a condescending tone, "Because you screwed us over, I'm going to have a little fun. So to speak. John wont mind."

Her grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her to her feet. Reaching for her blouse, he was completely caught off guard when he was tackled from behind. The two men grappled on the floor, guns forgotten. The tellers which moments before had been frozen with fear, now watched with morbid fixation. The end of this fight would determine their fate. Robbie kicked and flailed trying to get the upper hand. He was bleeding from the nose. The green haired man grunted when hit hard in the jaw but didn't stop his attack. Giving Robbie a hard uppercut, Robbie flew across the floor, stopping at the far wall. Fuu took a hesitant step forward. She would help if needed. The green haired man wiped the blood from his mouth and raised his gun level with Robbie.

"You are under arrest." His voice which before had been flirtatious was now low and dangerous.

Fuu breathed a sigh of relief. He was a cop! Yeah! They were saved! He advanced toward the felled man cautiously, both hands on the gun. Robbie didn't move.

The other tellers relaxed and came out from behind the counter. Walking against the far wall the went out the front door.

"We'll call 911."

Bruce yelled behind him, already out of the door. Fuu had known they were scared, but to rush out like that and leave the store unaided seemed down right cowardly. They hadn't had a gun trained to their foreheads. They hadn't almost been raped. And now all of them were bailing when the danger was over. Fuu watched, still very afraid as the green haired man hovered near Robbie. She tried to dispel the fear. After all, the bad guys were caught, and everyone was safe. The knot in her stomach tightened more so.

The mother looked up cautiously, trying her best to gage the situation. She slowly made her way to the door, the son in tow. He seemed completely oblivious to the situation and pulled away from his mother. Still upset, the child became even more anxious.

"Ben." the mother reproached.

Robbie suddenly lifted his head and trained his weapon toward the only thing making noise. The small boy. Fuu's eyes went wide and her hands flew to her mouth. The mother darted toward her son, terror written on her face. Time seemed to go in slow motion, and the boom of two gunshots broke the stillness. Robbie slumped to floor, a bullet through his head. Fuu smiled in relief before realizing that the boy had also fallen. Blood covered his chest. Regaining her ability to move, Fuu ran to the boy's side. Standing she watched in horror as the mother crashed to the floor. She had fainted.

Fuu knelt by the boy as the green haired man checked the mom. She was out cold. Fuu unzipped the child's coat and flinched at the amount of blood that covered him.

The green haired man sat next to her and checked the child's vitals. He shook his head.

"He's fading."

His voice was quiet. Fuu felt tears spill down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do. She had never displayed her freakish powers in front of anyone before. But he was an innocent child. Glancing at the cop who had his eyes trained on the boy she bit her lip in frustration. Sirens could be barely heard in the distance. They would never make it in time. Even if it meant the end of her, she couldn't let him die. That kind of selfish action would eat her up. She sighed in resignation, knowing that another chapter of her life was officially over.

Placing both hands on the young boy, she avoided the cop's startled glance. Fuu shut her eyes, and felt the power that she left tightly coiled slowly unwind. Its' warmth traveled through her arms and out of her fingertips. Concentrating she pulled the lodged bullet from the boy and began to knit his flesh back together. It was hard work and she bit her lip in frustration. Her hands glowed as the last part of his flesh was healed. Withdrawing her hands she felt her head go light from the sudden energy drain. Black spots returned to her eyes even as she heard the boy stir into consciousness. Fuu put a hand to her mouth. She was going to be sick. Struggling to her feet she ran to the nearest garbage and lost her lunch.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she rested her head on the cool wall. Straightening she looked back at the boy. He was sitting now, the blood which had been everywhere now gone. The green haired man supported the young boy, who seemed to still be in shock. His mother stirred awake and looked around wildly.

Seeing her young boy alive and well, she broke down into hysterical sobs and held him close. Fuu could feel the green eyed man watching her. She avoided his eyes and stared stubbornly at the trash can. What was he going to do? If he told anyone about her she would probably be sent off for study.

Policemen entered unexpectedly from the door, guns drawn. Sweeping throughout the building, they briefly eyed her, and then moved on. For now she wasn't considered a threat. Which was good, because she didn't have the strength to be terrified again.

At the front of them was a short officer with shockingly bright red hair trailing from underneath her cap. Assessing the situation in a glance she ran up to the green haired man.

"Ferio are you alright?"

Her voice was surprisingly childlike even in its' seriousness. She pulled off her cap and Fuu saw that the woman looked no more than fifteen. She was so short that her pants and sleeves were rolled up. However, she had a gun and wore a uniform. She was a cop. He nodded at her, but kept his eyes on Fuu.

"I'm fine Hikaru."

Hikaru smiled, then continued to glance around the room. Other officers had already helped the mother and son and Fuu could see them through the window as medics looked them over. A taller officer with dark hair dragged away the unconscious robber, and a coroner examined the body of what was once Robbie. The red haired officer smiled reassuringly at Fuu and walked toward her. Fear overtook Fuu, as soon as the cop told everyone about her, she was done for. Her eyes quickly glanced around, cops stood warily at the exit. There was no way she could escape.

She stumbled back and was hit with another wave of exhaustion. She hadn't used the full extent of her powers in over a year, and the toll it took on her body was excruciating. Fuu would be feeling it for weeks. Already she could feel a dull pain in her chest, not to mention the pounding headache that was forming due to Robbie's head banging lesson. Sagging to the floor she was helpless as the red haired cop knelt next to her.

"Hi. My name is Hikaru." She smiled sweetly, "I'm afraid that were going to have to ask you some questions."

Hikaru offered Fuu her hand. Not knowing what else to do, she took it. The woman's hand was strangely comforting.

"I… I…"

She had to get out of it. They had to let her go. Then she could just fade away. It wasn't something that she wanted to do, but she had to keep herself safe. She had gotten away once before, she could do it again.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong."

She squeezed Fuu's hand in comfort. Fuu tried to smile, but the black spots had returned and instead she felt herself fall back.

"Careful." The green eyed man caught her easily with one arm, "You've been through a lot tonight." Not releasing his hold on Fuu, she glanced at Hikaru,

"Are you going to question her?"

Fuu felt the weight of his body next to her. His arm rest across her shoulders and his breath tickled her ear.

Hikaru smiled childishly, "Well, because you were there I only need to ask a couple of questions. Which, by the way, don't you need to be questioned?"

Ferio raised his hands, and Fuu felt slightly disappointed at the lost of contact. She shook her head in amazement. This man was her biggest threat, nothing more.

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going. But Hikaru, before you release her, I'd like to have a word with her okay?" Hikaru nodded even as she led Fuu outside and to a nearby car.

Fuu answered the questions she was asked with as much sincerity as she could. From the moment Hikaru sat her down Fuu felt calmer. Hikaru was patient and let Fuu take her time. She told her story from start to finish and only flinched when she got to the end. Instead of freaking Hikaru out and telling her that she miraculously healed a young boy, she told her that instead the robber missed and didn't hit anyone. Hikaru didn't bat an eyelash at the fib, but took notes and listened intently. After an hour she was finally cleared to go.

"Thank you so much for your time. I'm sorry that you had to experience that. If you have anymore questions, or remember anything else, don't hesitate to call us."

She handed Fuu a card containing a number. Fuu got up to leave when she felt Hikaru's hand on her own.

"What happened was a scary thing, if you want to talk about it with someone, I can set it up. Also, if your not feeling well I can have a paramedic look you over."

Fuu nodded a no. After she got home she was planning on going on a 'vacation' for a few weeks, until the cop's interest in her died. Then she'd pick up and go. The west coast seemed like a nice choice. Hikaru nodded in understanding. Turning to go, Fuu suddenly needed to express her deep appreciation for the kindness that she was shone.

"Thank you for everything. I appreciate it."

She smiled a genuine smile. In the short time they had been together, she felt as if some deep bond had been made. Hikaru smiled again, and Fuu pivoted away from her and the crime scene. Walking quickly, she prayed that Ferio didn't see her. An arm suddenly snaked around her waist and pulled her hard up against a solid chest. Freezing with sudden fear she tried to disengage herself.

"What happened back there?"

Ferio whispered in her ear, his voice full of confusion. Fuu, still exhausted from using her power, let herself go limp in his arms. Getting the hint, he let her go.

"I don't know what you mean."

Fuu let herself play dumb. Maybe he would think that it was just a trick of the light or something. Then again, that would make him about as smart as a rock. He arched an eyebrow.

"Look, I need to know what's going on here."

His arms folded across his chest in defiance, "Something weird happened in that bank, and it happened with you."

Golden eyes gleamed roguishly.


She couldn't understand it. Just looking at him gave her butterflies. His hand still rested slightly on her waist, and she could feel the burn of his touch through her clothes. More than anything she wanted to tell him what had happened, what he had experienced. But even as she opened her mouth she was hit with the truth. If she told him what happened, if she confided in him, she was doomed. Looking him in the eyes, she was aware of their close proximity. Removing his hand, she turned and attempted to use her coldest voice.

"I'm leaving."

Without turning back she strode purposefully away. She could hear him starting to follow her. He was a persistent man. Darting into the closest subway terminal, Fuu pushed past people exiting. Behind her should could feel his heavy footsteps. Cursing her high heels she prayed her ankles would hold out. She hopped over the bar, hoping that no one would notice and ran into the closest train. Fuu looked at her feet. She had lost a shoe. Looking back in fear, she saw him struggle against people even as the doors shut. Running up, he slammed a fist against the window.

The people surrounding Fuu jumped and stared at him in curiosity. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked at him. His hand froze in midair and shouted something that she couldn't make out. The subway began to move and Ferio ran to keep up. Putting her hands on the window Fuu watched him until the train pulled into a tunnel. She rested her head on the cool window and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was free for now.